about the trash talking, a joke is okay, but if the receiving side doesnt like it then the sending side should stop. Trash talking, or actively agressive communication should instead be passive communication to resolve a problem. i like the only 5 council members, only the founders should hold power in voting about major decisions, but the council member's(aka clan leaders) votes in decision should be affected by the people in the clan, so that their thoughts are listened to. also the veto thing is good
the Pro Clan wanted to ally with DC, but i think we should reject their entrance to the NU. Their contact is not strong and they lack communication for a successful and active, working alliance.
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Does not exist
Speed plz join
Does anyone have any squads?
join 78X7 plz
not more...
Kitzz wanted it
nobody cares want kitzin catzin wants
silence you addict
Naw she good
it was a joke
Ik just joking along
bruh 😂
lol i like going old posts via your post history when im bored
lol, ye.
who wants to play with me tomorrow
it sounds like a gang war
LUSH!!! Your here my friend!
Your instead of You're moment, lol
they should be happy that the game has prospered and evolved
nah it more fun there are team in other games too
no (and yes i didnt take this seriuously)
1. what do u mean too possesive?
2. it help people from different clans come together
3. never too far.
4. the clans are just for fun and it's a form of support
5. havoc got it wrong. the nu doesn't start the war, it fights wars that have been waged at it's clans.
You do not understand what I mean. I'm going to delete this post before other people scoff at my opinion...
Yeah, it was a little hairy at the formation of the NU.
if you can contact guest 70, please ask him if he has seen a clip of him doing parkour that i posted.
h m m
Good choice
more furry pics pls
You want to finish us off!
Havoc, witch of these do you like best?
or Flamestorm.
ngl bruh sounds like generic two word rpg last names lol
chill hehe
Leafheart is the brand tho
if u guys knew were this came from, you'd understand
carebears, or my little ponies, but like for wolves? This is a hard guess.
read books
Whistleclaw sounds awesome!
here Hunter this was the meme i was gonna make sry for being late plz send to hunter if he doesnt see it
jojo reference in n1
it was so hard to get the photo in 3rd personn cuz i kept falling off
Meme: Me when I'ma bout to beat someone up
step 1: load the shotgun
Step 2 :Shooting in his foot.
step 3: shoot urself
Here are the Rules and Description of the NU
Here is the link if it's hard to read!
If you disagree with a few of these rules, or want to add something, just reply to this comment.
about the trash talking, a joke is okay, but if the receiving side doesnt like it then the sending side should stop. Trash talking, or actively agressive communication should instead be passive communication to resolve a problem. i like the only 5 council members, only the founders should hold power in voting about major decisions, but the council member's(aka clan leaders) votes in decision should be affected by the people in the clan, so that their thoughts are listened to. also the veto thing is good
i am in right cause i am in Ts (my clan) and dc
Hmmmm, i dont know
plus my clan ts is in NU u did not add me
It’s pretty good
I got nothing to add btw
the Pro Clan wanted to ally with DC, but i think we should reject their entrance to the NU. Their contact is not strong and they lack communication for a successful and active, working alliance.
what is this? N1 solos all
? what do you mean by solos all?
solos all clans
Then worry about your own crap, and I'll worry about mine.
There are 3 "leaders" of the CF alliance. But the first to have and concretize the idea is NARROW WINNER. Written NARROW WINNER
ah, thank you.
This is good.
A little bit choppy, but nonetheless, its good!
yes, I thought so too, Im still learning.= :)
bit choppy
Not bad
nice, personally i like the snap :)
Who is the leader of CF?
narrow winner
is Speed ur sibling??
Nah just my best friend
incase u missed it havoc here it is
Thank you very much, Bowboi!
look ansy I am playing with the others
"aNsdY iS HeRe"
"dA ReL anSy, oMg"
lol i should make a fake ansy compil it would blow up
ofc, XD
join VPHH
Btw this is last pfp stand off
But how many times are you going to change your profile picture?? The last is the best
This is the last time
In my opinion I act like the 1st one *Fist put together*
anyone else
I am 14
so who is 14
my age is confidential. as for dragonair he say's hes 5000 years old
I dont know... sometimes he can act 4998 years younger than that.
yeah about how aimbot tastes good
guys code
Hey bowboi, can you give me the NU banner .pngs?
I have enough to convince you.
Yeah no
sure wait up
ok here
code plz
no one says that I am there best friend
I'll be your friend.......If you want..
We are all your friends!
Well.....What did you say yesterday?
Something about true friends..
ohh, thats right. You never know your true friends until you are in the spotlight?
see I am no one’s best friend
We are all your friends!
N1 Hunter DC is ur bestie wdym
Pretty much the average 1v1, but hey
A+ for effort!
Wow. GG
can we appreciate the efort put in the thumbnail?
I am no one’s best friend right :(
We are all your friends!
You are our friend but stop spamming!
It's just to say that I join THE MAJESTIC HAVOC CLAN! XD
XD, thanks a lot! We currently only have 4 members, lol
So apparently, according to bowboi, I'm part of the NU clan...
well, the NU isn't a clan! it's a Unionization of 5 clans. DC, FC, UC, HC, and CF, at least, that's what i think it is.
The NU stands for the Narrow Union
Oh. An inter-clan alliance, he he he... But, what is HO?
but I am no one’s best friend
Bro, stop spamming
Yes stop. It's too much!
We are all your friends!
all of u guys are my best friends
We are all your friends!
yea guys