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Squad for photos private squad

No Killing

And the camera man that I think will be

Guest P4 or Assassin King because Mh al is in exams




Damn why not private squad

Guys in neeed to be the host to make it a private squad 

For The Photos


Guest 70 I enjoyed playing with you and all my friends but I have to go tomorrow I have an English exam

Why is he sad? :(Guest70

I thought it was :)

Good luck with the exam

Good luck my friend

Good luck my friend with the exam

Good luck my friend

(1 edit)

what was your kill record,  mines 81

My is 38



Snadow has 217 in one round ๐Ÿ˜ฑ



๐Ÿ˜ฑ. That's EPIC


Welp im dead

Yeah. Oh you know that trick where you can see game stats too!?


can anybody play?



have to go now, need to learn



Write date suggestions for the next event here

(1 edit)

Maybe the 17. June


I didn't play for a while an I was so hyped by the past few updates but Im still trying to regain my skill

Heyy, I was willing to play with ya for a long time. Pls join MMCV

I'm Saving For This 5000 Hat

(3 edits)
my skin 





cool, Same hat

My Skin:



Wonderful ๐Ÿค—


You Welcome ๐Ÿ™ 

good luck


Bye guys I have to go

Me too, bye guest, but I will still play today๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘‹


are we still doing clan wars at 10:30

I think you should add in game purchases and ONLY pop up ads.

What?! No add in game purchases. Pop up ads are good though

Yeah they're less annoying but regular adds...sheesh.

Yeah. I use a ad blocker so I don't really get ads


BTW what are your favorite maps?

narrow towers and the jungle/vietnam


Egypt, Castles And Towers

My first favorite map was Narrow Forts but then it changed to Narrow Towers then it changed to Narrow Hills then it changed to Narrow Jungle

Wanna play together?

Sure. Where do you live? I live in the United States of America in St. Louis

I got an idea, instead one minigame there should be more like 'King of the Hill'!

yeah or team deathmatch

Yeah. I'm kinda bored just playing the same gamemode.


Me too

Pelican Party should do King of the Hill, Control Points, Hardpoint, Payload, Kill Confirmed, and Pelican Party should also make a gamemode


That's from batitle dudes some of them

And in battle dudes there's capture the flag also


True. Technically, Hardpoint is king of the hill but it changes place

...Domination has always been my favourite mode in these type of games

also a timed odd ball 1 vs 5


Got a new skin after having the old one for about 6 months

also while trying to change it this happened


That's SO good ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ˜Œ ๐Ÿ‘ !!!!!!



You welcome ๐Ÿค— 

Mh Al I think my dad just played you and beat you, Iโ€™m surprised 

My friend, I didn't play with you the last time I played with pro king and also snadow are you sure? Also, if the beard is brown and he only has a helmet that knows no fear, then this is my brother or someone else?

He only had the helmet and the mostly golden suit with cape

yes he is my brother

Oh ok!


use this link

(2 edits)

I play this on, anybody same?


Cool skin

Wow ๐Ÿคฉ , That's SO amazing!!!

plus narrow one canโ€™t you put the settings where you can choose which team you want to be on

What if all choose blue or red because you in there

like I said 5 rounds who ever wins 3 is the best clan

today at 10:30

Is that Germany?

In Croatia is 19:25

letโ€™s do the clan wars 





Does someone know for Kahoot?

Me yes in my classroom we play Kahoot sometimes

In strings class we play it. But in indoor recess sometimes we do class blookets'

I do blookets

That's nice to know

Damn I do blooketw


Of course

of course


Watch this narrow one video

Pls everyone see it

Very good video! Itโ€™s good to see!

๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ I Rick rolled you

You know when I click on the link the vid doesn't play by it's self. The person who clicks on the link needs to play it and they probably won't play the video


Bye my friends funny playing with you

Thing 1 PLEASE donโ€™t kill me. 

oh sorry thought it was competitive ._.

This is my friend :)Guest70

Mine too!



Bye guys I must go. But it was funny playing with you Mh Al, Assassin king and guest ๐Ÿ™‚

Bye my friend:)

Hi did you just grow your moustache?๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


(1 edit)

I also will let it grow ๐Ÿ˜

Haha you were funny ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ



And you my friend

Squad name: MASK. Join now. 

hey did u play with a guest in the towers and totaly rage quit?

Dude that's not a squad

I went outside.


King of narrow


What's the code you are playing on?

I see me also


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