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bro i felt soo bad for jesters gg u did great

Deleted 278 days ago

It was fun heheh. I'll keep doing my no stat no stick grind til i get reaall good. And then you'll see! hehehe gg

hehehe gg

new code

(1 edit)

U were not there

i left

won't be on tmrww

will be at da temple praying


hacker spammer w/ max loadspeed + dmg w/ max speed) gets destroyed when i put on my fearless (i locked in)💀


second game. even if ones leave, three more darn spammers come in, all fresh and carrying themselves higher than heaven.

I've trained for long enough so that my aim has improved. Ehh, I think might need to get a little sweaty show these "players" who run for only gold and sweat to prey on noobs who are being influenced by them what it means to truly play this game.

side note: i don't think ill be getting any more fearless soon with the need to buy gear to adapt to these filth breh

just cuz they're better than you doesnt mean they're hackers or spammers. Seems like you meet hackers and spammers every game, lmao cope.



lazy money passed down rich guy telling hard working homeless guy to just "buy a house":

never gonna make it out this matrix

they aren't (i beat them when my framerate and ping r fine and it's not a 3v1)

Tell him: You’re actually braindead since you blame people for “hacking” when your PC runs on 3.5 potatoes . And just because you dont have any other arguments other than “this guy is a nerd and still fails to make a point lmfao” you’re not one to talk since you mald every game saying “OMG THIS GUY IS A TRYHARD GET OFF THE GAME!!” and “OMG THIS GUY IS LAG HACKING AND LOADSPEED HACKING!!!” when you clearly dont even know what you’re talking about 💀 your argument in the pelican party server was so stupid it made my braincells hurt. “THIS GUY IS LAG HACKING!!!!” When your pc runs at 40 fps and 260+ ping 💀. Also, people like razgriz have 4000+ elo and I dont see him complaining about hackers, but since YOU’RE clearly special and have SUCH a high elo, you’re getting ALL the hackers. Someone is special fr 🤧🤧

-some guy who doesn’t have itch and wants to reply to ur comment


No offense, your definition of hacker SHOULD be taken with a grain of salt.
In this message from the discord (, you defined a hacker that was "Lag hacking to me specifically!", while in the video you have shown you were averaging 20-40 fps by DEFAULT as well as 200-415 ping. THEN you also complain about him "bypassing the damage cap oh noo hes a hacker!!" when you have 260 - 415 PING. Ping is the amount of time data sent to the server gets sent back to YOU. so if we take your ping of 260 where you first accused him of "bypassing the damage cap". The server then has to process data coming in, (bow 1 + sword) and THEN sends it back to you at the same time, hence why he was killing you so fast. 


Chill bro and drink tea

you're telling me to chill when this guy is on copium and is malding every time he loses a game?

also its quite funny, seems like almost every game you get a hacker. Someone is special, no?

Idk actually if he was lying or telling the truth, i only met 1 hacker I don't know if there is another one


blud is explaining it like a nerd and still fails to make a point

Beestrom is now using hacks, I think it's now available to everyone maybe, so idk. 

yeah that's why it's so frequent

i have a high elo collected before it became common, but because it's easy for them to win they get thrown into my level

have you seen him hack?

"No OfFENse, yOur DeFINITiON oF hAcKer ShoULD bE TAKEn witH A gRain oF SALt.

In this mesSage fRom ThE DIsCoRd,yOU DeFineD A hAcKer THAT Was "LAG haCKinG to mE SpECIFICaLlY!", whILe IN ThE VIDeo YoU haVe shOwn yoU werE aVeRAGiNg 20-40 FPs by DeFaUlT As WEll As 200-415 pInG. tHEn yoU alSO cOmPLaIN abOuT hIM "BYPAsSInG tHe DamAGE CaP oh noo HES A haCkeR!!" WhEn YOU HaVE 260 - 415 pInG. piNg iS THe aMOunT Of TiMe DATA senT to thE SERVeR gEts SenT bACk tO yoU. so If WE tAKe yOur PInG Of 260 whErE YoU fiRST AccUsEd Him of "bYPASSiNG THe DAmagE Cap". ThE sErVEr tHEN Has to pRocEss DATA CoMiNg In, (bow 1 + SwORD) AnD then SENds It BAcK tO You AT tHE sAME TiMe, hence Why He Was KilLinG yOu sO FAsT. "🤓

broski do you know what the definition of a hacker is

follow me bruhs

another crappy onmipooster (no offense raz)

i don't hate it when good ppl do it bc they deserve to have such edge to make the game fair, but sweaty speedrunners should completely lose the ability to poost

fr fr

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no offence taken. i myself hate it when ppl do it.

madara? are you there or available for playing n1 today?

discord is bette-

Same happened to me yesterday

For 10 mins

no its not

(1 edit)

Found Uchicha and Brothers 1 and 2 (they lost their accounts, rip) The gods have listened to the pleas of truest and breezed them with strength, and they have punish those who are favored by the match system to rise so called victorious!

oh no :(

havent seen bro 1 in soo long lol bro 2 as well

Honestly, I wish there were something better than Fearless...something that's like for a million coins or so. It will create a challenge for those who feel like quitting because the game is getting boring. Idk. that's just my suggestion.

Not for me, I only got 79 coins 😭

oof...and I thought I was broke with 16985 coins :|

17407 for me im saving for fearless which will take like a whole year at my rate xD


ye...I now hv might take me 2 years with me coming on and off of narrow one. Hopefully I don't lose my account for inactivity.

(2 edits)

This is a tournament bow.


take a look at the narrow one god


oh yea, a "test"
Also, now every match he just gonna "test" how hacks works for "progress" of N1 community


faster speed

high jump

arrow that can shoot through walls

it cant get any worse……. right

beestorm genially telling what hack he use and how even tho he know he will be banned

He wanted to be « better at the game »






and i agree he should be banned

why should i be banned pls be on my side bro

(1 edit) (+1)

My friend, you are the scum of the Earth..


join VHZJ

Where are you


Everyone is sleeping 😴😴


25 plus…


He created more accounts for this maybe 😂😂😂

I mean who cares to upvote this

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

27 people sleeping 😂😂😂😂


Bro is crazy

His friends just came here tp upvote his stupid post and downvote mine, bro are you dumbass??

And what about "your sister" Lia or you forgot about this story because we  exposed your alt lmao 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

I don't give a fck about you and your "18-19 friends" BECAUSE i didn't ask goofy

It's your alts so stfu

Deleted 278 days ago

I care for the sleepy bear.

I care... about sleep.. UwU 

Deleted 278 days ago



That why I am saying rose  brain is too small or he doesn't even have any neurons in her cranium box lol

(1 edit) (+27)(-4)

24 plus?!


"his friends" care so much to upvote his goofy uhh post so don't be surprised 


And "his friends" upvote this, not his alts

She keeps trying to prove me right that she doesn't have a brain(🧠) 😆 😆 😆 😆 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

i gtg for about 2 weeks bc of a vacation i will check itch sometimes, but i wont be playing n1 prob :) be back in 2 weeks xD

Enjoy your time my friend 😚

Enjoy your vacation Kristen 

tysm :)

peace out peeps. enjoy!

Happiest hollydays!

u 2 :)

Gg bowboi 


Did I copied ur skin when making a samurai set._.

Wow bro how can you play with this screen, like that??!

yep only op”s

that crazy

yes that's me

i got 10 mins


bro i still dont know how my team won

the gods champion your cause and will


where u in that game?

Deleted 277 days ago

The Alliance between the Uchiha and Oni was made on Thursday December 14th at 1:19



I Madara Uchiha Lord Of the Uchiha Make an alliance with Cl5oni of the Oni Clan  for the better of N1 

so it will be

for the “better” of n1?

ye so people like spammers and bots leave



yayyy :)

han dynasty infantry boi w/ samurai boi

(also there's a chinese version of a katana, rly cool, they almost carry it the exact same way)





Hello everyone, 

its me cololni14, I renamed my self and now I am cl5oni.

I am also creating a new clan: the oni clan, to join it, you atleast need:

  • a 3,5 k/d or higher
  • 100 wins or more
  • a 65 % win rate (to see that, type loses/wins*100 in your calculater)
  • a pretty good understanding of the game
  • play on pc or laptop (i know there are a few pretty good mobile players out there, but pc players are most of the time better)

i don´t care how often you play, you only need these stats. To join, write a message or answer this post, with a picture of your alt stats. After you have shown these stats, and I approved, you are able to join the clan by putting oni (no capslogs) behind your name.

Lets see who has the stats to join...


i do have these stats:

how long you been playing 5,238 kills

i think i started in like the end of 2021 or beginning of 2022, but i wasn´t playing all the time 

Ye same here I started in November of 2021 but didn’t make icehouse account till 2022

yeah i also joined itch in nov. 2022 so after i played a bit already


I meant icth

I restored my clan now everyone wants to create a clan

i feel you, but i want to make a clan, in which are only realtiv good players, i don´t really know how good these joining reguaments are, if they are to high or to low, we will see, maybe i am gonna change them

ah it’s on just saying that’s how it was back in the beginning days cause I was the first one to create a clan The Uchiha Clan but after not being on my followers faded away they don’t play anymore

(1 edit)

So  technical I am the only op left besides blackmill bowboi havoc and jesters and apollo

uff, but atleast they are all like OG


ye cause we all started at the same time  I think blackmill started before us

you must have been grinding for that for fearless

i am, but till this day i am not having a single fearless pice


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i like it


phone player 🙃

I like your skin 

join K3B8 and we will see about that

i mean its good, but not good enough

i would love to join :)

Tf bro uchiha was right 😭 your kd😭😭


you are a pro 😭

the k/d is close but not good enough, however since i know you a bit and know that you´re are very good player, you can join

but what if the matchmaking is against you?

recently it's purposely giving me noobs who leave and just tryhards  on the other team?

it's been destroying my 87% win rate

i feel you´re pain brother

wow, ig m8m6 killed me

Hi Everyone Hi Havoc For Rome

Hi Madara



stop the cap

it’s over with

wanna play

Hey I got a Xbox or pc or PlayStation 



(1 edit)

I’ve updated the arrow stats on the wiki. Will be working on the rest soon

My name is Lisa and I from Ukraine...

For a long time it seemed to me that the whole world making fun of me 😂

This is a game on

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Fuck ansy, my husband UwU

Ok Rose, thats WAY TO FAR!

Look at this:

do you want her to be your slave??

I can change this hehhee she lost a bet 

also ansy loves me so don't be surprised 





Any live squad?

That I can join


my team was losing 1-0 and the 2nd flag was almost captured then I speedran all 3 flags with no mess ups to win the match


flag rushing is gay, except with NPCs like this 👍

how are they npcs? and how is flag rushing gay?

only rushing and not trying to get kills is just noob

But if it’s against NPCs I mean u not gonna see them again and they are so noob they don’t even move when getting shot

uh no? the point of the game is to get all 3 flags

and the people in the screenshot does not look like npcs, i bet they're even better than you


I don’t say I’m good or even decent, but that point it’s saying random things.

Welcomed to the club 🤝

its only farlands thats gay


fr ikr

Hi Everyone Hi Havoc For the Uchiha Clan

hello mandara



For Rome!!

For Rome



second match


hi :)

:) hi

hi :)

hi :)


Also, Personally, I think that Pelican Party Studios should have a vote both on Itch and Discord for if we should have shields, because adding shields is a very big change in the game.

Well get discord

(1 edit)

A 1v1 against my brother but idk how I got 2 assist and he got 3 assist probably a glitch so just look at the deaths.

It was first to 50 ;)

Lady_Joy = 50

JasonStorm = 29Second match will commence soon ;)


hi and happy chrismas

theres a glich in the new ruins map, idk if its sopost to happen

Is Pelican Party Studios really going to add shields?

they better not

(1 edit)

I hope they do

At least they try it for a few days

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