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good morning

Good Morning

Good morning, starsket.


did u fuck up or wha

(1 edit)


cus u said gn 

 ohh yea mb for a moment i thought you were asking if i f*cked with someone because i didn't know the context    

Target: Get better at Scout

Does anyone have any tips?

Yes, I’d say not to try long range with scout bcuz it has weak focus, although it’s very good at close range, better than bow 2 , in my opinion.

(2 edits)

Well, I'd say that scout Is essentially useless because Melee exists now.

not rly

Scout is only good for close range combat, and the Runner class is faster.

Target: Get a long-range with scout

Got Long Ranges with:
Scout - No

Assault - Yes

Sharpshooter- Yes

Runner - Surprisingly, Yes (2 only)

Bow 5 Name - No

Crossbow - No

* Bow 5 is Support *

* Crossbow is Defender *

Think of the shotgun in an FPS. The scout is to only be used at short range.

What I would do is get the fastest skin for your scout so you can charge at the enemy. Once you are really close, it's very easy to kill the enemy, since it can shoot 3 arrows at a time.

Also, with the introduction of melee, scout really isn't as useful as it was way back when.


No problem!

bruh what this u sayin' bout the only character i use?

here's the thing melee has a range of .5(fork) - 3(spear) meters. you can simply evade or get out of their range, and the scout is devastating from a pro within 10 meters of range. Given that the scout has high damage and speed, you can attack and evade, killing the enemy before they kill you.

here's the thing melee has a range of .5(fork) - 3(spear) meters. you can simply evade or get out of their range, and the scout is devastating from a pro within 10 meters of range. Given that the scout has high damage and speed, you can attack and evade, killing the enemy before they kill you.

Hmm, I guess the 7 meters of increased range is a benefit. But why would you use scout for an enemy above 10 meters away? Assault can do a heavy amount of damage, and if the enemy gets too close, you can always use melee to finish them off.

Unless you are really good with scout, and have used it instead of other classes, then yeah, it would make sense. Especially if you are a pro at flag grabbing. 

every class has it's advantage, idk but i use it quite well and i can say it's got some stats better than the assault.

Crossbow 1v1 anyone?

sry, not now. maybe in an hour. maybe.....

sry cant

1 Chaotic Game

A great game with 2 pros - Haong Long and another scout pro. Really long and chaotic, and players passed away... A squad of 4 passed away... Last came lag, which froze my laptop.


a guy has fearless melee yay

its not is very longggggggggggggg and high damage




well it has the same range as any heavy sword and the same damage to be fair 

lol really?,nice then


Chat is becoming dead!

People are getting sleep..

like me.

When you wrote this, it would've been 4 AM in there

yeah, woke up at 3:30 in the AM.

dayum, every day?

essentially. I usually fall back asleep at around 5:00 AM and then my dad wakes me up at 7:00.




why isn’t B2DK posting anything

he's a discord person


I was talking about his yt channel

idk no ideas content creator


20-15 K/D against public good player (20/5 K/D) using crossbow

snaduwu is there...



exactly, lol

Bru bru bruhhh





gainst animes little brother, GG




. . . 

uwu . . ?

xd idk why





Mace + Runner = OP

Mace Hit + Runner Shot = Death for a fearless person


Killed 2 King armour guys (No Squad)

Killed Default Averages (No Squad)

common V7FR

here's the thing: mace is a low speed small vertical attack range and very easy to counter. 


Hmm, where's the body

lol it prolly despawned or behind him

B-but it's just a normal pic! It needs to have some action or something similar.

ye ik

I guess it's just a random pic.


Do you also hate it when the noobs don't return the flag in a chaotic game?


idk why but ill put this here

hey, good start

ye this worked  up a bit more will be the base model for this perspective


Sorry for the people who sent their skins to me, I didn't have time today or make them, but I promise I'll make some tomorrow. Until then, good night!


Can add team death match mode

if the match is really even then it's a long long deathmatch. ik cuz i've been playing for almost a year now


Usually team is like 100 kills and regular free for all is 30kills

(1 edit)

idk it's been a long time since i played normal fps games

but still imagine using a bow and still getting more kills than a gun user

We want that! A chaotic match is great!

more kills per match too


good night


(1 edit)

i need advice. would it be ok to post a pic of me, face blured?

Sure! Just know that it's gonna be seen by other ppl too.

But if ya blur it should be fine for you


(1 edit)

I don't think so. It depends where though.

pls join 8LL9

sry smol boi can't rn

ima go now bye!

are you "little girl"?


(1 edit)

If you really are... Hi! We've played against each other a bunch of times.

we did?

i think i have too unless theres 2 littlesgirls but if so then why say ur new?

hello im new can some one teach me how to play please pretty please


yay what code?



That went bad

havoc im sorry

havoc join squad4DLW


You. small boy

(1 edit)

You. small boy, i know everything

filthy liar

And welcome to the community!

Hello! welcome to the community! im sure some one will teach you but i cannot i am very sorry.

kitty cat meow hehehe

. . .

join pvz6


the simple explanation: capture the flag and kill people

commit genocide

pillage and kill


sry i cant lotta nagging if i do

Ah, ok. That's fine.

just got hit with the 1 hour lecture

for the 75486th time


Oh, and I forgot.


I would love to play with you again.


(1 edit)

Yeah, it was good! GG!

bad name


. . .

.     .      .




My fav name

breh why don't you call yourself that


very bad name.

very good name

Very good name


Kade is a good name. Fuc is not.


hmm. it seems as if some people don't like my ex...enteresting

ayooooo what?

Fuc is such a bad killer only flexing because of her pieces

Feraless pieces?

Very good name they forgot the k tho 

                HACKER ALERT

(1 edit) (-1)

A player going by the name of "the killer" was caught hacking in the squad code MD78. The hacks he was caught using is as follows:

 range + speed + firerate + bowchange + dmgcap hacks.

Pelican Party, please do stop this criminal, for he/she is a menace in our everyday N1 lives.

yessss plsssss

(1 edit)

Taoflo hacks? Lmao

maybe. I don't know who Taoflo is.


Oh! You're the guy who didn't like TP's suggestions.



tofu have map 

              - aussua

I don't know why, but sometimes I die in the spawn, not you





According to a swearing noob i was cheating on him because im good meler fighter and also get hits when nobody gets hits 


So this is what he was talking about 



"Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you."

Haha, yea

beatin' the shid outta a hacker name the killer, used range+speed+firerate+bowchange+dmgcap hack

and also meeting a EDP cupcake guy ☠☠☠


the killer was hacking

ye range+speed+firerate+bowchange+dmgcap hack

No hacking and a peaceful community is what made me join narrow one. It ruins our life.

join MD78 plssssss

only for like 5 mins tho

Gave me old bowboi vibes, lol

nice lol

this this Car Bro got the car

bro whut da hell

(1 edit)

"woahhhhh wut du helllllllll o my gad"


ye lol


(1 edit)

bowboi you or in ansys vid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bowboi hunter told me to tell u hes going to a store

oh nice

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