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45 seconds left

until what..?

The End


Awesome! Just the music needs fixing, and it needs more   J U I C E

juice as in blud???


i really dont know what he means

yuck, also, juice as in satisfying effects and sounds for each kill, to make it seem really nice!

ohh ok

i dont hear much ppl using juice other than food so . . .

yeah, understandable. Juice is a term used a lot in games.

I was going to, got a bit lazy ngl

lol, happens to the best of us.

My juice

My orange juice, freshly squeezed!

ik :D

goofy ahh audio tho



you think so? :( I quite liked it 

(1 edit)

o i didn't mean to offend u tho :/

yeah, no offense, but it sounds like modern garbage. IMO

yea me too i hate it me and my mom are tuned to good music so it's easy for me recognize something as bad, like garbage pop and etc music.


we all have our tastes ig



(1 edit)

guys pls join premeire!

(1 edit)

… noone is watching and its almost done

I like it!

im your 1st sub, why ya dont have comments on?

oh wait what thank you so much!

what skin do u like better I need it for a vote

the one on the left.

guys code guys


Deleted 2 years ago

5 minutes before N1Sabbath Day is over! Yay!

giphy.gif 400×400 pixels | Discord emote transparent, Gif, Cute gif


? whats sabbath

Sabbath day is the N1 day when all archers take a break from fighting. It happens once per week,

ahh, ok

what's sabbath?

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

is this funny??

It is, XD

i thought i was gon cryyyy

lol it's ok

no i was crying of laughter

ohh i thought like you would think your humor is broken. well, mine is.

it is

Deleted 2 years ago


Dear Pelican Party,

Could you please add the ability to choose a map for a squad code?

I would like to be able to set a map for the squad in case the Narrow Union Council wishes to have a meeting. And also, to have the free will to take a photo or two with the boys.

Please take this suggestion into consideration,

                       Regards, Comrade Havoc

average democracy user



Discord server has suggestions to the dev:

(the #s are votes)

Clans (47) 

Arrow skins (40) 

Selecting maps in squads (34) 

Shop stats visualisation Make it more clear what items do to player speed and damage etc. (28) 

Daily/weekly challenges These would give you a reward when completed. Perhaps items from the shop, or exclusive items. Maybe even coins. (23) 

Player ranking A list of players ranked by their stats (19) 

Keybinding remapping (14) 

Being able to friend people (16) 

Total player stats on the profile screen Stats like KD and games played (14) 

Team chat (13) 

Mini Map (12)

Emotes This would also allow you to chat with your teammates regardless of whether they are in your squad or not, since performing an emote will add a notification to the chat log. (11) 

New Gamemodes (7)


Ill vote for everything but im not on dc yet :(

Ye, most of these are good!

yea i want map vote too

welp there was already a post about this and pelican party would take a long time for such a system

yeah, I can see why.

anyone available? I was listening to music while do work today so i could stay sane, so now i can play.

lol, not right now, maybe later.

Yo, I just realized... 

In Avatar, We'd be considered Bow Benders!!! 

Keep 'Em Bended, Folks.



Hi guys it's been a while 





(1 edit)

huh bowboi and shiny train guys are u joining 7ngp guys

i cant, im doin work can only chat

(1 edit)

Bro 7ngp shiny train and i actually don’t beg for codes bro. I jus ask other people cuz i can and i am not free all time so i ask before i do my homework then i play 

shiny train didn't mean to offend you

and im not a train

(1 edit)

ik know ur a cat (ur pfp is nice)


guys code

you always beg us for codes. what's yours huh?


(1 edit) (+1)

Guys! i just came back from a cat cafe! there were 7 cats, 4 black cats, 2 cream and white ones,and 1 orange tabby! 3 of the black cats were kittens and 2 were very playful the other 1 shy. the adult black cat was very hostile. 1 of the cream cats was also hostile, but the other cream one was very gentle. the tabby was
also pretty hostile, but all in all, its was the best experience I've ever had!

aww that's cute, i also wonder where they have cat cafes that's interesting

well, here were i live, its like 30 minutes away

one of the little ones did a bell-flop when i was playing with it lol ;-;



Well that's cool! r u in japan? I only see then in japan lol

i lives in da usa Washington state to be exact

Mostly Japan.

yea i thought so

There is also one on the east coast of the US for sure.


(1 edit)

—————————The N1 Times—————————

I found a tablet within the blue sarcophagus in Tombs. It was given directly to the First Forgotten Archer of the N1Verse by the N1Gods. It states ‘All Archers must arch six days a week leaving one day for rest to strengthen one’s mind, bow, and spirit.’ It shall be known as the N1Sabbath day. I’m taking mine today…

Theoretically, there should be another tablet in the red sarcophagus, but it is too dangerous to cross over just yet. Will keep all Archers posted.






That's what that green dust was??!!

Also, this is not to condone smoking vape. or MJ...

Hey the medjay are looking for you and your treasure u stole a priest saw the book was missing, you didn't even wait!

I think I got away...

Create-A-Champion Tournament: Sign-Up and Discussion Thread | Page 87 ...


All archers must arch?!?!?

*commit murder*

more like commit rape

i mean whichever u wanna do

anything dealing with arcs... ok.

uhh.... well... I.. 

well i think he'd like to do that


gg i couldnt record bc lag

gg, my friend!

弓子是啥玩意(FBI waning: very very very very colloquial Chinese )

(1 edit)

我知道,我在游戏中的名字是 bowboi,第一部分是 “bow”,第二部是“boi”,所以这两个字母大致翻译为“弓子”,尽管谷歌翻译说这是一个小提琴手。

I also found this humorous as i can read chinese, so i purposely did this.

yo time2die's in SC i didnt know



Hey guys I'm having account trouble so there's a lot of accounts that I have o.o

what's wrong? u gotta find the problem y know


with Frostbite 





what skin do u like better I need it for a vote

left one



what skin do u like better I need it for a vote


what skin do u like better I need for a vote


New profile pic!





C U T E !!!


Hey guys! I'm ungrounded so I'll be on more


That’s great I’m happy for you 😃 


good 4 u


who tf r u


Your mom


yo, hand it!

nah bfr bro lmao

depends on who you are



V3QR squad


My best match so far (126 kills). The match lasted about 1.5hrs 🥱😴🥱😪



cool my highest score is 2678 or smth

what?????? How???🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😱😱😱😱😱😱

like score or kills?

score. other people can get over 750 kills, like Mh Al. U probly don know him tho

Ohhhh but still how can people get  750 kills



(1 edit)

nice! Fast Increase, noobSlayer!

OMG so long but good for u xd



How to use melee

Q or mouse button to scroll down, but pay attention, if you use mouse button in spawn you are changin long range weapons, not to melee


Hi guys sorry i couldn't play earlier had detention (for playing on my phone in class)  LOL

u get detention for that? L

Ye 😙😥😱🤯😭😭😢

(1 edit)

It’s the history teacher. he’s an ancient artefact so he’s never seen a phone (lol). He has an allergy to phones. Sometimes I think he’s from the Stone Age 👴👨‍🏫📚🏫📝😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

lol no way i'm more stone age than him


I custom my pen tray strangely and thanks to that I can play narrow one with my phone during classes when I'm bored... It's super fun!



I am playing games during games rn lol

during class


7NGP squad

why are all noobs dressed like king?

bruh stuipid question.because they don't have fearless

ye though I can’t say much as I don’t have one

+ think it's powerful

 They are influenced as noobs and think it represents powerful players, they haven't seen anything beyond amateurs. These players aren't based(have their own taste and being unique and follow what they want), and they try to enhance their images of themselves. In a game, they think they are seen as pros, or even gods.Some, who learn and pick up the pace fast enough are still lucky to realize they are on the wrong path, saving for the wrong thing (they are going for another kings piece). Some, however, have a wall of arrogance, and pride themselves and reach for another king gear. By the time they are pushed/looked down on by fearless or pro players, it's already too late for them and they have wasted too much and have lost, their hopes down as well. Now they are mediocres who reach for fearless and better skills, but it's very likely that this dream will not come true for them due to multiple reasons (this applies for MOST noobs trying to get a full set of king gear, not all ppl who use king gear).  

Yeah, this is a good explanation. They think getting king armour places them in a higher social status.

Plus, king armour isn't really an achievement... I could get it in less than a week if I tried. 

it's very cheap.

And god help us if you see a noob with King's robe and samurai helmet!

ya 5k per day 3 pices within a week


Ik 1 good player who wears king but he also wears fearless too

narrow winner? i said m o s t, plus narrow winner is different

ye, Narrow Winner isn't a piece of crap like some others are.

ye his net worth is over 210k

oh lol I meant Ricardo 

oh lol he's good too

Because they think it's cool.

guys join 7ngp


uh oh too lag that i can't join



guys code


sum1, private code

sorry i was zzz'ing


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