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(2 edits)

also pooster if u see this before u see my message to u can u dm me the π“‚€ account username and password

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bro wants him to dm the Pharoah

I believe pharoah is π“Šͺ𓉔𓄿𓂋𓄿𓉔; π“‚€ is the eye of horus

(2 edits)

im guest 6791 (505) im the  π“‚€  clan but im not pooster  i can/will ask him next time I see him on M8M6 or 696969 is he says i can i will give it to you A.S.A.P. 


rn im the one of the only people  grinding ;-;

(theres like 2-3 of us)

If i was in your clan you could get 5k+ a day when I grind.

ok...that sounds really good, but again  im not pooster so i will have to ask him IF you see him before i do just ask him for the info to be able to log in

(1 edit)

Ive gleeked on my keyboard 6 times today lol

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btw gleeking means shitting in a condom then freezing it and using it as a dildo... 😬 yikes dude

For me, my school, my friends, my family, my families family (me), and I'd say most of my state, gleeking is when you accidentally spit of a sort, normally when you yawn or you have your mouth open for an extended amount of time

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ye low key a rant/crashout

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ye if it were that...


I was bored so I made this: 

I combined every one of my bow skins to form a ultimate setup

It has:

Bow 1’s torso, upper leg and quiver

Bow 2’s crown, hair, eyebrows and quiver

Bow 3’s arm and shins

Bow 4’s eye and moustache 

Bow 5’s shoes and glove

Bow 6’s eye surrounding thing,  nose ring and tattoos


15 mouvements

9 Heath regeneration 

thats pretty good?

can u play?

yea, it is

Sorry gotta go to sleep :(

Deleted post


W trolling skin ngl


To go onto m8 and troll


my beautiful(but terrible) eye:


It's honestly not an eye

i know, thats why i said terrible



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what eye


More like a vertical portal to yellow world

exactly what my friend said


yeah, i can’t really draw digital without a stylus pen

what's a stylus pen


closest similarity to XXPP


:((((( R I P xxpp


I have a whole playlist that reminds me of that one month

brings back memories… 



Good memories

hey what was this coded in? did you use a game engine?

(2 edits) (+1)

I think the developers use mostly three.js and Blender for the graphics and JavaScript for the code. I'm not sure tho.

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I don't want to talk about him but why does bro have a clan


is that even for n1?

no :skull:

its an online fortnite ripoff called

ngl back in the day it was good for 1v1s at school

Show post... in the big 24 is egregious 

Y u subbed 

Ur desicion btw


I was subbed before everything happened, and even tho I odnt like him, I still try to sub to all the small creators out there so they  can grow. Even douchebags deserve second chances


Ok now that was a W comment


Ok now that was a W comment

He doesn't deserve even a negative chance

So ur saying that I should unsubscribe? Even if I did want to, what difference would that make. I could comment on his vids about what a dipshit he is but I am not the type of person to do that. If I do that, I believe I'm the dipshit. The phrase Forgive but never forget comes to mind. It is also in the bible to forgive.


I'm not*

Am is to be in first person singular,you then say it with and "I" so I am,not just "am not"

Or you can say I'm not, I'm is Short for i am :3


(1 edit)

I'll be playing Sunday just to let you guys know. See u

adios amigos

Did you notice lol looking like someone drowning?



thanks but no thanks

Welp ok then

very funny

(2 edits)

oh true! |Γ–|

‿︡‿︡‿︡‿ヽ(Β°β–‘Β° )γƒŽοΈ΅β€ΏοΈ΅β€ΏοΈ΅β€ΏοΈ΅


(1 edit)

When you come across a pro in narrow one



pov me


(1 edit) (-2)

nom nom ( pic from som kid on dc)

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fun in 696969

kitten apparently. idk who they are

I love the adjective "kid" :D


I see u played against rikki the b2 spammer....

(1 edit) (-1)

Hey you quit 1v1 against a spammer.


very nice

Damn you got a good kd

Here's a real rap song 😎



its good

Yay! :)

yippee even

might keep my user as β€œN1-β˜¬β–™βš‰β–ŸΖ§κ„Ζ±1κˆβ–™βš‰β–Ÿβ˜¬β€ ngl

any other suggestion and ill change it


(1 edit)

are u in N1 or is that just narrow one

If not then I'm feining towards π•°π– κŒ—β‚­κͺŠκ’’κ’’

(1 edit)

its just narrow one, and i didn’t even know N1 was actually group of people, and sure, ill copy it and see how it holds up

thank you for the suggestion nova

Most people don't use the N1 clan symbol ig anymore, dont know if its still around. Basically, Snadow made it uh I think his name was N1|Blackmill as in snadow Blackmill and maybe (might be wrong) is zephyr?? so u can ask him about it

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what is it with those kind of usernames bruh

For fcking real

Tf is that kind of name


GG Skrillex

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i dont think skrillex plays n1 bro


Huh, he does...

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he does bro



sheesh noice


I watched it 2 days ago already.........



Sorry but that rap song is trash... Too many cuss words



nice!! That was so satisfying to watch!


Also i reccomend a whole montage with the trophy bow 2

Nice vid tho

so uh, i played with potato in the castle map and they left like three times, the third time they joined my team and then left (even though my team was decent) and we won right after potato left with only two flags.

(btw potato teach me how to poost the way you do)


poosting is not that hard :sob:

well then how about you teach me

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

*sigh* i learned it myself except onim and 180 poost

we role-playing now?

and didn’t omni get removed or did i watch an old video-

Role-playing as become a thing in Narrow one ig


how tf does saying i learned poosting myself turn into a fcking rp thats just cringe asf

Tf wha- wh- the fck you mean role playing


This video is pretty good to learn poosting.

Of course it is, it's by the legend himself

the one and only

why thank you funlysor




"I know there are a lot of clans on Narrow One but I consider myself a "High Plains Drifter"..." Tiny, 10/28/24 1:33 p.m.


thx for following me


(1 edit)

"Ok" Riptide 10/28/24 2:23 p.m.

Also you only need one period at the end of the sentence. Check this out :)

Bruh. You are truly. HILLARIOUS! XD.  I am rollin' right now, thx for some funny stuff :)

wait it was a joke?

yep thats me the comedian im here when u need me


What I dont get

Thats, cause you don't watch Clint Eastwood movies -_-


Gn? It's 1:31 in the afternoon

for me it was 12 am


Technically we only have 2 minutes to live... Breathing is just resetting the timer..

Our DNA is 50% of the same DNA as a banana

Paying taxes is just a subscription to live in America... Being a child is the free trial

If the color orange is called orange, is an orange named after the color or is the color named after the fruit?...

Weird how being up for something and down for something is the same thing...

If you die in your living room, are you dead, or just knocked out?




very concerning that we share the same DNA as a fruit that is somewhat radioactive-

Agreed (btw besides the fruit one I got these from Ryan Lombard)

very nice

What the why you making me thinking about my life for some reason????

I'm just sharing the Ryan Lombardness.. Which is making people think about life.. AND RUIN IT.. Lol jk

(1 edit) (-1)

Quiters don't deserve followers Chronxy, next time just say before leaving a 1v1. I'm not giving a follow, ask someone else. Disappointing...


I know your gonna say I'm a spammer again.

u are





Don't have the time anymore. see you later...

Don't have time or I'm scared?

Everyone says that i find it pathetic but i guess saying it once won't hurt

Wattle he quit the 1v1 after I killed him 4 times. He just left.

I'm Chronyx btw, not Chronxy

so chronyx leaves games?


Not just a game, but a 1v1 without even telling .



Hello spamming kid

Fun fact:

Touching grass was invented in 2023,you may do it now and get some skills in the real world :3 

Not giving a follow?


Nobody needs your follows.

You have no right to call someone dissapointing because maybe you're better than them in a video game. I hope you realise how pathetic you are soon after me.

I already did :3,and i barely play the game now.

(1 edit)

Your missing the point and starting an unessesary argument,

The reason I said I'm not following is since he asked me to follow him yet he does this. I'm not even sure if I'm better since he left without saying. 

Also...Wattle this shouldn't matter to you.  You're really acting like the kid here, and I have much more better skills otherwise in the real world... maybe if you focused on learning real argumentative structure in stead of prattling online could your weak spam even reach 1st grade standards.


Hi Everyone 

Havoc For Rome 

Ive Taken a long break we went on a 1 week Vacation to Tennesee

I Especially Saw Some Cowgirls::)))

lucky, stuck in nyc

I swear you were in love with them



nah i aint of age yet but I would have the Cowgirls Gave me a Kiss

Na bro would grab em up and lock ur room for ur parents and do ur stuff


10 hours later u woulda coming ah delicious

Are they pretty? Nah jk


(1 edit)

Cowgirls? XD

(1 edit)

Thats nice tho... I'm stuck in Ohio

very nice

Damn Tenesee I've heard of the place before but never look at it ( in google of course) how's it like there

Nashville was great the scenery the foods and Girls was great. And sung some Country

ye im a day late on this one but whos fucking surprised that they sing country

the country music hall of fame and museum is there



bruh quad split

I mostly played with b4...a tiny bit of b2 as well...







damn how you almost always get good kds all the time

nahh, i only piost real good games..


Nice nice fiery mice πŸ—£οΈ πŸ”₯

Deleted 139 days ago

School :(

What was the post about?



Vader and I are both racing to 50 followers (on itch)... so please follow me if u want me to win...otherwise..follow him, I guess!!

Good luck to both of you!



Good luck

HEHEHE, i'm winning so far..

Welp, i was an hour already won.

wdym? i'm only at 43

(1 edit)

Huh??Oh well...I was probably on some else's page

could you pls follow me? i'm currently at 43 and i have the goal of reaching 50 before vader



Thank you "LOL we Already Won" for following me!!

Good luck πŸ€

Follow me me me me me! Only if u wanna tho

(1 edit)

I'm following you bro!


My bow 1 skin


beautiful blue skin


your welcome so much


it's haunted!!!





I like it

Thx :D



Looks great!




Thx :)

Btw ive gotten emails from the tsc acc




Nah bro

i saw you in a game, why’d you leave three times

Are there any fan art of this game


theres a bunch on discord

can U send me someπŸ₯Ί

(1 edit)

Nope :P

good morning/afternoon/evening everyone

Daily Image (this is for the advice i got last week, i do 10/10 damage with the bow)

L skin


well i would say β€œL Skin” also if i wasn’t as bored as you Mr. chronyx

im not bored


well cleary you are, you’re sending hate comments at 8 in the morning

it's 1pm in UK bro


i think... he (and everyone) is hating you for the damage protection O_o

Bro say that cuz don't have friends?



hes kinda right it is a L for stats skin ,but eh i kinda like it cuz its knight themed

remember the orignial knight skin? btw pelican blocked old n1 :((



Did they? I still got

Just get used to it. He just likes pointing things out...even if they seem ...."hateful"

well i honestly like it, if he thinks he won the β€œargument” then thats on him

10 damage is not necessary when the bow3 already one-shots with 0 damage.


so i was given false advice?


good morning!! 

how was your day yesterday

it was great, thanks for asking! How was your day?

Hello broken god:D


i was tired and now it is the time for me to take my pain meds for the whole week

Lol rip


good morning streak?

Not bad😊

Why you use damage protection?


because i do my friend, if i didn’t my k/d would be devastating

damage protection does nothing lmao it’s just a burden because it takes slots of more important things

(1 edit)

^It's a complete waste of stats. ^ simply

yeah well I needed to give a reason 😭 but you're right

Dmg prot is trash it does nothin


well now you tell me that after i wasted 10k on only damage prot

We probably should've told this guy, he is still noobie.

dmg prot is genuinly the most useless stat in the entire game. I would rather play with only 5 speed rather than 20 dmg prot

Lots of stats are useless in n1.

20 dmg over 5 speed fs 

Looks over stats

20 dmg skin is pretty fire ngl



Pls pls pls no damage protection


i wont

Wont wat

use damage protection

Deleted post

this seems like ur going for looks instead of stats

7/10 looks. Legs look a little bare. Could have replaced the shin guards with ones that ocver more. other than that, it looks good

9/10 bow looks. in general, i prefer the gold aesthetic more than silver

If u want to win games instead of look cool, I would get better stats like the 12, 12 speed health regen split

L skin tbh

Every1 dead?

Most of us are probably sleeping 

yeah, u americans...xd

whats wrong with americans (besides back in the days)

Can't even joke anymore....


Breh lel im from uk



Wanna play narrow one?

And no I'm alive !  🫑


not really...

(1 edit) (+1)

I want grind with someone


sry..not rn..


Have a good day

I have to do school :(


(1 edit)

A list of brief descriptions, comment what you would edit.

  1. Bow 1/Scout: most damage overall(average), shoots three arrows per load, ("mid-light weight"[Potato] )
  2. Bow 2/Assault: neutral speed and strength, one arrow per bow reload,(medium weight)
  3. Bow 3/Sniper: most accuracy, one arrow per load, 3/4ths hp damage each arrow(heavy weight)
  4.  Bow 4/Runner: quick reload, has to be fully reloaded/no charge up damage attack bonus(light-weight)
  5.  Bow 5/Assist: good for applying arrow effects/stun, needs to be fully reloaded/no charge up damage attack bonus("mid-heavy"[Potato])
  6.  Bow 6/Defender: a powerful bow which can be carried/swapped while still keeping it's reload , has to be fully reloaded/no charge up damage attack bonus, 3/4ths Hp-damage (heavy-weight)
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ye bro how did u forget abt b7

B7? Pls explain I'm an idiot


naju is very dissapointed in him

theres a bow7?

Heard of sarcasm?

yes, i was being sarcastic too my friend

Too bad that actually doesn't classify as sarcasms but as a joke :3


Bro forgot b7 the best...

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b1 is light-mid weight

B5 is mid-heavy weight



(1 edit)

where bow 9 😭


YES! New shortcut mastered!

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(1 edit)

crazy shortcut....can u do it with flag?

(1 edit)

Sorry but no, you need speed....well I haven't tried 20 speed tho...

ok, thx very much!!

and could u pls folow me so that i can get 50 followers> thx 


you dont need to do it this way though


knew it since the day i was born

Bro got born with a pc fr


i think theres another shortcut on the arena map (not the flooded version)


Here is my skin π“‚€  | mist

here is my name 2   π“‚€  | Pooster

looks great!

best of the best

I like it


BRUH PEOPLE ARE NOW CALLED ME TERRORISM BRUH at this point im changing my name back to pooster its better then notthing Bruh


lol - mist

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Fukk ppl dat called u dat shit u one of the best

(2 edits) (-3)

New name btw

reason why i changed pooster 

-People say poopster idk why -_-
-People say peester i dont even know



Down with ur haters

Who -1 and why




good night/ morning everyone!! :D




Gn :)


good night!! :D

Deleted post

heh we bullied pixel 

not the rage quit πŸ’€πŸ’€
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not the ending sorry :( jus before I switched from bow 5

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nice kd

I was speed running with bow 4 and had 140 fov lmao I wasn’t fighting 

it's still not hard to get a pretty good kd with bow 4 lol

lmfao who said it was I just said I wasn't focused on fighting 


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remember when y’all bullied me cuz my team was autusticer than me

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Poor him/her TT…

Nice teaMsπŸ’€

(1 edit)

Ok guys 1 more follower til 40 followers pls follow me (only if u wanna tho)


Actually two more now :3


Its alr its only if ya wanna tho

Nah I'm just kidding hehehehehe~

Oh ok

if I could id follow againπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Should we race to 50 followers? (we are both on 40)


Starting now!



ggs db heh we both had 50 kills but he got kicked right b4 i finished cuz he was afk ._. (also first time hitting 2k points)

Ohh u were a human...


no im a alien

I meant like n1 name.




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Nice btw



(1 edit)


yay you got itch!!!!!


i've had it for awhile just never used it

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