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(1 edit) (+5)

I dont think nor care if it has an impact I Want ppl to get creative cause is funeh



:3 uwu

utterly dumbfounded







whos this in my school?



Bruh 63 posts in like 3 hours 

(1 edit)

64* (now, 65 after i post this)

btw just making sure you know hydro isnt at fault... beestorm is doing all of this

I do i literally roasted and toasted pee the bee





ur gonna catch up to bowboi eventually


XD i think I'll become the most active itch member

Because i play on a phone and chat here on a phone Which is the easiest


you can definitely if you try hard enough 

No need to try hard

He has 18 k tho dayum

lmao nah he could never beat me and havoc 

you dont even know how consistent bro gonna be

oh shoot me and him tied gah dang

We'll see

(1 edit)

I might have a chance but it'll take a while for sure

180 days should be enough to get to 18 k tho by then you'll be at like 20-20.5k posts



I'm hitting 100 in a day yawy :D


100th post all in a day yay :P

Is 70 here? I haven't been seeing him much since bee joined :(

I mean see him chat on itch

I see him once a year in game actually

he's here, he doesn't talk much, and he's probably block you after what you said to him.

(1 edit)

Nah he said we can be friends if I'm nice after i spammed that night and i wasn't rude to anyone on itch since except sleek but she also just joined itch and in my opinion she is a little messed up to support someone like infurness 

where did he say that??

(1 edit)

On the code boboi posted on a Friday we were the last left on it that's when he said that

:D prettyyy

Ahhhhhh so beautiful :c


Wait gray new account?



all i see is a car left mirror 

you achieved absolutely nothing

jkjk noice view





I'm just falling in love with this picture 😍

(2 edits)

The code D4QD is 2 months old. Join!

Ye but i feel like nobody actually uses it


gnarp gnarp




Kids, this is not a joke and this turning serious. If someone knows who is he in real life u should warn him. If he continues you all should tell to your parents because he targeting specific people in here. We even don't know what his age or who really he is. U all should stop communicate him and block him immediately.


I just blocked him fatalem


me too


Hi fatalem :D



Fatalem do u hack in n1? Cos ur aim is crazy...







yea this isn't our regular m8m6 troll, this guy could be dangerous

this giving me 2022 vibes fr


you wont get it


Yessir! 😾


Sorry for the quality

skibidi skin...

(3 edits)

Some games with 40 fps on a phone and default gear on my new acc :P (i suck 😭)

This one is especially bad tho i lagged hard


Most unfair game....only reason that we won is because they were noobs and I was trying my best. This is my highest number of kills...I am happy about the kd though...







Very nice! probably sucks compare to urs..xD

bro hasnt played in 4740930939 years


πŸ€“: technically Narrow One wasn't created at that time...

i think his is slightly lower than mine, so like 210 - 230s


I suck at this game.

wdym? can u play rn?

Ah, no, just chatting. Currently doing school, and I can't procrastinate.


lol i've won before with a team like this and a similar kd



Yey!!! Thx

damn bro sick KD

cheers....ur very good too.....just believe more in urself!!

lol im not but thanks

I was proud of my 70 kill high until i saw this

bruh, 70kills is ur highst?? 70 would be proud lol


please stop giving beestorm attention

ok but next time he said sus up stuff i have to do what i have to do

ye i'm trying

Nahhhhhhh!!! THAT’S NOT ME!!!!!!!! I SWEAR



I don’t know how, it’s so weird, I changed my password through so it should be ok

he hacked ur acc??

who through?


change it again, make sure your irl friends (ig) dont witness it

No broken gettin hackedd


Here is mine.





Yey bg is alive



finally another formal report

Yall check my profile and join the group(drop a follow btw lmao cuz why not)


:D hi buddy :D

!hi buddy!


thos who haves alts acc report beestorm

I got 15 alts wallah i swear








I though u reported me for a secπŸ’€



i saw the name but thought it was me lol

(1 edit) (+1)




hallo have a good day i have school!!!

u 2! ;D



You do nothing but disgust-o, always posting porno like a sloppy ho.

Good lord! What on God's green Earth?!


Fr havoc!!11


Wsp havoc!!

Not much! You?



someone possting porn :((( im scared

btw hai!!!  long time no see >:) u make my mood better

Hallo! :D

hehehe! :D hi!


A guy named beestorm is posting offensive comments

the END


Hi havoc! Long time no see you!!

Glad to see ya back!


You too, pal.

bru hop on n1 sometime

I'll try πŸ™

Too much of hell is being let loose, at the moment..

yes you must be a straight A student for learning 36395 different languages :O


yes you must be a straight A student for learning 36395 different languages :O
















Did he send porn in chat bee? Heck nah

Imma go study buiii


oh i just noticed ur name hi wattle!!

Hello simon :D


Should i roast bee?

(2 edits) (+1)

Well he really was a bee, stung someone, now he's gotta atone for it.

Ah hell yea

(1 edit) (-1)

Another longer one:

Bee you really think you can keep lying and saying it wasn't you? You think anyone believes you let your friend use ur pc and then they faked hydro, send p*** in a chat with kids and were toxic af? You're disgusting, considering you're 12 and are a pervert is disgusting and what you send was disgusting af I'm not joking when i say you have no parents considering how you act at 12.

Leave this game and get help irl or you'll grow up into a r****t or just a criminal in general id say.

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ another longer one


I planned to roast him in it but imma ask if i should roast him first

fun: 6/10

Lagg: 8/10

Fair teams: 8/10

Yes fr

Hi iluvatar :D



How are you?


im actually fine but i have to study now too

Kk cya good luck!

fun 6/10

lag: 8.5/10

fair teams: 1/10

X634 BRUH ping killed me and kicked me -______-


HPYT aight code split fck

Hi everyone good morning :Dβ˜€οΈ

A star has joined!!!

Good morning :D (4 pm for me tho)

Me too


Good morning!! :D


333F Thats the last code ill post here on the longest break ever…

You should stay :(

Just block bee the pee



Yawy :P

(1 edit) (-1)

This is a long one:

So two days ago i joined 696969 under the name Deathscore go brrrrr and soon someone on two es clan acc "attacked" me or whatever by saying something like "ew deathshit simp".

Now I don't know exactly how the conversation went but infurness (he's on two es acc)didn't even know me when he/she "attacked" me,she just for some reason seems to have a problem with ds who from what i know isn't toxic unless you are to him or his friends or to others in larger amounts.

When sleeky told her who i am, infurness then proceed to make a joke about my name while bro is a talking furnace but whatever and bla bla

The point is that sleeky (talking to you directly) doesn't have a point here since i did nothing and without even knowing me infurness "attacked" me because she probably doesn't like ds who is also a great guy and there's no reason for him to start any beef with a non toxic person I'd say and I've known him from day 1 and we were eachothers first friends i think, tho idk what happens on dc but i HIGHLY DOUBT that he's toxic without a reason on there either.

Then also massie or at least someone called massie wouldn't leave a code someone made to chat with ds when he wasn't feeling the best around 20th August and she was toxic af there,she also keeps yapping about some message i told her to send ds or something which i never did.From what i understand she said and Also she says she doesn't have dc since she's apparently 8 years old thus literally CONTRADICTING HERSELF because how can she message ds if she doesn't have dc or anything like that?

I don't think sleeky did anything wrong here but i just don't understand how you can support or be friends with someone like infurness or massie. 

Because massie is apparently 8 years old  i don't want to insult her or anything however i wanna say that i absolutely hate how some parents raise their kids (beestorm is a great example).

I know this all is a little hypocritical since I'm toxic sometimes too but i try to direct it towards other more toxic then me often toxic People who deserve in my opinion drum roll please: Better parents who will raise their kids properly!!!

PS- i don't attack random people who join 69 or m8m6 unless their name is something inappropriate 

Well what the hell u except from B2πŸ’€

Plus B2 is a boy

I'm assuming b2 is infurness? I never met him before btw so i had no expectations also I'm just saying



yea, i call him either inFURRYness or b2dgay as a joke πŸ’€



Also i think we should raise awareness about such toxic people i think infurness is in top 3 most toxic people I've met

oh i remeber someone on dc

wolfee :(

yea he's like that

Well said br



Hi wabbity :333333 :D 

How are you?


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmeh hbuuuuuu

I'm Great tyty :D

Hope you go from meh toπŸ“ˆgreat!

1: How long did it take to write this?

2: but you hated sleeky yourself yesterday lol

yea fr πŸ’€

Ye i do hate on sleeky bcs she's fine with people like infurness and massie


Hi A if you see this :D

ohh hello wattle!! How are you? :DD

Hi broken. :D I'm great tyty

How are you?


I am great, thx!! :D






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