day 2 in the hp: feeling 10x worse than last time, and they feed me green jello, no fancy food like brisket or steak or whatever, just green jello, that’s my diet.
two things.1rst check my name, 2rst my bow 1 skin is litteraly a well known skin and u cant find an exuce to just get the n1 comunity backing ur ass up
meaning that the only two people that join (rabit and some guy i forgot the name of) will be the two leaders with a score of 0.5 (didn’t get to finish the match)
THERE is a lot of things wrong with this image, for example, “their” is used incorrectly, its supposed to be their, not there since its something that the “femboy”(never thought i’d say that) owns. second, the cat looks like it knows everything about everyone in the universe, which is scary to think since the cat is merely just a domestic feline with a very cute hat. and third of all, why the fuck, is it name “CUMbersome”? its not funny, its not orginial, and it’s definitely not a word, so why?
SO, I've been exploring the Russian side of youtube, and have found a lot of very funny (USSR memes mostly) and good content. please rate this Russian song i found
IT IS TIME I HATH RETURNED- only for a lil bit tho uplaod schedule still very random.. BUT HEYY.. its a video right... 😭 man i am suffering btw i spilt water all over myself while trying to take the video thumbnail AND by the time the europeans/french wake up this vid SHOULD be uploaded :DD
Idk the n1 update time-line but I think the farthest I can stretch my existence was before squad/Squad settings...or maybe it was a poki thing I don't know.
This makes me feel old... i remember when melee didn't exist and the game was fun... i also remember blowing 4000 coins on the heavy mace as soon as the update dropped. good old times
I’m gonna reply to this video with bunch of video ideas and concepts for yt. Upvote the ones u want to see. Doing this so I know what I might want to make vids on in the future when I have time
Db btw did u restart ur acc ? What happened with it do you still have it or ...? I’m confused I didn’t get any updates on it like Steven still has you n bloods stuff so u got it back or sum ?
so ik im getting lots of hate and stuff, but if u hate me, pls explain y. if u say im an npc, explain why. if u say im a sweat tell me y, from what ik, most of the people who started n1 when it launched grinded it 2.
Hmm, when I started n1 I did grind a lil bit, like 4k a day max...but when you mention how you grind 10k every week it gets a bit annoying and repetitive. Even when I talk to you in private squads you basically act like an annoying kid. To be honest, if you never even refered to how much you grind, you probably wouldn't have been called a sweat in the first place.
you're a sweat because you grind wayyy over for a day. at peak i'd grind to 2k and on average 500. you try to boast this grinding although it's not much compared to tkpvn's (full fearless in 4 months)
Personally I don’t hate you but here are some reasons people do:
You kind of rage quit a bit too much, which I’m pretty sure Sneed pointed out on Discord (i think). In Narrow One you are supposed to lose as well as win.
Like rabbit said you commonly come into conversations that don’t really involve you. It’s actually annoying sometimes too.
You grind “too much” ig. I don’t have a problem w/ it, but maybe next time don’t tell everyone about how much coins you grinded too often? Slow down a bit in grinding though bro, no ones rushing you lol
But I don’t think ur a NPC most of the time though.
idk u just fit in the category of "random kid who is hated for X reason" Ur overall generic and annoying but not too much for u specificaly but enough so that u r considered one I used to be like dat too so hopefully ull change too tho it took a while for me
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day 2 in the hp: feeling 10x worse than last time, and they feed me green jello, no fancy food like brisket or steak or whatever, just green jello, that’s my diet.
Bon appetite!
I’m surprised they still haven’t took my laptop
the food concerns with your health but the laptop dont
Godzilla ur not funny, honestly, calling urself "chronyx an npc".
two things.1rst
check my name, 2rst my bow 1 skin is litteraly a well known skin and u cant find an exuce to just get the n1 comunity backing ur ass up
firrst? secorst? Your b1 skin is the same as in the ggame, ur b2 as well, and lastly, u could've just changed ur name.
no I’ve seen meow a lot
ok so? why u crying over some 1v3s and my name?
im not crying of any 1v3s, im just not happy that ur name was chronyx is npc or smt
aaaalr so ur caring when im named my acc chronyx is a npc when ppl in peli server litteraly trashtalk u 24/7😭
what’s wrong with b2?
Why yo name be "Meow" ?
I like u b4
Forgot to fully mention this yesterday, did anyone see the latest boxing match? That was a crazy dodge to knock out.
This is called "One-Glove melee" it's on every Monday to Friday.
ye i saw it was goated
Very cool
It was epic
I put a bet and won
I un-fell off (ingnore the regen i forgor to switch of from ffa grinding)
So when you run into a b1 player, do you bail or focus?
depends. If they’re using any hat but this hat, it’s lock in
gs fav bow b1
Lmfao you're name is goated
Good night/ morning everyone!! :D
gn :)
Good evening
so that was you earlier in m8m6
-𝓜𝓻. 𝓛𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓵𝔂
thats litterally his new new lol
Aka me trying to catch my dream fish 🤣👇🏽
Me dealing with these spammers….
thats just hiding in ur corner...
using camping? that's something just as worse
fight fire with fire -bb
Or camping
people will also be recorded for the yt totally human (shared acc)
okay ngl nobody is joining, so unless someone can announce it on the dc, its gonna start tomorrow
meaning that the only two people that join (rabit and some guy i forgot the name of) will be the two leaders with a score of 0.5 (didn’t get to finish the match)
yeah sorry ab leaving (its da other guy btw)
-𝓜𝓻. 𝓛𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓵𝔂 aka sup
yo bhai it’s db
I’m able to login
Idk how Steven is cuz itch is somehow unlinked
I’m gonna try to link it again but it won’t work
Tryna ask Jesper but he won’t respond
maybe its because i haven't been logged out yet since it was unlinked
yeah its okay
first round will probably be like first to 10 kills wins or something
but last round is definitely a sniper’s duel
sniper duel, like using b3 to snipe the other player?
but for what?
Heh, I ran so hard in the cold that I can taste blood. I'm ok(physically)anyways, just my lungs hurt a bit...
asthma probably, take a pump
according to Google ur probably fine
Nice job with staying consistent with running tho
it could be being unused to either the cold or running too extremely -bb
Ik ppl don't like me bosting about my grinding, but i just wanted to say i bought fearless poost
thank you!!!
Congratulations! 👏 🎉
That's cool, It was the first-and only-fearless melee I got.
Show post...
get the fearless kitchen knife bro
btw the maps are randomized to whatever we get is what we have to deal with
i will also be in spectator mode to make sure nobody is outside the map(not that anyone will be)
fake bro got cooked (unless he actually plays)
new vid again cause uhh yea.. stuff happening
why the ping so high
my name at 7:42
you got a yt channe????????????????????
insta sub
:00000 omg two uplaods in 2 days????
the tournament thingy starts today at like 1:00PM EST (American time🦅) if you want to join you can, but I’m not forcing anyone
ok i'll join if i can
these 2000s song are very concerning
Show post...
im done bruh
yeah that's basically all out reactions put into one
not surprising nowadays -bb
That's gay as fuck
nah that's not even that unhinged, it's worse when both are obviously male/masculine. -bb
chill bro, remember I’m still here
ion think there's a femboy out there who has legs capable of exerting 1.1k pounds of force wish not granted) -bb
THERE is a lot of things wrong with this image, for example, “their” is used incorrectly, its supposed to be their, not there since its something that the “femboy”(never thought i’d say that) owns. second, the cat looks like it knows everything about everyone in the universe, which is scary to think since the cat is merely just a domestic feline with a very cute hat. and third of all, why the fuck, is it name “CUMbersome”? its not funny, its not orginial, and it’s definitely not a word, so why?
Show post...
alright bro
in the hospital currently
passed out from fasting too long
or a medical condition, idk, they didn’t tell me yet
oh i hope you get better soon bro
according to DJ, my nose started to bleed or something then I started to seize, but he always lies so yeah
Well, gl in there
gws bro 🙏
yoooooo moss :D
ayy simon :DDD
Goo goo gaa gaa pls I need milk
alr bet ima watch it
Edit: HOW TF IS YOUR MOUSE MOVEMENT SO CLEAN this what i get for using a bluetooth mouse :/
60 fps doesn't help sh*t
Nice gameplay btw like.. i dont use mouse i use trackpad :DD HEAHEHEHEH
Show post...
no wonder your mouse movement looks off lol
impressive how you can play on that though
xD tytyyyy :DD
Some people say it's easy with high sensitivity.
1.19 sens
Show post...
either way using a mouse is more comfortable and just better overall lol
yeah but terrible precision (and even worse if you got recoil or distance comp) -bb
i used to use trackpad... it was an old laptop
(20+ years) trackpad sucked, fps sucked, i sucked
xDDD uuuuf
also reminder i poost on that thing too 💀
i wouldn't call that clean, sure is snappy but lacks precision - the hallmark of trackpad. -bb
...cute gameplay
gamer oty 🗿
nice vid..i got cooked tho
Wish I had yt
what fov?
i use 140-
me impressed that trackpad work when user pressing wasd and space. -bb
SO, I've been exploring the Russian side of youtube, and have found a lot of very funny (USSR memes mostly) and good content. please rate this Russian song i found
Link if the video doesn't workОлег Кензов - Пацанская
I am exited to learn more about this language and culture.
(idk why im posting this on the narrow one itch page don't ask me this the only place where there are actually people i know LMAO)
good og ruski music: -bb
I see that your a little Russian fanatic, very nice, though, I’m trying to learn more English and some Turkish
IT IS TIME I HATH RETURNED- only for a lil bit tho uplaod schedule still very random.. BUT HEYY.. its a video right... 😭 man i am suffering btw i spilt water all over myself while trying to take the video thumbnail AND by the time the europeans/french wake up this vid SHOULD be uploaded :DD
Wb wabbit
no real sigmas in n1 community
Brainrot is not allowed in here
it appeared in my recommended on yt so yeah
Cool!! my first n1 name was Best player LOL
That's my guest digits in my second poki guest account. First one lost with fearless arrow tip. Second lost when I moved to the N1 official website.
I think I started playing the game right before the oasis map that I forgot the name of. That was when I stopped melee spamming
I think the first first time was before melee tho when I sucked ass
Idk the n1 update time-line but I think the farthest I can stretch my existence was before squad/Squad settings...or maybe it was a poki thing I don't know.
my first map was halls, now its my favorite
This makes me feel old... i remember when melee didn't exist and the game was fun... i also remember blowing 4000 coins on the heavy mace as soon as the update dropped. good old times
Ye :_)
very good
Good night/ morning everyone!! :D
Good Morning God
:D :D :D
:D :D :D
Good afternoon
I’m gonna reply to this video with bunch of video ideas and concepts for yt. Upvote the ones u want to see. Doing this so I know what I might want to make vids on in the future when I have time
Sry for making this take up so much space
1v1 with me
I’ll do it tmrw at like 6:30. EST
skin stat analysis
ranking shop items
best stats for bows
why b1 sucks (making this one anyways)
Don't waste your time. It's just another bow anyways,
commitment to the bit
why b1 could be good
yayyy W bouta gain 4 k cuz won a platinum cup
Db btw did u restart ur acc ? What happened with it do you still have it or ...? I’m confused I didn’t get any updates on it like Steven still has you n bloods stuff so u got it back or sum ?
- Hydrocholorostorine
yeah we all gotta find a time to make a code
-𝓜𝓻. 𝓛𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓵𝔂
Nah bros name….💀
Either bro is weird or he is a freaky mf
I don’t know whether to be concerned about his well-being or be surprised that he survived this long
gg chronyx(bro ragequited to hard)
in m8 my name were /x clan logo gs 6 uwu
rq when its a 1v3 most of the time...sure
Why would u rage quit over a 1v3.
im getting 1v3ed, of of these players being a spammer, the other 2 poosters and snipers...
ok then deal with it and kill them, not that hard
and can ik why u were using b1 when it's against the clan rules?
banning a bow is crazy 💀
it is???
not really, just x clan don't want ppl 2 use b1....not 2 much anyway. but b1 is godzilla's main..and yet he calls it gay
clan too weak to handle a bow?!
part of the reason I’m joining it💀
ah hell nah ik why u hated so much lil bro
Nahh we all hate b1 but banning it is too far
The heck is that name
..x clan logo gs 6 uwu..?
Should I change my pfp? Any ideas?
overused bro why everyone has this cat
D:< basiileaf cute (like you- lowkey you look fine tho 🤌)
who tf is basiileaf
Content creator
why dies your current one look weird
he added eyelashes💀
i see
Not anymore
Nah you're pfp is good
so ik im getting lots of hate and stuff, but if u hate me, pls explain y. if u say im an npc, explain why. if u say im a sweat tell me y, from what ik, most of the people who started n1 when it launched grinded it 2.
you are an npc because:
A. You don’t know how to read the room and jump into conversations that you got no clue about
B. People say you are big headed about your grinding and always brag about it
Personally I got no problem with you but sometimes when I’m talking to people you randomly come up and interrupt besides that I’m fine with you
ok, thx rabit
🫡 no judging alloweded in my words well I try my best not to
dw, just thx for being honest
That honestly describes me................ (other than the grinding i'm too lazy) So yea u aint alone chronyx
the amount of people that liked this is actually crazy
If I tell you u gud
Hmm, when I started n1 I did grind a lil bit, like 4k a day max...but when you mention how you grind 10k every week it gets a bit annoying and repetitive. Even when I talk to you in private squads you basically act like an annoying kid. To be honest, if you never even refered to how much you grind, you probably wouldn't have been called a sweat in the first place.
thank you for ur honesty, i'll try and stop
well i dont really hate you but example the first thing rab said is what u ussualy do in peli server.
you're a sweat because you grind wayyy over for a day. at peak i'd grind to 2k and on average 500. you try to boast this grinding although it's not much compared to tkpvn's (full fearless in 4 months)
Personally I don’t hate you but here are some reasons people do:
You kind of rage quit a bit too much, which I’m pretty sure Sneed pointed out on Discord (i think). In Narrow One you are supposed to lose as well as win.
Like rabbit said you commonly come into conversations that don’t really involve you. It’s actually annoying sometimes too.
You grind “too much” ig. I don’t have a problem w/ it, but maybe next time don’t tell everyone about how much coins you grinded too often? Slow down a bit in grinding though bro, no ones rushing you lol
But I don’t think ur a NPC most of the time though.
erm....thing is i don't really wanna slow down, lol i wanna get full shop....still have like 1million though
if going fast is easy then do it ig
i prob ain't gonna get full shop for at least another year tho
I need to grind ngl, wasted all my coins now I only have 910
idk u just fit in the category of "random kid who is hated for X reason"
Ur overall generic and annoying but not too much for u specificaly but enough so that u r considered one
I used to be like dat too so hopefully ull change too tho it took a while for me
i rember that
not much bragging tho
thx farlands
You always be raging and shit
lol, sry
Use if vid aint working
right see monday ur aus better be on i haven’t seen u all year so pls…get..on..
maggie that you?
so ehm hru??
dm me
ok on google?
u forgot the green like u alxays forget to touch grass u fatass (jk)
meme from the group chat
The meme watch it pls bruh
What is it
yo wheres ??? map
today was karate exam
next year im turning black belt
bro i just started my own grind bru
and u just got ur laptop right
For how long have you learn karate
Gah damn that's long and I've only done taekwondo for 3 years