I have decided to figure out who is the best N1 player by holding a N1 1v1 tournament. The winner will be titled as the Best N1 Player of 2023. The tournament will take place in the following way:
If you would like to participate in this tournament please send your name and your level of how good you are at n1 (either Bad, okay, good, pro) and I will send a code as soon as possible.
thank you and good luck may the best person among you win!!!
AGENTEAGLE, mate, ur fucking irrelevant. No one cares that people used your name, I don’t even know who you are. Calm the fuck down and stop fcking spamming bro, u npc. There’s also no need to get angry just cos someone put a laughing emoji at ur goofy-ahh comment.
guy do ik u and why u cursing. Idk who u are idc whoever u are and mind your business. Like did i invite you to comment to my question that i asked someone else not you. U npc u bot and fuk you fuking witch doctor. U fuking gusty
Idk u so exit from my presence and btw mind your business u fuk ngl
Guys this guy witch doctor is cussing at me when idk him. Lmao and ur the irrelevant guy here. No offense bro but u curse. Like who are u
it’s fine. Don’t worry I don’t know what’s got into him. Who is he btw. He is so irrelevant. Idk what is his problem. He doesn’t even know what he’s saying just cussing he is the npc. He should just mind his own **** business. No one asked him to speak. Just tell him to leave no one likes him he’s just a ****. That’s all.
geez mate who are u no need to curse mate. Why u care btw. If he doesn’t like it it’s cause he doesn’t like it r u him no tbh if someone stole my identity and pretended that I was a hacker or something I wouldn’t be happy either. So MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS fool!
see okinoma bro those are the fake ones bro. I am the real one bro and those people are copyrighting my name to make you guys think its me and the one whos playing with a little thing is the fake one bro. I am the original me real AGENTEAGLEYT381 bro. those fake copy named, not real not original fraud AGENTEAGLEYTs
AGENTEAGLEYTs little fakes and i am so mad because all of u guys now think they are the real AGENTEAGLEYTs not me even i am the real AGENTEAGLEYT381 and they are not so now u guys are best friends with them not me. Arghhh them. Okinoma do code and i will show how angry i am.
wtf do you want. And bro whats with the emoji bro. I am mad and ur emoji is representing that ur laughing and for you bro is funny when i am mad that someone copied my name and those people are fakes and ur laughing bro
Bro it’s because you’re saying bro a lot bro that’s why he did that bro to show that saying bro was funny bro. bro you say bro a lot bro it fine he wasn’t being mean bro ok bro thanks bro
ohh my god okinoma u said red was close in match when i was blue and you stayed up for red. Ima real AGENTEAGLEYT381 he is not real not original and he is a fraud and he copyrighted my name skin and my words. Such a bot
hello @springtrap (I wouldn't click on this link), I don't want anyone exept for springtrap replying to this post. I propose peace between us, if you want, then reply. If any others like this idea, then only upvote, NOT reply, plzzz bros
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I have decided to figure out who is the best N1 player by holding a N1 1v1 tournament. The winner will be titled as the Best N1 Player of 2023. The tournament will take place in the following way:
If you would like to participate in this tournament please send your name and your level of how good you are at n1 (either Bad, okay, good, pro) and I will send a code as soon as possible.
thank you and good luck may the best person among you win!!!
ok im good at close comebate so im a pro
great I’ll put you in the pro category
ok thanks!
most of us are pros.
Also, I'm in.
i would not like to particapate, but thank you for the invite
im too bad at the game ;-;
that’s fine I’m very bad at the game would u like to play me I’m telling you I’m very bad (i lost like 31-3) lol
ok I’ll put u in
most of itch players are noobs
That was not very necessary at all! That was just being an a-hole!
not me i outran a squirrel
My names Jamal and I identify as bad/noob
that fine ye I’ll add u in
nah bro it was a joke
So I’m guessing ur pro then
He's THE pro. The best of us here.
"i iDeNtiFy aS aRchEr/mArKSmaN"
Gimme the news and players enrolled, and I'll put it in the next issue of The N1Times hehehe
my name is CalifacsDD and im good
Im the second best player of narrow one let me join
but fr u cant give a title of "best player of 2023" bc the real pros are on discord and prob not seeing this
ye that’s true could you ask them to join and if u get anyone please let me know
nah just dont title them as the best player of 2023 or u can get discord urself
The Best Itch.io Player of 2023
nah cuz im on itch
bc im from discord and i could destroy every itch player without any effort
Yes, we all know Platon is the best 😒
All hail Plankton, all hail Plankton.
Don't let 'em join, they're a bunch of jerks and idiots over there. And sometimes even good players who brag way too much.
well now i had to let em know abt this
I am okay ig
I want do it! Name: Little Thing level: okay
another angle of the possession.
i think its hurts a lot and thanks for beeing the new owner of the new times
Holy crap man that’s insane, rlly well edited. The text is also very humorous 🎩
Bring the Priest
They belive in Satan? Idk. Magic is real?
lol i like it but i may not have enough screen time to read this
one of my fav YouTubers go suscribe to him (he plays Minecraft btw)
ah yea preston
Start Time: 20:30 GMT+0
End Time: 22:30 GMT +0 Time: 2hrs
Activities: 1v1, Hide ‘n seek, Capture the flag (normal) and castle siege and protection
All please join today at the code 93W4
guys code
Last post from AgentEagley.
hey my internet went out what code you in bro?
code is 79Q3
AGENTEAGLE, mate, ur fucking irrelevant. No one cares that people used your name, I don’t even know who you are. Calm the fuck down and stop fcking spamming bro, u npc. There’s also no need to get angry just cos someone put a laughing emoji at ur goofy-ahh comment.
should i?
can't even post a donut now?
yummy donut.
sorry i didn't mean to post it to u lol
oops sry
guy do ik u and why u cursing. Idk who u are idc whoever u are and mind your business. Like did i invite you to comment to my question that i asked someone else not you. U npc u bot and fuk you fuking witch doctor. U fuking gusty
Idk u so exit from my presence and btw mind your business u fuk ngl
Guys this guy witch doctor is cussing at me when idk him. Lmao and ur the irrelevant guy here. No offense bro but u curse. Like who are u
speaking in term of social ranking here you're more or less equal to witch doctor.
I bet you'll curse in ur life
lol i just wake up to this
u poor thing lol
geez mate who are u no need to curse mate. Why u care btw. If he doesn’t like it it’s cause he doesn’t like it r u him no tbh if someone stole my identity and pretended that I was a hacker or something I wouldn’t be happy either. So MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS fool!
Witch Doctor, no need to get so angry! He is just creating drama over a silly thing, it's okay!
I nearly broke my old record
#s! I’ve been working on my supporter class character and numbers like this are near impossible. Bow2?
also, the real mvps are guest 159 & 930.
They're the real champs!
And even through all those deaths they never rage quit... what legends.
they are better people than me.
Yep that’s true hahaha
wish i could get that much coiiinss ;-;
Cmon guys join 34GB
Guys join 34GB guys then i will 1v1 so then you guys know that i am the real AGENTEAGLEYT381 arghh cmon guys
see okinoma bro those are the fake ones bro. I am the real one bro and those people are copyrighting my name to make you guys think its me and the one whos playing with a little thing is the fake one bro. I am the original me real AGENTEAGLEYT381 bro.
those fake copy named, not real not original fraud AGENTEAGLEYTs
AGENTEAGLEYTs little fakes and i am so mad because all of u guys now think they are the real AGENTEAGLEYTs not me even i am the real AGENTEAGLEYT381 and they are not so now u guys are best friends with them not me. Arghhh them. Okinoma do code and i will show how angry i am.
wtf do you want. And bro whats with the emoji bro. I am mad and ur emoji is representing that ur laughing and for you bro is funny when i am mad that someone copied my name and those people are fakes and ur laughing bro
Bro it’s because you’re saying bro a lot bro that’s why he did that bro to show that saying bro was funny bro. bro you say bro a lot bro it fine he wasn’t being mean bro ok bro thanks bro
lol bro 😎
We know ur the real agent because the Other guy the fake has no itch. Calm down we are still friends
ohh my god okinoma u said red was close in match when i was blue and you stayed up for red. Ima real AGENTEAGLEYT381 he is not real not original and he is a fraud and he copyrighted my name skin and my words. Such a bot
why u so mad
dude chill we know you're the real one
Liars and copies guys
And the other copies don’t have itch so i am the real AGENTEAGLEYT381 guys
Ye that’s true
see this is me
ye ur the original for sure
Omg Stalin
*Soviet Anthem Plays in The Distance*
He is the fake
No my names not agenteagleyt it’s AGENTEAGLEYT381
Hi Agent,
I am pretty sure the name says AGENTEAGLEYT381 it’s just cut out out with “…”
It was you agent?
I have shared bank
He was a good fighter, but in the battlefield, there can only be one. lol
cool edit and yeah lol
XD, looks like you outlined him with glow sticks!
murder investigation
ye, lol
cool lol
I broke my record for heads shots!!! It's 52 now. Unfortunately when I play more than 20 minutes a part my browser crashes... HAPPY!
bruh your browser crashes................................... LMAO
Yes. I was playing, my screen froze. And a message appeared.
*This is an example of the message."
Oui, mal
wi fi
Do you doubt me?
rock proofed
dude you went to discord?
so u saying that saying lmao makes u a discord user?
it's a joke
that sucks... it must be fixed.
lol good job
pc skill issue
hey browboi are you my subscriber on yt?
i am
:D thank you, and actually im planning on making vidoes, but i wont be able to do so much cuz you know...
I wish you do make videos :)
ill try :D
not yet, i can't really sub bc parents
BROWBOI?!! I just spit my coffee… hehehe
hello @springtrap (I wouldn't click on this link), I don't want anyone exept for springtrap replying to this post. I propose peace between us, if you want, then reply. If any others like this idea, then only upvote, NOT reply, plzzz bros
yes its a good idea
CG8X party
the other squad broke so here new code:https://narrow.one/#BXHV
may not be here tommorow, n'night.
i got 30 secs left b4 i go
c ya
Good night!
actualy 6TDM
T3ZN join this code
Thank you sir, do we buy fire and poison arrows?
also asian weapon suggestions:
Pair of butterfly knives
Pair of wakizashi
Shaolin spade
and yeah i 100% believe you are the true jesper
Pssst, bowboi.
I don't think it's the real Jesper, it's assasin dragon.
oh. i just checked his history lol, what an idiot i am first i overcomplicate with the anime girl post and now i didn't see throughly
yes. He did the same on Discord
oh lol how stupid of me
Emotional Damage
You got me good, "Jesper."
join T3ZN
any code?
montsers cant hirt u under your bliket me
lol i think that's a pair of jeans
can u play now?
nope :(
it is a pair of jeans