a melee which 2 shots enemys + large crossbow => almost instant kill OR melee which 2 or 3 shots enemys + cho ku nu => not that instant but still op BUT that are just the combos im using cuz in last time im mostly using crossbows (not runner) :) and yeah for you i saw it in your very good video :)
I was just ahead in a 1 on 1 melee with Guest69 like 5-9 and proceeded to lose cause the dude had better speed and ran away. I didn't adjust in time. So I suck. I am teed off, good night.
Damn it. What does it take to not have a team of noob, NPC, glitcher and a complete team??? I'm tired of having a team of 3 don't 2 noob and me against 3 pro and 2 semi noobs! I can't take it anymore.
These types of matches are completely normal for pros such as you! The only reason you think the matchmaking sucks is because you are so much better than everyone! Don't lose hope because you have a bad match or two, keep on playing and getting better until it doesn't matter what the match Is anymore.
Is the equipment, helmets, gloves, etc... Does it give an advantage over the weapon. For example, 4 pieces of equipment with more damage. Does the melee put a little more damage as a result?
I've decided on the Hawkman Mace for anJel. Although slow, hilarious if it works. I've learned to power up a swing and then accelerate letting go at the right time. Let the true 1 v 1 begin.
welp my character supposed to be very good at swordfighting and it's now true, skills with the swords, accurracy with the bow, now i just need a shield
your name refers to a middle age knight, yet you look like a legionary in rome. neither lack the skill the skill of sword, it's just that romans and knight don't use rapiers
hey pelican can you make the melee realistic? for example, it only take one hand to use the broadsword, or katanas dealing massive damage to unarmoured player but doing little against people wearing metal armour. or make the chinese halberd strike quickly like do it in real life instead of charging up.
bruh that's all people talk about katanas katanas katanas, but they're thin and dont do much against steel armor, they bend and you can break them with stuff like chinese truncheons :/
I know, I know, but I thought samurai used wooden/bamboo/leather armor . . . wouldn't the katana be useless? a few hits a against some decent lammelar would be bad right?
nevermind they're for attacking light/unarmoured enemies
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has anybody of you discovered the best combos so far?
cuz i wonder im using combos but ivent seen anybody doing combos
big sword+ bow 2, mace+bow 1, mace+bow 4, rapier+ bow 4, katana+ bow 2 and more..
which 1 one is the big sword? Is it the 1,100 one
Personally I use this one!
yeah the claymore
a melee which 2 shots enemys + large crossbow => almost instant kill OR melee which 2 or 3 shots enemys + cho ku nu => not that instant but still op BUT that are just the combos im using cuz in last time im mostly using crossbows (not runner) :) and yeah for you i saw it in your very good video :)
nah it takes 6 hits sometimes
I like to use the chinese halberd as parkour support, but it's also the hardest and coolest weapon to master
i have discovered a guut combo with bow 2 and rapier
I love that combo personally.
After a match your weapon is like that.
yeah, rapier cant take anything from a another sword or armor nobody ever going to choose it irl in a sword fight with armor
welp depends on the rapier actually
i use that combo too since release and its fucking awesome
why that?
I am, bow 2 + basic sword. pretty effiecient
Dagnabit, I'm missing out on everything.
runner with spear is nice
chinese halberd?
bow 1+mace/bigsword, bow 2+big sword, bow 4+mace/bigsword and bigsword+ bow 3
just my opinion though
pelican u should label the kind of melee.because they r expansive.i don't wanna use thousands of coins to buy a kind of melee which i don't like
lol, just the basic sword from the ad. it's pretty good
My third game with only melee. ( 4 kills with bow)
I have 45
Yay! Melee Update :)
Literally Nobody Who Knows How To Use It :\
At each game I see 3 fools banging in the air with stoves...
code please
lol 70 for sure it was fun
Nice :)
One hot Bitch, like damn id let her fuck me
y u r so mean
she's just being annoying
Nah she mid tbh
below mid
WAY below
WAY WAY WAY below.
only in your heads lmao
? ppl were still there
oh, I just couldn't join.
oh ok
I was just ahead in a 1 on 1 melee with Guest69 like 5-9 and proceeded to lose cause the dude had better speed and ran away. I didn't adjust in time. So I suck. I am teed off, good night.
good night, my friend!
Damn it. What does it take to not have a team of noob, NPC, glitcher and a complete team??? I'm tired of having a team of 3 don't 2 noob and me against 3 pro and 2 semi noobs! I can't take it anymore.
My friend...
These types of matches are completely normal for pros such as you! The only reason you think the matchmaking sucks is because you are so much better than everyone! Don't lose hope because you have a bad match or two, keep on playing and getting better until it doesn't matter what the match Is anymore.
Yes.... I can only say that...
same i just am proud i could kill all my opponents irl, sword and bow. that's how i know im worth more than they are.
feelz 7rdj
any squad?
not yet will make one when finish test
ok great
hi/new update is cool
they r so expansive for me xd.i m using ad skin bruh
xd they dont have skins yet
Is the equipment, helmets, gloves, etc... Does it give an advantage over the weapon. For example, 4 pieces of equipment with more damage. Does the melee put a little more damage as a result?
don't know.
How do you use melee weapons? I noticed just today people were using them, but I can't select it from the start.
it's the button you use to swap from the weapon you're using to the most recently used weapon in other games . . .
I may be a little stupid but I don't know what button you're referring to.
ok, let me explain. q is for switching weapons, t for chat in squads, and y for changing pov.
Thanks but q and t don't work, is it only on the itch.io version?
Hmm, idk. i play one narrow.one, it works, and it also work on itch, too.
maybe you need to equip the melee
Not-So-Odd question: Does hitting a person from the back (with arrow or melee) cause extra damage?
depends if you wear armor or not but ig it's the same
its the same.
irl too, i pierce an enemy's armor back or front i still have to sharpen my sword every 2 months
I've decided on the Hawkman Mace for anJel. Although slow, hilarious if it works. I've learned to power up a swing and then accelerate letting go at the right time. Let the true 1 v 1 begin.
Yes... Give me a code and I'll beat you with a basic sword
ima beat you with a frying pan… but seriously. I’ll private squad later in like an hour.
ok good
Nice BD
welp my character supposed to be very good at swordfighting and it's now true, skills with the swords, accurracy with the bow, now i just need a shield
i need practice lol
your name refers to a middle age knight, yet you look like a legionary in rome. neither lack the skill the skill of sword, it's just that romans and knight don't use rapiers
nice, I'll have to learn the way of the sword from you once I get back XD
xd lol
I got killed by a fork
you know if ya would've just wore light armor you'd be fine forks are mild steel
it’s made of plastic
what is, your armor??? still, mild steel forks wont beat 3mm thick plastic armor lol
Logic go brrrrrrr
Get forked, fool
Im on break
Have a break,Have a KitKat
y e s
join 33gg
hey pelican can you make the melee realistic? for example, it only take one hand to use the broadsword, or katanas dealing massive damage to unarmoured player but doing little against people wearing metal armour. or make the chinese halberd strike quickly like do it in real life instead of charging up.
why not
It’s a hassle for the devs
I don't know.....
On the programming side, you'd have to make the physics for each weapon just right.
And you would also have to take the armour into account when the game deals damage.
It would just be a lot of work.
first one
Number 1 is #1
Joinn 33GG
guys join 33gg
what kind of skill issue uses a broadsword with hands smh
Seriously, it's not like im five but i guess ppl here really weak and lack chi so they have to double up lol
cool! i really like your vidoe thumbnails btw. :)
ah tysm, I focus a lot on them :)
how do you use the melee weapon?
mouse rad
I like the big sword, what is you guys' fav?
I prefer katanas. Lighter and faster blows compared to swords
Me too.
yes, but the sword kills the enemy in 2-3 shots :)
which one?
one for 1100, yk, the one I used in the second half of my vid
oh the claymore yea
bruh that's all people talk about katanas katanas katanas, but they're thin and dont do much against steel armor, they bend and you can break them with stuff like chinese truncheons :/
They are meant for slashing not fighting against armor or even other swords really, different weopens are designed for different things
I know, I know, but I thought samurai used wooden/bamboo/leather armor . . . wouldn't the katana be useless? a few hits a against some decent lammelar would be bad right?
nevermind they're for attacking light/unarmoured enemies
the claymore?
rapier is my favourite
bonk mallet and frying pan
Stone/iron sledgehammer*
Stone/iron sledgehammer
ima use Hawkman’s mace for now. Wish I could turn it gold to match my suit…
I'm on vacation, so I can't play.
Meaning i can't enjoy the melee weapons ;-;
i don't have it yet but the maze at 4.2 k and as ad weapon the stick with leaves
guys code
i needed to leave :(
was done by crossbow btw.
which one
big one but sometimes i accidentally switched to cho ku nu
My best with 4 bow is 26-0 and 6 bow 64-4
And I never use 5
should i buy the maze at 4.2k or still save up fro fearless? ive 84235 coins
4.2 K!!!!!!
My personal collection... He he he
those are spathas, descendants of the roman gladius
O_0 wtf. Stop going to Google bro
I know this is true!
lol, nice
verrrrry nice.