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(1 edit)

I'm going to set this straight for anybody who does NOT get what the Narrow Union is.

The Narrow Union is a defensive alliance made to protect clans within the alliance in case of an attack from the N1 clan. So far, no battle or attack has been made yet, but we are on high alert, looking for any moves made on N1's side. We will not make the first move in this war. The Union shall only take action once N1 wants a battle or starts to instigate a fight.

In other words, we will not be on the offensive at all.

i heard that it might be a while before yall actually play against each other 

Yeah, we are hoping no war ever happens, and it just gets put off




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Well, I allied my self with SC...So.....

Welcome to the battle

ayo wait so sc is in the alliance

we don't know, they are either neutral or towards us

This was made to protect everyone not just dc if we need to be offensive we will if we have to


it's supposed to be defensive, meaning that we're not the ones to declares, but rather to respond to it. but drago went rambo mode


and even if no war happens THE NARROW UNION WILL ALWAYS STAND



ye, simplified:

the union protects states under it but does not attack other states. we defend from any organized threat..

btw we don't/ shouldn't attack others but um apparently drago went ahead :/ also it's not made to defend ONLY drago, it's made to protect all under the alliance


helloooo guys sorry u didnt see itch io cuz i have a lot of exams and school.                                 I miss u madara uchiha and king of narrow ❤️❤️❤️❤️

thanks how are you doing

ur welcome im good and u?

im good

there is a alliance with Dragonair's  clan havocs clan bowboi's clan and my clan its called the Narrrow union we started it because dragon air said n1 (snadows clan ) wages war on us so we made an alliance

i told him that on Discord. He's in DC

oh ok


Hiiii my old friend! (not old actually cause ur on Discord my bad lol




Yay, my old friend Assassin Dragon! ❤️❤️❤️ Nice to see you here again 🥰

Me too ❤️❤️❤️❤️


(1 edit)

For the Narrow Union And For the Senate and people Of ROME!!


i know that i didn't put spqr because most people would not know what that meant and do you agree when I said the war should start on 2023

uh i don't think so we just need to spread the info to discord, esp the joining forms. btw i can't access your form send the link to me i should be able find the problem

ok im from to send it again

ok, i could not a problem with the url, it's just the wrong link and you need to give access for people to use it.

It says i need permission


so we have more time to prepare and train and get more men


Everyone i think as a leader of the narrow union the war should start at the beginning of 2023

hol up, nobody leads the entire union, the clans in the union are led so that leaders have equal power


ik that's why i said as a leader

oh ok i read it wrong so sorry

i don't wanna be offesive but you can't lead the nu

im not leading there are leaders in the nu I'm one of the leaders

ah ok

the clan leaders are leaders of the NU there is no main leader

im so sorry misread you

its ok

hol up, nobody leads the entire union, the clans in the union are led so that leaders have equal power

i just copied what bowboi said. Because it's true

ye equal leader power, when it gets bigger we'll lets ppl vote so it's a a republic system

or a democracy

yeah, that's the word i was looking for

But i'm superior obvi

yeah but we all have equal power

Hi everyone


Hi Muluc!

For Rome

Hi Havoc 

For Rome

btw when s the war starting .BLÖDD SHALL BE EXCHANGED !!!!





Oh. I forgot. That's why I have Silver (gold) armor coated in Garlic (Cinnamon)



he made another one, this time w/ more suitable song for vs N1 :)


songs for the narrow union losing, nice!

(2 edits)

Red Alert 3 Main Theme retrofited for the Narrow Union

In the Union Army, we are the best!

Our aim is straight, our shots never awry!

With our great leaders, we are sure to succeed!

And blow those N1 archers to kingdome come!

In the Union Army, we are the best!

Our aim is straight, our shots never awry!

With our great leaders, we are sure to succeed!

And blow those N1 archers to kingdome come!


Our wits are the sharpest, our strength is stunning

Never surrender, is our motto!

For we are amazing, and can never be stopped!

So see you later, on the battlefield

Our wits are the sharpest, our strength is stunning

Never surrender, is our motto!

For we are amazing, and can never be stopped!

So see you later, on the battlefield



In the Union Army, we are the best!

Our aim is straight, our shots never awry!

With our great leaders, we are sure to succeed!

And blow those N1 archers to Kingdom come!

In the Union Army, we are the best!

Our aim is straight, our shots never awry!

With our great leaders, we are sure to succeed!

And blow those N1 archers to Kingdom come!



i send you to gulag


OUR alliance


sir dumb wanna brawl 

can;t sry


im sry but no

im not t all in the mood to do anything


u have brawl?

lol 😨



thats messed up

ik ancient chinese had bombs and missiles and gunpowder probly got her legs blown off oof 😱


this the body of every N1 archer after the war, im'a bomb each and every one of them to oblivion and i can use as many bombs i want, His Majesty granted me permission throught and imperial edict


y e s



dang xd got her legs blown off by the 火龙出水

(first missiles to exist)

lmfao lol

wow new update when we jump !!!!

what did it do

When we land, we bounce back

really? kinda felt it but not much

i think its just the jump head  bop

ok then no update basically probly he turn of his head bop

limitsdragon want a 1 v 1

Ayo why? I mean for sure  we need to figure out a time, ivr player ahainst you a few times

i think the new map is called narrow temple cause the music used in the teaser is called temple teaser (from pelican's bandcamp). reminds me of tempple stage in ssbu

yeah, good guess


the teases is also called temple teaser on discord

so its already quite known that its callec temple


yeah. so as the teaser trailer file I dowloaded

SID!!! why do you ve always killed me?!

(1 edit)

Sorry I didn't realise 

I did see the leader board 

Deleted 1 year ago



Like and subscribe !

im not allowed to sub sry



You welcome!

pelican when the new map comes out I can't wait for it anymore


i pray its better than jungles and walls

if it isn't, ima cry



(1 edit)

ye walls would be better if it was fighting behind and in front of the wall but  walls is good and but also need big changes. jungles is terrible probly why aztecs went extinct xd

(1 edit)

tbh a big prolem maps have is being too narrow and having a ton of details lol

welp it's narrow one but according to the trailer it should be similar to towers (s grade map)

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still be interesting either way

its similar to towers, theres no way they cant make it good

thats what im hoping but it might be a lil to big we'll see 

i like big maps with open areas, then i can snipe.

(1 edit)

open areas im fine with just as long as it aint a big narrow map like walls then ill like it

you would've loved Facing Worlds UT

ye tower s grade map

Towers is awesome map!


for sure, no question anymore after the teaser, have you seen these wtf insane details?!




oh. my. god.


oh my god, IM SO EXITED!!!!!!!!!!!


ye, imma grind 1.5k for spending tmrw


lw erapf;ilgjis; (omg yay!)

so exited

me 2

Deleted 1 year ago


1 v 1


BDFF(i sent this code here & to discord)

nooo im in a meeting

your version of game is outdated

hey havoc why don't ya make a song the u can sing to tune of soviet march it would be good idea

Hehehe... no

why not

it would be kinda sus...


is it because it's about soviets?




hi 😀

hi :)

hello 😊

(1 edit)

Hi everyone. I should have said hello when I joined this community, but I was too late to say ;) But it's so nice to meet you all!


wow the first time you actually chatted lol (except this)


really? Lol








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Welcome to the community, comrade!

We are all glad to have you here!

Oh thanks for welcoming me😊

It is my duty, my friend!

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(2 edits)


N1 will destroy all of u. stop trying and give up with ur little plans

Deleted post

stop bro dont make it anymore cringe than it already is

this is already super cring

yeah ik


bruh talk to drago not me he's the one that started dis and he's using a defensive allliance as an offensive alliance🤣🤣🤣

i don't think i have enough power in my hands to make a decision

DC will win !

For the Union!

U are the cringiest thing here bro

Plus, we already heard you say that

Over there!

Over there!

Send the word, send the word

Over there!

That the Unions coming!

The Unions coming!

The drums rum-tumming everywhere!

So prepare!

Say a prayer!

Send the word, send the word

To beware!

We'll be over, we're coming over

And we won't come back 'till it's over, over there!


Over there!

Over there!

Send the word, send the word

Over there!

That the Unions coming!

The Unions coming!

The drums rum-tumming everywhere!

So prepare!

Say a prayer!

Send the word, send the word

To beware!

We'll be over, we're coming over

And we won't come back 'till it's over, over there!

And we won't come back 'till it's over, over there!

And we won't come back 'till it's over, over there!

Guys! Dont translate "gosh by cow" in filippenes (tagalog)

You are what it says. You have been warned.


As a Filipino, I know this already...

As long as there is the word "cow"...

sus sa baka

hahahahaha Hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha 

I would like to join  DC, is it possible? Please

Deleted post

Thank u :)

Deleted post

Yes, add DC 2 ur name

I am back I gone to school

who can play maybe bonless chicken?


srry wromg code

join pls


anyone who can play write the code

why were you mourning 

*inserts insensitive joke about a fake death in the family while revealing a horrible attempt at wordplay*

10 mourning games then i'm out

10 games became 20. I lost one, but rage quit so I didn't lose at all ;).

Guys, you might have seen it in my last screenshots, in-game youll find me as CalifacsDD



Haste denen rausch ausgessslafeen?

ne sory isch heb  noch kadder end [hick] bin nochl bisl bedrungen [hick]

ok, aber bi morchen zum neeeeuen updat bisse daaan ausjeschlaffen? [hicks]

hoffenlich shen [hicks]

(3 edits)

can i join DC  please 


Deleted post

yes u can

just add DC to ur name


In the army of the Union

We are marching in the van

And will do the work before us

If the bravest archers can

We will drive the N1 forces 

from their strongholds to the sea

And will live and die together

In the army of DC


We may rust beneath inaction

We may sink beneath disease

The summer sun may scorch us

Or the winter's blast may freeze

But whatever may befall us

We will let those scumbags see

That unconquered we will still remain

The army of DC...

The army of DC!

O, the Army of DC!

That unconquered we will still remain

The Army of DC!


We have Bowboi the daring

And we've Dragonair the cool

Where could we learn the art of war

Within a better school?

Add Sir Dumb to the list of names

we must all agree

we have the finest archers

In the Army of DC

The army of DC!

O, the Army of DC!

We have the finest generals

In the Army of DC!

(I don't mean to call ANYONE in N1 a scumbag. In fact, most are pretty nice, but for the sake of the song, I had to use those lyrics.)

what is dis

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(1 edit)

oh i see 😶

very smart idea when ur fighting ricardo

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a song





Proud x10



Boneless chicken YouTube channel comming soon😃!(^o^)!



join the code tkkf

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