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(1 edit) (+1)

Fun time with some random player who was very good :)

We did a 1v1

and they were smart enough to take a picture



but the score doesn't seem like they were on your level xd

I was just tryharding


(1 edit) (+5)(-2)

shot lil bro when we had the chance right after that me and Garry griddyed on em




Oh. My.

Violence!!! 💀

(1 edit) (+1)

says one of them who cleaves armies and does mass shootings against noobs lol

Of course not. At all.


gotta do one of those american movie thing where there's like 30 angles of you doing something epic of explosive or smth

ez. 0 damage taken

(1 edit) (+1)

battle royale in real life what the hell ☠☠☠

raccoon or squirrel? also where the heck do you guys live how do you get guns

flying squirrel

Hunting is actually illegal at the place and I also don’t have gun licence who cares anyways  I ride a bike without a licence

what country you from


You need a license for a bike!?!?!?!?!?

(1 edit)

yep need to be 18 but I’m 14

not much of a difference just 4 years off

(1 edit)

India but sadly leaving back to Ireland tommorow D:

have fun bro

ahh i see


Just exercising the 2nd amendment hehe

is this a cat ? 😭😭

no a squirrel..

oh 😭😭

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go to settings idk


u hav wifi?


he can’t play without wifi


cant help


you change the time, click the item that u need. It will say “are you sure you want to purchase this item.” After this screen pops up, change the time back to normal, then watch the ad

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you can't change the day date on chrome os. idk

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oh then you have to go to windows settings to change day


yo SniperBoi I can’t login to the clan acc

Hi we have a clan war of CS vs Cn do u want to join us?



U remember all what I said?

When is the clan war?

I would like to join




wanna join?

new clan guys!!!

don’t let starsket join

bro u liar...

… tf

bros cringe. He and sniper boo went to a private squad to talk abt smth, o joined and he said that if I left he would let me join… and theeeen ☝️


6RT7 for hgs

sniprboi can i join cs? :D



join H9Z6 for anyone who’s available 

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi this is CS clan account but we have 2 accounts.

What's cs



Hi we have a clan war of CS vs Cn do u want to join us?

im CS leader

hi I'm new here.(;´д`)ゞ


Welcome to there you have lot fun!

I mean this game, thank you ✨

Watch with you're words around here.....

And also you can ask like tips and tricks in here there's pros like 70, starsket, bowboi, etc


Thank you ❤ Please advise

haiiii welcome to itch! would u like some pocket cheese not to be confused either cheese pockets?

I love cheese\( ̄︶ ̄*\))

here u go! 🧀 

(1 edit) (+4)

m8m6 time! (◐‿◑)


why does left hand look amputated


Im going to make art too lol

SniperBoi where are you?

Hi we have a clan war of CS vs Cn do u want to join us?

Sniperboi why u quit

we can win this together lol


I have to go eat.

XD everyone's story

yo sniper boi I’m in that squad



(1 edit) (+7)


-1 for nothing 

I plus u


np it was a runnin joke k?

sniper boi?


Wanna play

so now the clan has haters?


Yes me




𝐒𝐂 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐩 💩🚽


alright bro. DONT BE TOXIC TOWARDS THE CLAN JUST BECAUSE THE LEADER DIDNT LET YOU BECAUSE YOU SPAMMED THEM!! SC is a W clan with kind and pro players. Don’t hate us because ur not in it…

You in sc?

Like me heheh

hey i dont hate the clan i hate the leader he sodumb he cant spot a joke

(1 edit) (+2)

indian spammer turn into indian scammer eventually 🤣


You Indian curry muncher get back to scamming in the tech support 

and also percyjackson is the most shittyiest book know to man 


(1 edit) (-1)

ur doing a perfect description of urself bitch

go away and suck on a dick

we cant munch curry


Dude you spam that's why they ain't taking you in and they real good

i dont spam lol


bet bud spams both chat and arrows

omfg U WERE HARASSING 70 BC HE DIDNT RESPOND IN THE FIRST 30 MIN THAT U SENT THE MESSAGE at this point i agree with 70 about not letting u into sc… 

-1 follower and blocked as well…

gah dayum

*in heavy indian scammer accent*

even I agree 

Well ur smart soo

ok thx I guess?

Bro this kid is all wrong… it has to be an unabbreviated version of SC if u want anyone to even care lol

(1 edit)

bet he can't beat a grunt like me ☠

haha… that stupid mf >:(

what the -

im mad sry xD

any1 know me

hi guys

i just joined

hello and welcome

Hello sub to you!

Hello welcome!


yello! would u like pocket cheese not to be confused with cheese pockets


Dedcells hehe


Damn that's real good like real REAL GOOD

thanks mate, felt like hell when I first started it lmao


do narrow one stop update?



it did recently with the new fearless melee, there’s a new map vote and it will most likely be “pelica island” with 64 votes, and jurgen said he’s working on the ??? Map

That's good.

i think there foget their account (-_^)

No they just made new fearless melee… and updated the ??? Map

When did the map updated

No they just had votes and they prob working on it right now

good night/morning!!

for cali bois, its good night here

(if you’re not a sleep-deprivated psychopath)

((which i kinda am))

(((don’t judge)))




Is eternity here



“say good night to chat 😡😡”- simin

if you are in asia like india russia or something you should wake up (e_e)

(1 edit)

i want to go to rusa to my famy

I'm in idia

day 2 of saying good night/morning!! :D

Good Night!! :D

(╯°Д°)╯︵ /(.□ . \)

Good night!! :D

good evening!! :D

good morning .-.

Why is my time zones so shit

(2 edits)

My aim is kinda garbage. Its not quite on the level of a noob bow spammer, but it not far off. I've set my bow + arrow stats to 4 travel, 4 dmg, and 2 reload to make myself spam less. Does anyone have any aiming tips or tricks that they use that might help me?

ur not the only one, my aim is trash 2 

Me 3

me 4

Me 5

Me 6

use b6, or b4. After using them my aim with the other bows improved a lot bc they force u to aim. B6 is for aim, b4 is for up close combat

U might need to spend abt 2-4k on bow skins and arrows tho

what bow skins and arrows would you recommend for B6?

frfr my aim is🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Deleted 13 days ago
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max reload and 5travel speed areow

b4 can be between 3-5 reload with max damage


basically just don’t give me a phone or I’ll spam worse then every spammer combine 

Train and practice. My aim sucks too😢

Anybody online?


heyy whats up

im in m8m6 rn if yall wanna join

but no guarantee

cuz i might be in one that u don’t join or smth

cuz there’s multiple

but ye

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I don't use chrome, but try installing N1 as an app and it might work

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bros the final boss of melee spammers 💀💀💀.    He didn’t even pull out his bow for a single second              Kuroi 


I feel your pain

Fr he’s such a try hard and then he’s like “noob”

Spammers need to be nerfed

bro he's not even that powerful unless he get high strung on caffeine or sugar or smth

Can anyone play?


Sorry, I'm working on school rn ;(


bro  I just get ready to sleep ,sry

(2 edits) (+1)

If you want to ban or report me, here's something you're interested in:

Go to Pelican's server and discuss: create a new ping @Jesper and describe the hack/cheat

for what???


wait what did i do D: i dont have dc :(

where you gonna do it even if you had dc 🤔

ofc not! Najus my friend and i wouldnt report him for anything ( even saying bad things ) also i didnt know it was a joke becuz im stupid and now i cant tell between a hacker/liar or a laggy pro player/ a joke :((

u don’t need to report me anyway I stop Narrow One so be banned or not won’t change my life



DDDDD: why?!?


whaaaat bro?!

what peice am I missing here

(1 edit)

im not gonna bc i dont even know if u did :( also bc ur my friend and i rly rly dont wanna report u and like star said looks like i cant tell the difference between an actual hack or joke either 😭 

o yea also i dont have dc… yayy :’)

What's the joke? 

I won't reportbi don't have dc

he pretended to be youtubers with the verification check mark


These days I'm practicing playing narrow one with a computer touchpad ... because i will have a good reason why i can’t play well


(1 edit) (+5)

this is how i look like on m8m6 (old pic)

I like it it’s derby 

also thank to the  china poor internet  to make me lag (……


(1 edit) (+2)

i didn't make this btw

Deleted 212 days ago






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