Do you play It is a game. I saw a player called Madara Uchiha when I was playing The guy with the crying emote, his name is Madara Uchiha. I am: 〘TT〙SwagFan
Announcement: I haven't been on for some time and something gave me a thought that we should do a private squad celebrating someone's birthday 🎉🎉🎉, the game will be hosted on this Saturday 2:00 pm(Narrow one game). I Know not a lot of people will come but hey if your timezones is around that time pls join to celebrate my birthday 🎉. By the way watch bow2dakings vid about his birthday on the same day
Announcement: I haven't been on for some time and something gave me a thought that we should do a private squad celebrating someone's birthday 🎉🎉🎉, the game will be hosted on this Saturday 2:00 pm. I Know not a lot of people will come but hey if your timezones is around that time pls join to celebrate my birthday 🎉. By the way watch bow2dakings vid about his birthday on the same day
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Can someone play?
snadow and ansy if he plays should go assault
Qoo and bow2daking should be snipers in the war
Clan battle starts now!!!
code: LK67
Hide and seek
Who‘s the seeker?
King of narrow can you play?
Bye Guest, I'm playing with you very interesting, now I'm busy
Pls join someone
Do you play It is a game. I saw a player called Madara Uchiha when I was playing
The guy with the crying emote, his name is Madara Uchiha. I am: 〘TT〙SwagFan
I play battle dudes and royal battle
Oh me too! That's nice to know. But their was a guy called Madara Uchiha
it wasn't me but if you wanna play we can
Oh. It was a coincidence
And you do play the game?
im here
Dan dan DAAAAAAn
Who are you? Thing One?
Pelican party does to ban the blue king in this party
Adolf Hitler back?!?!?!
So he was on the dark side of the moon after all
What two mhal
This is the C68M code to start the war.
Mh Al why did you shoot me😭?
Sorry my friend I was in a war I'm really sorry
.Friends, in 50 minutes, I'm going to put the code here, let's start a big fight.
Where‘s the code?
Pls can you do tomorrow Philippine time 12 to 2 pm pls
Ok Mighty God.
Well Im scared of this might dragon
Thank You. You are also too good 😊
Did you join the squad yesterday?
Ouii I have lose the game because it was a timer to return the flag
Cool 44 kills
Lot of kills
My max is 68 kills
Me too
can we play, LHFY
If you want to tell something tell me here
Why is your phone broken back?
Because it fell down
How could you let it
Hi guest my mobile is broken
But I'm on ipad
The screen is black
😢😓😭 😿
Goodbye everybody, I have to go
i going to bed its 11:40 in america goodnight and it was fun playing with you all
nod yes if you want to
my chromebook died
guest 303 would you like to be part of then uchiha clan
alright you can join
do you wanna play code: fnkd
Master archer when will you play?
cool count me in
Announcement: I haven't been on for some time and something gave me a thought that we should do a private squad celebrating someone's birthday 🎉🎉🎉, the game will be hosted on this Saturday 2:00 pm(Narrow one game). I Know not a lot of people will come but hey if your timezones is around that time pls join to celebrate my birthday 🎉. By the way watch bow2dakings vid about his birthday on the same day
Time Germany?
also can the sharpreport (aka my dad) be part of the Uchiha clan?
thats cool yes
cool name
tell your dad to send a pick of his avatar so i can make a picture again
your dad can be a commander
maybe it will also work to do a tg vs Uchiha clan squad tomorrow at 10:00am Washington not dc time?
Ps. Private squad
Will the code for this game ever be public?
by private he means we won’t be playing with people outside the squad
i should rephrase, will the actual source code for narrow one ever be publicly available?
Oh, I’m pretty sure
Announcement: I haven't been on for some time and something gave me a thought that we should do a private squad celebrating someone's birthday 🎉🎉🎉, the game will be hosted on this Saturday 2:00 pm. I Know not a lot of people will come but hey if your timezones is around that time pls join to celebrate my birthday 🎉. By the way watch bow2dakings vid about his birthday on the same day
Saturday 2:00 pm where?
just a game ill send the code
Envian el codigo pero nadie se une
Escuse I have no more connect
you seem to really be the sir lagsalot of us
When my parent see tv i have no connect
Does someone have a code to play with me
i wanna ask something
king of narrow
Is there a hack to get the king suit easier instead off paying your coins
I think not
Probably not