My question is: How do you send a bot to a jail that would prevent them from initiating code like that? Like bots aren't scared to break the law. or die for that matter. Good question for the 22nd Century.
well if we take it to the extrem we track their ip adress to find their real address, then if they have an obscenity law ex. if in us then the police arrests them. other way is:
ok see this is from my experience but she can be really mature when needed ,but most of the time it’s this behavior ur seeing here so just ignore her and she’ll get bored
1)Was your character born in the N1Verse/Earth/AltVerse? Please make a story on how you got here.
2)U.nderC.overG.uest (UCG) An Alter Ego that combs the N1Battlefields and is tied in with #1 somehow.
3)P.lainC.lothesG.uest (PCG) Starter clothes with one facial feature changed to signify you.
Also, Can someone tell me how the clans first started from the beginning to where we are today.
Lastly. Does anyone know the first person to play this game? It would be great to add to the lore.
Good luck fanning Discord guys. I say just don't write back. They got UC itch players pretending not to know what's up and spamming as well. So be careful.
the first to play i think would be the pelicans, they are the god of the lands here and they incarnated as two men jesper and jurgen idk lol but they probly tested their game b4 releasing it lol
My character was born on Earth, a very skilled archer who was the bets in his kingdom. He then found a mysterious golden bow fall from the sky and make a crater in his yard. He picked it up, and BAM! Now he's in the N1Verse
I see so many posts from greywol. Too bad I blocked her, I would like to see the same words she uses over and over again.... It may be an American named Patrick, who lives in the suburbs of New York and lives in the cellar at his mother's at 50 😂. I bet she doesn't even know how much we pay her every time she sucks a guy...
anyway, u say I don’t know who u r, but when u start posting anime sh!t and posting fake pictures of hot gurls you begin to realise ur a fat neek. Give me some real proof, Ik u don’t have such a lovely booty like that lol😉
Greyhowl also said someone told her to “spice” things up here. Mate, no one has ever asked you to do that, in fact I don’t think you have anybody to tell you anything, cos ur a fat discord mod and doesn’t go outside and socialise unless it’s the local Maccie Ds
I mean you dont know that, You boys are so intresting to me, thinking you know who I am lol its ok hun if you want my attention just ask lmao dont go spitting out random lies about me that you have no proof luv. I never knew I had to ask someone to be on this website lmao Guess I should ask to use the bathroom too here? LMFAO!!!
So you're the kind of guy who gives his dog a jacket, collects pokemon cards, gives neon socks at Christmas and likes Spawn kill new narrow one players... He's a good personality
mate Greyhowl, you haven’t replied to me but u have read my comments, lil pussy. Ur a fatherless don who is cringe and goofy. You think you are so hard posting all of your little anime pictures and swearing in the chat, in fact you’r probably a fat ugly npc discord mod who tries to look for attention and faps all day. If you actually looked like the photos u posted you wouldn’t act so depressed and actually have friends to hang out with then chat here with people who don’t like you. However I want you to stay around cos it’s fun roasting you, ask Havoc, he has seen all the roast compilations I have done.😂 In conc, SHUSH🤫
After writing a well-written postponement commentary by my magnificent pen, Greyhowl will suffer the consequences of his actions and assume his immaturity.
← Return to game
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Hooray! Good for you, my friend!
I feel with you :)
YAY! Congratulation my friend!
GG, we wiiiinnn
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 40k
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee boi
good job!
Selensky for some reason liked our chat
yeah look @ his pfp it's obvious
i thought it was just the face
it's sad how despite having 3 itch tabs, this man rarely visits us.
it is.
Yup, but the reason I liked the chat wasn't because of that picture... no no... *cough* *cough*
.... ohhhhhhhhh
oh ok
damn man what's wrong with your tabs
good question kitsnude
My question is: How do you send a bot to a jail that would prevent them from initiating code like that? Like bots aren't scared to break the law. or die for that matter. Good question for the 22nd Century.
well if we take it to the extrem we track their ip adress to find their real address, then if they have an obscenity law ex. if in us then the police arrests them. other way is:
1: find address
2: idk send them to a maximum security prison?
yeahhh 👍
well witch doctor to me to say this.
howl dont call me luv dangit
Use reverse phycology, my friend!
if i do that she'll think i wnat butt pics bruh 💀
oh.... right... I forgot we are dealing with a level 2L idiot here.
ye she think i "lOvE" her. bleugh!
Disgusting.... I would rather kiss a rat than even touch her!
yall give her so much importance it's funny
u too
not again
she calls me doggy
ik she told me, what's the backstory if any?
uhh my pfp is a dog that’s about it
and I call her mommy cus she said I’m her son once or smth like that when I pissed her off once she disowned me and drowned me the next day lol
lol um okayyy
if u think that’s bad u have seen nothing yet
Gdnight and to end this spectacular night I have two things to say.
Firstly, Greyhowl stop avoiding our questions
-do u rlly look like that and how old r u?
Secondly I cannot wait when Havoc sees this tmrw, gnight gurls I see u tmrw
yeah goodnight ok i really do wanna see what she looks like lol it;'s soo funny
ok see this is from my experience but she can be really mature when needed ,but most of the time it’s this behavior ur seeing here so just ignore her and she’ll get bored
when I mean mature like parent level mature
and for the first question im not really sure and 2nd one she’s def above 16 or 18
yeah she's 20
she said?
yeah i think she's bored
ya she is
QX3C plz join im beggin' y'all rn XD
Sooooo.... back to the N1 Verse.
I need 3 things from y'all *ahem... that care.
1)Was your character born in the N1Verse/Earth/AltVerse? Please make a story on how you got here.
2)U.nderC.overG.uest (UCG) An Alter Ego that combs the N1Battlefields and is tied in with #1 somehow.
3)P.lainC.lothesG.uest (PCG) Starter clothes with one facial feature changed to signify you.
Also, Can someone tell me how the clans first started from the beginning to where we are today.
Lastly. Does anyone know the first person to play this game? It would be great to add to the lore.
Good luck fanning Discord guys. I say just don't write back. They got UC itch players pretending not to know what's up and spamming as well. So be careful.
my character is a rice farmer turned mercenary turned ancient general i guess
born in N1? or from beyond?
i guess from beyond but he extensively uses repeating crossbows because he's around the time of the warring states
his parents didnt die like some stupid generic backstory for a main character
heheheh I gotchu. They still around smackin the back of his head saying he wont amount to anything even after becoming a General heheh.
My character is just an unemployed person.... (idk)
POV:u r Greyhowl
in the N1Verse... or beyond? heheh
I'ma ninja as fast as lighting stealthy, they don't call me Zippy for nothin' short for Zipporah wuff! :3
the first to play i think would be the pelicans, they are the god of the lands here and they incarnated as two men jesper and jurgen idk lol but they probly tested their game b4 releasing it lol
my character is non-cringe dude
yeah same
born in the N1 Verse or beyond heheheh?
born in the hospital
ah, Terran. There are no hospitals in the N1Verse. Just spawning, derezzing, and respawn chambers.
Shut up man, my character was born in the hospital. If you know, you know.
devs probly the first people to play
The Creators of course, but I mean, the first N1 Civilian to pick up a bow against the tyranny of Plain Clothes AIs.
oh then unlikely anyone knows
idk what i am but ig just one of the best. i started this game, fell in love with the game and rose to the top of this community :)
assuming the N1 Verse isn't a game...Who IS Platon?
im not the real platon. platon died a long time ago and he was a great philosopher in ancient greek times
Great Answer!
yes of course, Aflaton, but you ride with mantle of a dead philosopher and the arm of the dying god Artemis, who are you?... Who do you want to be?
“aflaton” sounds like a couple name of me and Palton ngl
idk what or who i want to be
My character was born on Earth, a very skilled archer who was the bets in his kingdom. He then found a mysterious golden bow fall from the sky and make a crater in his yard. He picked it up, and BAM! Now he's in the N1Verse
nice! that's what I'm talkin about. of course. The Golden Bow of Destiny picks only the finest and most honorable.
yeah 😎
annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd the golden bow awaerd goes tooooooooooooooo:
havoc, of course!
Join meh invite code: QVX8 wuff! :3
wuff! I’m sry I missed it fellow doggo :3
ah yes the effort finally paid off now i can use this when something off is said
Bowboi. You have weird insinuations... You caught the Greyhowl virus ¿?¿🤔
no but im just saying he's being sussy without saying it
i do not wish to be like howl i've been to that side before
*Bitch bowl*
yo havoc needs to get in on this lol
I need in on what? What did i miss?
read the comments funny stuff
Dang, GayHowl being nasty
Nothing we can't handle
it would be lesbian howl
it would, wouldn't it.
greyhowl if u don’t reply ur a pussy
gurl - reply = body organ???
witch doctor said it she doesn't reply she becomes a female organ
And what if she's dead?
respawn her
idk imgood with either thing happening
let the war commence, however what we all want to know, is are the booty pics real?
yeah im sacrificing myself to find out
Let this "war" begin!
This is the end, for you.
Aww because I'm still talking
dis should be awarded an oscar for best comedy
Yes, witch doctor and howl are the main characters
hey u back! haha lol
nah on discord hes been talking forever
oh good
the conversation
hehe and who made the conversation?
u and howl the main characters
me too il be a sceondary character
howl too duh
Ofc, we need to record this. Millions of views on youtube.
yeah ill get verification if i was there lol
let the revolution begin
bruh sus revolution
nonono the world is already crazy enough
I love it when my ink flows ;P
this is gold, LET THE INK FLOW
lol bruh it's kinda getting disgusting
*vine boom*
YOUR ink???
no the only thing watery she letting flow is white
Guys, what creamy, white ink r we talking abt
im in danger
nothing ahem
definitely nothing
and sticky
do u know abt MI6 white ink lol it's actually that stuff
ya it’s just a white marker ink
Red ink, pouring down the arrow that'll strike you in your chest.
Blood, im talking about blood
Owy I'm so hurt omg that hurts me what shall I ever do
use white ink? white-out???
His idiocy is causing a lot of ink to flow... Let's ignore it.. It will be better for you and me
im fine i have lots of ink
gibe some popcorn pls this shit so funny to read
Ik mate, it’s class
fr itch used to be boring af now its not anymore lmaoo
ye I vote keep her
Your uh wow ok then
ik really funny right
ikr, share the popcorn
i got lots
Ye... 💯😎🍿
think we gon need more popcorn
yeah definielty i bet u can make this into a beluga styled chat movie
I know! Can you record this? We could make a series off of this.
greyhowl do a tpose and show the photo, then we’ll know u ain’t capping.
Your 14 you play fortnite so stfu you little eboy
Fortnite for da pussy, I play like a real man
anyway it’s not like ur older, how old rlly r u
ain’t no way ur above 16, like ur pics show
lol below 16 i don't think it;s possible ???
she’s def above 16
Why should I tell you, dont know you everything about me hahahahahaha
u should tell me to prove ur not capping and isn’t the allegations I said u were
i think ur 17 or older assuming the butt pic rly is yours
me no fortnite me hate it
Im 12😎 so stfu you bitch bowl
Lol alot of people here are very young bahahahah
yeah i wanted to se a t pose in the black outfit u had when butt photo then if it isn't fake imma faint
Pass out for such a flat ass? lol
if it isn't flat then ill faint if flat then i be like b r u h
Its ok you just want to see me again. Its ok hun
i knwo it's ok cuz it's verification im not going for ur butt stupid
Then stop talking about it luv
no i wont ill see the truth even if it costs me
u rlly wanna see photos of her dont u?
Ye ofc
i just want a t pose to verify how hard is it
Anyway 7YMN is still exists
bruh it's too obvious this is a screenshot of someone else howl's pics don't have black one the sides
Damn she has nice Boobs
I rate the boba
Omg wow wow I guess I cant rate things here, its ok Ill rate thing anyway hahah I dont need you luv
wt the fuck r u talking abt😂, had a brain spasm trying to read that
lol they are nice
no way
ye im a pro screenshotter i know how to make it look like a photo instead
bro ur hot
Mate it’s not real, I searched it up to prove you can say u r anything
bro learn sarcasm
kk, I just thought some nod might actually think it was real
oh aight
For the people who believe the pics of her r real
I can also invent a life for myself, you have no proof that I'm lying... Like this photo, it can be fake
thats a screenshot lmao
ikr it's so obvious ik how to fake one tho lol
Yeah Grey Howl ya need to leave like rn I mean it
aint gonna work :/
hey howl are the pictures really you lol
I see so many posts from greywol. Too bad I blocked her, I would like to see the same words she uses over and over again.... It may be an American named Patrick, who lives in the suburbs of New York and lives in the cellar at his mother's at 50 😂. I bet she doesn't even know how much we pay her every time she sucks a guy...
it's a she
Yall think blocking me is like bad or something like idgaf
anyway, u say I don’t know who u r, but when u start posting anime sh!t and posting fake pictures of hot gurls you begin to realise ur a fat neek. Give me some real proof, Ik u don’t have such a lovely booty like that lol😉
Wow omg you seem like a creep almost. Are you ok, like do you need help luv?
don’t worry I would never simp for a fat bedridden man who lives with his granny. Stop calling me luv aswell
Awww you gonna go cry if I keep calling you luv ugh its ok mommys here for your tears
i think it's actually a young girl
anyway it was a joke mate calm down, iv already figured out ur a discord mod, no need to worry
omg you seem like a creep are you ok like do you need help gurl?
Omg the CopyNinja is here everyone haahah
ye lol i don't trust the pics either i wanted to see a t pose in black to prove it's her and she could make a pic anytime
nah she send her feet once so shes probly not fat
Mate so u not understand u can just get these photos online look I’ll give example
where example
and its not as easy as u think i did a reverse search
yeah me too i put her butt on reverse search lol
h m m is fake or not
it aint
ok show me the proof
did a reverse serch
it aint from the internet
Greyhowl wt ur age?
idk but based on her butt picure(not to be awkward) she's probly 17 or older
nah that butt picture is fake, otherwise I’d be trying to rizz her up😉
lol yeahi think it's fake too but it doesn't seem that fake
Uhh hmm idk what is it MrKnowMeSoWell
realistically ur prolly 15
Or 50 yr old discord mod
You seem to be at least 12 maybe 13
I’m 14
Wow lmao you talk like one
ok btw report that new spammer
the one about ~10 comments above us with the cringe gif
Greyhowl also said someone told her to “spice” things up here. Mate, no one has ever asked you to do that, in fact I don’t think you have anybody to tell you anything, cos ur a fat discord mod and doesn’t go outside and socialise unless it’s the local Maccie Ds
what's a maccie d
Maccie D is McDonald’s
oh ok i dont know briitish slang lol
yeah she just wanted to do so
I mean you dont know that, You boys are so intresting to me, thinking you know who I am lol its ok hun if you want my attention just ask lmao dont go spitting out random lies about me that you have no proof luv. I never knew I had to ask someone to be on this website lmao Guess I should ask to use the bathroom too here? LMFAO!!!
Saying luv makes u sound like an aunt, shut it hag, get your saggy tits off the keyboard and stop typing
Awww what you dont like it when I call you luv little boy? Hhahaha its ok honey if you want me to stop typing then come make me. Its not that hard
it really isn’t hard when ur fat and wheelchair bound😂
I said to come make me fam lmao but if you cant get this fat thick juicy booty out of my chair then good luck lmao
this is how the narrow one boys look like, (they got that cold rizz)🥶

ew no not me
Mate do u know what a joke is.
Ull never have rizz
lol i have moderate rizz tbh i think the pics above r cringe
yeah ik lol btw report that innappropriate video a few comments below
Why not? He he he
i don't do those poses with my face only the eyebrow raise and i like a normal chill look, one who acts normal
So you're the kind of guy who gives his dog a jacket, collects pokemon cards, gives neon socks at Christmas and likes Spawn kill new narrow one players... He's a good personality
Why so specific 🤔
lol no i only have old pokemon cards they dont make anymore and im waiting for them to become valuable so i can sell them
i think looking normal is good enough no lightskin needed
mate saying ew is cringe af, but sure I’ll report the video😊
thank you 😊
What about the girls?
and this
lol the shirt print showing anime just makes it so much more discord modish lol
This is greywolf
nah greyhowl is 20yr old female idk
this is
how u look like
mate Greyhowl, you haven’t replied to me but u have read my comments, lil pussy. Ur a fatherless don who is cringe and goofy. You think you are so hard posting all of your little anime pictures and swearing in the chat, in fact you’r probably a fat ugly npc discord mod who tries to look for attention and faps all day. If you actually looked like the photos u posted you wouldn’t act so depressed and actually have friends to hang out with then chat here with people who don’t like you. However I want you to stay around cos it’s fun roasting you, ask Havoc, he has seen all the roast compilations I have done.😂 In conc, SHUSH🤫
she dont gaf abt yall
Shut up, u have no right to speak with a name like that
says "Witch Doctor"
Says "bye". Come to us 1 v 1 and then we'll see if you stay here.
whooo tf asked you to come in our covo lmaooo
Man I have to read this some other time luv, I have no time right now to give you Mommys attention. Dont cry its ok Ill be back hehe
"don't cry"
howl be like
Who said I was crying? I laugh everyday on your guyses stupid posts about me lmao
cringe tbh
ye lol
ye, but burrrnnn
You tell 'em, Doc!
"If you actually looked like the photos u posted you wouldn’t act so depressed and actually have friends to hang out with"
that's the most brainless thing i've read today
After writing a well-written postponement commentary by my magnificent pen, Greyhowl will suffer the consequences of his actions and assume his immaturity.
lunch sry
Mkay o.o
? who ya talking to?
Hey. My friend! Long time no see! How are you doing?
Well I got something to say to you Grey Howl
nice well actually the art is actually pretty good and it'd be cool if you put it on a ... spade card???
Yeah, what a douchebag would like
well that's actually clean and good art
i know, at least it's genuine and not something else like spam, it's more of a romantic thing than junk
yeah, at least
nice art
yeah something actually nice