How stong is an N1 character? They can survive falls from over 1,000 ft without even a scratch of damage, shoot at minimum an arrow that can pierce(stick to) solid blocks of iron and concrete, take those same arrows and survive, regenerate from fatal wounds in seconds, survive multiple slices/chops from Katanas and literal Battle axes.... but also die to a fork.
Would that imply that the arrow just...float? What would keep the arrows up then? Even if you use real world physics as a reference it still is just a video game. Them arrows still stick to many surfaces.
However I wanted try something fun. Find my story and you might know some more about me!
Story 1
I went to Graters Ice Cream with my Mom, Dad, and baby brother for their anniversary and when my Dad was paying for the ice cream the cashier kept looking at me every now and then. Honestly I don't know why, maybe he thought I was pretty lol.
Story 2
I was cheerleading for my school's football team and we did a great job. Even the football players were cheering us on. We were so happy that day
Story 3
I walking on the sidewalk and out of nowhere this simi truck came along. It was snowy outside so a bunch of snow got thrown on me. I was literally blown away by it. I'll never forget that day
I didnt spawncamp your teamate lmao I was flag running and your teamate kept jumping on me from behind, plus he had like half fearless so he can handle himself
possession of unregistered and defaced automatic firearms, arson, illegal possession of explosives, tax evasion, high treason, killing non combatants , leaking military classified information, war crimes, mass genocide, ethnic cleansing, domestic terrorism
well it'd be a discharge actually realistically speaking
They legally bought it with their own coins tho off of PP. ((Unless you have a real licence you can't buy it, so PP would also get in trouble)-also all possession of firearms is illegal in the Netherlands (where Jesper and Jurgen Live)) You could also argue it was self defense. I don't see how it was high treason cus they were killing terrorists of the other color. No arson cus no fire. Not an automatic firearm, you could argue ethnic cus wiping the map of a color. I dont see how leaking military classified information unless ur chatting with other color kids and tell them ur colors camping or some shit. I guess wasting war resources (arrows). ye prob discharge but ur already a civilian. Oh ye, this is all a simulation so none of this is actually true tho.
I studied American Laws then Dutch laws for 45 minutes to prove you wrong. This will probably be one of the only times in your life you will read me write this. Bowboi, you were correct and I was wrong, congratulations.
being stuck in a room for all eternity without the ability to move, or see, or feel. The only thing, you can experience for all of eternity it baby shark, on repeat, forever, without end, past the heat death of the universe, with no escape :>
i think early gunpowder based weapons would be good. maybe that could be a bow 7: early chinese gunpowder propelled missile. they did explode, so this could be a one hit kill but long reload weapon?
β Return to game
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join 77QM
ggs!! :D
i don't agree...
both brainded .-.
I agree
.--------------------------------------------------------. its determined on skill
70 is better than naju? ._.
i dont think so
idk though
70 prime possibly beats out naju prime idk
join JYBY i only scrollede this down so no one else would join .-.
make it quick tho
tryouts for SC btw
I disagree tbh current snadow is probably better than the rest except maybe kuro
eh its aspect that made it
from a while ago as well and aspect doesn't play anymore I think so probably not updated
come on bro wheres Havoc and Naju >:(
dont ask me ask aspect
kitsune isint the best but like ok ig
also aussua has better aim then 70 but he won 1v1 recetly
this is a post from OCTOBER 2023 are you being satire bro
Ye makes sense
r u the real infurnes??
Its real
thatβs just straight up wrong
the worst classement ive seen in 3 yrs
All wrong
is this ur new name on n1? climax?
Yeah lol
Don't use b1 it's gay
i used it just fo two games before changing to bow 5
BoOOOoOOoohH !
TriCk Or TreAt ? ? ?
Ahh im scared
ZEPHYRRRRR!! PLEASE COME BACKKK sdjfhkalshfdkdsahfkjahsfuasgfiasuybfcuasfgku
istg the drip is fire the stats are not fire
Oh hell nah
i found an old screen of my first acc :D
nice kd
that was 1 or 2 yrs ago, now im on fire
nice, i heard u shared an account with naju
nice skin, i didn't know u had fearless hands
i think this was his old account
ok, didn't know this thx
On my new acc i only have the gloves
I have them on my current acc too ._.
r u guest 8156?
No that's my old bruh it's 9344 now
Cool cool
goofy ah head piece
Cool cool cool
Cool cool cool cool
Drug dealer skin
How did you know?
2 January 2023,new York, Queens
I did my first trade
you sold it to me... pretty damn good
Can i get som-
Cool cool cool cool cool
Cool cool cool cool cool cool
This is my fav
Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool
Most kills without deaths with b4...
Nice bro!
nice..i guess
Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool
what ur stats on bow
what's up n1 ?
not much..
bruh i won 10-2 against a 2Μ²β― member :/
hum gg
He also fell in the void like 6 times i think he's a little rusty XD
Happy to win that tho
Btw u played with pro king aka delta and infurness
I know bruh
He asked me to 1v1 on dc
Also poll results: (top 3)
Clan System 16% 10 votes
Game Modes 16% 10 votes
Tutorial 14% 9 votes
sounds good
good mornin everyone
also here's my b2 cus everyone be sending their skin
So u actually on the acc Xd
Bcs i 1v1d her and i won and she asked to me face rev and trust me or not but i do look a little like gojo…..
u face revealed to her!!??
big mistake
Oh nah...
Send plz your skins me this comment.
Who! Me?
here u go!
Thx nice bro!
xD,,im missing fearless arms..hands and feet
All skins
Thx nice
did i have discord cus u kinda left?
NicE BrΓ²
Oki nice
Fearless mmm nice!
I'm too lazy to do it heheheeheheh
im on 8.5k...
Im on 97k!!!1
what???? how?? what r u saving up for?
Nothing much since ill try get as much coins possible and then spend it on some fear
ggs Sniperboi
How stong is an N1 character? They can survive falls from over 1,000 ft without even a scratch of damage, shoot at minimum an arrow that can pierce(stick to) solid blocks of iron and concrete, take those same arrows and survive, regenerate from fatal wounds in seconds, survive multiple slices/chops from Katanas and literal Battle axes.... but also die to a fork.
Xd fr I mean like if u survive literal katanas then heal. A few minutes later he drowns
no-one said that it was supposed to be realsitic...
A pit is a stage hazard,
they don't even need armor to take multiple sword hits,
And the arrows can stick to/peirce concrete.
Would that imply that the arrow just...float? What would keep the arrows up then? Even if you use real world physics as a reference it still is just a video game. Them arrows still stick to many surfaces.
They are random
Bro n1 is quite because it's like 11:30 a.m. here and 3 a.m. in other places
Lol no Ohio
Answer my secret story thing will ya? I'm bored
hop on Asia servers rn then
Potato pls give total cost of ur shopping list
However I wanted try something fun. Find my story and you might know some more about me!
Story 1
I went to Graters Ice Cream with my Mom, Dad, and baby brother for their anniversary and when my Dad was paying for the ice cream the cashier kept looking at me every now and then. Honestly I don't know why, maybe he thought I was pretty lol.
Story 2
I was cheerleading for my school's football team and we did a great job. Even the football players were cheering us on. We were so happy that day
Story 3
I walking on the sidewalk and out of nowhere this simi truck came along. It was snowy outside so a bunch of snow got thrown on me. I was literally blown away by it. I'll never forget that day
story 3
Simi truck
Nope... And I better repost this cuz there wasn't many people
How's your night going everyone? Mines fine just chilling making lyric videos currently. You guys can get a sneak peak if u want to see.
ok fr goodnight everybody
bro crashed outπ
which one
the edits?
or the semi-crashout on the bow spamming punishment
I fixed it
ok now I need to know wat u mean
There was a shit ton of random code after the message
ye that was from tryna embed the poll and I couldn't get rid of it but then I did lol
R.I.P Michael β€οΈ π₯² down π
anyone farming gatehouse for coins, you did not earn those coins. sorry not sorry
20$ is 20$
8000 coins are 8000 coin's
one u obtain by grinding gatehouse, or kills, the other u get by work or βotherβ means
I do agree that grinding gatehouse is cheep tho
what is "other means"?
black market?
you mean like making a squad and going on btoh teams?
20$ working does not equate to 20$ handed to you so π€·ββοΈ
Practically, theyβre worth the same, arenβt they?
Morally, theyβre not even close to worth the same I agree
Well yes...but also no
what happened to gatehouse? i never get that map
yeah same but people just play it over and over for coins
Haha.... is that so?
what about it? i didnt pick and choose gatehouse matchmaking put me there
You're pretty good at kills, but when I saw you spawn camping my teamate...well that's where mercy ended.
I didnt spawncamp your teamate lmao I was flag running and your teamate kept jumping on me from behind, plus he had like half fearless so he can handle himself
and what mercy dawg you were trying to kill me the whole time π
bro I just tried gatehouse grinding on mobile, and I know take back anything positive I said abt it this shit op
FR BRO and idk if its just me, but when i started grinding i didnt get gatehouse once -___-
you're one who actually earns the coins you get so congrats π i wish gatehouse was chosen randomly more often but is is not..
no sorry I have church soon :(
oh okay
Final good night at 3:30 am :D
good night/ morning everyone!! :D
wow already
BG wats ur "good night/ morning everyone!! :D" streak of days
Huh anyways it's almost 4 am now :D
If I didnβt miss count, itβs 172 days
If bow spamming was a crime then what should you be charged with?
Death is prominent, it would be charged with assault and soon be executed.
I'd say its a war crime, so life sentence or death
possession of unregistered and defaced automatic firearms, arson, illegal possession of explosives, tax evasion, high treason, killing non combatants , leaking military classified information, war crimes, mass genocide, ethnic cleansing, domestic terrorism
well it'd be a discharge actually realistically speaking
discharged for wasting war resources
They legally bought it with their own coins tho off of PP. ((Unless you have a real licence you can't buy it, so PP would also get in trouble)-also all possession of firearms is illegal in the Netherlands (where Jesper and Jurgen Live)) You could also argue it was self defense. I don't see how it was high treason cus they were killing terrorists of the other color. No arson cus no fire. Not an automatic firearm, you could argue ethnic cus wiping the map of a color. I dont see how leaking military classified information unless ur chatting with other color kids and tell them ur colors camping or some shit. I guess wasting war resources (arrows). ye prob discharge but ur already a civilian. Oh ye, this is all a simulation so none of this is actually true tho.
they aren't civilians. the moment you equip yourself with a weapon you are no longer protected under the the title of civilian.
I studied American Laws then Dutch laws for 45 minutes to prove you wrong. This will probably be one of the only times in your life you will read me write this. Bowboi, you were correct and I was wrong, congratulations.
bro you gotta organize what you sayin π
Bullet point notes...
my Chromebook was about to die so I had to just quizkly write everything
oh ok
links crimes
arson assualt Disruption of Peace Breaking and Entering
Illegal Weapon Carrying Endangering Wildlife Forgery
Interference with Law Enforcemen Trespassing
thats not all of it..
being stuck in a room for all eternity without the ability to move, or see, or feel. The only thing, you can experience for all of eternity it baby shark, on repeat, forever, without end, past the heat death of the universe, with no escape :>
ksi thick of it too
That one room with floating head from Temples
Please vote I'm curious
how in the world did u do this
Tutorial would make n1 more easy for noobs.
Itβll for sure decrease the amount of people that shoot their own team members
doesn't make them take less than 5 secs to adjust aim tho
and harder for us
since walls map represent china . . .
i think early gunpowder based weapons would be good. maybe that could be a bow 7: early chinese gunpowder propelled missile. they did explode, so this could be a one hit kill but long reload weapon?
but yeah i think greek napalm and chinese gunpowder weapons would be a coo, feature, even if just 4 april 1
I think it broke
How I tell you how
is this the Ξ© clan acc or is it just a random who thought the name sounded good
clan acc probably or a member
Sorry for the 2v1 Sleki, I tried sparring.
itβs okay I did attack you I donβt blame you
i got a question
are you the same guy as slekcta?
where did you see this name, likely it was me but my friend also used this name
it was either me or infurness then
Alr good night everyone it's almost 2 am (fck)
Good night, you should rest more, almost a good morning there. Where's your play time limit anyways?
what happened to the beef γ
What beef? π
I don't have a limit breh
Limits go ring ring β
Limits go cringe cringe βοΈ
Like you don't limit yourself??
Oh that
Only family irl friends and studying are above n1 community
good night!! hope you have a great sleep!
Tyty almost 3 am now I'm not sleepy anymore
PowerPoint presentation go brrrrr
You didn't even read the first question...
I left to train b6 instead of giving you kills
Not reading the first question and not being obligated to answer it go brrrr
Wait what does obligated mean π
Fkc brain glitch maybe i should sleep
Come on Wats, why'd ya leave? You can't call me a bow spammer when you have 4 reload.
I called you a spear spammer π
And why are you even on gatehouse π
You wasted an hour of my sleep it's almost 2 am π
I have 3 reload π
Narrow coins
Because you sometimes are one
if he's in range it's not spamming
Not exactly sure what that means but coming up to someone with a spear and spamming it to kill them is spear/melee spamming
well if he get's close enough and is directly facing you then it;s not spamming
How's it not spamming if he only kills me with a repeatedly used melee huh that's literally just mele spamming
Stop complaining about me "spaming". You literally swapped teams when it was me and you against Krank
Nah i tried getting another mach but whatever cry about it
Changing the subject go brrrr
Bro thought he had a point or two π
I had 30 points in-game off you
Calling me a noob go brrr π
We all know the obvious
The difference is that you're good at the game and yet you just speedrun gatehouse while i am bad so i get most of my money there
Oh no i meant you thought you cooked with that message
While actually i Never called you a bow spammer and i don't have 4 reload
I have a quadrillion eye protection filters on my screen including a slight pixel-ization (idk how to say that) π
ok,ok how about we stop discussing spamming?
You started, i just made the PowerPoint presentation
wattle gets the record 13 comments on the same post in 5 minutes
Tyty i call it the PowerPoint presentation :3
Why use it then(bow 2)? Also you commented me on Itch for spamming and posted pic first.
Bro repeated the message?
So ye i said spear spamming what's wrong with the picture btw?
Also bow 2 is boring
bro is grinding the 1000 commentsπ
I call it the PowerPoint presentation
aw hel nah
Aw hell yah
Ye spear spamming
Not knowing English in 2024 seems to be a struggle
Because i would have no chance with b4 or 6