Oh right right Mhm like I care if I get negative reactions lol like no hahahaha What am I going to do? "Omg Im so sorry for posting that stuff like Im such a bad person what shall I ever do" Good luck with that haahahhaa
If you think it's so bad then why do we let our kids see themselves naked huh!? They have seen a human body naked, they have probably seen their mother naked or there father or there little sister. It's a human body everyone has one! There going to see it anyway in there life time when they have sex with there bf or gf!
Stop making my art go away! Its the human body why is that inappropriate!?!?!? Its a human body!! You only make it sexual because of your own brain makes it that way!! Does your Mother cover her eyes while changing your diaper?? I dont think so!!
guys update narrow one and do another code guys because I have the new version of narrow one that’s why and u guys have the old version of narrow one so uk it says underneath the squad a green thing saying update with an arrow on it click it then ur narrow one is in a new version and code doesn’t work because u guys are in the old version so update narrow one guys and do a code in the new narrow version ok. Thx guys
If you play it, what characters at which upgrades do you have? Ive basic at max, thief at max, ranger at level 2, wizard at level 1 or 2 and paladin with one upgrade, so at level 1
we found each other randomly on opposite teams and convinced everybody to just hop around including the noobs which blew my mind. John Lennons ‘Imagine’ played in the background. :)
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i guess never heheh
Can you say me, who is the boss?
what game is this?
bruh what's this you don't even have cluster bombs what a weak weapons dealer
jk jk
Nope. This is a minecraft wallpaper. And this is my skin.
i know
C r I n g e
Good teammates are few and far between. Hold them tight.
what the code?
8z8y for a couple games more before bed
meanwhile, the cats in Ohidaho
wow, I never knew my creation would boom like this, XD
i want hiiiiiim, i wanna name him Stormmmmmmmm
What is a cute a$$ rabbit doing in this comments section?
I don't know but I love it.
pelican check this lolol
p.s. redred s sweet home
Oh shit spawnkill time
😱 where
when they first came out in the distance, i was scared for some reason
giant gingerbread yay
Those are very ominous....
frenchies in the trenchies
frenchfries in the mouth
Are you Bye?
are you by any chance...Russian?
my comrade ;)
I am actually born and raised in the U.S.A but I am from Russian ancestry :)
☭ xd
it's the soviet symbol.
I can try to join after this add
Your nuts that you dont have hahahahahha
lol bruh dont mock him + that would only say that shiny is a girl
most are mature here and all people i've seen react to howl give a negative reaction
A negative reaction?
You betcha
Oh right right Mhm like I care if I get negative reactions lol like no hahahaha
What am I going to do? "Omg Im so sorry for posting that stuff like Im such a bad person what shall I ever do"
Good luck with that haahahhaa
(i can also be a bad guy sometimes, such as now.) ahahahaha
hello Mr nuts
If you think it's so bad then why do we let our kids see themselves naked huh!? They have seen a human body naked, they have probably seen their mother naked or there father or there little sister. It's a human body everyone has one! There going to see it anyway in there life time when they have sex with there bf or gf!
bruh chill you're the one who did it i assume you posted it on discord too. actaully i knwo u posted it on discord i can read ppl
unless they get no biches
They probably saved it for themselves.
the pictures?
Yes I bet you saved them too
lol i didn't:
1. save it
2. report you
so i:
1: was kind
2: didn't get you banned while i had the chance
was gonna say that
thats because they're pure and innocent. they arnt the same thing
yep. and plus they haven't gone through puberty yet
Well its going to change anyway. Ive never met a person whos never seen a naked picture before and that wasnt even naked.
well you have to wait
u posted a pic of ur nuts!!
lmao bro were u reading
i dont think so
hahaha bruh momnet
Ill post a picture of your nuts next dont test me
if your a prettier person then shiny rain you would be the one losing in the fight, like walking to the enemies gate unarmed lololol
hahaha, try me
bruh what lol
Hahaha idk
Its not No Nut November
well ok
yeah, I get your point.
But how are our parents gonna react when they see some 20 year old discord mod posting porn on a game page?
Not well.
yeah lol, + she;s not a mod tho :/
I mean somebody else as an example.
Ok thats your bad for staying on here. Like I care about if you guys get into trouble or not lmao
Just you wait, then you'll be the one in trouble.
Uh ok Im so scared. I mean should I be scared? Idk whatever
i mean if i reported you i'd have one less person to follow, right? well, if i followed you.
Stop making my art go away! Its the human body why is that inappropriate!?!?!? Its a human body!! You only make it sexual because of your own brain makes it that way!! Does your Mother cover her eyes while changing your diaper?? I dont think so!!
you're right you're right
lol i thought you deleted it, if it was a mod you'd been gone
Wait. 169 IQ. Correct. Right
Than go post it on sex.com, moron!
We don't need any perverts postin crap on our game page!
Aww what are you going to do?
nothing. you watch the enemy before making a move (art of war).
Wait till you make the first move.
You're right. We're just kids! Go to a page where 20-year-olds gathered to share crappy pics.
tht was ice cold ngl
Ik lol
its inappropriate when we say random people naked
you're a spammer now?
lmfao she really did
i thought that was a back selfie at first
i know. there's no way you can be good at a game if you spend time grinding for stuff like this. must be a dupe/"stunt double"
typo. it's "Qool
Nah, the only thing that has Qool in it is Qoolaid, trademarked
yep, if I was on my PC, I would probably out the to sign above the Qoolaid tm
How you know that real Hunter. Their's fakes among us!
Shape of Ohidaho be like
🙃 oɥıpɐɥO
lol, nice!
hehehe it became a thing heheheh
Hunter wants to play with u guys here's his code: DB6Y
i also got a new pfp
fav bow?
bow 1
2 ofc, the best bow
bow 2, bow 1 is my runner up.
guys if u update narrow one into new version say done in chat ok guys thx guys
stop spamming bruh
bro I thought we were best friends guys ur mean n1 platon
we are that doesnt mean u should spam
were all busy rn sry
yeah stop it
pls stop spamming
even Sir Dumb said it
even, u wanna be friends?? 🙃
i'm re-posting these so y'all can see them better
yeah, its alright
Thats huge! :)
and guys if you update narrow one into the new version say in chat done ok guys thx guys
hey best friend a little thing bro what time u wanna play together with code bro I will be free
guys update narrow one and do another code guys because I have the new version of narrow one that’s why and u guys have the old version of narrow one so uk it says underneath the squad a green thing saying update with an arrow on it click it then ur narrow one is in a new version and code doesn’t work because u guys are in the old version so update narrow one guys and do a code in the new narrow version ok. Thx guys
What is the new update?!
hey my best friend a little thing u wanna do a code so we can play together bro
Hi my best friend! Sorry I can't play now... Maybe later!
thanks :)
no way it was my dream that there woud be the things like morning stars!!! thank you so much
??? there are no throwing weapons shown. do you mean the mace?
yeah 😅
cant wait for the rapier
Dayammmmmm those graphics
Also really good trailer
About when will the swords update be put by?
soon, today or tommorow
but is there a chinese sword?
maybe, but most jians close into the tip at a closer length that ones a bit far for a jian
I can't wait to SLAY
when I get these swords, I'm gonna CHOP. YOU. UUUUUP.
No. Slay lol
I see the arabic sword ❤️❤️
Just the handle
Trailer is just 👌
ok. New ‘skill issue’ activated!
at least the noobs will be crap too
also, i like this one ---->
that's a scottish claymore
oooh how do u know this stuff? do you go to school?? i don't
same bro
I can already imagine the spawnkilling
It looks so epic!!!! Can't wait!! I see the maps look different. Is that for the trailer or for the whole game?
Graphics 🤌 good soup
So the whole game?
hope so :))
guys update narrow one first
guys code
guys code
Is melee out yet?
I want to massacre the noobs already.
Get ready to die.
Pelcian, can you please delete this disrespectful account
Looks fine to me
same here
same, i mean, he won't get 6 million kills, right?
like, there's definitely no way, right?
I dunno, maybe he'all do something like the holocaust.
The person was one of the most evil people ever that’s probably why he wanted the account deleted but idk
Ye i know lol
k so at least Ik know ur not dumb lol
Imagine not knowing
I’ve seen this guy long back.
Back in 1945…
bruh the year is 1939 or what
He’s a pro he got 6 mil kills
in my opinión, you should kill him… a lot.
Looks like Adolf is bringing the War here...
no, we have the NU. We'll stop it before it even arrives.
What. Ok
68rk join this code
I lost but I'm getting better at sniper!
Good Game, my friend! You will be a sniper master in no time!
Thank you!
awoope pls qoo
Oh shit. You are Ansy. Welcome to the community. This has been around for a while you know.
No u didn't
Hey GGuys do you know the game Lands Of Blight?
If you play it, what characters at which upgrades do you have? Ive basic at max, thief at max, ranger at level 2, wizard at level 1 or 2 and paladin with one upgrade, so at level 1
And i just started yesterday and secretly played a bit in night hehe
i have every thing max
ive all exepct for paladin, hes at level 3
no, do you know a game called West of Loathing?
nop and i dont have steam, only my dad
Ah, ok
hilarious mosh pit with N1|DC|FC|HUNTER
Ha hah?
we found each other randomly on opposite teams and convinced everybody to just hop around including the noobs which blew my mind. John Lennons ‘Imagine’ played in the background. :)
ah, ok. Cool!