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Appolo you can rename Uchicha tonUchiha

Uchicha or Uchiha


i need everyones avatar in tg clan execpt my clan

Sorry, my avatar isn't good, because my old account doesn't work, so I have a bad account

thats ok man

(4 edits) (+1)

I have change it again/

Lord:Madara Uchicha 

Underlords:Thing 1 and Thing 2 

Commanders :Master Archer, Everson Archer, Apollo

Officers : Aurora Blast, Dumb Tg, Master of Narrow, Master Kakashi 

Underofficers :Assassin King, Rexxd, Guest

Soldiers/New Members:__________________, ____________

Trainers that help new members:

Guest, Master Archer, Thing 1,Master of Narrow, Everson Archer 





good. what is the bottom for again?

can I be a trainer too please 

Yes, please say in your name :Everson Archer (Commander and trainer of Uchiha TG Clan)



wait what

im in madaras clan? im not tho ^^

(1 edit)

thing 1  and 2 is what apollo put for ranks. is that fine thing 1 and thing 2

i hereby declare the uchiha clan and tg clan the Uchiha tg clan. i will like for everyone in my clan to change the end of their username to  Uchiha tg clan.

but i am still going to do the picture

That's is a little bit better than mines, I like that you have do this spears in the picture and the stars

we are using yours

just make it bigger

Deleted 2 years ago



i hereby declare the uchiha clan and tg clan the uchiha tg clan

you can be a commander

change Aurorablast, to officer

(1 edit)

i need everyones avatar in tg clan execpt my clan

me first  thing 1 2nd  thing 2 3rd

4th master kakashi 5th king of narrow 6th Aurora blast 7th apollo 8th assassin king 9th everson 10th dumbtg

Wait, I do it other

alright, so i have made an idea . we will make one big clan i will command mine and you will command yours and we both will command new recruits. but we need ranks. me first then thing 1 and thing 2 then we will make it on our clan members skill

And i got the fruit in hills and im not telling where it is, so wait for the fruit hunt

Me, thing 2, and Madara can lead idk

So were combining the 2 clans?

i guess like the senju and uchiha

@Madara Uchicha, I have a logo of our clan for you, maybe we can use this, it were nice if you can do all pictures of our clan members the heads in a circle out of the logo


The logo :


Is it good?



Or this


no the first one

OK, I do this with my photo app:)

 opa foi errado o vídeo e esse YYF8

Bem quem querer me chama mais mudou o código

e V49J

Oh poop becose it is toilettes 

Fruit hunt tomorrow :D 6 PM USA time

sorry, too laatefor me

We have time zones so you have to be a little more specific

Que  quer jogar comigo

Meu código é NXYG

meu código é NXYG

oi, eu sou o líder do clã TG, bem-vindo ao estreitar uma comunidade

mudou o código agr e V49J

Hwo were it of we were on big clan, I mean, it were better! I go for the uchicha Clan! Maybe we can do the Uchicha TG clan

i like that idea but i need thing 1 to agree on the name... i like uchicha TG clan

me too

idk whos gonna be the leader

You? And maybe something other?

(1 edit)

you saying like thing 1 and 2 and me are all leader

like i said we can be allies like the Senju's and Uchiha clan

but it does sound like a good idea

What fruits we have already? Kiwi on Towers

we know all of them besides castle and hills

We can't get in there, I try that for a half hour

same but i can't find out how to get up


Fruit hunt tomorrow :D

EXCEPT castle because who knows where the berry is

ALL fruits in EVERY map should be found

Fruit hunt tomorrow :D

tomorrow at 6 PM U.S.A time

so it could be clan vs clan

pelican party can you make it where we choose which team.


can everyone in the tg clan send a pic of there character please


I change my skin a lot but I can show you my current skin



in narrow towers?

ah i know this one

Me too

The Uchiha Clan

(1 edit)

i could have did it better but i know some of yall times are or later

Change my mind Uchiha sounds good add me in clan Madura uchiha 2


ok change the end of your name to uchiha

put this as profile picture

should have joined the first time



how do you get the fruit in the hills map


nice 💙


Aurorablast Uchiha

i need everyone in  my clan to put a picture of their avatars in that chat

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