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Hey pelican party I love your game but can you please add a few nice, less expensive clothes. It would mean a lot to me. 

Also how do we join a squad? Do we have to wait for everybody to join?

You just send your code to someone you know and they can join you. If you both press ready, you can start the game.

Pelican Party, I made it to 8 months in the comments!



In 20 hours I can play with you

or like can we have it where we can join anyones squad that is active?

hey pelican party I know you guys have a lot on your plate right now my real name in the game is whatthedogdoin5u8 but I’m I was wondering when you get a chance could you guys have us get friends on the game so we can communicate with each other and we can send invites?

We would like to add it, that would be really useful. But we have a lot of other things we probably have to do first, to be honest. You could try our discord, find some friends there. 


Where can I find the discord


Will everyone join in my party, I am alone, but I am very good and can help you to win. My code isY4LN

Are you still on?

Yay the squad feature is here! My friends and I can finally play together!

want to play together I’m trying to work on getting 30 kills my highest is 28

Hey pelican party, can you make the bamboo that allows you onto the roof of the japan map a little bit thicker? As soon as i get a perfect landing, i fall right off instead of stopping immediately.



Pelicqn party is already getting so many requests but please don't add shields I think it would add a huge unfair advantage also if there isn't going to be a chat is there a discord server? Also please don't lower the price of the skeleton skins im trying to get 100k first. And one final thing, im trying to figure out the secret pathway in the news snowy map that has two polar  small viking ships and with scattered ice sheets floating in the water, I can tell you can do something w those but I am stumped, any hints

I think the shield is very good and the skins are too expensive

One can access those sheets which is impossible to from the ground but possible by climbing the roofs. I have tried it but had nothing to escape. Once you reach there you can't escape from there until you die.


And also please don't lower the price of the skeleton skins. The price is high and that makes the outfit special

(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

Hey can you guys add some melee and shields? Sometimes we are fighting in close combat and bows seem unnecessary.  Also when you are in the shop, it would be cool if the boosts from the armors and weapons tell you exactly how much it gives, as an example: Leather Helmet +10% HP

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We are planning on adding all of this. Melee, shields and stats feedback. It will take some time though  

Can you increase the money we’re getting or lower the prices because they are getting way out of hand like the new armor that costs 100k

yeah we are planning on adding some extra money bonuses soon

Are you still planning on adding sheilds to the game?

i don't think so

I hope that they aren't 


That were very nice

Great game! 1 issue: you automatically join the next game as soon as you are put in the lobby and it's very hard to access shop etc. Thanks!

Very cool game! simple and fun

I go also to the roof😃, but all map have a secret or a faster way, but what is this by the 9th map


And how can I come on the roof in the 8th map, because I see one player who was on the roof at the Chinese map, was this a hacker? 

It wasn't a hacker. There is a jumping trick you can do.


Really how?

When you go on the Bamboo can you jump on the roof (The bamboo is by the second door


What is the secret of the map with Vikings? 

what secret? 😆


the shortcuts


(2 edits)

Hey, can we also have a "Host mode","Search mode" and "Private mode" like Among Us?(In host mode, u probably know u host the game and in search mode, u can look for someone hosting game and in private, you already know we can play with our friends and the maximum of players in a game should be 16{8 in red team,8 in blue}. But the game will decide who going in which team)

(2 edits) (-1)

That probably seems too much for Pelican Party... besides 5 in each team seem better and by the way the talking feature might be a privacy issue...


But still, it would be even more fun. Plus Pelican Party is taking suggestions.So, if they also don't accept my suggestion, I would still LOVE the game.

Of course suggestions are always welcome


8 people can provide better defense system, I will send you the link later how 8 people in a group can make the team win!

Maybe a chat feature can be added instead...

i have asked for the chat feature in another comment. If you want, I write a link on how to defense your team with just five people in a teammm

Our servers work a little different but we are working on a squad system so you can team up with friends. If you create a squad you will get the option to join public matches or keep the group private. We probably don't limit private matches


Can you at least make the assist for carrier kill 20 points

instead of 5 all the time?

agreed that would be really nice

(4 edits)

Hey guys, it would be awesome, I want female characters and clothing in the shop. And also if we have a shield button to protect ourselves. Also a meet option, where you can talk with your team- mates! Hope it's not too much! And hey also, we should have this map board in the spawn area for those who are new to a map(for phone and tablet users, they can touch it and can see the map; for computer and laptop users, they have to press Z to see the map and everybody can only see the map if they close enough to the map)

Good idea, we want to make the customisation more extensive, but we have to finish some other features first

Okie dokie, thx

I think it would be very hard to kill somebody with the shield option. The carrier of the flag could just use it and capture the flag with ease

(1 edit)

it would be awesome if you guys added a kill cam, a sell option, a spectator mode, and choosing servers of your choice including private servers. Also Viking armor for the new map would be cool.

Almost everything you named is on our roadmap 😃 . We are currently working on squad mode, which will eventually get a mode for private servers (with spectate mode). We plan on adding a kill cam and hit direction feedback. Viking gear coming soon! You want to be able to sell armor to get a part of your money back? 

We can sell what we want in sell option. There should be a tag button in the shop option.

Everybody can sell their things at 50 coins or above(50 is the cheapest and highest is something I can't imagine.)Players will get a notification if their item is sold. I don't usually buy the things in the normal shop because are so expensive so sale option is a nice option for cheap things.There shall be a friends page also where you can follow a player and also have a chat with them in the chat box(a notification will be send to them every time someone follows them on this friends page).There shall be also this challenge page where challenges are "have 15 friends/followers", "have 10 clothing items in which five of them are bought for free/ad and the rest five with coins", etc etc. 

(1 edit)


I agree

what's viking armor?

By the way I like the new year hats.


Although, you took down the ladder from Narrow Forts. It's harder to attack without the ladder. (The one on the side)

Yeah, we just wanted to make it a little bit more difficult to get into the fort. We might put the ladder back in if it shows that it makes the map worse.

Can you make this downloadable from Chrome, like and Double Dodgers?

Yeah! Good idea, we will add this at some point. 👍

(1 edit)

How come when I play, it says searching for players. Is there a server problem?

The server broke down, it's fixed now. Thanks for letting us know

@pelicanParty I enjoy your game but can you add a kill feed

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im not sure if this happens with other players , but sometimes when you kill someone holding a flag, they respawn with the flag instead of dropping it .

Yes.The bug is always serious to me

been trying to get in a match for around 8 mins wondering if the sever is down.

ah yeah the server is down again. Thanks for letting us know. 


love your game its really fun.

Hey, it's taking me forever to get into a match. Been waiting 5 minutes and haven't got into one.

Usually it's almost instant it matches so quick. Just wanted to give you a heads up.

Hey thank you for letting us know, the server broke down. It should be working now

(1 edit)

Hey, if you can, make a notice box under "Shop"  for players to know when the server is down and we will all get a notification when the server is down(only if we all agree to the notification option asked by the game when the notification box is made)

when you make trailers do you join a random server and start recording or invite ur friends and record


Usually we record it together in random matches. I just follow my friend around until something cool happens

(2 edits)

Very fun game Pelican party, but I wish there were different game modes. Here are my ideas, 1. Battle royal = fight till last person standing wins, 2. Practice mode and 3. Hardcore mode=if you die u will lose your world. And when u kill a enemy maybe they can rag doll instead of disappearing? And finally, SUB TO PELICAN PARTY ON YT


We really want to add rag dolls for dead players, we just didn't get to it yet. We would eventually like to add more game modes, hopefully they can fit the current maps. Something like Hardcore mode, payload, or king of the hill mode?

(1 edit)

Hi Pelican Party I also have a problem, my audio keeps crashing 


src pls lol





Pl add special arrows for kings suit.

And also add more weapons and different modes of games. Because it is becoming boring playing the same way.

More weapons like swords, daggers, etc etc, right? I also want that too. The larger the tool/weapon, the more damage will the enemy get if struck by it


Now you should add more suits.


I have all the suits


Really? You have everything? We will be adding some new skins soon

Thank  You and I really have every thing.

Great game btw.

Thanks, glad you like the game. We've added king boots for the kings set yesterday.


i found a glitch: when i touch the flag and die, i respawn with a flag

Hey Khang, thanks for letting us know. We will fix this soon


for me the glitch still works

Here is are some  idea

Add vehicles like carts pulled by horses,or just horses etc.

Maybe add mounted weapons around the map like heavy crossbows

Add more weapons

Maybe you can add fire sources that allow us to light our arrows on fire and cause fire damage to the enemy 

For the upcoming game modes

I would like to see a full out war on a HUGE map ,something like Battlefield, with the objective to capture different areas , like area control.This is also where the ideas i mention above comes in.

Another game mode can be what I like to call Siege  ,where one team have to defend their castle while the other team have to escort a battle ram to the enemy castle.the defending team wins if they are able to keep out the ram until the time limit ,and the attacking team wins when they successfully destroy the castle front gates with the ram

I hope that this ideas does not change or unbalance the game,if they don’t ,I would like to see them in the near future


Super fun!

I had a ton of fun! Very clean art-style, quick lobby joins, good movement and good concept. I’ll be recommending this to friends for them to try.

I see character customization has been added. I have a suggestion, maybe you could make it so the more armor you have the more defense, but the less armor, more speed? And then there could be a balanced, inbetween outfit.

Hi I just found this game and I love it but can u add more game modes like team deathmatch and deathmatch and also can u add a character customization menu 


Hey. We are currently working on character customization and a shop, but this will probably take a while. After that, we might get into some different game modes. 

Will you add nicknames?


Yes at some point we will. First, we will add map selection and match-making. 

Thanks for reply!

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