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Deleted 1 year ago


Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Nevermind, nothing big here, lol

(2 edits) (+1)

I got some fake news! Pelican will be adding game modes in the not-too-far future! at least, that's why I hypothesize.

When I was running around (forgot the map name 😑), I found this brown blob hovering over the center of the map, positioned over the boat. I think this is a control the point game mode in early development. I also saw this blob in Temples and Jungle! (Which I sadly did not take pictures of). Here, take a look:

edit: They are just arrow blob glitches that have existed for ages, nothing special.

uh i get those in almost every game

uh. Since when?

since i started playing



I get those occasioanlly too

not to much though

O hell naw i really hope not it's be like Crystalline conflict from ffxiv, my relative plays it and even they get terrible matchmaking n shid imagine what would happen if you did this for a game with even worse matchmaking💀


whos gonna tell them?


its just an arrow hit indicator and that bug has been in game since ages

Exactly! I've seen clusters of them before, lmao

Oh well.

the map's called ruins. these guys appear in clusters too, and also appear occasionally

Oof, well. Hypothesis disproved!


WHY do they never show up for me

am i not good enough

Nah, you're lucky. Those blobs have a curse...


(1 edit)

oof i mis read

edit: that's funny lol a blob can't have rizz, they can be so cute tho

(1 edit)

i want it, my rizz cant get any worse so maybe it will cancel it out

ikr i didnt have that once

it’s Gina be like in the temple maps


narrow wun shickpost (10/10 funni)


like the audio?

hold on, lemme put my headphones on and listen.

... It's been fried, lol

lol, i already tried to reduce the volume.

i didnt get any credit for like over half of the foto's    :(((

BRUH, I have em right in the description! 

i didnt look XD



pelican , add the blue pen melle 🟦

(1 edit)

bruh, what is with that blue pen!?

ig its a melee thats a blue pen



or else ill give you a blue sharpie and we can draw on this guy


*proceeds to play tic tac toe*


bro chill with the blue pen, why tf bro even painting the walls blue 💀

Can't believe my other skins gave it away, lol

O well.

ragequits i was too lazy to post abt


My clans name is BDC

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You can only join if u got a BD (if u have a SD u can still join if u are a kijuist)

what's a BD?

Im sure u can figure that out if u think about it for a bit

ohh, it's uhh big something clan? 

(1 edit)

that's sad you can'tbe in your own clan

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ahh ok sd gave it away bad definition and standard definition video qualit-


My friend's got a big dog, could he join?

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one that's attached to his bo-

bo- what??? BO- WHAT??? BO WHAT?!?!?!

(1 edit)

Bow, not body. Bow. attaching a bow to ur big dog, you can ride the dog like a horse and shoot dogback archery

(don't attach a bow to ur di-)

(1 edit)

Yes BD stands for big dog i have no idea what they talkin about


yea, growing and stuff idk dog farming?

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It's illegal in Havocia.

ohhhh big dog

i thought u mean boring directions

Well im an american so all directions are boring thats why we dont follow them

ah, so it's not a clan, but a rip-off band of the One Directions?


big dummy clan

couldn't have said it better.

y e s

definitely not a weird name

w e i r d   v i c k y


dont tell me, another person wants me dead

lol another squad (no private) 


Today, an idea came to me; what if I built a separate persona that is almost completely unlike me and combines most of the things I hate?

Well, we are putting that idea into fruition! I will not be mean or cuss or any of that jazz, but I will be (or try to be) unrecognizable from the Havoc you all know.

(My best bet is that I'm figured out in the first code I join, but who knows?)


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bruh that's like me lol

well, never said it was original ;)


Oh shid not nero he bad

Not as a tryhard but this guy's history aint too good

no, he's a tryhard, kept spamming his sword and shart.

(1 edit)

I wouldn't expect any less from the worst Roman Emperor.

ohhhhhh, haha

But if this idea was tried before?

yeah, it's been tried.

(1 edit)

RIP Clan is Rising..

Starsket's Funeral is just a beginning.
He reborn with a new power..
Together with RIP Clan members we will answer our enemies with this..

"RIP for your souls.."
RIP Clan motto..

ok bruh 💀


(1 edit)

what is this

I don't mess with witchcraft

ohio ritual


RIP is a subsidiary of PG. Peace Gang!😝

Yep. Here we go.. 💀💀


Bruh, that's a different Ansy than the one I know, he should've raged on the first kill, xd

I saw him first time. Idk very well.

hmm, alr

wha?! I've played with him in a squad before and he was killed twice, I so I don't think he's relatively toxic

But I mean It was me and him vs 6 kings so idk

so I think he's like me, only leaves on resonable circumstances.

hmm, maybe

(1 edit) (+1)

nice lol

This theme was from JoJo Anime.

I know, I know. il vento d'oro, team Bucciarati's theme. no blue pen code

gg with havoc


nice, gg

(1 edit)

white devil and me  :)



Deleted 224 days ago


Deleted 133 days ago

hey, nice



what?it's ansy :/



nice manoel gomes (blue pen) code

what happen to my runner?

blue pen

i've had this happen to both 1 and 4.




uhh. . . ok . .. .

Oklahoma’s Finest!

Havoc? Me and Fatalam want to make a clan or something called the RIPC. it stands for rest in peace clan.

blue pen 🖊


Oh yeah? Alr, I'll join

RIP is enough i think C is not necessary.  







i dont get it



Blue peN

It's a Brazilian meme


wow nice 

better for flag i think


ik this one, but nice

My new skin in Narrow One ( BLUE PEN )



the squad is still standing


Some nice pics with White and Guesty!

The first one is very pretty :)

lol, thanks!

any codes?

join sherkocks



Deleted 1 year ago


one with the crossbow is new and very nice but the one with the bow is very blood thirsty.  


i think the nice ones name is katy of kath as sid said



GG, sorry I couldn't stay longer 😅

np  :)

(1 edit)

im always missing out 😭

youll get there next time. dont worry

ik lol

You'll be there one day, lol

ik, lol  im back with  this squad

Also, 18000 coins exactly



what r u trying to get?

Fearless gloves and the skin for bow 2




Franchises you could consider buying for $18,000


I think he woke up on the wrong side of the bed 💀

ehh, i don't know what ya mean by that, "wrong side of the bed".

also it's not eat it's suck i think

"Wrong side of the bed" usually means that they woke up irritated and unhappy.

My guess is that he had a bad match + was already irritated so he changed his name.

thats........ wrong.  kids should not be exposed to this

(1 edit)

welp it's gotten so bad even havoc is affected and im affected to the point where I basically develop a resistance to this stuff lol

Yeah.. you kinda get used to the stupidity and awfulness of people after a while, lol 

Ehh, I've developed a resistance.

But yeah, it sucks, and kids should not be around this :/

nothings happen to me yet

oh ok, I don't hear that phrase much, and that guy's name made me think it was some implication abt sexual stuff esp with bed

Bruh, not everything with bed in it means it's about sexual crap, lol

Don't you think I'd know after going through it?


Nice? What is this?

My skin with full fearless in arena

nice 🔥 



nice, blade looks very warped tho (warping is a bad thing where the blade curves so that the edge of the blade isn't straight)

besides the heat treat great job

OMG for real that will be you

You can no longer check a teams elo 😔 😔 

dAmN yOu pElIcAn PaRtY!!!1!11!!!!11


Theyre having a vote on whether to keep it or not and if they do decide to keep it then itll show up on n1 instead of devtools

ah, well, that's good

wheres the voting?

Discord suggestions the post was made by jesper

(2 edits)

oh my god bruh aw hell nah wtf man why tf

Apparently we werent supposed to see it lol

ah shid here we go again PP making a bad update for the 355434923948231843574821034952785437928489352493948568095485438762019225032953th time


btw this a joke ok


36HR. join to go to my funeral

I'm sry, I can't attend, I'm setting up my own. My teacher's will kill me if I don't do their homework.

hey you can join his funeral by dying then


oof, an hour late :(

im there rn

When you find out who was in the coffin: 


(1 edit)

Rest easy..

rip me....

want to come to my funeral?

Sure, better bring my tissue box, lol

like now




(1 edit)

rip, now my name is RIP | Starsket







does not exist

oh, not a code, lol

It means Very Very Good Game

I can see how you got confused!

ye XD

gooooood morning  :)

Good morning!





omg horizon is the best, and the colors...


tri is still the best


The best crosshair is tri with white on the inside and black on the outside 💯

mine is tri, blue inside, and black ouside


ah, nice.

I just like the OG, because I've used it for 2 years, XD 

i change the color because i wont have to get used to it

mine blood red for contrast n antifog aiming

mine blood red

I have a slightly off white but I agree.


sounds kinda wrong

... It does sound a bit racist, but y'know what I mean


tri reigns supreme


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