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Someone please tell m8m6 still exists 

cus I tried to join and it didn't work. :C

Sometimes happens. M8M6 is a lobby that will keep living as long as the game will, so don't worry.

Switch gamemode to ctf + weekly


Remember to be humbled





So sorry to disappoint godzilla and 6442, but for my 13th fearless i decided to buy the b2 tip Image

(1 edit)

Ok. Good for you Chron 

why would i get dissapointed💀


bro got the broke boi 3 dmg handle💀

nah, i was just using it while i didn't have fearess tip, i use grey dragon thing one


6442 I thought u left!

great! please touch grass

i do, not my fault everyone finds n1 boring therefore can't be asked to grind

lol im joking, 13 pieces of fearless is a W


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A fact about me is that is my 1st fearless that I have bought the 2nd one is the arrow 

my 1st fearless was hammer...

erm...what fearless bow should i buy? apart from b1 cuz i have it

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6 (tip )or 3

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Bow 7 or fearless fork

Bow 8


Made a robot for fun 


Thank you



W robot, i miss building with legos 😭

Thanks and why can't you play with legos?


W builder


pLay n1 with this on mobile its soooooo fun

 i forgot how to play n1 :

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i stopped playing n1 😎 👍

Ill flatline myself but i had to use those emojis 😭 



When will you post a new vid? 

It's been a year...

Ded Chat



What do you think about this idea? Do any of you have any custom stat ideas?

(2 edits)

I just thought about this arrow stat. What if there was a stat that decreases the amount a of regen a player has on delay? I call it: Komodo's bite, and it works by lowering one regen stat for every one stat that "bites" another player and delays it by a few seconds depending on bow

(in this example let's say 10 seconds for b3 & 6)

A player has 5 Komodo's bite and damages another player with 23 regen. Now that damaged player has 18 regen for 10 seconds.

To even it out let's say that the stats don't stack in effect but reset if you have 5 Komodo's bite it doesn't stack to -10 regen lost if hit twice, it just resets the effect back to 10 seconds. 

Getting hit by two players with Komodo will work by establishing the highest stat of either player, but reseting by one second every hit from a weaker Komodo stat. Example: Player 1 has 4 Komo, and Player 2 has 2 Komo, they both damage you and decrease your regen by 4. When Player 1 hits you the effect fully resets to max time, when Player 2 hits you, the timer goes back by 2 seconds.

Oh right...the case if a player gets negative regen. If a player has regen less then the amount deducted, they stop regenerating completely for the time.

So yeah, that's about all about Komodo, It's max stat would be 5/5 because it would be only an arrow stat.

Having Komodo's bite for bow would be bad cuz it doesn't have any reload or damage bonus, and having a new bow made is just...nah.

Me no get what this means

I don’t want this cus my skin has 5 regen :>


I feel like if there was some sort of how that gives a debuff in the game it would be cool, but it kinda just seems useless in most scenarios as stun is just better in most situations

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The stats are too simple for any debuffs to really shine. Defense gets countered by attack damage and it's basically useless anyways,  speed to stun(basic effect and comes with ALL  melees), heck focus isn't even a good stat it just automatically decreases fov to zoom in bruh. Bloodlust only heals a little with high stats...regen is one of the few interesting stats cuz it's actually helpful.

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I don’t want this cus my skin has 6 regen :>



good night/ morning everyone!! :D

good evenin 🤠

Good morning


good night!! :D

bruh I was playing 69 when the game kicked me and said I had cheats!?

I don't play with cheats. 😡

bug i think, happened to me once too 

That's strange it never happened to me 

it's happened to me many times (always while doing gatehouse fruit on the big ladder after the ice spikes and bridge) also happens on a few other spots, so i'm thinking that there are certain spots that makes the game think you have fly hacks and are in areas that are impossible to reach even though its fairly easy to reach them legitimately 

I was playing team elimination on the fields map.

Dw it happens

new best for me lolol is this a decent k:d ?


meh im seeing a meele so im assuming u used meele spam :o

nah I didn’t spam I took out last minute cuz I was buying something then the game ended lol my preset switched it to my old melee I used to use when I first got this Acc 

mi bomba🗣️🔥

The hell does bomba mean ?!? 

yea not bad

Not bad

anyone’s friends switch out ur AirPods for theirs and blast sigma boys on full volume when u put them in ur ear or is that just me

nah thats something ive had in my mind lmfao

aort cause aort 
(2 edits)

good aort 👍

tyy >:D

w aort



gud aort

tyyy :DDDD

amazing ✨ aort ✨ 

sigma aort

frfrr just like you-

whitehairedrizzyrabbit O-o


wat does aort mean?

nah she spelled wrong ig so she meant art

aort :D

aort :O

aort :P


just art but spelt weird





wowowowowow :DDD

tysmm :DDDD

how your exams going?



Incredible art rabbit, you keep on getting better an better. :D

looll tysmmm :>>> 

this looks so good! 

ty iceflow :DDD

Is that ultraman

LMAOOO nahw xD




tysmm :D

??? Aort






bro abt to get gang banged


You bout to get obliterated

I need help my coins if someone want grind my account I appreciate that 

but if you can grind some 40k-70k I appreciate that so much!

i can maybe but ur choise

You !!

Can you grind me 70k or more?

ill try

Kk I'm give you sometime my acc k?


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70 reference?



I'll even giv my acc to u

Give it

Squad code


giving random people your account to grind isn't the best idea


(2 edits)

ye but I ask bc I'm gonna do game with my friends and its take my time






If I have good wifi I could


I didn't enioy the recent web build update imo.
~"Team death match" was long, i was expecting shorter fun matches & no choice to selecting it, (IDK if it's for everyone or not but my game lagged more than usual, i've new 5G at home).

The deathmatch like short 5-6 min gameplay sessions are really amazing and I fell in love with the green theme death matches, it's soo diff.

Anyways, I like this game too much, so just for the sake of it's betterment I'm telling this, Hope u r reading this devs(BTW, I'm also a dev, ifya want check my page, I'll be happy ^-^).

Deleted post

didnt u leave breh

nah he prolly faked for attention


oh sally is still here trying to fit in how adorbs 🥰

I know u meant that in a negative way but I’m sorry mate that was too gay lmfao XD 


Frfr I like tdm much more

good night/ morning everyone!! :D

(Sorry if this message pop up really late, my internet have some great delays today)

rip 10:50 pm

11:01 pm

oh wow…


good night/ morning everyone!! :D

Um broken… 😠 

Bad night 💭

whyy :c
(1 edit)

So, ive tried a new style of art, what you all think?

I tried making the personification of an insomniac, ive looked at it for too long and can't tell if it looks like sh*t anymore lmao i hope it looks ok.

(btw sorry about the horrible camera quality)

Looks like something that came out of a horror arg

cool 😎 


It kinda reminds me of a little hair ball

I already made this type a month before

It's a India Pakistan full on fight

Honestly, looks like cells. As in molocules and all that stuff

supposed to be eyes but im glad it actually looks like something lmao thanks

yesssss >:D have u tried making the eye circles a lil darker to create a lil more depth 

i made them pretty dark, the camera doesn't show it tho, ill make them a bit darker either way.

yooo competetive N1 confirmed?

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Im already unreal rank

is that actually a thing? 

anyone want to 1v1 I’ll make code 



dogggooo :D

doge :D whats his/her name




Awwww, hes so cute, hi roxyyyyy. :DD

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ello roxy  :>


roxy :o

Awwww☺️lil white glove

dog is scared of you i must say

I'm expecting his 78th apology any second now...


beestrom 🙄



retardstorm lmao

pretty obvious beestorm 

what did he do now?

he got banned from the discord server btw yeyeyey :>>>>>

Hi Everyone Havoc For Rome

Itch Io For Rome

N1 For Rome

(1 edit)

#Can't quit my addiction 👇

Edit: This was for Beestrom


Addiction on what exactly







Deleted 40 days ago


ooh goodie cant wait to watch

lol no

Even my editings better💀clips arnt very good, and I thought u left the community.

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Deleted 40 days ago

quit already

u js gotta experiment with the editing, and dont over think it. the more time u spend on a video the better it will be.

bro had to delete it 😭

Bruv what is ur editing 💀

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"only 2 hours"

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this videos genuinely dogshit 


happens occasionally, it will most likely work again soon

It happens cuz m8 is in diff gamemode than urs

U can fix by  using ctf +weekly

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💀dam bro

Hi rabbit I’m 5543:D

:0000 haaaaaaaaai :D



Ik bro i dont get it i stick to ctf



Uuuuuugh question I was just on for the new game mode and I don’t ducking understand it one bit there was like ten flags already captured and some went away and came back ? When I died and others died they were like on the ground for a solid second and I could change bows ? What’s this new thing i don’t get it ?!?!?!


kill ppl who aren't your color

not that hard

hey it is still hydro not using alt Acc rn but man I meant explain it apart from kill opposing team nvm 


Deleted 40 days ago

The diamonds represent number of team members alive/dead

You respawn on a timer, which I think slows down as match goes on

Win by killing entire enemy team before any of them can respawn


are you the same person as Hilo on discord?

Hilo is breafcakes


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(4 edits)

You have to kill the whole other team before they respawn back. The respawn time will take longer as the game gets longer. Timer also can reset after both teams have fully respawned (I think), causing the time to respawn to go back to being around 5 seconds. Game ends when the whole of the other team (or yours) is eliminated/killed. The diamonds on the corner indicate how many of each team are left alive or dead.

It took me a long time to know how it even works, but after some testing (and info on pelican discord) I think I kind of understand it now.

Cool cool Ty THIS WAS ACTUALLY HELPFUL *cough* jimbob *cough* not good at understanding what I said *cough* anyway 

u stink


I won with 2 kills

The new gamemode is cool

gg Blazyst and creepy guy

wow starsket ggsimage.png

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