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haha silver i got revenge for you killing me at the begining which btw was very rude

I'm so disappointed.. you wasted all your bow 4 potential to melee spam... not only do you switch spam you also straight up spam your poost melee... quite sad to see you fall off

was it worth?


it was worth to copy someone 

spammers get spammed



id like b4 switch spammers..they are so annoying


it can be effective though πŸ€ͺ


switch spam at all is noob behavior


Spamm at all is noob

You can be able to spam it?

just switch from b4 to poost while clicking

nah it takes skill

yeah it's as skilled as the fake kuroi is

I just do it to king melee spammers


say that to infur

he's really good even without it lmfao, and he himself said switch spam is melee abuse

bro i wasnt switch spamming.. only normal spam. and i couldnt even if i wanted because my mouse is somehow still broken

u did both

Did you have a fake guest name before that?

Guest 0000

I saw u hehe

who were u ???

I’m guest 0001 πŸ’€

Ur Steve jobs and I’m Wozniak 

:0 I missed this! How dare I. Even L8 was there

Can u play rn?

Bro these songs are FIREEE


issue with this fucking guest in team of red:  bro thinks he a pro,but he isnt acutally,plus ur not even logged in,why?,cuz u dont have an account in google,discord,facebook,,apple,and why?, cuz ur goddam fucking parents tell you to not have an account cuz they're worried that you'll get scammed and get ur fucking device hacked and get ur personal info stolen,IS THAT WHY YOUR NOT LOGGED,FUCKING UN-LOGGED-IN COWARD!!! GET SOME BETTER NAME AND YOUR LOOT SAFE NERD!!

itch is somehow less censored than DC yet there’s more problems on it 

itch is known for hentai games ofc there’s no censoring

i didn’t know that there were hentai games

im gonna sound weird, but I am not allowed to play n1..i didn't have an account till like may, and i was grinding on guest account till then..when i logged in i used the guest account, so my acc is from both when i was guest and from now...

I got an account after losing two guest accounts, one with fearless bowtip.

you sounded very normal



u realize that bro might have an account and just named it that right… #dumdum

(1 edit) (+1)

ya i get it,but i just dont like the way that they're using a default name but not just any default name,a logged in default name,all they do is just change the number,thats the issue that i dont like with those "guests"

Deleted 104 days ago
(1 edit)

nice kdπŸ˜‚literally :confounded playing against noobsπŸ’€

dont blame the game blame the player (aka u)

why do we hate so much

hes the one blaming the players

but sometimes it is the players

no its not. it depends on how goo you are at the game, sure there are better players then you, dosent mean u have to blame them. you just need to get better

I can play today.



I know I keep posting this, but I want to be a video editor, so please I want your opinion on these


(1 edit)

Tyyyy, SUbScRiBee


Lol I will

Not sure if this requires a cringe alert, but here it is. I have 3 episodes saved up this week. And btw I won't be posting these anymore :(

- New addition, Chris. Jet's brother -


Chris: I'm bored. When is she going to get here? - Chris says while dramatically flopping on the couch -


Jet: Relax, she'll be here soon


Chris: Alright - He says while he scrolls through his phone -


Autumn: - Autumn walks in -


Jet: Hey Autumn - He smiles, yanking Chris over to him - Meet my brother Chris, Chris this is Autumn


Autumn: Hello


Chris: hi. Alright, can I leave now?


Jet: Yes, you can leave now. Sorry, younger brothers are so dramatic


Chris: I'm not that young, I'm 16 years old and NOT dramatic - Chris looks at Jet, scoffing -


Jet: Just leave will ya?


Chris: Fine - Chris walks out -


Autumn: Laughs a little -


Jet: His smile turned into a concerned, serious look - Autumn, about Chris…


Autumn: Yeah? What about him? - She asks, curious about what he's going to say -


Jet: He hasn't been doing well lately, some guys have been beating on him for whatever reason, we don't know


Autumn: Are you serious?


Jet: He nods - Yeah, I'm not sure if he's safe by himself anymore, he keeps denying that he's not fine


Autumn: Sounds like someone I know


Jet: Jet rolls his eyes - Okay, okay. However, the police have been doing helping very little


Autumn: Well, that’s not good… Not good at all


Jet: I wish there was something I could do about it… I mean there's ten of them. - He sat on the couch, frowning a little -


Autumn: She sat next to him, rubbing his back - I'm sure everything will be ok Jet


Jet: Yeah… I hope your right


- Chris walked home, and when he got there, he was in for it -


- The gangsters banged on his door, it was the same ones that were after Jet  -


Chris: He was by the door when they were there, and suddenly a knife went through the door almost stabbing him -


Chris: Oh ****!


Chris: He quickly got away from the door and called Jet -


Chris: Come on, answer please


Jet: Jet picks up the phone, answering Chris -


Chris: Jet, they're here again, I need you NOW!


- The thugs broke in and started to make trouble -


Jet: I'm on my way - He hangs up -


Autumn: What's going on?!  

Jet: He grabs Autumn by the wrist taking her in the car - Chris is in trouble


Jet: Eventually they pull up in the driveway - Autumn, stay and here and keep your head down


Autumn: She nods -


Jet: He gets out of the car and walks into the house -


Jet: He quickly tackles one of the gangsters knocking him out -


Chris: He gets grabbed by one of them, a knife against his neck -


Jet: Jet glances at Chris, his tone becoming meaner -


Chris: Chris hits the guy with his head, running away from him -


Jet: He gets punches by one of them in the stomach, and gets pinned to the ground, getting hit constantly -


- Chris gets pulled back, not being able to do anything to help Jet - JET!!


- Jet eventually gets beaten so much, he couldn't move -


- The gangsters leave and Chris runs to Jet -


Chris: Jet!


Jet: Chris…


Jet: Jet put his hand on Chris's shoulder and replied with a weak voice - Remember karate kid?...


Chris: A bit confused on why he would worry about some movie he hesitates to answer - Yeah, yeah I do


Jet: And, and Johnny… - He passes out -


Chris: His eyes widen and he tries to wake him up - Jet! Jet, wake up!


Chris: Tears fell from his eyes as Autumn walked in -


Autumn: Autumn saw what happened and quickly, with the help of Chris, carried him in the car, and she drives to the hospital -


- A friend of Chris hurried over, it was Dallas, she was a police officer and was one of the only ones that really tried to help -


Dallas: Chris, what happened this time?! - She says with a frustrated, and concerned look on her face -


Chris: They barged on in here and they almost KILLED BY BROTHER


Dallas: She puts her hand on Chris - I'm sorry Chris, I wish I was there to help


Chris: He sits down with his head in his hand - Dallas… My vision is blurring… Again


- Flash back -


- Chris walked by the alley and got beaten by the thugs, this really injured his eyes, similar of what happened to Jet.


- These gangsters try their best to permanently injure anyone they want  -


- Dallas comes to the scene, as soon as thugs leave -


- When they leave she rushes over to Chris, this was the second time they met -


Dallas: Great, not again. Where do you feel pain Chris?


Chris: Everywhere - He winces from the pain -


Dallas: How long have they been doing this to you anyway?


Chris: Almost, almost everyday


Dallas: Everyday?! Are you serious?


Chris: Yeah..


Dallas: Well, we're still working on getting them, they'll be in jail soon Chris, I promise


Chris: His vision was already starting to get blurry, and soon all he could see was very faint light -


Dallas: Alright Chris so-


Chris: DALLAS…


Dallas: As soon as he yells her name, she becomes quickly worried - What is it Chris?


Chris: I'M, I'M BLIND!!


- It seems like the thugs, using the same method they have on Jet on Chris, have done this because of something that happened in the past… But what? -


- When Jet heard about this, he was real worried. He knew what it felt like to not be able to see. -


(2 edits)

All the idiots, in all the idiot worlds, in all the idiot planets, we my friends, stand alone.

My message to the n1 community and any others...

If idiots could fly, this place would be an airport

you mean the majority of the n1 playerbase? yes

Yessir. Btw it's nice to see you on every now and then πŸ‘

even the noobs in other games are more adaptable, i player counter strike 2 yesterday in a casual match, the enemy team had two people who were much higher level and were also generally better and we noobs (i have only 22 hours) still pushed the loss to 7-8. with narrow one noobs you'd lose at 0-8

Oh boy

(1 edit)

Ty for the compliment πŸ’… 



there’s a lot of idiots

Bro my team was so ass the moment I needed them to work

Btw, both of 70's deaths were from me.

Augh, yes very sad


70? I think I know u


you of all ppl should know him cuz your both from long ago
bruh why are u stealing all of bowbois names

Just won 1v1 against Kerry..I wn 10-8

bro is 1v1ing every player rnπŸ’€

I think u have enough skill to 1-10 prime platon rn

maybe...maybe more


he might be able to get 1 kill on him if he gets lucky and platon is using b3 blindfolded

πŸ’€πŸ™ oh nah 

he lowkey carries when i play cs2 with him

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no not prime platon 

and platon could just win him 10-0 in cs2


I won 1v1 against axxed/r 10-3 


bullshitting my way through :D

I think you're doing great. I actually drew myself once, only with tracing paper tho

😭 thxxx i cant trace for wood tho so i died inside when i was doing it

Aw, you'll survive

looks great!

(1 edit)

art of the week I’m still working on altos n1 portrait 

I am Alto btw.

Oop mb mb ima change that rq




Bro choking his hamsterπŸ’€

that’s not my hamster-


chat do NOT get discord


don't worry this was me


On it πŸ‘


i quess its time for me to practince with BOW3 only



Potato after being defeated by chronyx(no offence)

i didn't 1v1 potatoe yet




I could see that


I've dagger ideo for chrismass


pls tell pelican on dc about it




are thees stats good or not? plus,i havent played in a while,so its not like i must have insane stats


Ye that k/d is rlly good for a new player

(1 edit)

It's about 3 kills for every death(a ratio).

yes, they are good

Deleted 65 days ago
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Deleted 65 days ago

seriously!!????,this all you gotta say!?,  "uwu" you fucking cringe ass hole,u know "uwu" is cringe and its used as a fucking meme

Deleted 78 days ago
Deleted 65 days ago

bro thats cap,there ain no way bro has over a 100 thousand kills and -3 deaths,you clearly used the devtool dumbass!, get acutall stats and not just some random ahh made up stats fucking liar! and that "Guest 7011" name is even worse get a real name bro and not a fake default name

Deleted 65 days ago

Join RN6R




Chronyx is rude

Nah, he is good with me I talked him in discord

who r u?


.... bros a guy whos been here longer than you..

yeah..idk everyone here

so many ppl left. white devil is bac now ig.. but theres its uchiha, rosΓ©, bluejay, aussua, apollo, clint, everson, white shadow (sky on dc), bester, jester, agenteagle, oklahoma or smth like that, a little thing(ok i know thats naju but that account hasnt been used in a while and hes barely on itch) also many more

r u white?

Yeah 🫠

which white? theres him white devil and someone else White Shadow, whose on the sc discord (Sky)

white devil

yo u should join in some sc arguments its fun and entertaining :3

im rude cuz b1 is gay

U said Im spammer

yeah..b1 spammer

he's not wrong


Bruh, just get used to it. Even in our 1v1 he called me a spammer. It's not even rude.


Dude literally called me hacker

I didn't even know how to hack


fr ikr

they not rude, they’re just nice in a special way


I think I won 2v1..reason why it doesn't add up to my kd is because they was laggy

W k/d

sus score lmao

i didn't even look at my score tbh

GGs Rikki..I lost 10-8 on onrmal 1v1 and i won 10-5 on b4 only...

Deleted 106 days ago

so your main is b4? main is b2-3 and my 3rd is b4

ohhhh, I used to be good at sniping with b3, idk what happened to me man


Great 1v1 Chronxy, your probably the hardest opponent this week.


Yo rikki wanna 1v1 smtimes?

Tomm is gud

your gonna get cooked

ik but I'm gud with b6

bow 6 isnt gonna help u... unless ur like blazyst or 70

I crashed


Lost against 70..he's a beast

πŸ’€ how are you slightly worse than me against 70


did u think i was better?

he used b5 only at the beggining

xd he could most likely beat everyone on itch with bow 4,5 and 6

maybe not b4 but ok

um yea 4. hes rly good at all bows better then me at all

it doesn't rly matter to me all 70s are the same 

but yeah since you play more i thought youd get better than me

wanna 1v1?

Bro delete TSC

cuz its not even know wat it is

Wt u got some kills against 70 πŸ‘€, he defeated me with 10-0 everytime with bow 5 :/

(1 edit)

cuz im not a noob

R.I.P. πŸ‘€


bro is one of the best players but he’s on a fucking iPad 

yeah..idk how he got that good

best  ipad and phone player in the world. 

he has a 120fps laptop but hes ahh at it 

and im the world's best n1 console player because no one else does

Rikki this ain't my game btw, it was on dc..How tf did red lose this????????????????

Lmao, I just joined once they won. Tbh this is so crazy! Only eight  casualties on blue, and Glitch is basically equal to me and a really good fighter.


glitch is not your level...

Wdym? I think he's good and we've 1v1d before.

nah you would beat him

This is called magic πŸͺ„

I don't want to be mean, but when I saw Apollo's pfp the first thing to come in my mind was the UPS I dumb for thinking this?

they look alike

yahoo mail pfp better than ai slop 

bro got that before ai started taking over

Lol, tg logoo

omg, I should definitely change my user to ups, thanks for the idea

Uhm I'm quite old here

More than expected

Show post...



hes calling you old


check ur posts 105 days ago

Yeah :3

Can anyone plssss suggest a good lego set (sry bg urs dont deliver to india)

Cheap, but great!

build a mini model from diy clay from refining dirt is cheaper πŸ’€

Won't deliver

Ima ask ma aunt smtime

Grandma would probably get a good "Lero" set for you from Shien.


YOOOO my school blocks some vids on yt so I just realized I can use a YouTube downloader and just watch it from my files




why did someone not like this?

No, I'm just scared to post my singing 😭 πŸ˜” 


(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Alright... You wanted to hear me sing


bro I swear to god I know u irl u sound completely like in of my friends it’s not even funny

(1 edit)

Really?? Weird

I'm pretty sure I'm not one of your friends tho. Pretty sure

I hate these laptops man


cant watch it because of the laptop

(1 edit) (-1)

Bud got sour after I beat him in a 1v1(he was using b1 & 2).

I was using pan melee lol.

he is hacking with b1 btw..he has that weird hack where with 1 loading tick you should 3 arrows...

or its just max reload...

nonnono...there is this hack where when u should reload 1 arrow u relaod 3...

already patched

ok..didn't know..wanna 1v1?

(1 edit)


"i dont tryhard much for a reason"
yeah lil bro prolly tries hard for no reason (prolly doesn't do shit at school tho)

(1 edit)

Good night/ morning everyone!! :D



good night!! :D


Alright how about it? (re-posting)

What is this?

Bruh, an edit



i would like to make a trade offer.

XD... Wait wut

Deleted post

Ok, next to your username there is a drop down arrow. Click it, then go to settings. In settings click "Profile" and there should be "add Profile picture" click it and upload a picture.

Deleted post

I'm gonna guess this, but scroll down and click save.

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turn on dark mode ai generated bro


ai generated pfp πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ™πŸ™


on god

White are general errors and red are symmetrical errors

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(2 edits)

clans nowadays got 0 banner/logo creativity 

(go ahead ik some ppl r gonna swarm me)


I agree


made it with AI?

How do I change my username? I'm genuinely so confused.  I have an account if that has any effect.  

(1 edit)

Click on the user name, the name above settings, it opens up your name then click the Lil pen and type in name.

thanks! :D


No problem!

(1 edit)

Btw, Any account type should work and give you the ability to have a name.

Deleted post


who are you talking to

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