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Thank you deadshot for following me :D

Also your creator page is awesome


Thank you for following me too :D


thats insane



i wish we did have carbines . . . then i wouldn't have to do the frickin math of arrow trajectory drops


Deleted 6 days ago


join DM83

Hello star :D


hallo ;D



wattle ur almost at more comments than me already

XD I'll calm down Tommorow I'll have to start studying for next week 


(1 edit) (-6)

List of people I'll ignore and who should ignore me too so we can stay on a different page and out of eachothers ways:


Gray wing


70 (he probably doesn't like me again but idc at this point i didn't do much wrong logically speaking since i joined)

That's it, hope y'all from the list can go along with this if not I'll still ignore you :P


the rice farmer and zesty dam

at least not me :P


Nah you're good these are just people who don't like me and i don't wanna talk to them because then I'll get toxic




XD i have 4 people on the list and 4 downvotes


big surprise lol

(1 edit)

Plot twist of the century :C

(1 edit) (+2)

yay! I am not on there! 



Ofc you ain't you're the nicest person i know :D


yay! Thanks! :D


I hope u never get on DC ngl


Sorry but i will,also you are toxic too and there's way worse people on dc then me so don't worry :D


Also betty? 

We're friends now :D so dw at all

i won't join the main server or whatever dw

shiver my timbers

I guess you could say my fingers slipped :3

(1 edit) (+1)


would be helpful if you stopped yapping if you wanna talk so much do it som else half the kids here dont wanna hear your life story


Tyty :D

Block me kid :3


Nah just you ,far lands ,gray ,70 (i think) and boboi



guys can we keep the peace here? we jus got done dealing with bee and things were peaceful for a few hours so lets keep it that way :D


I didn't do anything wrong gray and bowboi just never heard of the block account button ig


i have 5 ppl blocked fym


bro i got two pages of blocks, shi more organized than the NU member roster ong





Block me too if you don't like me i don't want any beef




Btw bowboi i have nothing against you so stop worrying about me "yapping" I'm active rn because it's a little more chill in school this week and i just got an acca and just ignore me if you don't like me that's what i will keep saying to everyone who is against me for dumb reasons



Imma just ignore the haters from now on

If you have a problem with me that is related to a way i hurt you when being toxic when you didn't deserve it I'm sorry but when you do the whole "he just wants attention" thing and still reply to me I have nothing to say so if you have something against me that isn't related to what i said earlier in the message then I'll probs ignore you since i couldn't care less 

Like zesty if you don't like me just dont Engage in a convo with me :3

Grae wing did you block me?


Why would he?






(1 edit) (+1)(-1)


(im not a big fan of her prounouns why cant she be a girl or sorry them)

me rn



can you leave me alone

why do you ask

Tf you mean Dove stato e fabio? Idgaf where fabio went i don't care about this language Ahhh 


Yeeeaaa i think I'm now the most active itch member :P

(1 edit)

Like actually my post count go๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ

and why? maybe you should talk about something actually interseting or is about the game

we're in the game comments after all


Many people don't talk about the game stop hating little one and stop "giving me attention" if you're so cool


who said im cool? i never said im cool
+ the others dont non-stop yap about it


Well you keep doing the "he just wants attention" thing and you say you don't care,so then stop responding to me




I dare you to surpass broken in number of total posts

(1 edit)

Challenge accepted


Good luck! XD

Tyty XD



Hello mossy boy :P

no.i am..xD


i have nore posts than u

(1 edit)

Because i started posting two days ago and considering i Already have above 200 I'd say I'm more active (not bragging (I won't be too active after a few days pass)




you yap too much ngl

Who yaps?



You yap too buddy i don't understand people who say stuff like that ,just ignore me if you don't care about what i say.




Itโ€™s true though

I hate Italian it's the only subject in school I'm bad at and it ruins my overall end of the year grade :(


for me itโ€™s English not cause itโ€™s hard the English teacher is just a karen

I'm Serbian and I'd say my English is better than anyone else's in my school

for me itโ€™s French


new follower wattle :D

Tyty,i followed ya too :P


(1 edit) (-1)

Don't report me for off topic XD

200th post ๐ŸŽ‰ 

In two days :D

(1 edit)

Todays goal is 222 posts,that should be easy

How much time do you spend on itch

Not much, it's just easy to chat because i have it on my phone 

The only people that I know that uses this place for chatting is my friend broken

Now you know me :P


indeed I do




imagine if I get reported for being off topic lmao



I didn't actually report you don't worry

JJ43 for 1v1s for everyone 

1st and second person to join get to 1v1

(1 edit) (+1)(-3)

proof that i had 9 fearless because some kids keep yapping that i hack and lie that i had the fearless and also that I'm not actually playing on a phone



Looks like a phone to me :P






wdym lil bro


editz >:(




You think it's edited somehow?

Like your dad?

He's no more than an optical illusion


wattle!!! it aint that deep...

ok maybe its pretty deep



dw im joking :3


I was wrong … this is better 




Anyone wanna play now?QLR3

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Thx for calling me spammer and leaving..


Whaaaa :(


I'm leaving cos I won't play against u just cos u killed me by spamming.

(1 edit)

Also don't rage quit like that, teach him not to spam instead bruh

And u always ragequit...on squads especially


Don't spam pls


I'm poor now..

You will get rich before you even know it ;-)


I am gonna grind for fearless gloves next...

Yay,a good financial decision :P




New preset, I bought fearless shins, torso, 5 travel speed arrow and b2 handle:


Looks great!!




HEHEHE, it's finally mine, and I hit 90k exactly


Congrats!! ๐ŸŽŠ ๐ŸŽ‰


Congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰ 

Why would you get the legs before the feet tho ๐Ÿ˜ญ


...cos they look better

Nah without the feet they kinda go meh with other shoes



(1 edit)

very true in my opinion 

because the shin is bigger and historically there's more armor for shins than feet

If there's more shins then it's better to get the shoes and have more stuff to combine with them?..

i guess if you see it that way.  i'd rather have shoes to combine it w/


thx bro...



Howdy cowboys






I see you silver M8M6 rn

Chronyx did you get it the fearless?

peanut butter and banana go brrrrr :D


looks yummy!

It is :P


I am so hungry… TT


… wtf


It's actually good try it

bru its not. peanut butter stick s.

i ain't a robot mf


stick that hydrant up yo a-


up ur ass hole buddy

Thaz bee? Nah probs a random NPC

wabbit gray told me to tell you that i called her gay wing idk ._.





to gray :)

(2 edits)

Why the hate?

Also why did gray say that random shit like a movie villian.Say it to rabbit yourself i ain't free gmail.



Wat wta wattle water waterproof wattle of watter watty waddle duck waddle away waddle waddle quack quack ๐Ÿ˜œ? 


i cant understand shit

I can understand cats ๐Ÿ˜


-_- watty dont call gray wing gay wing plss they dont appreciate it THIS GOES TO EVERYONE ELSEE

Meh (sowwy but meh) ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜•

so u arent sorry or what

Sorry for calling you gay but potato is my idol



ye i alr get bullied enough

thanks, btw

Sorry :(

It wasn't supposed to be bullying breh


ye gray wing is a they/them and im not hearing any complaints or comments from anyone else

(1 edit)

You could say I heard one from simon ๐Ÿ’€ 

Also i didn't complain huh

I beg to differ

huh.. ๐Ÿ˜ญ no offense to anyone who took this the wrong way but its their choice



bru  we don't need to know ur shhity ass convo

Sure npc tell that to gray,also you joined a day ago i would stop talking 

you would stop talking but ur ADHD wont let u


name a person who asked besides you


fuck off

(1 edit) (+1)

Imma yap about a show with 15 seasons non of y'all watch called supernatural:

RANT TIME ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ ๐Ÿ”ฅ 

I don't like the concept of multiverse they added because the main characters just started to feel less important and like just another clone of millions of themselves. I get that chuck (god) is bored but like bruh there's other things to do as god instead of just maki a new universe evey week because then an archangel like Lucifer who was supposed to be one of the most powerful beings is now just on of the MANY lucifers out there who aren't even the same rank of power and all the characters stopped feeling that special after they introduced the multiverse even tho the characters really only interact with a few other universes.

I also hate the many plot holes like the power system which is manipulated to get an outcome the writers want,so for example one moment Jack (he's a neflim (idk how to spell that sry)) can heal a person and kill his own father who is Lucifer by the fricking way meaning he's more powerful and as we saw Lucifer can easily bring back people from the dead and considering jack goes on to defeat god je should also be able to do that but HELL NAH the writers said so marry and many more characters could die. And also we know he can like alll Angels heal a person but half the Time it's like they forget he has those powers just so characters could die.

Also i think they didn't need to make 15 seasons because it's obvious they ran out of villian ideas after season 11 and ended up making GOD HIMSELF a villain which is just bull****.I think season 11 should have been the final season as it had no reason to end on a cliffhanger exept to advertise the next season which led to 4 more unnecessary seasons.

Also they had a bunch of potential with characters like Demon Dean but they made him human again in 3-4 episodes which is just sad.

NOT ENOUGH YAP ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ ๐Ÿ”ฅ 

Some people also think season 5 would be a perfect ending and i agree but seeing what we got with seasons 6-11 i think it's good they didn't end it at season 5 but bad that they kept pushing after season 11. My ending would be to just not make Marry come back to life at the end of s11 and not introduce the British men of letters which would make s11 a perfect ending season with no cliffhangers.

I have much more stuff to talk about here :3

I think also don't like how easy it is for humans and later on literal archangels to come back to life mostly because this allowed for one of the main characters to die every fricking season which made me not even care by the time season 8 rolled around.

Also i wish we got more Christmas episodes but the one we got was hella funny when Santa got snatched and ripped apart in a chimney. Also the arc of characters being mad and leaving is repetitive af too with the main characters splitting more times than i can count Holy moly.

Anyways that's just some of my opinions,what do y'all think (nobody will read this whole yap session XD)

Ty if you actually read this ๐Ÿ’€ 

Nvm i read this in a minute max tho i read as a hobby unlike most kids today so but you should still take 2 minutes max or get some help XD

(1 edit)

I got an upvote XD


good day 2 u!!

Hello,good day to ya too :D



Top 5 memes of 2024


2-Ksi's new song

3-get out sound effect 

4-Thick of it

5-Thick of it

(1 edit) (+1)

From the screen,to the ring,to the pen, to the king, where is my crown thats my bling always trauma when I ring.๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸŽถ

That song isn't actually that bad tho 

I still don't like ksi tho because he attacked Dan tdm

Dan is the best :P

(1 edit) (+1)


gg nermalto

๐Ÿ˜ญ this hits too hard 

If it's online buddies then it's not is there but are there ๐Ÿค“


frr :<


Learn English ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Dualingo mode shiver me timbers

i can english breh and i did understand it but didnt react on it


saddly doesnt help me at all D:

(1 edit)

new clan 

Breaking news

I made a new clan called fcn (FC narrow one)

Who wants to be a member tell me  under this comment and Iโ€™ll send you a squad code and then you tell me why I should let you join!



Fc already exists ๐Ÿ’€ 

What a true nazi

fcn something else

It's literally just fc but from temu in the great deppresion with a nazi -_-

what fc are you talking abt

only FC is my FC


erm actually you shouldnโ€™t praise it bee was in there 

Me too…

Ye but it exists already and the n just stands for narrow one ain't no way you can't make up a different name

fc Stands for fearless clan

FCN stands for football club narrow one 

Btw โšฝ๏ธis the true football

If ur planning to change it to sn don't cus that's mine (ึ†๊ˆค)


(1 edit) (+1)

*get out sound effect*

I created FC september 2022 bruh/

if it's fcn im fine

He still is btw


breaking news : some guy made fc jr๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿซต

alredy a clan sorry dude

ratings pls 



and this is my goal 

(2 edits) (+1)

No offence but i feel like only npcs use the king torso that looks so bad  (go for fearless or something)

(1 edit)

but you gotta admit the hat is original 

It looks good but i think I've seen people use it before still looks gud tho

I use the hat for my b4



It would probably also look better with custom hair color

7.5/10 bcuz a lil ugly



Bro 5 years? ๐Ÿ˜ญ 

You already gotta renovate ๐Ÿ’€


Daily edit (i like edits)

brokengod i saw you in a towers match earlier :D


Oh true! Ggs!

Bruh I always saw u in towers 2 times

gg lol


I swear the pancake came out like that i didn't touch it and it had a smiley face

izzat a crepe :00 


How'd your test go?


next block but im terrified im literally studing in class



Good luck tho ๐Ÿ€


the power of

chat gpt

jkjk wish u luck!


W pancake, or crepe

It's a god DAMN pancake ๐Ÿฅž 

(1 edit) (+2)


Looks absolutely delicious 


Ye but i felt bad eating it


ye I would too XD

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