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It's 0:26 at 12:25. now. I'm going to bed. Today is just an ordinary one of all the ordinary school days, but I will buy myself a small handicraft to treat this year. By the way, Merry Christmas to everyone.(stay up late again)

Deleted 56 days ago


Merry Christmas




I have a gift for you🌹If you want to post in the comment section, that's fine😪Christmas will pass in 4 minutes💤💤

I love it~ I'll keep this with me, and I won't post because gifts like these are personal to me. I like it soo much, thank you!


Deleted 33 days ago

Where are the holly berries?

Deleted 33 days ago
Deleted 67 days ago
Deleted 33 days ago


Deleted 33 days ago


(2 edits)

this Indian rap rate outta ten pls

— 𝓜𝓻.𝓒hicken-𝓒urry


hydro istg join 3B3M 3B3M rn ibs is there

b3 and some 2 gameImage

Nah brother made red flee in fear lmao half if them are missing amazing k:d btw 

— 𝓜𝓻.𝓒hicken-𝓒urry

ty...yeha, the b1 spammer in their team ragequited

(1 edit)

pls no hate guys I’m a decent cook I make curries n stuff regular Indian activity . I made some healthy baked nuggies 

Eh idk it’s mid  my fat ass couldn’t taste the chicken though …only bread and not nice things 

— 𝓜𝓻.𝓒hicken-𝓒urry (aka hydro)

Bro that cookie is claiming to be eaten... for rest in peace

Looks better than the chimichangas i made once.....

-𝓜𝓻. 𝓛𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓵𝔂

just came over these screenshots ive taken(old)

was that on th 19th of june?


long time ago

Dad bot💀

yeah dont mind him :3

What’s the black and white circle server


its far lands dead server uh forgott name


time for B1 practice :D




the fuck are you ewing at!, at my post or what!?

at bow 1


your ewing at bow1?,the fuck is wrong with bow1? in fact i do like bow1 actually,so whats wrong with bow1 anyway😒???

why bro swearing? you got ADHD or something???

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 stfu and stop swearing at everyone and everything

b1 is op as fuck, requires no skill, and is the best course range bow since it has egregiously high reload

Deleted 56 days ago


only thing thats wrong with it is that everyone think that its a spammer bow because it reloads way to fast.

it is

try another bow y’all shouldn’t use b1




Bro be life

Im out

(1 edit)


Everybody!!! Hotdogman posted this new banger!!!

:O omg!


My maths maam who is loved by everyone is going away😭😭😭



Yeah why ?

— 𝓜𝓻.𝓒hicken-𝓒urry (aka hydro)


have fun!


Deleted 33 days ago

I didn’t ping 18 did

Deleted 33 days ago


Alr map hint for golden egg



Can it be found in public and private matches?

Is it on a specific side? red/blue? or both?

I see red in that pic so try near red it’s not under the bridge thing bro or under neath the castle or neither is it in those cramped sniping spot that I can also jump out off either so I’m kinda lost and I’ll what they mean by the ginger  bread man as it’s shown the pic did showed us 😐 

— 𝓜𝓻.𝓒hicken-𝓒urry (aka hydro)

I found the exact spot the camera is in, no egg, no secret entrance, a weird hitbox on the 2 big presents in the wall, im prob missing something that i need to be holding or smth like that...

-𝓜𝓻. 𝓛𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓵𝔂

bow 3 with rapier (rapier is kinda boring, might not use it often)


good nigh/ morning everyone!! :D

Good mornin' Brokengod!

good night!! :D

Good Night

good afternoon🦖🦖

(1 edit) (+1)

bow 3 with no melee! Maggot killed me then left 😡

Nice kd


really nice!

lol he came to end ur kd

U know maggot midget is a girl right?

— 𝓜𝓻.𝓒hicken-𝓒urry


Hey hey hey Bob serie is there!

Jerry joined the game!

Jerry vs Bob!!!

The funniest moment 

What is you favorite day??

jerrryyyyy :DDDDDD


my fav is all!!!

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i love them all sad that it has to end :(


I love them all! Can’t wait for Christmas 🎄 

question: last time there was smt on pp's patreon u got it it possible for this one as  well?


Personally, I like the fourth day the most ☺️ It's a nonsensical cute and stupid story, which comforts me for a whole day

(1 edit)

update lil bro got humbled real bad he left lmfao 

— 𝓜𝓻.𝓒hicken-𝓒urry (aka hydro

(1 edit)

ahem why is pantherbeing an ass towards ZURGL TODAY ? CAN SOME1 EXPLAIN and why TF is there a fake aah two es who talks in nothing but brain rot and has no brain cells to understand who I’m talking to lie lil bro butts his nosey ahh in mine and panthers convo’s like dude who asked u son? 

— 𝓜𝓻.𝓒hicken-𝓒urry (aka hydro

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What's with the new npc "sk" clan 

it has been for decades

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ive never seen it till today in m8m6 there were like 4 npc ahh kids on the clan acc ig

you mean sweat killers? man i used to be in that clan like 2 years ago, never met anyone else in it, so i quit and joined uc

(also quit uc) now I'm kind of clanless

Show post...

most clans are pointless,kids just join for fearless 😭 Ive Basically never been in a clan

Yeah, i don't understand people who join tons of clans.

skullfire clan ngl no clue but ik skullfire personally 

Lol, I love making some trouble! Hehehe Hydro and Godzilla hehehe

hydro got scared lmfaooo


U can’t lie tho 

— 𝓜𝓻.𝓒hicken-𝓒urry (aka hydro)


Alr so me and a select few discord gooners for the golden egg. All im gonna tell u, is that’s it’s well hidden. Good luck

I hope this is real and I’m not wasting 1hr+ of my life looking for a virtual golden egg. But does it really give 20k coins?

no? It only gives 2k coins

Okay lol, a few people kept saying it gave 20k. I’ll go see if its real.

its real its just rly well hidden

can you help meh find it

Deleted 56 days ago

Not my no life a** looking for this thing by walking around and using 3d person to xray through every object i can think of on the map .💀 

By the way i found smthin up in the sky in spectator mode, a lil floating bush or something, i havn't gotten a good look at it yet

Deleted 67 days ago

. .


wow its snadow





: - :


If the vid don’t work click this link

— 𝓜𝓻.𝓒hicken-𝓒urry (aka hydro)

hdyro u….fatty join m8m6


-𝓜𝓻. 𝓛𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓵𝔂

Nooo....he(Cerezo)was waiting at the top of Parcour for me, but the Reds wouldn't let me pass. He even copy my skin....

bro got an fan


I've been playing N1 there and I didn't draw for someone for free😪😪I’ll sleep 💤

No way is 00:08now

Try drawing your own character. Or try making a character original to you!



You cook? No, but I grind Image

WaNNA play I'm alone :(

whyd u left the 1v1 bru

what 1v1

sniper vs rabbit.

i awsn't in that 1v1

I drink my coffee


huh. what the fck is that gonna mean

Bro was sleeping 

no, can't anymore


yea u don’t cook :0 yOu sWeAT 😓 


(1 edit)

giving bro a heart attack real quick

oi oi oi

bbreh..i do most of these everyday

you apply to mc. donalds every day? how desperate are you for a job?


(2 edits)


almost that time of year so I just wanted to ask HOW MANY MEN  ACTUALLY WANT THESE

— 𝓜𝓻.𝓒hicken-𝓒urry (aka hydro)

(1 edit)

All other than the spa day 👍

-𝓜𝓻. 𝓛𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓵𝔂



Pelican party





ye lol







he innocent now he not innocent

Guys check on mouse mouse fast!



yes ile


Gofzilla when u start grinding? 

Just asking btw

And from now ur name is gofzilla cuz


ye gimme some time :3

Can u tell the date tho

In how many days

(1 edit)

gimme sometime

sure np

Hello helloh helo

Hi hih hai

hao er you

Hello! How are you?

It's pissing me off. A bow3 player keeps shooting people in one place, and my only teammate and I can't get a flag, and the guy won't get ours.

(1 edit) (+3)

that’s actually a skill issue

Lol rip


When I become stronger👁️👁️👁️

if you become stronger

🥲I don't have time

if you become stronger

practice the drunken sprint technique. (move unpredictably so they cannot calculate your moves properly)

wow what is that🤔

am i cooked



What does that mean?🤔

cooked in this scenario means “done for” or “over”



(1 edit)

aking if career is over because lost too much skill


you have a good kd, so probably no

it's m8 though

Yes ur kds weird

anyone know about the golden egg on snowy stronghold?

what golden egg?


oh yeah its very well hidden youll find it eventually

Can u tell splsplspls

U need full fearless to find it so gotta lick

nah jk u don’t need full fearless

U need friends🫵🤣

can u elaborate?


Best roast💀

Good night/ morning everyone!! :D

(I was coaching ski today and yesterday so that’s why I was absent)


Dw we don't mind if ur absent! 

Also here is a strek freeze❄❄🔥

good night!! :D

oh its night now

Deleted post
(1 edit) (+1)

Hey I want to Join T7 clan, but I dont have discord, can someone reach out to me from T7 PLS!

U can’t without dc

As of today, to join T7 the members have to invite you. So, I think to join T7 they kind of have to like you for your skill or something like that. But yeah, you need to have the T7 discord server.

Do you know anyone in T7

no, but ik a few members

What are their names?

Also where can I find them that is not discord

As you can see, my iPad got blocked again

So here is the day of Bob and Jerry but the presentation sucks

Sorry 😢 

Today Bob and Jerry meets the Santa Claus!!

He brought some gift for our two friends!

A knife for Bob…

And a sword for Jerry!!!

But… wait what???



so the santa captured Jerry

Will Bob save Jerry?

You will know it on the next episode!!!

To be continued…

Bro... Santa or should I say Satan, came back 🤷‍♀️😬


No seriously bro I like ur comic, I was kidding the other day



Bruh upvoted his own comment thru my acc


thats very sigma

yes very sigma

Santa is gonna execute Jerry, or use him as a unpaid factory worker.


lol, bob shouldn’t save jerry he’s a murderer



i didnt report lol

lol ik


I have a hunch that u like Firefox a lil

just a hunch

Nah i was just boring ( technology lesson) 



Rip santa

Summary in Chinese:


pretty accurate XD

I smiled with relief

:O can’t wait for the next part!!


bro actually wanna take off his leg or smt

nah, just had a scab

and erm.... today at chruch, after service was finished, me and some other kids were using chalk and tryna draw a mark as high as possible... I jumped sideways and i scratched the scab



(1 edit)

ouch, all i did at church was leave before the potluck started :(


ur leg looks like a stick icl



Looks like a long potato



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