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Let me cook! (M8M6)



No I wont



holy s***

new code:


I have a question, has anyone here ran a mile? If so what was your time(mins)? Just to see where this community is.


ive ran a mile. not very fast tho. it was just for fun.

I did cross country for a lil bit I got a 11 minute mile. Not very fast but I’m not exactly the most athletic person ever :/

(1 edit)

I haven’t ran I mile, but at our school’s cross country I did 8min 30sec for 4km

I've ran a 5-6 min mile on record

yes bcs of i am playing football and i. Need to be strong,dast and power in my shots. So yes 

I've run a 5:23 1500 (slightly shorter than a mile)


i love this game


goodnight guys

(1 edit)

Good night to those sleeping, good morning for me tho :(


Heya, good night :3 hehe~

(1 edit)

Good night to you :D

Deleted 14 days ago

I got dc A i messaged you already i think

Hi :DD



Hi maggot :D




goody nighty nighty!

gooood niiigghhtt!!!‘!!‘!‘‘! do you and your brother get along irl?

no, why do you ask?

me and my sisters dont get along very well O_o

Aight cya grey

pov: accidentally writing ur name as "grAy" and not "grEy"

they said the exact same thing but in dcπŸ’€ 

American 🫡🀣

ah. im dum. im canadian

and im πŸ¦… πŸ¦… πŸ¦… 

me too XD

Nice but look at ur network...

i think that means... his internet went out??

yes.. IT WENT OUT :sob:



New vid check it out

great video!

(1 edit)

Had to leave


fun fact: i named my headphones "Hohoho"




And i named my airpods mr crab money money money money monkey money

Good night/ morning everyone!! :D

good night

Good night!

Goooooood nighty night


hello havoc sir :D

also, are you back? or is this just chatting and temporary? because i rly wanna play with you before i gotta start focusing on my schoolwork more

ask bro on discord 

im in bed rn ._____. i dont have a device that can run discord. if u search up kobo nia thats what im using rn

We can definitely play sometime.. I'm just trash at the moment, lol

This might only work on older models

Top left of screen: Menu

Click settings

Click beta features

Click browse the internet

it's ez bruh set aside some time everyday for n1

please dont leave

fr hes been gone enough. i bet if mr peacekeeper didnt go to japan and not come back for months non of this chaos would have happened :( why th is his name "havoc" and not smth like "peacevoc"
imagine being able to save time ;p

Ehh, I'm in-between.. I'm in 5 different communities, trying to host events, etc.



good night!! :D



Killer got away with winning cause of team

at least 100 coins when doubled :)


ur such a b2 spammer

Imma go Sleep it's almost 1 am

Good night everyone! :D πŸ’€ πŸŒ‰ πŸŒƒ

Good night!! Have a great night of sleep! :D


Ty,you too :D

I'll sleep only for 6 hrs but it's Friday so alr ig


good night!! ;D

Wabbit what's ur dc user?

Btw i found ds on dc


YAYYYYYY apug_38896


gray wing here ya go dc user 


Slay fanew


Deleted 152 days ago


I found him :33

Did you delete the noob complaint message? Hehehehe


Wait this above wasn't that it was about dc

(3 edits)

I know, but why tho? It was funny to read..

alto? or nermal? o_o also haaaaaii

idk if anyone plays this game but...

Feel free to join my crew ;)

the person who was jumping in front of you was me ;)


Ggs! That was actually really fun :DD

Ggs ;)

(1 edit)

Hi star, you're back already yay :D

Gn tho πŸŒƒ 

I play that game!!!

Another good one

n1 pro killer or whatever (npc ajh name) you suck stop using b1 and fearless spear spamming leave the game jeez you actually suck I'm disgusted by people like you

tf is that font for the guests

It's a font i have for everything on my phone including n1


Bro I played with that guy while grinding coins gatehouse, he is just part of the grind at this point, +15 coins.


(1 edit) (+1)

To me he is a benefit for coins, if he's on opposite team



<:O spammer! (I have spammephobia)

Great song to listen to in N1 his album is Prelude by Hulvey

Hey guys just went to the pumpkin show in Circlevile Ohio! Because I like like 30 minutes away in Columbus Ohio! It was so much fun, big pumpkins, pumpkin pie, pumpkin donuts, rides, music, FUN! 

ohhh cool!!


MLXG I'll be on till midnight (for me it's 11:34 pm)

sorry my computer crashed :(


1801 posts for me, wattles ur not winning this…

We'll see :D

600 posts a month only. they gonna do that in a week 😭

You mean me?

Nah I'll probably fall down to 30 a day

Ig I'll actually speedrun to 2k or something




this was last message before quiting n1 for 2 yrs



him duh πŸ€“



(1 edit)

Grae this is why


well u kinda leaked bg's face so

not my prob

wait his face got leaked? bruh

It was drawn over tho so you can't really see it

(1 edit)

yea :|

Rip, some friend they are :/

srsly πŸ’€ 


yea sparsely scribbled out

you arent that bad, but i dont like you, sorry.

i might aswell unblock you, but leaking bg's face wasnt very cool


that isn’t his face


………. He literally said it was

whos was it then bruh ;-;

someone that isn’t him

you leaked bg's face... even though you scribbled it out you can still see it pretty clearly

(1 edit)

god face rev

im off for the day im brob going to buffet bye!!

bye! Have fun on the buffet! :D

i was wrong i went to bk >:(

bk=burger king





bru what code? why didn't goldgamer tell me 😭

I dont remeber lol


ima try get more posts then bg

idk if i alredy do


Good luck! :D

ur slight behind



I'm baaaaacckkk from Paris! It was amazing you guys should visit Paris aswell



btw are you interested in joining my clan Salin?


(2 edits) (+1)

Awesome! There are some things you have to do to join tho. 

1. Make sure your Kill / Death Ratio is more than 2

2. Make sure you have atleast one fearless item

3. Put the korean letters Infront of your NarrowOne ingame name and preferably your itch (nick)name too. (You can just copy-paste them from my name on the very bottom of my creator page.

Once you show me all that you can be in Salin Clan!

I know it's strict but i dont want my clan to be npc and that every itch member is in it


welcome back!! :D


welcome bacck ;)


Can we have a pic of u (blur out whatever u want) next to the eiffel tower?

(1 edit) (+2)


(Montparnasse Tower 210m)

(Eiffeltower with big red blob)



big red blob very drippy lol


thats you, isnt it?






my parents went i didint :(

Thank you deadshot for following me :D

Also your creator page is awesome


Thank you for following me too :D


thats insane



i wish we did have carbines . . . then i wouldn't have to do the frickin math of arrow trajectory drops


Deleted 152 days ago


join DM83

Hello star :D


hallo ;D



wattle ur almost at more comments than me already

XD I'll calm down Tommorow I'll have to start studying for next week 


(1 edit) (-6)

List of people I'll ignore and who should ignore me too so we can stay on a different page and out of eachothers ways:


Gray wing


70 (he probably doesn't like me again but idc at this point i didn't do much wrong logically speaking since i joined)

That's it, hope y'all from the list can go along with this if not I'll still ignore you :P


the rice farmer and zesty dam

at least not me :P


Nah you're good these are just people who don't like me and i don't wanna talk to them because then I'll get toxic




XD i have 4 people on the list and 4 downvotes


big surprise lol

(1 edit)

Plot twist of the century :C

(1 edit) (+2)

yay! I am not on there! 



Ofc you ain't you're the nicest person i know :D


yay! Thanks! :D


I hope u never get on DC ngl


Sorry but i will,also you are toxic too and there's way worse people on dc then me so don't worry :D


Also betty? 

We're friends now :D so dw at all

i won't join the main server or whatever dw

shiver my timbers

I guess you could say my fingers slipped :3

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)


would be helpful if you stopped yapping if you wanna talk so much do it som else half the kids here dont wanna hear your life story


Tyty :D

Block me kid :3


Nah just you ,far lands ,gray ,70 (i think) and boboi


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