sry I had to leave my parents started yelling at me for being a lazy ass idiot who can’t do anything with his life other than play those stupid games and can’t do anything productive with the last free summer I have to have fun and relax before I start high school, while also having no real friends irl because of how fat everyone thinks I am, which causes me to stay at home, and not talk to people cuz now I’m incredibly self conscious about eating literally anything anymore
ur fat + dont do important stuff and just play game? lmaooooo
jk jk
just do 30 minutes some sort of sports and eat consciously, you're still young so metabolism is good + you better step up because i had a big difficulty jump when i went into high school
But don't let everything go by itself, it's better to do it so that everyone who mocked you later began to respect you. Or you like being fat?? So do something about it, bowboi gave you some good recommendations!
By the way, I usually played in N1 almost all the time, but then I had more time to study because every year it got harder, and I started playing only in the summer. But this summer I didn't played :/ still a lot to do... but I will definitely be back!
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̷※̷ | SniperBoi
Btw gg
brokengod code?
You’re going… :(
sry my mom took my phone and i dont hav mouse can we do tomm?
Oh no problem! Yes sure!
Time I'm free on 5 30 pm india time
Can you right now?
Starcast, NAPOLEON is my friend too...
Can anyone lead me to desert fruit
i can
Ok code?
9Q3Q join :D
Join NAJU back
Missed it ;(
Ggs! :D
also missed it 😭
Me too🙁☹️😟😩
ME TOO! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
me three 😭
aw man
bro what is this
And what is this
ooh a private tab huh? 😏
my sisters asked me to search for the apology song on youtube and i didnt want that on my history. this was kinda in the video somehow. ig it was fake
That's normal
It’s team red won
would have been better if u guys were on 1 team 😂
I've been trying for 2-3 months
congrats :)
If someone play bow3 pretty well(sniper)and want to join a clan,u can 1v1 with me at 20:30 (from 2024/8/6 to 2024/8/20
I come back now ,guys!😎😎
hi,who er u?would like to following each other?
U back hooray
hello! Welcome back!
WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D
(Idk who you are tho)
missed it DX
Good nighty nighty night nighty sleep tighty whighty tight whighty lol my brain is captured by brain rot help
Goood night!
i am backkkkkkkkkk!
Goooood night/ morning everyone!!
Gn yall!!!
goooood night dear friends!! :D
Goooood night!!
welcome back and goooood morning!!! :D
La universe
umm actually that isn’t the universe that is simply the Milky Way galaxy 🤓👆
man ur suuch a NERD
"UmM ACTualLy" ahh moment
dats crazyyyyy
sry gray, i had to go do some stuff, ggs!
Gg np
On god code plsss🙏🙏🙏🍾😵💫🍻🤢🤮😵💫☠️
k ome sec
Damn im late sorry
its fine i had to go anyway
Ah thank you my friend
srry for my absence yestarday i was at the beach with my grandparents lol
had fun?
yeaa wanna play?
sure! omg im sry i keep missing messages xD
if u can play rn, 7QJR
Did you say beachball
oh wrong thing I meant dud you played volleyball
i love volleyball but i dont rly like beach vball 😂
Yello :)
jello :)
rello :)
anyone playing? i need help unrusting from mobile... V3W9
game crashes repeatedly😭😭😭
gg im so rusty :D
Missed it
What kind of qualifications should people have to add them to your friend list?
plural noun: friends; plural noun: Friends
ok thanks lol
I've only seen a few of his posts on itch, so i don't think I really know him.
hes like everyones friend xD hes rly rly nice 2!
hes kinda like broken
Should I add a list of N1 friends to my profile?
ofc tysm :)
join RVQC
Why I'm always skipping codes 😔 😭
lol me too
me 3!
Me 4
join M6R3!
yey im bac
on not mobile
i am going to a small trip, so I won’t be here for the day.👋
Have fun! :D
Good luck, and have a good trip! 🙂
Have fun on your trip!
Just realized that my comment had bad spelling lol
Have fun! :D
have fun!!
have a nioce dae!! ;))
Bai bai and have da good trip
Bello :)
Jello :)
yello :)
fello :)
Zello :)
tello :)
mello :)
Mello :D
This weeks mission
Only use bow 4 the entire week
That's week gonna suck if I did that
Good luck! 😊
good luck bro
oooooooof well ig u can speedrun a lot!
chess been the same for a long time lil bro that ain't a good one
good night/ morning everyone!! :D
good night!! :D
Gn yall!!!
good morning
it downt exist
idk bruh
Missed it
Nooooo I missed it D:
is this really u 70?
is that you?!?
Its sacreed
thats sacreed
dam his room messy asf
moment i heard "sammy" knew it was sacreed lmao
yooooo it’s sacred
join YLBC!
pls start it
Sry i will do it i forgot about it
Imma be back in a ~10 min
sry I had to leave my parents started yelling at me for being a lazy ass idiot who can’t do anything with his life other than play those stupid games and can’t do anything productive with the last free summer I have to have fun and relax before I start high school, while also having no real friends irl because of how fat everyone thinks I am, which causes me to stay at home, and not talk to people cuz now I’m incredibly self conscious about eating literally anything anymore
So ur basically saying ur a couch potato?
my parents make me do ISEE bc i have to take it to get into a middle school! :D IM DYING
bro I feel your pain
Also my friends think I’ll become fat if I continue my diet.
Don’t be too self conscious your a good person.
u r 2 :)
ur fat + dont do important stuff and just play game? lmaooooo
jk jk
just do 30 minutes some sort of sports and eat consciously, you're still young so metabolism is good + you better step up because i had a big difficulty jump when i went into high school
and i almost forgot, i moved schools 2 times (3 schools in total) :D
Don't listen to those who are saying: you're fat
They are just stupid
But I think you should do anything with your life, bcz you have only one life.
Anyways you must live a life that you want
But don't let everything go by itself, it's better to do it so that everyone who mocked you later began to respect you. Or you like being fat?? So do something about it, bowboi gave you some good recommendations!
By the way, I usually played in N1 almost all the time, but then I had more time to study because every year it got harder, and I started playing only in the summer. But this summer I didn't played :/ still a lot to do... but I will definitely be back!
i dont have that much time either, so i just chat on here usually
damn I didn’t think random people from funny bow game could help more than the people I’ve known for the last 14 years
im sorry
Q333 is bacc
goddamn it
coldest edit 🥶🥶🥶🥶
buddy did not go far enough