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(2 edits)


What is that?

Just a pic

Aintnoway u dont know a rubix cube




I’m super curious about the development of this game - how does it run SOO smoothly??


Cuz the best devs made it


Yes indeed!

(1 edit)

I can’t tell if yall are the devs, fans, or bots lol

(1 edit) (+1)

we r real ppl!!

we all talk here and play

Noted, lol! But really tho, how is it so performant? I visited the devs website but didn’t learn much. Wish they had a blog.

they have a yt channel and idk if this will help

we are huge fans of this game ITS SO AWESOME RAHHH

I'm real I think

If it helps at all its made in js

I figured that had to be the case. JavaScript, web sockets, openGL, that pretty much covers the features

I don't know much about game development, but ok

I finally found what I was looking for - this game is made in Three.js, a JavaScript game engine


I just got in a match with these people and...

Bro this "Rocky" dude he was so bad. Like he had a K/D of 24 kills/26 deaths, he is the worst player with fearless chestplate i have ever seen.

He left right before the game ended tho. Like even tho i sniped him a bunch of times he was still pretty bad lol

wtf r these kd s bro, ur cooking


you have fearless b6?

I wish I had it...

Quick explanation: its not me your seeing on the screenshot but a random person (Tempura)

Oh ok

he's the weakest variant of me. mass produced civilian model.



Some B3 games:


(1 edit)

and luck that no melee spammer pops up right behind you


Ur pro

first time someone said that to me 🥲

(1 edit)

ur rly pro like to good i bet if u 1v1 anyone u would win!!

who? I beat him in 1v1...

thats kind, thank you,  but not true lol

Ur pro




wtf is this kd


So cool!!!

The game??


Yes (this is a reply of a reply)

i am hydro I’m literally using the clan acc ITCH IO LOG IN I HYDRO WAS THE PERSON WHO TYPED TAT BRO plus ITS BEE I LITERALLY SAID IT MIGHT BE BEESTORM SK HOW WOULD BEE SAY THAT use ur brain ppl seriously do u lot even read ?


white haired rabbit dude that wasn’t me I swear to every god I worship IVE NEVER SAID ANY THING LIKE THAT AT ALL TOO YOU I’m not a bad person I WASNT EVEN ON MUCH IN THE AFTERNOON HECK BEE HAD MY SKIN T WAS NOT ME. me  bee decided to switch skins to pull off a prank on m8m6 I did some goofy stuff about beestorm and that all I did I had to LEAVE because MY PHONE WAS ABOUT TO DIE anything after that was not me I swear on god rabbit u can believe this if u can and gray pls don’t jump to conclusions WITH OUT ASKING BOTH OF THE PPL WHO WERE AFFECTED EVEN IF U THINK THE OTGER PERSON WAS NIT THE VICTIM I HYDRO (Kanon / keshuwarren)  DONT DO ASSULT PPL


So who were it? U or hydro breh


ZILLA I told u it was not me last match we met TAHT was this morning bruh can u nit remember ? DUDE I HAVENT SAID ANY THING ABOUT UR GF BTW I swear non of that was me I never said any assaulting tings to rabbi or anyone on m8m6 tat u guys may think and I know me hydro will say a joke as a JOKE 

Hopes so….

Ik but ur typing very weird in my opinion…

Not meant to be an insult

It’s hydro btw. oh it’s just cuz I’m in a rush and well Indian typo mistakes ya know I’m prepping for a biology exam so bit over the place especially WITH THIS HUGE  MISUNDERSTANDING IN THE WAY and BECAUSE ITS AN ACTUAL PROBLEM THAT COUDK AFFECT ME IRL AND IN GAME I swear whoever did that IMITATING ME IMPERSONATING ME I will actually just start flaming them bro I’m that sad AND IF IF IT IS BEE he is dead to me bro 

whatever u did to rabbit im glad u came out 



What your main bow says about you: (my opinion i dont wanna blame anyone)


Replace normal with either 🤓👆 or 🤖


Bro hates Chronyx……xD

welp, i usually dont  like bow 1 players especially with full regen but i dont want to insult you or say your bad. Your quite the opponent of bad...


(1 edit)

ig im a weirdo..

and sigma

do you really main bow 4?


Deleted 26 days ago

Hi A!

Hi Vader :DD hru??

good hru?

Im good :D


wattle did get an acc but he has to wait for modrator aproovel idk if i spelled that right and idc :)

Deleted 26 days ago
Deleted post

oh ok. Thanks :D


happy thanksgiving to thous in Canada! 🦃


Happy thanksgiving!

We don't celebrate it in India tho


happy thanksgiving ;D



happy thanksgiving!!




Hi! How are you? :D

Gud how are u buddy?




Bought it yay

Coins go 📉📉📉




Ok nice





Noice!! fearless arrow next?? xD



Chats ded






The most difficult thing in the whole world is swallowing down a pill 💊

(1 edit) (+1)

Dats what I hav to do two times everyday


a half filled glass of water is all you need




ik but still






i got a question... whos account was this before.. because its been around for a bit



It was my first account to n1


bruh wdym its so easy 💀💀







good night/ morning everyone!! :D


good night!! :D

earlier then usual




Good night!! :D

(1 edit) (+2)


Godzill monkey

(1 edit) (+1)

bruh why my ping consistent 200s, it's fine and when i get into a more serious game it goes into 200s, anyone else get this? i died to people before i even realized and the arrow trails are like 10 degrees off 😭


Me too😭😭


when i get into serious games, i get consistent 40 fps. so i can somewhat relate

what do you all mean with "serious game" bro


Bro that made no sense

Idk why, but ping keeps on skyrocketing and messing up the game...








Intenet turned off at worstw tim ever


o hel nah


F r l i k e w t f 😡 😡



W kd btw

(1 edit) (+1)

Cradit to starsket

I saw him using a skin like this so i kinda borrowed it and um..

Stats r great


its starsket






Codes pashaloosta🥹🥹




Btw im backkkkkkkk


 I and gray finally came back from gorgea (idk if i spelled that right)


no you didnt lol its georgia





Upvote this post if I should buy it, downvote if I shouldnt


acc to snadow he tole me to buy that arrow for b6


bis for b3 and b6. Good if u can’t aim with b1,2, useless for b5. 9/10 purchase would recommend 

(1 edit)

17 upvotes now


does it even show the downvotes?


Cya later y'all




Great while playing N1

i kinda got dc...


Nice! Ill add you when i gets it back of u want


whats ur user?


hydro if you are reading this. fuck you. you made me so uncomfortable. i have never seen someone so close be as disgusting as you. yes you are a stranger on the internet but i thought we were friends. do not ever treat someone like that ever again even if it was a joke. you never know what can trigger someone so be careful what you say. we are no longer friends i am very happy to say. good luck finding someone i hope nothing bad happens to you, just live with that guilt. goodbye hydro cya never :) 





(2 edits) (+1)

i'm happy you didn't stay in silence abt this, im happy for you rab :D

this is moss btw


kanon is not that bad of a person?


that’s what I fucking thought until he said inappropriate stuff to me and kept pushing me to date him


Hydro said same to my gf😭


I HAVENT BRO ARE U DUMB it’s hydro btw 

Man stfu one fail isnt whole world dying


thought kanon had a gf tho?



what happened?


wait what happen




Ok rabbit i talked with hydro and it wasnt him even. Bcs of beestorm and him changing skins for a m8m6 prank bee said all that shit to you,not hydro. He even showed me everything and it was enough to prove it wasnt him. He said if i could say this to you he would be happy.





Ryun seriously dude it’s hydro  WDYM L HYDRO L BEESTRM he is the only person who plagerizes ppl FOR CLOUT HE IS A MENACE TO SOCIETY IM A VICTIM HERE and I’m not karrening 

oh ok


Welcome to internet.
whole circus.

(1 edit)

I can agree on that

hey it’s hydro RABBI ITS NOT ME BRO it’s definatly BEESTORM don’t believe me make a code ill be on either 696969 or m8m6 I want to make things right with our friendship BECAUSE I WOULD NEVER SAY ANYTHING LIKE THAT TO ANYONE and I’m not single I have a GF U KNOW THIS IM LOYAL TO MY GF  u know about Sophie bruh 

Wow I used to be good on the laptop now my fingers are panicking  

literally same

Me too

back on the chrome and darn it feels so weird bruh


Then dont 👍

ye lol

Hey bowboi!



There was no question mark meaning that this was not a question 💀



Do you remember me??



he's busy nowadays 


theres nothing we can do

actually this week is my fall break

(1 edit)

i broke my hand rip


How did u beark ur hand? Which one is it?

Right hand/fotball

ok, unlucky, what football team do u support?

😐 it gotta be city( i play academi there) or real madshit

Oh no! Hope u get better and score a heck more goals!

get better


Oh no... All of my data is erased on my laptop... Too bad


im going to quit this game sooner or later istg


(2 edits)

However guys... I DID NOT KNOW WHO ANSY WAS AND THAT HES GONE. Bro to be serious if anything like this happens again contact because this is tragic...:(.

 I wish I could've met Ansy... And I never knew M8M6 was a thing 

Bowboi is still alive


dragonair is the only one gone from your list

But havoc doesnt play anymore however he is still active on discord



Uh ansy has left for 3 months he willl be back

o-o... WHAT

i still have his dc

Ok so problem fixed this is my account on my laptop so it works just fine

Uhh, good for you!


Anyone know who "aim training" is? He was in there team and is and extremely skilled b2 player....


Yessir ik that guy

played against him once sadly he left the game right before the game ended, a very skilled player indeed


Im bouta kms ☠️

Hell naw

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