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Can anybody play? Code is DDT9


(3 edits)

Hey I need to leave. I've been playing Battle dudes and Narrow one for a  while and I need to stretch sorry I came for one game and then left I was busy in another game. I sent the stats above it says, "One of the greatest games in my life". I promise i'll play with you again. Cya! 🤗  😊 ✌️ 👋 

Thank you and I promise you that I never will killed you 👋😉

You welcome! I will also never kill you too

That's so cool

Wow 😯 

Nice 👍 


where did you go, you dont play narrow one anymore

Sorry, I was on vacation and couldn't play there 😢

yay, youre back

Prepáčte, bol som na dovolenke a nemohol som tam hrať 😢

its the three musketeers


The army

ah well you guys finnaly captured the flag as a team :) Nice

hey guys, when theres a noskin guest account in squad than thats me because i dont have the motivation to make a account

Oh. That's sad




I won:)

see that     




I have a job in German and I have to tell where the Germans usually go.

Can any German players help me?


Deleted 2 years ago

On holidays, Germans often visit other countries, but, as often on weekdays, they go to bars and drink beer


not just bars, a lot love to go to zoos

Maybe so


yeah, we have the most zoos

(1 edit) (+1)


i would prefer laser tag but in cause of corona most open arenas are closed. you can go there with friends or family and play alone, that should be possible with negative tests. we also play much football. All the people here like it


(1 edit)

Cheers 🍻 



we germans also enjoy loosing world wars :D

and esc

(1 edit)

Oh. That's a true fact. I think they were in 25th place. Is that correct? 

P.S. I'm not German. I just know a lot

yeah, we won 2 times i think, thats less than luxemburg

Yeah, you won in the 21st century and the 20th century


i nodded and you just killed me!


Nice 👍. Also you guys have the same score


(1 edit)

Hey guys! as you see, I have changed my logo. 

Here is the image

Oops! The logo says ™! But, it doesn't really matter 🙄


He looks firefox 

yeah, thats what i thought

(1 edit)

Yeah. Expect the logo on Firefox doesn't have purple on it. Also the animal on the logo of Firefox is a Red Panda not a Dragon. 


(2 edits)

Yeah. Expect the logo on Firefox doesn't have purple on it. Also the animal on the logo on Firefox is a Red Panda not a Dragon.

Join this private squad: HMN3 for 500,000,000 years of amazing luck


nope, i need to sleep now


wow, i risked 500.000.000 years of amazing luck just to get more sleep

(1 edit)

totally worth it

It is?

of course



Do I get my 500,000,000 years of amazing luck now?


Great job! You got it! hope you come up with some great ideas! maybe a new game!!!

Bruh, I missed it. I was playing another game because I was on vacation and I had to complete the Battle Pass. Bruh

I played a while ago with guest 31 who was against me I also defeated him But before I win he's gone

A nice game


(1 edit)



Thank you. I also got complemented by a Youtuber!

around 1200 score! not bad. By the way my kill record is 73 now. for me thats pretty good


awesome my friend

Thank you my good friend 🤗

Pelican Party, can you add a free for all mode?

Squad code: HFTQ



Pelican party,  how long will you need to make the update?

(1 edit)

What update!?!?!?

a little bit of time ago someone asked if pelican party is already working on the new map yet, but they said they were working on something else

Oh. Probably gamemodes, new skins, and some other stuff. Can't wait!

and i got a hint

Oh updates to the shop? New skins? Bow skins? Melee weapons? Making the shop better? ALL OF THEM!!!??!??!??!?

The thing 3 I'm taking about is not ZexXexourNzX TG Or Uchiha 


Thing 3s other name is stars


(1 edit)

Pelican party are you  for ukrainia


what does gor mean?

(1 edit)

I think it means "Got"


Uhhhh. Does "ukrainia" mean Ukraine?



Anubis303 is a legend

Anubis303 is a legend 

Anubis303 is a legend

Anubis303 is a legend

Anubis303 is a legend

Anubis303 is a legend

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago


Deleted 2 years ago

Sorry, pictures cannot be uploaded to the site


I enjoyed playing with you Guest 70 Playing with you is great I took these pictures from my phone because I have a new device and the problem is I don't know how to take a screenshot


oh, try pressinfg the off and sound buttons at the same time

(1 edit) (+1)





Ok, bye


My friend Mister Archer I enjoyed playing with you You and I make an awesome team Let's repeat this later 💙💙💙

gg mh al you are a very good player


But I was not ready, I turned on the computer and wanted to play with you, but I disappeared and found Mr. Archer. Me and my friend Mr. Archer won.


But I was not ready, I turned on the computer and wanted to play with you, but I disappeared and found Mr. Archer. Me and my friend Mr. Archer won.


But I was not ready, I turned on the computer and wanted to play with you, but I disappeared and found Mr. Archer. Me and my friend Mr. Archer won.


6,8 coins longe range



very cool







Bought 🏹☠



290,000 coins!!!!!!



Good job!

(2 edits)

:/Guest 70 we now is a pair of twins

My name is Jesters... heheh

why does your name remind me of dexter jexter

tis not what you think...I've crossed over into many games as King Jesters or FJesters, but this game brought me back a bit as the Jesters.

ik, was just a little joke



That midnight massacre...

Midnight, for me it was at morning

Me too 

word...of course

(1 edit)


Y'all weird, but like in a good way:)

also by the way that window pass

Good match 


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