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NPC name

I've seen him in a bunch of matches and like playing with and against him. He goes hard.

N1 players come from all over so I don't want to judge their names/posts so much.


what ia the guest lady doing


That's what happens when you play drunk


Deleted 44 days ago

good job

good night/morning everyone!! :D

Itch didnโ€™t work for me for the entire day :(

good night


(1 edit)

good night!! D:



Good evening

G afternoon


me now hearing about the ban on tiktok...well idc cuz i don't live in the us and i don't use tiktok

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its unbanned now lol!

you srs?, i really living under a rock

Lmao same

who here listens to NF, the rapper?

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he isn't

He's tolerable


YESSSIRRRRRRRRRR im just some random nf obsesser ๐Ÿ˜”


heard of him but i haven't listed to any of his music


Who is nf

A white rapper

he kinda ok

kinda ok? listen to hope, the search and mansion and motto and story and mistake and clouds and let you down...ok im kidding you dont have to listen to all just these two: 


the search: 

i've already listened to those

my previous message still stands

๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„, whatever you're just jealous you can't rap like him

is there any private game active?

Is this because code M8M6 is stuck? Try 696969 if M8 doesn't work.

Thanks for the information, I needed it because there was an error, I don't know what it was, but thanks

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I saw comments below and remembered the one time I saw Ansy. Sheesh....I saw him in a pub match for 5 seconds. In Castles he poosted off the top did a 180 shooting at me....but I was his teamate and bro exited the match once he touched the ground.

Also...great art Miss Rabbit.

tysm keep up the good work irl 



Deleted post

dude u litteraly said u quitted yesterday

fr ๐Ÿ˜ญ also hai frei :>>


Can i take ur place?

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no it aint

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As some one who was  in FC I can tell you itโ€™s defiantly dead yo 

- Hydrocholorostorine (aka Mr Chicken curry alt)



i thought you quit, no?

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(2 edits)

the only reason they did not answer u is

1. offline
2. busy

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how fitting that i was the worst player on my team in the longest match i've played

is air biscuits that brief cakes person

๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™ reep

Oh hey gg!

Yep I was air. Long towers matches tire me out. Long any matches do, towers is like that a lot though. Becomes a war of attrition.

ggs :D you carried the team after chrome left, sorry we couldn't get the W for you

Lol - I know we're doomed if I'm carrying!

Don't sell yourself short. They had a lot of good sniping even after 2 of their best players left.

ye fr lol

(1 edit)

Woah....bro died 103 times ans still kept fighting. How determined are noobs nowadays?

that game was a total bloodbath, nobody really had an upper hand and ppl js kept dying 

Atleast a good score


Maor art :0 not good but not bad

artist and author, W combo

XD ty Mr moosey 



thanks :D

Deleted post

Incredible drawing.


love it

>:D ty farrrrr hope u is doing goooog


wdym not good!!!!! IT'S so good!!!!! Rabit cooking once again

man fr

loooll tyyy

!! np!!

wow amazing


The hell happened

LMAO I happened

(1 edit) (+7)

yo check out this video by xelt

Wow, I'll never forget this legend.

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Wowie w

Also, what is that map on round 7 at 12 mins. I can't seem to find it. And how do you activate the fruit?

its gone now


idk what heโ€™s done but yโ€™all gotta find ig ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ 



Who is that kid Even๐Ÿ’€ ur lil bro???


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bro looks like 4

What he toxic or smth


beestorm getting angy on discord 

heโ€™s still alive ?

Deleted 45 days ago
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Hey kid what happened to the im quitting,sorry i won't be toxic ever again to anyone eh?

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boy u litteraly fuck up the n1 community and thinks your the best? naaaaaa go to hell lil bro


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Kid really thinks the devs will answer him lmfao xD



guys daily meme post from yo boi hydro 

u can watch the meme when u click this link if the vid donโ€™t work

hydro..iโ€™m alive alr?

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ggs wodans

broo do ur hpone got a screenshot taker or no


(1 edit) (+1)

go say hi to snadow on discord he wonโ€™t see it here

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Welp, there goes my first amendment patched out.



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now all the brainrot will come to Instagram


Me too bro, me too


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Use xiao hong shu

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nobody using that shir 

that one specific race of eastern people:

I hope they dont migraine to YouTube and make some cringy brainrot ahh content

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you're a cornball

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Just changed my username for no reason 

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all you did was make it backwards bud

Yes I know 

(2 edits)

you know, instead of going back and forth with the slash guy, ill just make amends with him since he cant take hints. so slash, for my mental and physical well being, can we just stop? it makes no sense arguing when the account might be deleted in a month or two, so lets just make it the best few months (in summary, im tired of arguing because i cant really draw when im thinking about an argument over a child posting a few terrible memes on my account)

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Using a meme against the guy who hates bad memes. Very smert


let it be, my therapist just gets paid more if im more stressed

well, I donโ€™t care anymore alto, if he acts immature, then thatโ€™s him, I cant force him to post decent memes, you know why? because he basically hates me (or thatโ€™s what Iโ€™m getting from his attitude) so Iโ€™ll let him be and maybe heโ€™ll stop, but knowing him, all heโ€™s going to do is post another bad meme right under this comment

fuck it bro, if you hate me, then just say so, because honestly your just acting immature at this point

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Deleted 37 days ago

small bow 4 gameimage.png

but hey at least it was private (no coins ๐Ÿ˜”)

Private matches still affect your lifetime stats tho...

how so? cuz if they dont affect my k/d, im fine w it

Your lifetime K/d just got divided by 20. But if you don't care that's ok. Mines pretty(really) bad.


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Private matches don't affect the overall account kd wha

Fr then u would just farm kills to flex

I swear to god that used to happen....

If I was there I would prob have 3258181726916819 ping

i had 60 fps (sometimes i put 75), 0 network as well as 0 ping

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I have 122 fps on a phone :>

what phone bro using lmfao

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Redmi note 12 pro 5g


My phone heats up just by using 3 quality

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yikes,you don't need that much,1.7-2 looks great no need for anything higher in my opinion (for a phone) and for pc 1 looks good

also sry im replying 3 days later ๐Ÿ˜ญ 


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Vast b4 game 


good night/ morning everyone!! :D


Good morning

(1 edit)

Hey broken of you read this, in Feb we both are going to have a 1 year anniversary for being in and chatting here 

ight bro im done with ts ima find  a new sport

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skill issue

chiefs fan i take it

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I don't watch sports

lol ok

maybe take up basketball

might not be a bad idea

yeah, I mean, its pretty fun to watch

Here also in Spanish just in case

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why do you speak like this
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speaking in tables is the most convenient form of communication trust

do u care abt stats or looks

i cant help u if u care abt looks

I care about statistics

do you care about health regeneration speed or walking speed

I'm interested in speed

20/20 speed

4/20 health regeneration speed

0/20 damage protection. By the way, damage protection is useless In this game.

If you need to change anything for more health regeneration speed, then you can change the arms, legs, and head a little bit

nice, but may I ask how many coins you have?

Is that Spanish?

I would like your opinions on a good character in case you don't like this one.

Here is a new character with new stats.

รcono de validado por la comunidad

(1 edit)

Grim reaper b4 10-8 (kill when waiting for regen)Grim reaper b2 10-9 (I just got lucky)


(3 edits) (+1)


sup (nice vid btw)


Can anyone give me an example of a skin that has lots of regen, plus lots of speed, but less speed if neccesary. :D

some sort of 8 regen 16 mvt...Image



i would prefer fear shins tho…


its possible to get 12 regen 12 speed tho if u swap the arms for flower, and golden coil


bros not having a good time


rip :'(

I have no idea who you are but this is sort of funny

skull or skulls cousin?

if I was my cousin, I wouldโ€™ve posted an annoying meme with the comment, now wouldnโ€™t I?

ok lol ig

alright then.

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lmao youre so obviously lying



idk why iโ€™d lie about being in the hospital for nearly half of the month but okay, whatever makes you sleep at night lil bro.

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Rawr is from the old days of XXPP if you even know what that was

oh, i dont know what xxpp is or who you are but thanks i guess.

XXPP is an expired code. Even had a chat made for it.


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It was a code that lasted 29 days and was made on itch, good old times

29 days? damn, and how long has m8 been up?

he were eating his food why u disturbing him

he drank too much vodka

Is bro high

an alcoholic ig(jk

Guest meat ๐Ÿ–

I know this is pretty random, but how fast can you all click? The highest I've gone is 11.7 clicks per second.

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Ive went up to like 30 cps on geomyry dash ol

I got lucky at 13 once 

(1 edit)

uhm like 11.6 cps on a website, heres proof:

not exactly a second, but Iโ€™m too tired to do the math


no autoclicker i swear on god and my life

(1 edit)

congrats, you have won the award as โ€œThe Fastest Clicking Person In This Community That Will Most Likely Have Health Issues In The Future For This Exact Reason.โ€ any words of good sportsmanship? (no offense by the way)

bro what? tf ur on?.

Iโ€™m on my โ€œpillsโ€ that my cousin said I was on

I also said โ€œno offenseโ€ if you didnโ€™t read the full thing, but Iโ€™m just saying that it might cause some medical issues in the future, never said it 100% will

What that

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Clicks per second (I can tap/click on a surface 11.7 times in a single second.)

I know that


new form of b1 hate or a glitch?

dont take this racist but ur skin on bow 1 is black soooooo๐Ÿ’€ na jk im not tryna be an mf racist

๐Ÿ’€ my b5 skin is black too tho so i dont think thats it

na i were joking anyway so yeah its just a bug

ye lol i figured it was a bug

brudda wtf did I just say in my last post WHAT DID I SAY ?!? lmfao XD

ayo dont worry hydro i aint a racist dont worry dont worry 

why did you only notice that?




nice i guess I donโ€™t know

its been there for a long time

why exactly is the bow glitching out?

Glitch of course

Okay yโ€™all, Iโ€™m sorry, I have no idea why I let him on my account after he basically ruined my Roblox account. changed my password, but he changed my username so now I have to wait next week to change it back. Honestly Iโ€™m about to send him back to Arizona because Iโ€™m getting tired of him ruining shit. Also, Iโ€™m removing him from the YouTube account so he doesnโ€™t ruin that too. Once again, I am sincerely sorry for what has happened this week and a half.

i have so many questions...

same here

your cousin? tf? what?

yep, the one guy who has weirder humor than most of gen beta

ok.. i guess i need to read the comments more because i didn't notice anything other than random twitter fights 


donโ€™t feel sorry, Iโ€™m just gonna delete the account after February if I get tired of the comment section by then. he already ruined my reputation again, so thereโ€™s no point in making friends or getting better at a โ€œcapture the flagโ€ game where children, hackers, and people with no common sense come together as one(if your offended, then donโ€™t be, I am simply pointing out the flaws in this game.)

he hasn't ruined your reputation as far as i can tell..

well clearly some people hate me now that he ruined the account


I'm not offended, but if you really leave, I hope you have a better life๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

well its really not gonna get better when I get bullied for playing the game in general


Who is "him" ?

my cousin

no hes him

you think that Iโ€™m my own cousin?

two things. u didnt undrstand the joke. 2 how tf ur on ur cousin lmfao

@Mossyboy 1234

I've seen that you've been playing for long enough to know a lot of people, and grow healthy opinions on bows. That's why, I've decided to ask you for a 1v1 sometime. If you have free time just reply in the next 30 minutes.


this aint discord pings fr

(1 edit)

discord so much better

thats why I'm not on itch anymore I've transitioned to discord

I just peek in sometimes to itch to fuck with people and start arguments

I don't have discord

I get wifi blocked by my parents but I found a loophole

betrayer fr

ye bro we can fs 1v1 sometime, it'll prolly have to be later today tho since im not at my pc rn




*slaps two pieces of bread on ur face* WHAT ARE YOU HUH? TELL ME WHAT ARE YOU


an idiot sandwich ๐Ÿ˜”

bro still hasn't said anything else๐Ÿ’€

Sorry, my Uncle's birthday was today, and he paid us to bring speakers, with a DJ turntable, lasers, smoke machine, etc....

I'll do one thing for you if you want me to make it up.


You mean Gordon Ramsay


I see that my humor has ruined skulls reputation as a funny person, so I will finally give him back his acc since its pretty boring now that people is catching on that Iโ€™ve been his cousin since he was in the hospital for the pass week and a half. adios amigos

yours truly,


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What in the plotwist???? But I made friends with you... Hmmm

who tf are you???

Lmao, we exchanged some memes lol. I joined itch like a week ago so...

oh, yeah I honestly still donโ€™t know you but alrighty

hol up...skull isn't skull??



(1 edit)

No:๐Ÿ’€ :

my ass on pc broo

okay, Iโ€™m confused

well, Iโ€™m back now, so may you tell me what that disappointment did to this account?

you know what, maybe disappointment is too harsh, can you tell me what DJ did?

He just posted like 4 meme pictures a day. It was kinda annoying how much "DJ" used the comment section but he caused no harm.

alright, as long as he didnโ€™t post anything that was too inappropriate

yep, and yet, I still get shitted on because of people like my cousin, and tbh, I donโ€™t blame anyone, but if they cant tell the difference between a 8 year old that posts Twitter fights and one normal teenager that is trying to make friends, then I have no hope for the future honestly.

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Oh so that's why you were being a cringy fuck (not to you skull to you're cousin)

well obviously, thatโ€™s the whole reason he logged into the account


if the purge or something existed the first person to die is him with the amount of people that hate him in my neighborhood ngl

Lmfao fr I can see why 


Hey people itโ€™s Hydro 

I know people might not care but I just wanna say why I got grounded TWICE in the same month.

ok so I …….. had been getting really pissed of by this kid in school who was just insanely racist to everyone and me especially idk if it was cuz I was Indian or cuz he was a pure bred English guy (no offnese to the English)  but he used to harass  me anyway he could   Idfk why either 
Note Iโ€™m a nice guy okay and I donโ€™t really care if people say shit about me *emphasis on ME* but this kid was so toxic that even his โ€œfriendsโ€ genuinely acted as if what he said was wrong which it was. But for me if u say shit about my family yo imma flip.

the next week at rugby practice I just went full on beast mode. I lunged at him twisting his ankle and elbowing him on his chin and made him get stitches on his head which gave him migraines  that APPEARENTLY havenโ€™t worn off like 3weeks after the incident luckily since the rugby practice place wasnโ€™t by or near school so I didnโ€™t gte suspended and fortunately he didnโ€™t say a word either to anyone 
My coach I swear was a real one and took the time to listen to my side of the story and let him off but I was told to not come to practice for the next month tho.

so ye donโ€™t FUUCK with my family seriously Iโ€™m serious if ur 1e 12 or a pre teen pls never ever underestimate ur parents donโ€™t ever not listen to them and never EVER RAISE UR VOICE AGAINST THEIRS THEY KNOW WHATS BETTER FOR US AND YOU even if they bring the common I gave a shelter in shit talk itโ€™s still true dint just shake it off cuz itโ€™s morally wrong to dis obey ur parents this goes for every one 

Sorry for lashing out but thought it was nessacary. Btw people in Britain AHVE gone wild my dad also almost got jumped by a group of old BRITTISH woman just cause he was waiting at the bustop like they hate us Indians yo. Racism needs to stop guys 

Yes, this is a great message Hydro. I'll try to stop raising my voice to my parents, thx for this message. :D

glad to hear man ;D

at least your not grounded anymore

Good for you? Man, you really are something....


ima just say Iโ€™m insanely proud of you >:) no one messes with the fam 

he got jumped by british ELDERLY WOMEN? tf did he do? 

idfk what my dad did lmao 


Steven u on m8m6 rn ? I couldnโ€™t find db btw you know when heโ€™s on (UK time)

i dont rly know his time honestly, sry

Did he say the n word though? And also what how did yo dad got jumped by old hags

first off he just started to point out everything and make it to seem that what I say is racist and tries to make me look bad not to mention the occasional cursing at me for no reason and trying to twist my arm in the boys toilets idk why heโ€™s just psychotic yo 

Yo dad beats you?

TF no the kid who I gave 3 stitches on the back of his head and twisted his ankle that also gave him a migraine that kid yo not my dada lmfao 

Oh ok hope that kid doesn't get any better if better worse

Bow 6 gameplay: 15 kill 0 death gamemode

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