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يوسف انا جدا اعتذر لك لم استطع ان العب معك حقا لكن غدا سوف ادخل صباحا وسوف اكتب لك



I'm sorry, my parents arrived, good match Mh Al. I think I'm still strong😉


My friend, you are really strong 

I hope to play with you again

you are strong too, I hope to play with you again too



Clint, we're going to play a strong war against you, okay? I want to see your strength


My skin

Lovely But I think if you buy the hand of the samurai fighter instead of the clown it will be betterLovely But I think if you buy the hand of the samurai fighter instead of the clown it will be better

I have it should I where it 

I see the flag was falling when I kill him it is not cool in latine map 

when you are in the chain

pelican party why does the flag drop down when I get a guy?

what do you mean with flag drop down

like if I’m in the middle of a jump with the flag and somebody gets me the drops all the way down 

i‘ve tested a bit, i know what you mean now

probably a new feature

i kindalike it

(2 edits)

Wanna play?




Pelican party, can you maybe add a monocle


pelican what day of the week do you think the new new level will be out

Deleted 2 years ago

pelicanparty can you add a button to look behind you 

(1 edit)

I just shot Master Archer, or is SNADOWBLACKMILL?

(1 edit)

Sorry I don't know it's you




drhuv likes boyz

hey dhruv 

Deleted 2 years ago


what im not dhruv


Best game I've played.

Yes you agry 


My new skin 




I was going for strong and fast

cool 💙

HASHIRA is gone


wanna play send code reply


dude did you copy me? 

dude did you copy me?


Hey i changed my name... i was i found hashira.

dhruv is thing 1

Hey i changed my name...i was where's hashira.

MH Al can you play ?

(3 edits)


Can you play?

Sorry, but now I can't play


Dont worry snadow you will get used to it, heck, i was garbage when i got my mouse

nxgj assassin king

(1 edit)

oki me name Dark_Dragon X20

Why u leave?

Does someone want to play narrow one ?

مرحبا يوسف اسف لم استطع ان العب البارحة كنت نائما 



idea game... It is played by many. We all have to be in the same place, and when someone shoots an arrow into the sky (1 for each team, they will be the team leaders) they will be given a period of 1 minute to hide, the two teams have to fight (I DON'T KNOW IT'S WORTH FLEEING!), when they are all killed, the one who remains must look for the boss of the opposing team, if he manages to kill the boss, he wins, if the boss kills him, he must look for the other boss and there will be a battle between the two bosses, which before fighting, they will have to regenerate. The one that remains of the two bosses wins, if they kill each other at the same time ONLY THE BOSSES have to fight again! Pd if they kill you IT IS NOT WORTH TO FIGHT AGAIN, AND IT IS NOT WORTH TO SHOOT ARROWS FROM AWAY WHERE NOBODY SEES YOU! bosses have 3 lives😉


Kinda reminds me of the german game „Völkerball“

wow l like this 💙

اسمي يوسف

MH Al can you play

Yes I am arab

i love your people and culture

And I was living in tripoli three years

Its good to meet u Mohamed

Vin dispau i playEd with u

code bff7


I have dinner, maybe I ll be back in a half hour


now it is bff7

mxvy that is the code

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