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fun ass game

Very, very, fun indeed!



Long Range List:






All done!



Yay! Btw, r u calling me?

Yes. You said to not aim for long range with scout.

I never said it was impossible, GJ anyways :)


Good job

(1 edit)

Jester question, could you make me a more majestic profile? I am not very good at choosing profiles, but there is no rush ^^. However I can always keep this

Let me show u pics of what I can do (for a branding)


The following is for display, I can do some more, if u like it

Oh my. No I am not looking for branding. It is very silly jeste- Oh nevermind. Just please give me a majestic pfp, It is my dream to have the perfect pfp 🙂

Hmmm, I’ll see what I can do

Can u give me an example of what is in ur mind?

Suend7a duda8_!_)@9*,  7fkvlx


Best passcode ever


Guys, what's happening in the chat?????? Why are bluejayee and sir lancelot fighting?

I think they're friends in real life and are trying to cause drama.

well the drama is cringe and stupid but idk let them do stupid shit


yeah, you have a point

idk irl friends ig


Then why not talk in real life instead of talking here

(1 edit)

They probably do talk to each other irl to scheme.




hey  @aussua sc i think your reailly cool

What's cool about me?

your skin in itch and narrow one <3

Ah u have good taste i see

(1 edit)

yes thank you for seen

btw pls send it for some looks plz

Ok but i oftenly use different skins so which one are u refering to?

. . .

. . .

had some lil beef over that with him lol

no no...sorry........ :(

It's ok I'm just saying I heavily debated against him about skins


I remember.. the day you made your female skin, lol

wen????? i didint see it show me!!!

lol why?

(1 edit) new here


thank you you are vary nice to girls it seems


well i think that's pretty normal to respect a human 

(1 edit)



im nice to all people exept thoughs who r mean to me

lol :) lets be friends



Hello there! And welcome to the N1 community! 

(1 edit)


No offense but u sound like a UwU catfish

also welcome to itch

with offense your bla-

no u

Bla- what? I don't know any words that start with bla- other than bladder.



Especially with the stammering. "H-hi..I-I'm new here."


fr wtf

God knows, almost everything goes.

also the miku pfp like bruh

uwu cat fish!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


da f*ck is en uwu catfish!!!! ugh

an UwU catfish




good night everyone. 

Havoc, tomorrow we shall 1v1 again. hope u ready. we tied 2 wins each. 

good night and good luck!

it'll be an intense one, we tied 2 wins each

like i said, y'all are more or less equal.



Good night, and sleep well. You're gonna need it when I start to pull my secret move 😏

I just realized that sounded weird.

especially with that smirk 



(1 edit)

he's gonna do something with you 🤨

oh shit

(1 edit)

 esp w/ smirk like you're to do something with alphin. I told him if he wanted to be a sex slave someone would have to qualify him by testing him 

Yeah... strange.

s- s- so you . . . had s*x with alphin?!?!?!? 😳😳😳



yeah, it's my ultimate power.

bowboi, u can make 1 video about the first half and 1 about the seconds half. just an idea though.

ill do all of the stuff needed tommorow

bowboi, ill finish the videos in the morning if u dont mind

i sent 1 half


alr i might actually do it if you dont

just do the second part. (just look in the in game chat for the second 1v1)

(1 edit)

ehh alr i may take a while, have poor time managment

oh    :(

but its fine

V9NB, just got on.

aw cmon


also harder for me to play n read now (even harder


maybe no more time for N1 anymore

(1 edit) (+1)

hi guys its been a long time and i am back! ( turkey man

Ah, hello turkey man! Welcome back! How have you been?

good thank you



War is right Starsket, and I'm going to end it

Well then start it...I am ready

Hey, Bowboi, V9NB?

got schoolwork, very confusing too :(

Oof :(

well, if it makes you feel any better, I just got a bunch more homework, and can't play.


hey ssk I can't upload this as one vid bc I can only upload vids under 15 mins long, split them into two vids ok

il try

also, cant u cut it??

ehh ok ig so

Sir Lancelot I challenge you to a fight

(1 edit)

A rematch? I'm flattered

Before you make me crazy, Please accept, I have had enough of your foolishnes

Now that I know your a girl I would have never fought you

So what is the difference?

Fine, let's fight if you must

Gender discrimination

(1 edit)

I mean it's easy enough to respect genders there are only 2 genders respecting two aint hard 

what is this the 1950s?

1600s is more like it, but please don't bother

More like 1910 and below.

what is going on? i dont feel like reading all dis




public fight

when did beef start having such sophisticated words

im used to discord beef

I actually like my beef well-done.

This beef seems dumb af

looks like roleplay ngl




YOU'RE dumb af

no u

*insert uno reverse card*

Aha, you speak the language of facts!

can't argue with this

fancy beef


The crowd watched in astonishment as we fought for hours, neither showing sign of exhaustion or surrender. We seemed like two forces of nature unstoppable and relentless. We were both admired and feared by many who saw us. Finally, after one particularly brutal exchange, for proof I still have a scar from.. we both fell from our horses, wounded but still alive. We crawled toward each other determined to finish what we started. We raised our swords..... But unfortunately for Sir Lancelot I had won. But I lifted Sir Lancelot up on my shoulders and carried him to the royal pavilion where I was greeted with cheers and applause....I do not know how someone could be so happy..

Thats the end of they story...And-and Sir Lancelot how could you possibly want revenge?? I saved your life..


I almost died but you got carried away with the fans

You don't have proof of that...The fans were getting carried away with me, which I do not like attention anyway.


who reading allat

I am.


i aint reading allat

(1 edit)

It isn't even that long!

Havoc I thank you for your kindness. It's been a long time since kindness has been around me

lol, you are welcome.





Good taste in memes, I see!

If bowboi is really the "judge" Your honor Lancelot just now...He smacked my face if your in the mood to roleplay he definitely is...

Telling on me? So childish

THIS WHOLE THING IS CHILDISH LANCELOT. How could you just come up into my life again out of nowhere? I already have enough pressure

Take it, BlueJayee... Use it, and eliminate him

I can't...For someone so disrespectful it is tempting to do this...Just leave me be I need to take care of this madness

Grabs Walther P38 and aims it at Sir Lancelot Du Lac*

Lol, so silly*

Took it out of his hands* Please I'll handle this the old fashioned way..

Good luck

I might not need it. I know that every day could be my last, but I do not fear death, nor seek it

we saluted each other with our swords and charged at full speed (This is the joust). Our lances shattered on impact, but neither of us fell from our horses. We drew our swords and attacked again and again, with glint flying from our blades. We were evenly matched in every way both giving and receiving blows that would have killed lesser fighters.

(1 edit)

interasting. oooooooooooooo

Continue BlueJayee

headless ahh pfp

I have business to attend too. --_--

with no brain and no senses?

So I might not have those but I have a sixth sense

Interesting. Continue.

bowboi? can real quick look in ur email

ye i did left sum feeback on the slide lil bit of issue u have

(1 edit)

Who, what, when, why?

These are the 4 Ws that I need to know at the moment!


the weird people:




How do you do that?


pelican party can i get my stuff back pls all my arrmor got removed here it is

EP 5: Flesh Man wants a hug!

he just wants a hug

lol, ye



I easily defeated my first opponents in the joust and melee, impressing the crowd and the other knights. I advanced to the final round, where I faced Sir Lancelot Du Lac, the most famous knight of all time. He was very brave and courteous. He was also undefeated in combat...

I am not intending to say this with pride, but that is part of the story.

Alright, go on.

Trying to butter me up with your precious words....


for real....

oh boi

At this point I do not want to "butter you up" with your disrespect.

*Smacks her hardly*


bruh, RPing in a community?

ok? is this a actual N1 match or smth?

No clue, waiting for blue jay to write more.

No it's a story in the past, but Sir Lancelot has brought it back to the present..😓

oof ok

i aint reading allat (the sequel)

now me and havoc are technicle tied at 2-2 and tomorow we will play once more.




GG, starsket!

Looking forward to the rematch tomorrow, heheh >:)

we tied at 2 games each so this one shall be interasting.   >:)

heheh >:)


One day I heard of a tournament in a nearby kingdom, where the best knights from all over the world came to compete. I decided to join, hoping to find some excitement and perhaps some worthy foes...


This is not fun and games Sir Lancelot...Don't play with me

Or what? Your going get your sword out and kill me? Already happened



so what happened?

What happened?

you're get your turn ok

ok, so what did lancelot do wrong?

Nothing...He is saying I did something brutal to him

ok . . . 


Sir Lancelot, why are you here?

Nothing much, just revenge

(1 edit)

What why, Whatever did I do wrong?

How about we show the narrow one community a review on what happened? Maybe that will fix your petty little brain

(1 edit)

ok tell me ill be a courtroom judge for a moment

Thank you?

I sense.... drama.

Not that I'm causing it







Could y'all just wait for me so i can play :(

sry, im out of time

it ok

oof :(
I'll make a code later.

yay! thx

yo which eyebrow is better 

(if you can ask discord ppl pls do)




Numbers 1 and 3 are good.

hmm ok

1 above all. 2 is next, but depends on a kinder more serious character. 3 is edgier than the rest of the drawing so far so kinda on its own.

ye, think 1?

has the most character like a sneaky smart but charismatic gets caught every now & then anime hero.

lol ok

No need to welcome me, but I'm looking forward to seeing one of my friends here.

Well, welcome to the Narrow One community anyways. And who is it you're looking for?

most likely sir dumb

You'll see


By any chance, are you Sir Dumb's french brother?

nvm it's sir lancelot of the lake sry



Wow Havoc… gg ;)

WOW! I didn't know I had THAT much! Thanks!

Bowboi is close on my tail!

I have also beat the admin of (In terms of posts)


I always have been, now that dumb and drago r mostly discord users.

well now yall gotta try and beat my discord score

oh what? times you lost your dignity?

jk jk, your chat count? oho, I don't have time.

Heck no!

you increase by like 100 posts nowadays

Yeah. A reminder of how lifeless I am..

nonononono! it's prolly bc the counter is not specific.

hmm :/


GG, Starsket! Fun playing with you!

(Winner is undecided, lol)

when math ends the 1 v 1 :( lol

lol, ye. I did have to leave :(

so it's not completed yet. ssk in the lead tho right?


And yeah, I have a little left to finish.


him when i reminded him about math: "CRAP"



math > havoc n ssk :/



u to

When the chat is dead for a while


can u 1v1 now??



Sure, but it has to be quick, because I have to do math. Code?

when the second most active group chatter has strict and nosy ppl watching them

bowboi? do you have a personal google account?

yea ofc how else would i have a google acct for n1.


(1 edit)

is it

ye, why?


bruh i have a big decision that would impact my whole life and i had questions, asked the conselor(which is in charge of this), but instead of wise words they hit me with them npc ahh lines saying the same things everyone already knows, insteading of answering fr good questions, they just go *samsung notif sound* and then hit me with the same lines again ☠💀☠



good morning

I wanna see how good u r join 7WHX

I don't 1v1 people lol



Good morning

Join fast! PKR3


first time here because an annoying noob kept killing me when i get close

You shouldn't do it in public


it was a person in my squad

Did you ask him why he killed you?

he said 4 fun




Very much profitable game here:




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