We'll be trying out a new gamemode every week. This weeks gamemode is Free for All. If you want to opt-out of weekly gamemodes, you can change the 'gamemodes' setting to 'ctf' to force the game to use Capture the Flag instead. Or you can set it to 'weekly' if you only want to try Free for All. Keep an eye out for another gamemode next week!
also i reccomend you to make it possible to pause your game in the free for all because rn if you go afk you will just get farmed because there's no spawn or safe spot to go afk in
Also maybe make the flags count on the scoreboard be for assists instead because there are no flags in this game mode , or make it for headshots tho assists make more sense
also a win bonus would be rly nice like 100 points that is already in pubs soo
There are a few bugs and here are a few recommendations:
Can you make it so that there is some type of Force-Field for 3 seconds after dying, where you can’t kill or (especially) be killed?
Can you also add the last flag song when there is 30-15 seconds left as well, or make it so that a game closes when there is 1:00-30s left? Because I never can stop joining late.
There is also a spawn in tombs where you can’t escape, causing you to rejoin the game, so can you please remove it?
Sometimes people also leave games, causing you to be alone for the rest of the time. I don’t think there is a way to possibly fix this so it’s okay, as most of the time you won’t get many coins anyways.
And if you win, can you add 100+ Winning points like in the normal CTF mode? It’s a lot to ask for so sorry lol. Anyways, wonderful update and can’t wait for the new game modes! :D
That’s only if they add a forcefield. It doesn’t seem fair that someone can kill you, but it is impossible to kill them for ~3 seconds. Which is the time it’d probably take a b2 or b1 user to kill you.
SOOOOO I'm learning Russian... this is prob a mistake but hopefully I'll stick at it and not just give up and forget like Spanish...
anyways i just figured out how to change keyboard languages so here is the only word i know
Pronounced as Blyat and roughly translates to either "wh*re, Sh*t, F*ck, or D*mn. whish me luck in this process, i need to memorize the whole Cyrillic alphabet and its keyboard layout 💀
so i guess every time i use a new setup ill post a review and analysis of it here so ye. idk how often ill post these tho
speed demon b4 stats
20 speed
4 health regen
5 reload
5 stun
gatehouse poost
I played a few m8 games with this and i can confidently say that i cannot properly use this. The minuscule amount of damage everything does, from the melee, to the headshots, to everything else, thats the main drawback of this setup. This setup is what i believe to have one of, of not the highest skill ceilings in this game, In order to do any damage at all, u need to essentially hit 75% of ur shots with at leaast half of those being headshots. You also dont have the privelage of using a high damage melee, since gatehouse does shit damage. the main attractor to this setup is the fact that you are the fastest person in the entire lobby, as this is the objective fastest setup in the game, hence the name speed demon. One of the advantages of this bow is the fact that you can slow ppl down if ur good at all, due the crazy amount of stun and reload you have, which makes this essentially a fast moving slow attacking b5. The lack of regen is honestly not that big of a problem, since if ur in trouble u can just run away really fucking fast. The use of poost is probably most strategic on this setup, bc if u go really fast u can just fucking speed across the map in like 15 seconds. If u go too fast u get speed capped, and this is the first setup where getting speed capped in combat is an actual issue. If used properly however, this might be the best b4 setup, although the same setup but with damage might be better, but i dont wanna test that out. A problem with this setup is actually the price. It takes abt 10k to get everything assuming ur starting from a fresh acc. The bow and melee cost an astonishing amount of money, at abt 8k, while the armor is decently cheap. If u have enough patience to get the items required, and practice the bow, I would heavily recommend trying it, even for fun. Some things i have noticed after using this bow is that im consistently getting more headshots on every other bow. This bow cannot work well without headhsots, so i guess i just got used to headshoting so this setup is great for forcing u to use heashots.
Gatehouse is good if you want speed (good for grinding, speedrunning, long jumps, ect) because its poost distance is a lot higher because of the reach (don't ask my how that works i don't write the code)
Life hack, if u convince her to bake, whenever ur doing work ur gonna randomly get some really good baked good. As long as u convince ur parents to get the materials for baking and u convince her to bake
im not sleeky but THAT STUFF IS EXPENSIVE AS F*CK AND DOESNT EVEN WORK WTF AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE STUPID THINGS (other than squeezing the sh*t out of them and hoping for the best)
also ngl, they need another map other than alts, maybe like a little enchanted forest map where the flags are inside a secret vault that has already been open or something (kinda like a mix of graveyard, tombs, jungle, desert, and hills)
but then again, the forest could have signs that say “keep out” and a wall ig to keep people out, though the walls would be worn down from how long its been there
maybe it could go with the little enchanted forest idea, maybe a little puzzle to get into the place that the tribe used to inhabit before something happened
narrow one when you are outnumbered by spammers , b1 players, or playing in m8 lobby makes makes it a bullet hell game, and a pioneer of a unique genre of 3d bullet hell.
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this a song?
my friend what?
No win bonus for ffa
I am gren too now.
the tombs and fields spawn glitch on ffa was patched
How do you know when you win in this new mode?
You have the most kills/you're on the top of the leader board.
Can't wait to play it👍🏻
top of scoreboard
You get highest kill I guess
I want a search and destroy mode next. have to buy all sorts of weapons and win rounds
Cs:Go in narrow one before gta6
Squad split ):
Gg :)
bro how is everyone meeting the devs but me 😭
i think you gotta join like every map when another one ends to see if they are on it or not
I used to see Jesper quite a few times in m8m6, I don't know if he still plays there
Lol same
Very hard found Jesper and pelican
ye and he was not even in squad
I played SuperLiminal for three days and passed the challenge mode 👍🏻 I'll be back tomorrow.
gamemodes - ffa
I see you’ve discovered the free for all gamemode
holy sh*t i just got in a ffa game and got hard targeted by everyone xd
we need another tournament, maybe I’ll host it or something
next week for sure
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guest 0187
viola if u dont know
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i do know that's why i pointed it out .-.
oh -_-
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ello jesper
wait wowww
green jespy
very quirky of jesper I must say
I can swim!
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ye thats been there for like 15 hrs
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Zesty dover downvoted this post ☝️
yo ngl, this will be great with that “walking while dead” glitch
Hey Archers, gamemodes are here!
We'll be trying out a new gamemode every week. This weeks gamemode is Free for All. If you want to opt-out of weekly gamemodes, you can change the 'gamemodes' setting to 'ctf' to force the game to use Capture the Flag instead. Or you can set it to 'weekly' if you only want to try Free for All. Keep an eye out for another gamemode next week!
Yay thanks!
thank you so much!! I have been waiting for this for so long!
yoo lets go was not expecting it this early into the year
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thank you for the great update :D
also i reccomend you to make it possible to pause your game in the free for all because rn if you go afk you will just get farmed because there's no spawn or safe spot to go afk in
Also maybe make the flags count on the scoreboard be for assists instead because there are no flags in this game mode , or make it for headshots tho assists make more sense
also a win bonus would be rly nice like 100 points that is already in pubs soo
yea, that would be great
take bow 1 off🙏
the world will be a better place once they remove b1 and add another type of bow to replace it
but what kind of bow? A hand held catapult? what would they replace it with that they don't already have? (or have something similar to it)
maybe like a long bow or something similar to b3 but a mix with like a spear or something
a bow that shoots a spear?
exactly why I love this game man
There are a few bugs and here are a few recommendations:
Can you make it so that there is some type of Force-Field for 3 seconds after dying, where you can’t kill or (especially) be killed?
Can you also add the last flag song when there is 30-15 seconds left as well, or make it so that a game closes when there is 1:00-30s left? Because I never can stop joining late.
There is also a spawn in tombs where you can’t escape, causing you to rejoin the game, so can you please remove it?
Sometimes people also leave games, causing you to be alone for the rest of the time. I don’t think there is a way to possibly fix this so it’s okay, as most of the time you won’t get many coins anyways.
And if you win, can you add 100+ Winning points like in the normal CTF mode? It’s a lot to ask for so sorry lol. Anyways, wonderful update and can’t wait for the new game modes! :D
very good idea
pls don't remove killing after dying tho pls thats rly fun
very funny
That’s only if they add a forcefield. It doesn’t seem fair that someone can kill you, but it is impossible to kill them for ~3 seconds. Which is the time it’d probably take a b2 or b1 user to kill you.
every one of these was suggested on dc already☠️ but they have some modifications
1. Make ppl spawn in randomized color normal spawns with some spawn immunity
2. Exact same but 15 seconds
3. Haven’t seen anything abt it yet
4. Has been brought to us as a big problem but no suggestion
5. Suggested already
oh okay
Thanks for the suggestions and the spawn in tombs should be fixed now.
yw thank you :D
3 years in the work finalllyyy
nice update!!
ngl ragdoll dead players would be funny asf
fr, i can imagine watching my friend's limp bodies fly across the map and crash into a tree
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Wait what
I would absolutely be cooked in all three of these gamemodes without at least one decent person on my team
is it possible to add spawn invincibility
yeah, it gets annoying after a while when you get spawn killed
So good!
I hope next week it’ll be teamdeath match with no flags, or maybe like a little zombie gamemode if they can
Wow, nice. this must take a lot of work! thanks or supporting this game!
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first free for all,i was so confused until i checked discord,also its annoying when someone just spawns behind you
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But, it says victory if you are on the top of the leaderboard
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Yay! No flags :D
No wayyyyyyy!!!!
wait what arena alt alt
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Arena alt alt 🔥🔥🔥

Ohhhhh cool!
Where is the fruit?
It’s not at same place anymore?
yeah babyyy
next we will have like arena alt alt alt where its just underwater
SOOOOO I'm learning Russian... this is prob a mistake but hopefully I'll stick at it and not just give up and forget like Spanish...
anyways i just figured out how to change keyboard languages so here is the only word i know
Pronounced as Blyat and roughly translates to either "wh*re, Sh*t, F*ck, or D*mn. whish me luck in this process, i need to memorize the whole Cyrillic alphabet and its keyboard layout 💀
-𝓜𝓻. 𝓛𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓵𝔂 aka sup
¿Por qué renunciaste al español?
Ex-aprendiz aquí.
un poco de espanol (my grammar sucks im sorry)
hablas espanol? yo hablo un poco
si, mi hablo un poco de espanol
друг мой, почему ты должен ругаться на моем родном языке? будь спокоен
К сожалению, я узнал от носителя языка, что это одно из их любимых слов
О, очень ясно, это тоже мое любимое слово. Но я использую его в личной жизни в спальне.
;) Если бы мои родители услышали, как я употребляю это слово, меня бы убили
это беспокоит..
hello...who are you again?
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rk is a clan that fell off
WWW RK ;))
good night/ morning everyone!! :D
good night!! :D
Bad night
hey brokengod! Do u remember me?
Oh and gm
goooood mornin broken!! :D
speed demon b4 review
so i guess every time i use a new setup ill post a review and analysis of it here so ye. idk how often ill post these tho
speed demon b4 stats
20 speed
4 health regen
5 reload
5 stun
gatehouse poost
I played a few m8 games with this and i can confidently say that i cannot properly use this. The minuscule amount of damage everything does, from the melee, to the headshots, to everything else, thats the main drawback of this setup. This setup is what i believe to have one of, of not the highest skill ceilings in this game, In order to do any damage at all, u need to essentially hit 75% of ur shots with at leaast half of those being headshots. You also dont have the privelage of using a high damage melee, since gatehouse does shit damage. the main attractor to this setup is the fact that you are the fastest person in the entire lobby, as this is the objective fastest setup in the game, hence the name speed demon. One of the advantages of this bow is the fact that you can slow ppl down if ur good at all, due the crazy amount of stun and reload you have, which makes this essentially a fast moving slow attacking b5. The lack of regen is honestly not that big of a problem, since if ur in trouble u can just run away really fucking fast. The use of poost is probably most strategic on this setup, bc if u go really fast u can just fucking speed across the map in like 15 seconds. If u go too fast u get speed capped, and this is the first setup where getting speed capped in combat is an actual issue. If used properly however, this might be the best b4 setup, although the same setup but with damage might be better, but i dont wanna test that out. A problem with this setup is actually the price. It takes abt 10k to get everything assuming ur starting from a fresh acc. The bow and melee cost an astonishing amount of money, at abt 8k, while the armor is decently cheap. If u have enough patience to get the items required, and practice the bow, I would heavily recommend trying it, even for fun. Some things i have noticed after using this bow is that im consistently getting more headshots on every other bow. This bow cannot work well without headhsots, so i guess i just got used to headshoting so this setup is great for forcing u to use heashots.
high skill ceiling
very hard to use
can be pretty good in the right hands
Used skin VVV
holy yapporoni 475 words
half as long as my alienware rant
lol dw
But I sometimes use this
Albeit 17 speed and other stats cuz I use fearless head
But it’s rly fun to play with
Ur essentially a machine gun
They can’t catch u
U slow ppl down
Sad thing is a ton of assists
But if u do it properly u can basically kill everybody cuz they all come to u
Just headshot
It’s now 5 fast like u said
this is nothing compared to my video essay on my favorite music artist
It's a skill worth of the time
W comment
Similar to my skin other than with fearless b4 handle (bc someone bought) and 2 speed tip and 5 dmg arrow so more dmg and easier
looks like a nice skin, but i do agree gatehouse and stun aren't good on b4...
Gatehouse is good if you want speed (good for grinding, speedrunning, long jumps, ect) because its poost distance is a lot higher because of the reach (don't ask my how that works i don't write the code)
I wish I had coins like this
..and if I still knew how to poost
"just put the arrows in the quiver lil serf"
that is the absolute opposite for my sister, I need to make her sit down somewhere or she will just always follow me around :/
Lol my older sister stays locked up in her room
Life hack, if u convince her to bake, whenever ur doing work ur gonna randomly get some really good baked good. As long as u convince ur parents to get the materials for baking and u convince her to bake
reminds me of a scene in my deer friend nokotan where the sister is always bringing something in to the older sister every 5 minutes
I rlly wanna watch shikanokonokonokonoko koshitantan but I got shit to do :(
i can smell the alloy (inflation dont make no more pure gold coins)
ohh cool!
warning i do not recomend reading this!!
last warning!!
if u dont know sleeky cat .. was a predator she groomed a couple of peeps
SHE?! I dead ass thought that sleeky was a grown ass man💀
the cats cute, but she is questionably scary
rip if he doin sketchy stuff why he actually decent at the game
is this a face reveal of sleky?
ok, thx, by the way, who r u?
even cat startled at his presence 😭💀
Anyone else think sleekys ugly asf?
I wish I never even saw them in the first place.
like bro get some acne cream
im not sleeky but THAT STUFF IS EXPENSIVE AS F*CK AND DOESNT EVEN WORK WTF AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE STUPID THINGS (other than squeezing the sh*t out of them and hoping for the best)
like bro some ppl get it worse then others
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I like remaking stuff, usually different tho. Imagine the people finding this in a cat Google lens search...
lol I’m dead
aint no fucking way-
havent been here for a while what did i miss?
They changed the starter color to gray, and we might be getting game modes soon
the prediction is actually wild
sleekycat is a predator
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yay, im Pretty sure you would get coins by giving the account id before
How to do
What's that?
it's reward for chreistmas geoguesser
i got :D
yayyyy we got on our team
that’s me
wait u got on bloodlust bro's acc?
ohhh yes :))
I did day changer
Nice! 👍 🎉
Wow, I finally finished the final exam, and I have to 弯道超车 again.
(That means studying hard during the winter vacation to improve yourself beyond lazy people,have you learned 😁😁💀)
also ngl, they need another map other than alts, maybe like a little enchanted forest map where the flags are inside a secret vault that has already been open or something (kinda like a mix of graveyard, tombs, jungle, desert, and hills)
heres what im thinking of the map(yes, they are all ai, im too lazy and untalented to make such high scale art):
I also know Pelican Party is not gonna respond to this so maybe someone can copy and paste it to the dc
n1 needs a forest map almost as much as it needs a mountainous castle map
(Jungle) nah jk, this jungle map kinda sucks cuz It's really simple and the terrain is just annoying.
yeah, maybe we do need an alt for jungle that has better terrain for actual parkour or just better looking
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they should be making a fearless tribe map if you remember but thats gon be around gta 16
I almost forgot about that map XD
yeah they should def make that, it’ll make more sense for the fearless gear
Idk, I think it would be weird to have a peasant walk on the land of a bloodthirsty tribe that kills bears to use their skulls as a helmet.
but then again, the forest could have signs that say “keep out” and a wall ig to keep people out, though the walls would be worn down from how long its been there
maybe it could go with the little enchanted forest idea, maybe a little puzzle to get into the place that the tribe used to inhabit before something happened
yeah maybe if they make both maps then there should be a little bit of both in a alt map
good idea!
if only I didnt get banned from dc
Kak aeaa yat
good wbu
im pretty good
nothing wbu
Is Pooster in Omega clan?
U r !?
doesn't show....
i 1v1ed tomtom. he said i can put it in my name and said im in so idk
also in sc 👍
hear me out
narrow one when you are outnumbered by spammers , b1 players, or playing in m8 lobby makes makes it a bullet hell game, and a pioneer of a unique genre of 3d bullet hell.
its a game genre
I didn’t understand a word you said but I agree
except bullet hell games know how cruel they are
neo from matrix agrees
cruel in a extra dimension too