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Hi winner dc

we need a chat option in the game itself


coming soon!

and the third person on IPAd ?




Really interesting...

Though make a censor thing, just in case people go &$!@.

yeah, i wanted to say that too, most players now like tryhards would curse

it ‘s you’re brother ?

Yea the skull crusher's

That's him!?!?! He's in my Discord Server

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Narrow winner your friends in the match in towers is my brother

well done to him then !

What ended ??????  Yo tell

Here's the first t-pose image: 

New map - NarrowRuins & character model update - Narrow One by Pelican Party

doesnt load, can you dm it to me?


Wth 3 people leaving

I just got back not to long ago 🥲

I've been back for 8 days to be exact

Yeah, i feel so sad now, Pro king, Mh Al, and skyzess. ;-;

Who is next to leave, Sir Dumb!?

nah bruv i wont leave now, but maybe in a few years since i‘ll have abitur then


This is one of the lowest points in narrow one history. The life of archers are ceasing. I will have to eventually do it to keep my grade up, but i'll still be here often :)

me tooooo i need to keep my grade but i still play narrow 4 to 6hours[maybe] but i always got a+[or 120]

All my good friends, falling face down around me.  ;-;


hi muluc

Hi muluc

hi muluc


(1 edit)

so sorry my pc said" chrome isn't respodnging" and it auto closed xd


Hi Havoc


bowboi, do you wanna play a few rounds?

uhh yes but i gotta go quick

Nvm, lets do it tomorrow

ok no prob

@aza222 was that you?

(3 edits)

yeah,i m thinking about where did I see this skin before whole match lol

lol same i was like, hmm this guest has full bow fearless and a king robe, he looks familiar xdxd


The 15th of October. The second and final chapter will begin. But it is the most difficult class I will study🥲

so what will you learn

Sciences . Like biology is the most important subject and chemistry. Physics is not important enough. And also mathematics. And learn English

Good luck from me too

good luck

good luck, i‘‘m sure you‘ll pass

good luck

Next Thursday looks like I'll be leaving. But who says? Maybe it will last for a few days



Hey, I just hope yoyu don't leave forever. Please promise us that.

I will never leave you. I will complete my last semester. he is tall . I will only miss you for a long time.

I really hope no one is upset with me. but . I'm starting to feel that you were sometimes the cause of your inconvenience. Forgive me

you‘Re NOT upsetting anyone

I really hope so

you dont need to hope, it is so

Hey Mh Al, YOU were my friend for a long time, you are and will be my friend until the end. If I'm not mistaken YOU were the only one who waited for my return when the hope that I would return was 1%... I would never get mad at you Mh Al, on the contrary, I owe you a lot Mh Al...

I'm Mh Al. I met more than 100 people. You might think I'm joking. But I know them well.

yeah, and i am happy to know you well

Thank you dear friend 

yeah, i thank you too

(1 edit)

nevermind already eneded

But I will give you tips. I may leave you suddenly. The players also seemed to leave one by one. Because the new school year has begun. I see that there are some parents who turn off their device in order to study. So my friend, this is normal. Focus on your future. And take care of your studies. I completed the first semester a month ago, turned off my device for a week and got 96%. I want you to be like me. The game can wait, but the study does not have time to wait. It's only a year and then we'll meet here again in the summer vacation. I really wish you good luck. If someone wants to ask a question how to join his time. What do I do. Or why am I miserable because I exist these days


No don’t go Mh Al…………….

Here is the map of the Middle East for no reason at all

heyyyyy I’m there somewhere


It seems that Mh Al also will not continue to narrow one


(You're joking, right?)

I'm not kidding my friend. There are a few days left. But don't worry, I'll be back




ok umm new grind squad later maybe 4:50 my butt hurt 


GG again!

GG, bowboi!

hey imma find new grind squad


9vk9 we fighting thing 2



bruh reply pls

Sorry, sorry, i just had a BSOD, computer completely shut down

it's ok

havoc u there im tryna find good match

U wanna find a map this time?


find a good towers map first havoc.

remember :

5 arrows up = start capturing 

Drawing bow and moving aim in a circle= reload site

Bowboi, regular match or grinding time?

idk for a ideal grind we gotta find a fully uncapped noob match on towers

Why must this happen

I dont know ;-;

Bowboi, when should we play?

right now

im free rn



Me right now:

Really not stonks 312145069031201 by @sawlty_



Hope you guys will not forget about NC after my leaving. Hope it will be the biggest clan in n1! :) Alr, thats all. Bye guys...



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What about the 'United we stand, divided we fall' thing?!


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welp, i‘ll hope your dream will come to reality, eveb though it is a far away one blocked by N1

I'm willing to trade all my coins to bring Skyzess and Pro King back

It rained this morning...


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I know, but if they must leave, let them go...

Я буду скучать по тебе вечно, Скайзесс

Skyzess, you and Pro King will be missed...

I just got to meet you and you seemed like a genuinely nice friend, i feel bad that you had to go, but i understand you want to be a better programmer. Just come back here every once and awhile to check how things are going, please? I hope you are succesful through your great journey of life.

See you around,


Thanks! You too :) cya...


(1 edit)

this is my last round in my n1 career. I want to become revolutionary programmer, and n1 is kinda distracting to my learning. Along this 4 months i met very many ppl, and it was nice to play with them all :) i will keep n1 in my heart, cause it was part of my daily routine. Stay pro! ;)



WHY dont leave

Ill try, but the current situation forces me to improve and study really fast, so i need to forget about n1 :(

ok, just come back later, hope you never forget :(


First we lost King Pro and now you, Skyzess, on the same day!?!

All my friends are falling face down around me ;-;

Please keep programming, you will get better with time!

And i just met you too....

Sorry my friend, thanks for kind words! I will remember you :)

До встречи!

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до встречи...

another one goen :..) thats just sad

i‘m sad, you were a good enemy skyzess

thx sir dumb. You we're good opponent too XD. But i guess we need to say goodbye at that moment... 

i really hope you‘ll come back one day.

when i first met you in forts i was really surprised by such a strong enemy, i was still stronger but you gave me a shock

auf wiedersehen


good success with the game dev tho, i hope you can do it

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mhal will sadly go for a while too

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Bye bye, i wish u luck 

hey havoc im free today but squad later 

Ok, see you there comrade!

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