I made my discord account without asking and then I told my parents I have a discord account. The plan worked and they didn’t really cared if I used it.
Different versions of the same map are treated as different maps. So every time developers even slightly change something in the map, you have a chance of getting this popup. Today they fixed some issues in both Arena maps
I dont even know why i am even asking this, but have you felt hated by your parents, when your parents are angry and punish you (not the ground you) this is tamil culture which has happened for centuries abusing their children, my parents take control of my whole life, how i play n1 is as school is my freedom, so i do anything to get a detention to get any second away from them as possible, they also hate me and like my step brothers, and if they are angry they say gross stuff such as drinking my step brothers' wee because i am not perfect as them
Parents were put into your life to protect, love, care for you from all dangers. There are some dangers that might be there that you cant see but your parents can, that's why it may seem that your parents are controlling you, and remember when you do something wrong in life, who is there to comfort you and to take control of the situation to fix it. Its your parents. So please dont feel hated, they really really love you, it just might be hard for them to express it but they do. I just know it.
You mean that parents can be violent to their children just because they own them?? What kind of family is this? They are not animals and they are not stuff to be owned. There is a way to deal
joined a game 1 flag behind w/ flare solaris on 300+ ping, i die even if im hiding behind the wall after taking 1 shot and the other shots are supposed to fly past (supposedly it hits me but dmg cap barely even there to help) but the worst part is the fact that at least 20 kills were achieved by shooting arrows at places where the enemies aren't even at💀 better be fast too cuz if you stay in a shootout for half a sec your fps be droppin from 60 to 8 (worst case scenario) and even with that i kept a 1.5 k/d 😎🤓
I was once at fields when I was against a noob(he prob played the game for the first time), so I flag rush then die, I repeated this for about 10mins, everything was going smoothly, my fps showed 60ish, ping100ish, then the next thing you know “ping to high”, wasted 10 fucking mins of my life
I feel like sm ppl kinda confused about sc, I created sc, and 70 join sc first, I told 70 if i was gone you take control of sc, now that im back, me and 70 are owner/in control, hope that clears some misunderstandings :)
← Return to game
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Things i miss about dc:
Things i dont miss about dc:
I’m kinda new, but what’s DC? (Horrible question)
my mommy found it and now i cant use it 🥺
That’s so sad. My parents won’t let me use Discord.
I used it without their permission.. They werent so happy about that lmao
bruh both me and havoc weren't allowed but we talked it out
I made my discord account without asking and then I told my parents I have a discord account. The plan worked and they didn’t really cared if I used it.
Hi. Is your PFP a Bralhalla skin? Brawlhalla is so fun!
Corrupt mods…
Bro Ik that y’all hate the mod but I don’t see how
Second, UR the one corrupt u were a f*cking femboy
How can I become W-Rizz?

Is Narrow One getting more popular these days?
ye it is
It’s a random post. (This shows you I like rubik’s cubes)
i like them too, but the first time i touched one was a week ago
me too
I like taking my time. Although, I know it's just the same maneuvers over and over until it gets solved.
and ive had an unfinished rubiks cubs sitting on my desk since i was 7 😎
How fast can you solve it
My best average is 27 seconds. (5 solve times added, and then divided by 5)
oof, mines 30 seconds
Yea im gonna try to come back to dc this summer maybe sooner.. Its a risky move and it really depends on how bored I am lmao
being an itch feels weird.. I always kinda made fun of itches xd
I feel you, cuz I feel itchy when i use itch
wowie 🤯
Itch is where 'IT' is at... Atch.
negotiate with them
Hi! Wassup, how’s life? Is it good?
Since when???
Different versions of the same map are treated as different maps. So every time developers even slightly change something in the map, you have a chance of getting this popup. Today they fixed some issues in both Arena maps
I think it's a perfect combination 👇
That’s so funny :P
stray kids= kpop group?
2 meanings - just free stray kid (like outside);
and stray kid = kpop group.
man i miss dc
Hey hey star
welcome back to itch ig xD
This feels like scratch 💀
nah scratch is hella bad
The only rigth way to leave is to get banned for bullying furries
I dont even know why i am even asking this, but have you felt hated by your parents, when your parents are angry and punish you (not the ground you) this is tamil culture which has happened for centuries abusing their children, my parents take control of my whole life, how i play n1 is as school is my freedom, so i do anything to get a detention to get any second away from them as possible, they also hate me and like my step brothers, and if they are angry they say gross stuff such as drinking my step brothers' wee because i am not perfect as them
I feel you but my parent chase me with a slipper or belt :P (I’m also Indian)
І have a that belt 👇
I wonder how well it hits the butt 🤔😈
Communication is key, try to tell them how you feel and what you go thru. They're you're parents after all ^^
hi snaddy
i miss u 😢
Yes, I have SOMEthing similar...
my parents left me at home for family schooling (because of the war :/)
I got my education completely on my own, and I managed it perfectly
but I missed communication and friends (however, there was more time for a narrow one :P)
finally they let me go to school
All my classmates can't wait until school let us go home, and at the end, but of every day I'm very sad that I have to go home
I hate home because I want freedom
parents seem to think that spending a school day is a lot of freedom
and when I come, I have to listen to this endless monologue, how hard it is for them, and then they burden me with a younger brother with a disabilitу
sometimes, if my younger brother hit his head, because of that I was beaten...
no matter what, there was only one explanation: "he is disabled, don't compare yourself to him"
I was still very young, but already very burdened with the task of "helping with my brother".
because of that, I didn't go outside at all...
but I think, I have very good parents❤️
Wdym cause of the war
shes ukrainian
ahh right
Parents were put into your life to protect, love, care for you from all dangers. There are some dangers that might be there that you cant see but your parents can, that's why it may seem that your parents are controlling you, and remember when you do something wrong in life, who is there to comfort you and to take control of the situation to fix it. Its your parents. So please dont feel hated, they really really love you, it just might be hard for them to express it but they do. I just know it.
ofc they love u no matter wut, they just express it in different ways
Love is not everything. Love is only matters with respect.
Some of parents literally don't understand how to communicate with their kids. They think like they "own" their kids with everything. But it is not.
You sound like a good father, let's get married :>
thats so wrong
Why tho it's 💯 right
no it aint bc parents do own their kids, they are fully responsible for them
You mean that parents can be violent to their children just because they own them?? What kind of family is this? They are not animals and they are not stuff to be owned. There is a way to deal
can you make a new code squad split sry
had to go bc ipad was at 1% sorry :( it was fun con :)
all good :( bye :)
Should I post a minecraft montage?
Should I post a minecraft montage on my narrow one you tube channel?
you would be shot…
bruh it's fine i be posting ac origins
joined a game 1 flag behind w/ flare solaris on 300+ ping, i die even if im hiding behind the wall after taking 1 shot and the other shots are supposed to fly past (supposedly it hits me but dmg cap barely even there to help) but the worst part is the fact that at least 20 kills were achieved by shooting arrows at places where the enemies aren't even at💀 better be fast too cuz if you stay in a shootout for half a sec your fps be droppin from 60 to 8 (worst case scenario) and even with that i kept a 1.5 k/d 😎🤓
every time i get shot making the entrance corner in castles, I'm like "but there is no way" and then my shoulder gets tapped. I turn around and....
I was once at fields when I was against a noob(he prob played the game for the first time), so I flag rush then die, I repeated this for about 10mins, everything was going smoothly, my fps showed 60ish, ping100ish, then the next thing you know “ping to high”, wasted 10 fucking mins of my life
That's what you get for trying to game the game. hehehe
lol. That’s just crazy.
Lol perfect example
anyone up for a game? Z8MR
update yall games plssssss
Aspect's mom blocked discord. his soul has left the n1 world temporarily. hopefully he will come to itch.
the good news
from their parents, yes
Itch is better anyway.
nooooo :(
ye 😎
do ur parents know about ur itch account aspect?
Idk maybe 💀
the ppl in m8m6 can u update ur game
It’s hard to win alone. :(
At least I didn’t die. And I got 5 kills.
You did good, friend!!
The Noobpire Strikes Back. Gg
i met u in a match
Anyone up for a squad game?? JGQN
Ah, wrong code. Heres the good one! 4K6J
I like Rubik’s cubes.
I started playing Narrow One on December 21, 2023. So that means I suck, right?
You can judge me what I look like :
Looks great 👍
Thanks! :)
Genuine honestly.
very nice and simple gear, instead of those ppl who makes a uglyass gear just for stats
No offense, some “ugly” gears look funny and unique
bruh im back
I noticed i can be on itch
i should have read this haha
Welcome back! I wrote a message on Discord that said. I’ll see you on Itch. Heheh
Nice. Guess I'll now have a good reason to use itch
now i will use itch now lol
lol me and white had a fun time spawn camping gg
I made moon white rage quit ( recently )

That hat looks so cool.
lol I just spawned in gg tho
gg i thought it was u
It was me :)
Ye lol i thought it was u i reconized ur skin
I feel like sm ppl kinda confused about sc, I created sc, and 70 join sc first, I told 70 if i was gone you take control of sc, now that im back, me and 70 are owner/in control, hope that clears some misunderstandings :)
Also was aussusa a previous owner?
No, he might have been owners w/ 70 when I was gone, but I’m not entirely sure
i don’t understand
It’s ok , short summary, I was gone for a year, 70 owner,I’m back now, me and 70 owner
oh ok thanks (I’m French so my English is so bad
oh ok
ohhhhh i see
vacation at last!
same here
whats the new update???
a new map and a new hat
what new map???
new ruins sky tower
40045 coins finally
flying dragon :D
Happy Lunar New Year - 龙年大吉🐉🐉🐉
WoW they actually fixed it!
tbh not rly
goofy it is, perfect it is
the tongue phases through you so you look like you have an insanely long tongue XD
xin nian kuai le!!
新年快乐 🐉
the downvotes r from ppl who dont celebrate xD
I think it looks great!
I really waited to it! Thanks!
if it’s can you make a pvp Game mode please ?
lunar new year head :D
bruh we hv exact same bow skin
lots of people have this bow skin (I’m very bad in English sorry and I can’t use a translator)