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join RLH6

cant, have school

ok, i have the first 2 lessons free


ich habe vertretung

ah, das tut mir leid, bei uns ist fahrtenwoche aber meine klassenstufe fährt nicht, deswegen haben wir relativ viel ausfall

Goodnight, my friends!

goooo...oo.... ni- ght...


good morning


Gn my friend

my friend is going to be playing so here’s a hi to him 

Hello Everson's friend!

Tell Everson  to come back and join my clan


Oh. You removed Uchiha From your name. But stay here and sub to my youtube channel. There's just new people here. No old guys like PRO KING 2, Clint Barton, UserNotFound123, King Spartan, arouablast, Apollo, and a bunch more

yeah, appollo moved to discord, clint and pro king are on sometimes

 i miss aroura blast 

thanks everso for staying with the clan

tell him to join my clan i only have Havoc and Fast killer


I’m already in a clan

not you ur friend i was tlaking abt

everson are you on discord

Guys check this game out:

Master Archer

ah yes his soul turned into a game

May he rest in peace,

Yes. R.I.P.

I can't stop laughing

already knew about that oen

T POSE GANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I remember that! I wan't there but I found it so I showed it to Pelican Party!


Me can't stop laughing too

What do you think of the picture ?

Qoo/Ill kill you

This is like a cool selfie.

(1 edit)

haha judging by the way she hold the arrow I can defeat her irl lol ( I have decent accuracy irl close - mid range with a 18 pound bow ( you would need to calculate where the arrow goes (by aiming up a bit for distance) because it doesn't have a lot of force)

Wow ❤️

Has any of you seen Master Archer  

 he's missing

HMM, i too havent seen him in a long time

I dunno, should we put up missing posters?

I'm gonna do it.


Im bullying havoc

That sucks >:(

help im getting laugh attack


I swear if you start a Civil War...

ha haaaaaaaaaaa

Hey can u tell me how to put itch in darkmode? Didn't know it had it

its in the profile settings, but it doesnt work. for the narrow one main site

ohh ok thank u

deities don't have a need for darkness i thought you were good even your pfp is (mainly) white

well there are deities of darkness and my pfp is in fact a devil specifically the blood devil 

idk what 2 say to this except the thing i know is that your pfp is vampire

Oh she is power from chainsaw man and I guess u could call her a vampire but her actual race is devil

Didnt notice i breached 3000 posts :)

And I didn't notice. I crossed a thousand posts

awesome, im. ctching up to dragonair

(1 edit)

Oh no. Need to type type type!!!!









type 😂



Can I get a hiya!


if you guys have known me since the start what was my very first username

i was there before the things arised so i should. know your original name, but i forgot it

It ok

It was waughforce cause it's the name of my old tik tok


I haven't since the start (;´д`)ゞ

pelican is your fav animal pelicans

Anyone has played with EREN? I think he/she could be a hacker, too fast releasing 


Haven't seen he/she before. Ever. You think they are a hacker?


i have seen him, but he was on my side and i couldnt really see him on action

Sir dumb, let me recommend this band to you:

AC/DC, I assume you might have heard of it before, but who cares?

yes, but exept sabaton i dont realy like stuff with a lot of singing.

Thanks for the recommendation anyway

okey dokey!

Assassin's Creed Dragon Clan?????????????????


Awesome! But in all seriousness, AC/DC is an awesome band :)

you welcome

Wtf is AC/DC?

Seriously?!? It is one of the best rock bands of al ltime!

U know Linkin Park?

i do

hey pelican can you make like stuff like merch or stuff like that

I want this too

thx for the follow, thing 2

Does anyone want to have dinner with me? 

on condition 

Pay 100k

XD lol

cant im to poor for that



i want dinner with you haha

😆 😂 😝 😝

I'm still laughing at this picture 😂

me too. how to do this? i would love to repeat it with the most ugly skin i can make



hahahahaha looks like torture dance hahahaha funny t pose torture meme


are you having astroke or something?


thats good

I love this photo XD


Reminds me of this time

What 😂🤣


“hug me”




Wow you are strong



Sorry, i have school

i played squad with dexter and guest 666 but accidentaly used guest account so noone knew who i was. sorry about that


It's okay guys

here are some pictures of A Little Thing 



Wow 💗

Bubarma- By Fanfare Vagabontu. Listen to it, you won't regret it.

listen too night witches from sabaton and to hell and back. from sabaton


I Sawed The Daemons, Andrey Avkhimovich

Ancient Guardian - Peter Hont

The BOTW Art Reference Collective — Guardian Stalker Bonus: “Hey, whatcha  doin?...Ancient Guardian as in these?


No, as in the boss fight in the water DLC in minecraft dungeons. 


lol, i know about that

No not like this but this is still cool. it is from legends of zelda right?

yes, breath of the wild.


Bye Potatoes are hot


Its someone who isnt on itch, but reads it


he‘s pretty nice

hi everyone

Hi Madara

YJRH if you want play with me



Why, hello there good sir, how is your morning/evening?

(1 edit)

Coming soon 40000 coins


Thank you




my homework XD



I like ancient history, but not everything else. I was told legends of how chinese kids get stacks of homework, and i guess it's true 

haha very real


lol good legends 🤣

i love ancient history the Romans, spartans, natives, greeks, Jewish

(1 edit)

Yay, i don't understand Chinese, but Yay

Ah I see, very interesting (can't read a single symbol)

Home work.No!!!!!!!!!

good luck


I am done


Thx for chatting

hhh Everyone in the world has to do their homework

It's the way the cookie crumbles, my friend

good luck. guess you will need it

Nice job, man



 Hello everyone . we always used to go to war⚔️


All those previous wars we fought and enjoyed were great 💙

But come with me 🚶


This war will be private with the Pelican Party 🥳🤩

 A game designer, will join us in the war@Jurgen🎉


The date of the match will be after the big update 😃


 Bring your equipment 🏹⚔️  

You will not come out alive from the war ☠️☠️


Wow! it will be awesome


Awesome, finnaly i can get massmurdered again

enter genocide mode 😈


WOW!! Hope i can join u too, btw great picture

can i bring my mustard gas

hol up, i‘ll bring the chlorine gas, its more effektive.

I always like to help Ü

oh thanks :)

to that i can only say:

why? this is primitive… today we use SPITFIRE

what? how absolete, you don't even have any hydrogen bombs

what about scout bow? way more mighty

Ill be bringing Agent Orange :)

wow,i will try to K。O。 PELICAN 嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿

good luck with THAT one

i can do it, heck i even did it multiple times, but even if on long range they are very strong and on medium one too


I dunno, i thought the devs would be great at their own GAME

they are, but some like me are a bit stronger


oh yeah

This will be amazing! Can't wait!

What's Jesper's skin btw?

New code kzlx

plz come back

Nice to play with you :) 

wowowo, wtf is your name

exactly, what IS THAT?

ooo i saw you today,i use a noob skin,Have you noticed my tie(doge)


:) sir dumb was faster than me :)

lol, git gud.


also my video has pelican party in it



yes, also sorry for thhe git gud, i just had to sayit

Have you tried getting good?


What do you use to edit your videos? I'm trying to find a good video editor. Btw first Dumb, Then me, then you

uh actually sir dumb is using no editor. but when i have my channel, i will use one. so i also need a tip.

he‘s talking to snadow

Premier Pro.


is it without gownload?






Go to my Channel

Strange, the vid won't play for me.

Go to my Channel and play it. FOr some readon it's like this. Or you can join ym Discord

(1 edit)

444V, if ya want.

i finished

Ü, im. fast

you are

yes, it was quite an oppurtunity

I am just about to upload one (poorly edited) one

mine too isa porly edited

haha lol didn't see it myself was grounded today


the slippering ice is sofun

lol, just tried it.


It makes it challenging and more realistic

cause its fun to slipper around

I know


We made some minor changes to the Halls map. We broke a wall, adding another route and you slide on the icy parts now. Let us know if you like the changes

this is awesome

i love it

great! It was cool seeing you explore the new icy jumps 

yeah, sadly i wasnt able to reach you at the end since someone shot me. in the back. two. times

When is the china update


i m waiting 2

how do you define coming soon? hope its this or next week since i have a bet with havoc

Please not make it next week, how about 1 month from now? 😁


we want it quick


ugh,I can't find apple...........



Oh. My. God. It happened. And I got grounded so couldn't see this lol


Why do I have a feelnig a part of the great wall is gonna be broken

I do! Thank you! Can't wait for the main update!


dang, the chat is inaktive today


I mean, its sunday

Does DC stand for dragon clan



Yes, it does



Hey Dragonair, put this on your poster, i made this using Google slides so i can't make it transparent (does this look good?)

Cool! Please join our Discord vtw


can't I would If allowed

Sir dumbs own custom skin

??? what do you mean???


hey, what are you implying with that, it was made by bowboi

I know, it was theoretical

haha!! lol i looks good but also funny

ikr i don't know how to photoshop

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