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B3 is goated LOL, i cooked, poor noobs

u should 1v1 ping 18 frfr

Also was the Asian name guy good or just intimidating cuz fearless


he was a spmmer




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aint no way db agreed to that??


What is happened?

(1 edit)

server issues try reloading or maybe it's like that for everyone 

or maybe it's a coincidence 

reload page and it fixes itself

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Join D4QD


It's still alive!?


After 110 days



It's still alive???????

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What is this torso

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when i get the time i sure will

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that torso was never in the game they just made it for that pic or sum

(1 edit)

Nah I saw that one maybe in 1st christmas after the game launch (not sure)

nah blazyst even said it never existed

Idk maybe ur right 

Maybe old logo?


Playing as a guest with no stats


Wanna play



I amke code


(1 edit) (-1)


Squad split


sry and gg


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Nice it's good for training your aim


where is sleeky

im 40% sure she quit

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Nice :D

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Do you want more fruits?

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your getting fruity (crazy) about fruit lol

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Go discord


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Then just wait and May I know, who are the persons who linked account

then why are you on itch what makes you think he checks it


starsket send me proof about what u said.

proof as in what? if u think im dumb enough to run around creating fake proof then u need reconsider. why would i be taking pics of that conversation... also, my small amount of proof is basically all of itch ;)
and in this situation, your the one who needs proof cuz i asked starcast and he said that your so called "proof" of you showing and and your "fan" could be extremly inaccurate


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Sorry for chat spamming on Itch guys, last comment with pic.

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may i join the party with my awful drawing?(i messed up)

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ayyy my brother

GG Chroynx! rlly not used to this map tooimage.png


erm dont get mad but did that really prove mu is better than u?

Yeah, Mu's b3 skill is good enough to outlast any b2, and 4 play and Chronxy don't main b3. It's even more of a disadvantage on a large map like fields.


Agreed. Bow 3 (long range) vs bow 2 in fields is a disaster 😭 (unless I’m going against 70, he’d easily kill me anyways).


idk, uz he was using b3 and it wsa on that farm map...i never 1v1ed on it....but neither did he...


I was confused if Kendrunk was noob bc of this:(fearless b4 handle)

I didn't even noticed that

Deleted 86 days ago

you're hallucinating dawg

oh true true 🤨

i have a theory that hes secretly zesty

i only have 1 damage protection lol

Dmg prot is real trash

Actually 🤓, having higher than 4 damage protection can keep you from being 2 shot by a 3 damage poost(light-poke) meele

Nerd ahh moment lol

i use med dmg prot and speed w/ low regen. forces me to not whimp like 18 regen 5 load b1 spammers


im safe..i use 19regen..hehehe

(1 edit) (-1)

ohk  pls give ur op skins I'm a noob

Idk even I have 1 👀

eww damage prot 🤮🤮🤮

i use 4

A lot of damage items look cool though stats are bad. But same, I got around like 0-3 dmg protections. Otherwise, damage protection doesn’t work unless your opponent has like 500 ping.

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@ Kendrunkhighmar

Are you a new player?


He is lolol

He is I think


(1 edit)

yea just joined 

also pings don't work on itch dawg

good night/ morning everyone!! :D


good night








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Remove the 7 and the /

Ggs Riptide

(3 edits)

in the parkour map?

who were u

I don't remember seeing u 

I was sigliopti in the 1v1


u know the game diego showed with him and the so called "fan" did they both leave immidiatly?

Ye its

idk how accurate my memory is but i think they stayed for a few mins then left


Dino nuggs >:D



im still confused tho were u spectating


spawn camping :)

Thas kool...

I hate it when I get spawn camped in towers


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my new biggest achievment.

for contrast he lost against naju 6-10 

i cant see the scores :( they're too small

8(potato) - 10(ping 18)



damn ig ping 18 actually got way better the last time i saw him

nice....i would've lost against him but my ping and stuff spiked so i had 2 leave....

Deleted 86 days ago
(1 edit)

Lol I made(bow not vid) that one.

A new video coming soon👀






Having a clan where three people use the same skin, use the same bow, use the same fighting style, use the same melee, use the same NAME, and same account sounds like a...wait aren't you(Diego/Diegos) the guy who let's people join? Nah that clan is garbage 

How do u get better with bow 2 -________-

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k :D

3 reload 7 dmg with short poke (better overall)

3 reload 4 damage 3 travel with trident( longe range, struggling with aim

The arrows move incredibly slow so it’s about anticipation and predicting where the enemy is going, and when you can hit with arrow. At the end of the day it’s just practice


(1 edit)

I think +travel helps with fast moving targets past close range more than it helps with aim. Nothing but skill is going to help with targeting and timing.

For sure attack over reload. More 2 taps. And +3 reload still spits arrows in a hurry.


Travel speed is good bc It makes arrows hit faster and so you don't have to guess further from your target.

this is true. As long as you have minimum 4 damage on b4, you’re perfectly fine. One of my niche setups on b2 is 4 dmg 2 reload 4 travel

3 reload 7 dmg with short poke is actually better even if u cant aim cus u 2 shot way more often, so less shots u have to make. and if u think abt it, ur in close-mid range combat most of the time with b2 where trvl arrows make almost no difference.

oh and u can do the melee combo more easly cus better range

I like travel for hitting ppl trying to escape via poost but that's like dessert. 2 taps are meat and potatoes. You guys have convinced me to try +dmg for the tighter maps.

rn i use 3 reload, 2 strength and 5 travel....when im on 110k i'll prob get smt to have 2 reload, 4 attack and 4 travel

Practice like 70 said

i use 5 reload, 1 stun, 1 travel, & 3 dmg. it's mostly 3-4 shots, but lately ive been two shotting much more. imo you should practice peeking angles with head level aim

Use 10/10 focus and try 0 reload. (jk listen to everyone above me)

(1 edit) (+2)

diego... even if your story is true and all that, you need to get better at making it believable. i have read so many murder books that involve lying, alibi's and proof. allow me to demonstrate..

this image proves nothing. it shows someone named "diegotiger fan" saying that i pvped them and not you. but i dont see how this is proof. this could be you typing and sending with a different name.

this image seems a bit to good... you and diego fan joined a match at the exact same time? and why were you trying to get a screenshot? also ima ask starcast if you immediately left the squad or not or if you BOTH stayed and played..

even if your telling the truth, i personally dont think that its my fault for thinking you were lying. reason being: 

when i 1v1ed you, you said you had to leave to go "eat" when you started losing by a little bit. then immediately, i joined m8m6 to find your fan there. the fan had no kills/deaths/flags meaning just joined. then when i asked for anyone to 1v1 they immediately said yes. 

i gave code and they joined. i chose castle map(which by the way is real diegos fav map).  then i asked if he was real, and ofc he said no. so we 1v1ed. he had exact same play style as real diego, and exact same skins for all bows. then the fishy part happens. after the game which he won 10-9, he said he was real diego. I have nothing to say about this except that either he was real diego or there someone with more skill trying to make it sound like diego is soooooo good.

wait almost forgot. SOMETHING ELSE suspicious. you said that you had fans that are named "diegotiger fan" THEN EXPLAIN THIS!

so diego, even if your correct and it was your friend, why are they trying to make you sound so good. ill admit, your definatly a good player but your causing me many issues. and your story has WAY to many holes in it

also if u read whole thing, good for you. you will get 100k coins for Christmas + you like reading :D

and this was kinda for fun cuz arguing is fun :DDDDD


also improve your story skills cuz ive read enough books to spot holes in peoples stories...

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Ngl your are really chill.

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that's what i said 3 hours ago dawg 💀

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ye where is it?

u get on christmas + u need to join 2s account :DDDD
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soowy but its basically impossible


I told yall he was a liar

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Thx for 100k

In irl or n1!?

u need 2s account :3

giv pw and username :3

I ain't reading all that

(1 edit) (+1)

ef and diego is shit ngl


yes i do like readibg how did you know

also nice arguement and good points

1:I want my 100K now

And dontchu dare say I need 2s acc since the access for it is more narrow than a churchboy's blackhole

ok first you right click and select inspect. then u find the number of coins u currently have. then u edit it to 100k :3


:p woah you really think that Elite whatchamacallit?


yoooo that guy sounds accurate 

💀 fr

Pretty accurate if you ask me

bruh this is not he, who is this

well judging my the way that i think is VERY obvious that u created fake info, id say that we are simply showing how we feel and belive your posts
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wow u are getting better 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

Nice job :DDDDD

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nice :D

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It's good! Hope I get to fight ya someday once you've reached your apex in skill.

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very nice!


But still good



we ALL know it was u


sure sure any proof?




Nah bro im leaving this clan :skull:

love how your acting like this is proof. u could have typed it with different name and took screenshot

That's what I thought.


Give me ef acc

Naaa if u join ef clan ur not real

shattap diego didnt u broke up with betty????

i think u mean sharp💀


starsket is rude with me when he pvp with my classmates ANDREA.



pls PLS stop acting like this is proof.

starsket your start first

why r u tryin to avoid answering what i actually said in my post.

“🖤🖤” lowkey be looking like Qoo

bullshit bacot lu ngentot anak anjing 

1v1 w/Jasonstorm (he's more annoying than you guys know)

btw i am diegotiger


bruh starsket is taling fake thing to me :(

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isnt that a little bit random




this is channel

this video is 2 gud players :D

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not to hard :)

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its almost like the top 2 players are good at the game or smth. (sarcasm is my sense of humor plz dont take offense to these)

but ye staying still is a rlly bad idea, and aiming while moving is a must, like in any other shooter. It mostly comes with hours of experience. Familiarity with maps also comes from experience as well. Knowing how fast you can poost and run with your setup is a must. I usually use b2,4 high speed to mid speed setups, with fast switching melee, low distance, so using a b3,6 high regen setup with gatehouse (5 reach poost) really trips me up


Lol I can see that for you.

Very true

I remember first seeing this. Had hopes for Naju but Snadow won.

Still, the 1v1 was so interesting to watch. Both played very well!

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(2 edits) (+1)

I wasn't here all day but chronyx is fr being uncharacteristically hater-like today

(-1) angry,  idk why

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