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Their best player left in the end

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ik, Rus is very strong, whenever he's on the other team, I have to play defense a lot. And it looks like he got fearless Helm

i'm slighty stronger than him, but most of the time a teammate support him.


I bull rush (Halo it) a lot which adds to my high death counts, but got great aim when I get into it.

When I saw Lighieri I was like it's gonna be an onslaught. The whole game was red team defense and us rushing at tombs.

I wish I could remember who their good player was that made the game go on forever cause the second they left we scored 3 times.

second time actually

not sussy guy yt, ESzaxLZ

i think he's on Discord

ik that

ive always wanted to fight him

ah, yes, i was trying to get his attention lol he acted like i wasn't there, a very serious boi

i wouldn't think about fighting him, i'd be extremely happy if i even killed him once, i'm not that greedy

I've talked to him he doesn't prefer to fight and just wants to have fun

He's pretty chill

he only recognizes people who r stronger than him or fearlesses

i met ESzAxLZ a long time ago, i didnt have fearless , he didnt have fearless. And i could beat him fairly easily at that time.

ik. Barely talks. (or maybe i've never talked to him)


but it never happens

i did the maths, i lost about 7500 coins from abruptly closed matches, aka parents, school, or pc issues.

lol every time i am playing a long gg my mom ask me to stop(or order lol)

so i only had one time to get more than 200 kills

sad, same with me too.

@drago cmon bruh start the squad

i gtg soon

You joined 2 hours later

I was there when you was there

How time flies....


begin it

Bruh. you joined 2 hours later

The one and only is back.....


lol i m waiting for a image for minure,i thought a image is loading but it just u send lots of enter lol


bro became a pngtuber xd


he asked on  the discord if the drawing looks fine  annd imediatly got told  his arms  look weird

haha lol


sorry i wasn't on for 2day 



ye, some of use have been playing for over one year, im here over 8 months now

oh i didnt even realize that ive been playing for over a year now 

But y are you guys replying to me this doesn't mean anything |(cool (๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧)

Yea ur right but he does that a lot

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This is my highest score ever ever

That K:D ratio is tough, and the ones you beat beat fled hehehe


best of the day... off to do the real life stuff.



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I have 20k only

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you have 10x more than i have


Santa gives some gifts(ᵔᴥᵔ)|bowboi:yeaaa(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)|

Santa :ok 🐖💩💩💩💩🦍💩💩💩💩🐘💩💩💩💩💩🐶🐰🐨🐷🐱🦊🐯🐭🐻🦁🐸🐹🐼🐮🐵:eat n enjoy🐽|bowboi :thanks😋😋😛😛😛

are you ok?

Yep I'm ok (๑´•.̫ • `๑)|do you know who I am??? •̀.̫•́✧(king cr)

ik your king cr, you're just being a bit too weird

51k im poor


как вам удается так быстро экономить?

Я всегда выхожу на карту арены и использую метод 

 Shadow Blackmill с дугой 4 (посмотрите ее видео, она потрясающая). Вы берете дугу 4 и возвращаете максимальный флаг.

Do you know Lucifer? He is really good

i dont

isn't he in hell?

damn i couldnt imagine the ping he must have had down there

bruh im here

hi pro king and the thing. did u make a squad?


i can't load the game suddenly sry

wooooooow you have 90k

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what's the next u will buy?head

The helmet


Nice bro

FJNJ if u want play

bad luck idk y i can't watch ad again ! am i have to get 100000 without double?

Do not worry. I never double my coins but you can try to connect to another site (poki for example)

wow never use double and got fearless armor is cool

you'll be fine



Good luck!

good luck

i only have 10k

Yes, but u have the fearless armur

you have it to

good luck


u don't have to sent it four times lol

pelican, when will log in with itch come😵



we started working on this, not sure when it's finished 


happy grinding

Good job! But the Halloween card is good too because it is quite small


Thanks bro


my score 

well done!almost 2000

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My highest score ever

how many deaths u got?

67 deaths😭😭😭

beruh. number of kills is good tho



Deleted 1 year ago
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I see, and I know, these are the last days of Narrow One's Comment section in I have been part of this community for what feels like years...

I have seen this old game's greatest days and some of its worst.

I am so very proud of Narrow One, I consider it one of the greatest games on That day when I fell in love with this game is fresh in my memory, it was fun, awesome community, and great concepts.

This game beat Minecraft for me... (It was my #1 game at the time)

I met so many friends when I was here:

Sir Dumb



Narrow Winner

Mh Al



Madara Uchicha... I could go on.

All of you made me look forward to tomorrow to see what new, fun stuff had been posted here.

Until I get Discord, this is my formal goodbye to all of you who are migrating there.

до свидания, 再见, auf Wiedersehen.

We shall meet again, my comrades.

See you on the other side......

(To Aussua and Dumb, ik you are going to say "Havoc, its just a game, dont be dramatic." To that i say, no, this is a good amount of drama :)

are they getting rid of the comments section here i had no idea...

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I saw that... I was like MrNoob?!!! Boutta be a tough game.... Aww he left... and then i wrecked the rest.

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yeah, I will stay with this game until it dies, my friend :)

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thanks, Mr.Noob. I appreciate it:)

lmfao he predicted it hahahahah

for me too

Yeah... it was only a matter of time

bro its just a ga...

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nah but genuintly suprised u mentioned my name in friends, must have been held at gun point

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nah im great

what? You were one of my best friends here!

that's cute

cute n1 friends





i met a lot more in the real prime time

yeah, irl, honestly, I met more friends here 

itoo met a lot

but there were waaaaaaayyyyyy more before you joined

we will meat again

also skyzess is still on discord

if you want i can give him a message from me

Tell him I'll see him there when I get Discord, and also I wish him luck with his programming 

Yeah, u better get discord soon :)

we'll see

I can't get on discord :(

Yet another one. It was nice to have you here. We will miss you. 

Well, im staying here, im just saying goodbye to all those who are going to discord

heyo in for 3 hours let's see how many time i rage quit





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So i almost rage quit a couple times, truepeter is a good shot, and ping was bearable. best game tonight I believe just happened, but this is the one I'll show.

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hi everyone


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I guess I'm 2 hours late....

2 hours bro, u got no idea how much i used to play this game

during summer i was like this games biggest addict

XD, I can see that

TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES! RIP. THis is his 9th channel anniversary.


He was a very famous Minecraft youtuber

i know, but he's only dead for a few weeks, not years

it feels like years...

yes. btw respond asap, im bored from wrting an essay



RIP Alex :(

🎶Legends never dies!! When the world is calling you, can you see them...🎶

@havoc when can you play? i still have a essay rough draft

I can play right now if you want

i might have time untill ~5pm my time.

ok make squad i got a few minuts

i running outta time...


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man, it's been quiet these days, don't know if it's because the tournament

yeah, i hope it's the tournament.... If it's not, the Narrow One comm is dying or moving to discord....

also, can u play rn?

no, im so sorry, gonna find a opening to play. have a test and essay right now

Alr, thats fine! Just lmk when you can play.

its moving to discord

no we don't that

you dont

the rest are

Then it's almost over, the end of a golden age of Narrow One....

no it isnt

only on itch

discord is thriving

Yeah, that's what I meant.

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