i just beat my personal best score of 16 or something with 41 kills! Please watch my 22 secs clip of the game (the real game lasted about 25 mins!). It really helps when I know you guys have watched my videos
exactly but he’s quite smart he can trick you into telling him: like what’s the time at first not a lot of people were aware but now it’s obvious he wants to know your country
I hope you are all ready for the war ahead. You only need to log in at 19:45 GMT+0 (in 30 mins) but I have uploaded the code anyway. The code is W9F9. I will join at 19:30 GMT+0.
i know that all of you have time difference and that’s 100 percent okay but if you are available please join we need your help this is the first Narrow War ( NW1). And it’s also for a better good to destroy Johnny.
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hi guys,
i just beat my personal best score of 16 or something with 41 kills! Please watch my 22 secs clip of the game (the real game lasted about 25 mins!). It really helps when I know you guys have watched my videos
-thanks so much all of you
awesome, my friend! Keep going!
Big Thanks to the 9 people who watched this video you all are the best
nice. Grow! Grow!
haha it is not bad for a new guy
whos spherelsphere?
ohh i know him from a match long ago he's pretty good
nah he sucks and is annoying + toxic af
ohh ok
oh really? Wow, never knew....
he is literally a NPC
hmm maybe a low tier semiboss nps
Dont know....
hes on discord, and rly damn annoying and toxic
ahh i thought he'd be like that too
spherelsphere lmao
yes, I concur with your logic.
guys join vlrq guys
having fun with boneless chicken (he’s really good, havoc is better though)
then Johnny comes in and ruins everything, but I kill him he’s such a big noob
Thank you, code
thank you to everyone in n1 your support matters to me
Ik I’m not wearing my king suit don’t judge
Your welcome!
idk, maybe your wifi is the problem.
It's your WiFi.
ok, im using my school's wifi and it sucks. Thanks for letting me know about the issue
No problem!
Im having a hard time joining servers.
oh im sorry for you, that is real trouble
gtg, nice match
what’s the code
gainst boneless and pearl
but you gave me lots of coins xD
that’s friendship.![]()
nah, it's just that he's a little more experienced than you. You'll catch up to his skill level in no time.
be quiet ;)
It's YOU
that's zip in the bg?
yep, its Zippy
oh ok lol
ah ok. fight or being caught playing N1 too much?
join 4kmj
I tried to do math my leg hurts my wrist hurts and my back hurts not to mention the brain is gone
my math is big big 's good xd
I have an A too xd but it just hurts me
hi boneless chicken, if ur here then reply this, i want to say ur pro, u
had 23-9 while fighting superaaam ur good reply if u want.
xd boneless chicken is pretty good
he is!
No, no, I got a better code for you.
this makes me wonder if narrow one codes can generate cuss words
Very interesting question.
Omggggggg my brother is going insane \(◎o◎)/
pelican fix this
rip my 180 coins
? the scoreboard or the results screen is gone?
scoreboard disappeared 🙄
very easy, touch ur screen or in computer then touch space button
oh just press scoreboard again
who the hell is johnny lmao
Johnny kind of a W fr
nah a L
kinda of funny u spammed a bunch of Ls and she’s just like W.
bruh people be saying he insults ppl
lets see about that
idk lol some weakling who asks for private information and insults people
they found me (i had tRUST issues at first, it was a cheap copy of rust)
When someone finds you in another game, what server you on?
asia #16. i went there bc lack of idiot who KOS
Edit: the server is mostly vietnam and now i am barely surviving their tactics
Hi guys
the waffle house has found its new host
playing with my friend Havoc (one of the best n1 players in the world)
Best N1 players in the world..?
Thats a stretch
no it’s not you’re really good😀😀
thanks, my friend! ☺
i missed it :(
it was a 1v1?
I'll make a code for you, F9KB
code is 67bp private squad- no Johnny (hopefully)
Hi all,
I am pretty sure you are all aware by know there is a hacker named Johnny in the game that is trying to take our info. Read below for more
uhh i've never seen him hack but if he tries to meddle with things outside of the game we'll have to ban him
hE doesn’t hack game - info. About you
then just dont tell him lol
exactly but he’s quite smart he can trick you into telling him: like what’s the time at first not a lot of people were aware but now it’s obvious he wants to know your country
code broke
i played with Johnny and I’m starting to sense somethings wrong, I don’t know what
? what did he say i was gone
johhny is weak why yall afraid
they are pussies
yea ig
How dare you.
you called us pussies.
typical platon
then dont be scared of a noob lmao
His skill level is awful, i know. But he just sits in the corner and acts like a jerk.
that’s his purpose
To go complain in the chat it is useless. It is a useless decoration
He’s a mastermind you don’t know what he can do
he doesn’t play for the purpose of playing. He’s a trained hacker definitely over 20 years old.
Only plays for info
actually plays is fine I think
Cuz he's like Greyhowl
but worse greyhowl's kinda decent compared to him
in a perspective greyhowl's nice
Greyhowl is nice...
join clmz
clumsy ey heheh
i could remove the L heheehehehehehe
and replace with h, must
The jester struck again....
Sorry I have to study. (18% math) it hurts 😩 All because of trigonometry....
ok but can u join later
Maybe. In 20 minutes
I’m good with trigonometry I can help
wait what grade
Don't worry about that. I will defeat the math dragon.
I’m good with trig
Anyone code- if enough people maybe we can resume war
only 1 person joined war cancelled
i was almost in
i'll set up code now although i know if i do some pros will enter to destroy so get ready.
What is the code?
is vanishi gone
i think both Vanishi and that other person is gone.
hi all
I hope you are all ready for the war ahead. You only need to log in at 19:45 GMT+0 (in 30 mins) but I have uploaded the code anyway. The code is W9F9. I will join at 19:30 GMT+0.
Thank you all and see you guys there
Does not exist
hi everyone,
i know that all of you have time difference and that’s 100 percent okay but if you are available please join we need your help this is the first Narrow War ( NW1). And it’s also for a better good to destroy Johnny.
Thanks for all your support
not 1st lul
it is
Nice encounter with HappyC!
(Parents made me leave)
lol parents again
I would've finished him off, he was about the same skill level as me, maybe a little more.
more or less equal
uhuh... hehehe
Hey pelican why are there two katanas is one of them a miao dao (chinese longsword)?
probably cus one of them is a miao dao
yea, i just checked the shorter on it has them diamond shapes on the handle and the longer one has a miao dao handle and guard lol
I think they made a light bladed katana and a heavy one
ye based from the file name but still a miao dao is technically a chinese katana lol