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Deleted 2 years ago

but please dont switch the buttons around, becaauseeven though im left handed, left handet controlls are owful

the way the arrow is being held actutally means that it archer already IS left handed.

hello pelican party, I would like one of the next updates to be that we can resell armor or bow. Let's imagine that I have the bone helmet and I don't want it anymore, I resell it and like that, I have €100,000. please tell me if this is a good idea.

It was my same idea 😆😆😆

Good idea. But maybe the selling price will lower than the buying price, I think.

@everyone Code code will be posted here. We are glad you joined the war. Note for anyone who cannot join, the match will be replayed on another day and at another time as well. Join us and show us your strength muscle 

Second note he's going to be bowdaking (camera guy) so don't kill him he's just filming




how do we join the team?

I will post the code here


okay ! But when ?

Yay! I'll be in it! I was sleeping when the war was going on 😔

do you now cold blood ?

Hi friends!!!👋🏻

Hi !




Who is that

hello Snadow Blackmill !!


Deleted 2 years ago


13:32(In Japan)



(1 edit) (+2)

Made a bamboo bow

step 5

step 4

step 3

step 2

step 1

Wow. You should make a muted vid of that on a phone and share it with us. 

sorry for no vid, whole process was a bit time consuming

i'll make one again, this one actually weakened fast, ill have a more detailed post sometime later

cool, that should be a bow skin



Got to Flex my skin 

congratulations my friend


cool Ricarbonara

Wow. Great job! 👏 👏 


Hope this makes your day

Have a corntastic day.  XD LOL!!!

mmm cone

i play a vawowtiey of games

Hey kid. I hate corn 😠

i like mine popped u know


got all my gear back




love your clothes

they added a purchase coin sound effect, I just found out

That's been there for a long time

boot drawing, not worth effort

Wow 🤩 Amazing  🥲

don't u have school?

Me? Mine begins in August 23rd.  



Bye guys & Girls. It was fun playing with you! Bye!


u don't have school?

don't you have school?

Mine begins in August 23rd

Mine begins on August 31st lol

Bye guys & Girls. It was fun playing with you! Bye!







that fits surprysingly well

I do not believe that


Oh My Gods. Wow. Lol

yeah, you wanted to speak to me?

I get to 2012 my birth year

My runner outfit is this:


cool, im not sure if the helmet fits well


what new bow am i geting?/



hi everyone

hi, long time no see

Anyone want to play ?  TCR8

Can I consider you my friends?


Yes ! With pleasure !

Ok, thanks

How do you take those photos?

in the bottom left of the skin theres an arrow pointing down, press it


What Dumb said

but how did you take the photo of your head portrait?

huh, can you explain what you are saying

Btw just put wth in your name and 1v1 qoo or sonthing

I used to go for fearless but now maybe not

new runner skin

(1 edit)

change the hat to the hood and you'll get Bayek from assassin's creed(the default outfit)

also funny lookin teeth there

its because of incest


what are you going to buy sir dumb the stupid ?

the fearless brestplate

hes about to lose the second one





(1 edit)

😝 😜 🤣 😆 😹 🤪 😂 😆 

hello pelican party, I would like the next update (or one of the next) to be that we can change the bow in the middle of the game. because right now, if you want to change bows, you have to let yourself die. thank you !

thtwould be too OP

it's a disaster ? (OP)

🤔Imaging it: Everybody use the small crossbow to run faster. But when we meet the enemy, we will quickly change into the 2nd or 1st bow and fight with the others. Of course, that's convenient, but it may lose the characteristics of the game and bows.

My opinion is that maybe Pelicans can add a place that you can kill yourself without anybody's "help" in EVERY map. Because in some maps like TOMBS and ALLEYS, if you want to change your bow, you must wait for the enemy to kill you, sometimes it wastes much time. 😀

and if youre in a private squad alone, you cant


But you can reload it. Because you can't get any kills if your alone 😏


An useful way if you're in a private squad alone and want to change your bow in TOMBS or ALLEYS. You can copy your webpage and join your squad.

If you map has any pits full of spikes or water in it you can jump

ik, but in some without



(1 edit)

Anybody wanna play?


Okay, code is YNF3

doesnt work

Ou, but it works for me 🤔


look who i met







Lagged me to death 



Oh no. Here we go again 😑

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