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Didn't think that comment would get so many replies 

forget OP(original player)  shout out to all OG's yall would never be forgotten Sieg Heil!!


Hi Everyone 

Hi Havoc For Rome!!



how did he know☠️


the cold Mf guest stole the last flag D:


I want my last words to be « I’m bout to bomb this mf school »



It's bear


Sorry bro 2:(I had band practice. Sorry. Hopefully talk soon.


Please subscribe we are close to rush 200 subscribers!!!

nice video :D alr subbed

:D thanky 

your welky

too flashy my eyes can’t keep up XD


Lol :)

Dawg how did u get so much subscribers


you gotta krank out videos no matter the subject or the quality. Quantity and dedication to a liked subject brings in steady viewers and new subscribers. Quality is usually an afterthought, but if it is included to begin with, it is appreciated 7 times more then clickbait content and the likes and subs are more exponential.

well ill probs do yt a bit more after I get my pc

bruh i can't even download a 2 min gameplay vid with captions without the things crashing

Do video of clips ;)

yeah those r my most popular vids 


Nice vid sub to naju :)




You are master shooter


Top 1 Qoo 

Top 2 Naju


yey! I want 1v1 qoo when he will come back!!!


I want 1v1 with you



Thx (+2)


I like your videos! My favourite one is about Boris. Good work!👏

I subbed you ❤️




Awww, I love this song 🤩

Hehe i have more than 9 alts to sub with…



more like clapping hehehe

Uhh 😬😬 that's u 😖😖😖😖 u are too amazing 🤩🤩. And yup I got my account back



(1 edit) (+1)

I'm watch this 5 times

damn I forgot this game existed ngl 💀


damn I forgot you existed ngl 😜jj 


narrow one somehow got boring.

Upvote this comment if you agree, downvote if you still play and never get bored.

If and when this game gets different game modes it will skyrocket and be the best game once more. Until then, I still love it for what it does to my heart & brain.


back from the dead 😭 


I checked my account after 3 moths and all my presets gone… I had about 40 ;-;

Awww man :(

gn my fellas krank, brothers 1n2, starsket, madara, n jesters

btw madara this ain't you right?

night peeps


gn fella

C'mon bro what other community are we gonna be apart of. I ain't going to shell shockers  there almost at sweaty as n1 players HELP!

(1 edit) (+1)

we stand n stay right here buddy. we standin our ground like the greeks at thermopylae

(2 edits)

with that over here's a memes

(3 edits) (+4)

hey my bois remember this cuz im boutta end this bs

the freedom of speech is an unalienable right. nobody here can tell you what you can't say, but you gotta be responsible for the consequences whether good or bad. Unless it incites or advocates real life violence, or slander's someone REAL LIFE reputation, you can say whatever you want. you see the bs some others say, the hypocrites who insult ones they tell not to do so, the defamers who gaslight because of one's views, the ones who stand up to it. we not in north korea. if they kick you down, you're free to stand up and kick them. but the best thing is to just ignore them.

(2 edits) (+3)

you should try to be nice first (diplomacy goated)but if you gonna beef btw be slow n logical not fast and goofy. you could also ignore them to show that their efforts are worth nothing. wait till they shut up is .

bros targeting me 💀

not targeting you. this applies to all ppl

U know, I agree with u bowboi. I’m not gonna leave cuz if we stay and are nice, thats the best we can do. Plus, u guys are my friends and so I don’t wanna leave. 

(1 edit)

ye, thats the point

but never conform to them

Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

here's the NU chat - don't share it onto the pelican party chat, keep it hidden. show your brother the way to the chat too, but make sure he knows as well not to spread word of this - it's a part of a mission to revive the NU.



whats bro yapping about 💀

very much nothing in my wiew

(1 edit) (+3)(-2)

controversial screenshot but their context is restored pt.1


now i wait for a "OmG mY fAiTh In HuMaNiTy Is ReStOrEd" type comment

Swear is bad no swear at people

(2 edits) (+1)

yeah ik i don't swear at anyone unless they do it at me repeatedly first, besides under the first amendment (i live in usa) hate speech can only be criminalized when it directly incites imminent criminal activity or consists of specific threats of violence targeted against a person or group.

can't wait to see someone rebuttal an usa amendment


Telling you to cope wasn’t even that bad but you just called him the slur. if you were concerned, you should’ve just coped like he said. Or have replied in less provocative way because now that’s something people associate you with.

(5 edits) (+4)(-1)

oh im not concerned, nor am i afraid to be bold. and i will not "cope" like he said. there is no defeat to mourn. besides it's better to die standing than live kneeling.

those with empty minds believe what they hear first like how a duck follows what they see first.

those who can see will know darkness.

those who are wise will know they not all they see it true.

btw n word is a double standard. but well well well, look who's a BETTER mascot for racism!

oh shoot, well there is that hehehe!!!


Have you read the contexts? He was joking with star. You meant it offensively.

(1 edit) (-6)

im mixed 💀 i can say it 

and never said it to insult anyone like u did xd


Treat other they way you want be treated.


THANK YOU...Golden Rule, Matthew (7:12): “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you. . . .”

yeah i agree

but i also believe in defense for oneself in the midst of chaos

Tbh b2dk and snadow r quiet toxic

(3 edits)

i think that goes without saying lol

but to give them credit it's only to a certain point. sometimes they're good, sometimes they're bad, just like fire.

yeah fax

(1 edit) (+2)

Sadly, snadow suprising me.

yeah I wouldn't think snadow would've been toxic

Bro you soOoOo dead I forgot about you 😶‍🌫️

right back at ya😎

To my..😫😩




This sentence made me think/make this. 

How much n-word passes does lil bro have 💀

much wow




I have a question about the 2 gogols who said they were my friends earlier. yes, they are my friends, but I hope you don't mind that I didn't make them join the team, just the squad. 

Allyuh hv me taking 2 much

How did you get coloured hair? Mine are brown or black or white


? Devloped please (i am french you know so my english is so bad)

it is a hack


I know that name of the hack please



(1 edit) (+6)

Hey Guys, How you doing? 

Actually, don't answer that cuz I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS IMBECILITY!

This argument is disrupting the peace on itch and it needs to be resolved asap.

Fist of all, no one is illiterate.

Second of all, everyone hold your tongue and think before you speak.

Third of all, there is no right side: 

Bowboi is wrong for making a CLEARLY false accusation. Just because someone has better fps than you doesn't mean they are spammers, hackers, etc. You should be happy for them that they have good fps and everyone is able to enjoy the game. IF YOU WANT BETTER FPS GO CRY TO YOUR MOM FOR A NEW PC SINCE YOU CLEARLY CANT AFFORD IT!

Slipperking is wrong for escalating the issue. Have you ever heard of MYOB? well since you CLEARLY don't know what it means. Let me tell you. Mind Your Own Business. Go get a life since you CLEARLY don't have one and stop minding everyone else own. If you want, you could buy a few more lives from my cat.

I think allyuh use to much of discord bc allyuh not seeing the damage and discord allyuh causing to the n1 community. Please as I said before hold your tongue, think b4 u say anything, You are fully responsible for your words, Remember, words can hurt just like a knife.

... i rly dont want to tread that...

I'm going to reassure you that you don't suck at Narrow, far from it. 

what does that have to do with what i said???

in English I understood that you didn't know if you were strong at n1


i actually said....

Salut les gars, comment ça va ?  En fait, ne réponds pas à ça parce que j'en ai assez de cette imbécillité !  Cet argument perturbe la paix dans le domaine des démangeaisons et doit être résolu au plus vite.  Premièrement, personne n’est analphabète.  Deuxièmement, tout le monde se tait et réfléchit avant de parler.  Troisièmement, il n’y a pas de côté droit :  Bowboi a tort de porter une accusation CLAIREMENT fausse. Ce n'est pas parce que quelqu'un a de meilleurs fps que vous qu'il s'agit de spammeurs, de pirates informatiques, etc. Vous devriez être heureux pour lui qu'il ait de bons fps et que tout le monde puisse profiter du jeu. SI VOUS VOULEZ DE MEILLEURS FPS, ALLEZ PLEURER À VOTRE MAMAN POUR UN NOUVEAU PC PUISQUE VOUS NE POUVEZ CLAIREMENT VOUS LE PERMETTRE !  Slipperking est une erreur pour aggraver le problème. Avez-vous déjà entendu parler de MYOB ? eh bien puisque vous ne savez CLAIREMENT pas ce que cela signifie. Laisse moi te dire. Occupe-toi de tes oignons. Allez chercher une vie puisque vous n’en avez CLAIREMENT pas et arrêtez de vous soucier de celle des autres. Si tu veux, tu pourrais acheter quelques vies supplémentaires à mon chat.  Je pense que allyuh utilise beaucoup la discorde parce que allyuh ne voit pas les dégâts et la discorde que allyuh cause à la communauté n1. S'il vous plaît, comme je l'ai déjà dit, tenez votre langue, pensez que vous dites n'importe quoi, vous êtes entièrement responsable de vos paroles, rappelez-vous, les mots peuvent faire mal comme un couteau.


tell it like it iz cool mommy...

thats deep

(1 edit)

words can hurt just like a knife is not true bruh

it's hard to not hear or read  a insult but you can ignore it, but if your major organs are stabbed or if your neck is slit, it's all over.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

your first claim is gaslighting me btw never said ALL OF THEM are spammers or hackers. never said havoc was one; if you want others to hold their tongue and think before you speak, you should follow that principle to to be an example. besides, as long as it doesn't incite violence, you can say whatever you want. your essay has strong points though but they just against basic human rights.

its not just an essay its a message

yeah ik im jk

🙄 did i look like i was joking?


Join M8MY

I Think the Newbies are taking over


sad :(( no more old ppl

Do I count as an old player?

idk, i mean like ppl here when the game started


I'm younger

I'm older

I'm older

I started playing in February - April 2022, and I created an account on June 14, 2023

I started playing this game in late 2022

Do I count as an old player?

I'm older


what you doing replying to a 50 day old message?

i am bored 

(1 edit)

Yeeeee,after a loooooong day ;)

I am second generation for sure...but still pretty active

3rd generation moving in

Im Early 2nd generation miss the old days


I'm younger



I’m here :)


good good good




use this to combat them

(1 edit)

I miss the old days when there was no bow 1 spammers pretty nostalgic for me

Snadow black mill ur a short tempered little boi  lil bro swears at every response bro need to to to church.

i duh know about that..


i got it 




wow chill it was a private T7 code



i didnt had to leave the game!


Don't recall asking!


bros mad☠️




just be mad idc


Then don't reply :p


But i know your in 2s and 2s litterly hate me so ok

(1 edit) (-3)

I hate you because you hate 2s.




Give me your account NOW!!! you promised!


i know but i will link account then


I think im gonna leave itch, and possibly the game. These ppl are getting so annoying and I’m pretty frustrated that I have been called illiterate and that i should kys. Soooooo… You can blame it on those other guys cuz they are making a lotta ppl wanna leave. 

Prediction: They are gonna say “well go cry about it bud”



infurness answer this. Who is best between 2s?


no one 🙄

The sooner the better. I hope your wishes you mentioned are fulfilled.


they’ll leave soon. Just wait.



The one reason i do that i want to leave is 2S( not blame  me 2s)

(1 edit) (-1)

Interesting grammar as usual, maybe try making it readable.


Says u


What a snappy retort! I’m so impressed!

Sipperunge- transtlate that in norway


Ok bye 😂


alr cya 

I will pray 4 both u n bro 2 ;)


we are here standing with you



just wait we gon makem stop

that's horrible! maybe use AGM first before you leave


Guys, watch this one video i made of my time in n1. Hope you enjoy ;)


i duh know i dont think u have a channel...

no i dont have a channel but i do make videos



2vs2 with Rus. GG


Bruh I forgot itch


Im rly starting to leave .-.




please watch my videos and subcribe to my yt channel



i miss you guys! I hope you guys have a good life! MAYBE im joining after a long time. I have to study a lot now. But im gonna post shorts on youtube









Today I found Ansy






there is someone playing with my name, I just don't play but if you got offended by his shit don't blame me ☺️

Rose I thought you where dead HAHAHAHHAA

Bruh I'm on discord 24/7


Awie howl cares about me🤭 dw baby i left the place for you, enjoy showing ansy your pussy

I don't have anything there literally all my friends left it except for angel, sooo idc

I dont want someone who  seduces 14yo boys while having a boyfriend oops


stupid joke

why you laughing?

I know i played with one and roasted him or she so hard that she leaved


Aww ty bro, I hope others would know it is a fake one


Umm... 3 people same name?!

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