I find it funny how sensitive you guys can be lmaoo i made one comment and it made all of you reply to me with weird ahh insults😂😂its alright tho now I understand how soft and pathetic yall are
My reasoning, is that some people like 70 and snadow are rlly good at every, some other are godly at 1 bow, like costa, and the. There’s me. I used to be goated at b1, but then I started hating the bow. After I switched I’ve just kinda been mid at every other bow. I can never beat a master of all bows, or a master of 1 bow since I just straight don’t have the time to master every bow. The first 3 bows are generic as hell, or boring as hell, and the other 3 suck. I’ve basically only mastered b4,6. Those bows are just straight worse than boring b2, and b3. I don’t like those bows so I can never truly be good at the game since the bows I enjoy just suck. If I were to 1v1 a master of one bow, or a master of all bows, I would lose no matter what since I hate the 3 meta bows and refuse to play them
I’d also like to say that I’m a 3/10 but I mostly use bow unlike you. The reasoning behind 3/10 is cause my play style is poost into people and spam them. But tbh it works so I just do that. I’m trying to limit myself to not doing that recently however mobile doesn’t exactly offer a better way of playing. I’d say my aim used to be really good though, sadly not anymore.
I'm like 2 and i couldn't care less i play on a phone and i don't use b1 at all b2 rarely these days and 4 and 6 mostly tho they're almost impossible on a phone but fun sooooo
Also potato ain't 3 and no offence Percy Jackson's definitely not 2 if potato is 3 because (i think Percy is vikingskeleton) when i played against Percy he was pretty bad and when i played against potato i lost tho I used b4 a few times but the point is potato is like 5 or sum I'm 4 or sum (at b2) overall I'm pretty bad and Percy would then be like 2 ig
you wanna keep it? you gotta put in work, recruit, maintain, train your people, organize everything, keep 'em ready for fights. maintain a strong social presence in the game community, and a lot more i can't tell you concisely/quickly.
😭 I uhm spent money and I’m back down to 16k again…… AAHAHAAAAGRGGGGG -_- welp grinding time ig also Dead to You is my friend grumbler I sometimes use his acc so uh ye I use it to test random shit :D
← Return to game
Log in with itch.io to leave a comment.
and unfollow me
can yall report me pls
who are you?
simon. changed names
Oh ok I didn’t recognize you with your new name and profile
it's fine dont even worry abt it
would never do smth like that for no reason
spelled son wrong
What why
Join QK6C
ther's a hacker somewhere
What did you see?
deleted it all gl out there guys
new clan cus why not
fallen F..
just add F in front of ur name
ask me if u wanna join
if u thought u asked and put in ur name idc
omg hi potato wanna play
can’t rn 💀
Hard game on m8m6...got a better kd than Noomnakao though...so im happy
its a play on words noob-akao as apposed to noomakao
...im so stupid somtimes..thx for telling me!
nah look at my other comment to u we are even
thank u...we lost tough...
broken can you check teams (I still find it funny that you only respond here)
join QXZV
i might join later...
It don't exist
When was wattle in here like fr when
Huh wdym?
when were you in itch?
Ahh nvm
correctamundo, mi amigo
Question why are people hating snadow for????
can u follow me pls (on itch)
if u met him u would know
i never met him before .__.
From the looks of his comments I know why he be hated
fuck I know
Ive never even talked to him but he seems like an asshole
i talked to him many times
you shouldent know how toxic he is
there used to be a time when he was humble
Hard to believe
No reason, except well, just mere reciprocations of his actions.
wow nice
are you playing?
hi guys it’s been a while
yoo dragon :D
its me zesty btw
Yo Dragon
No shit you're post was 73 days ago
its me simon you prob dont remeber me
bro . . . i don't even remember you 💀
lock in on narrow one 👍
ggs naju :D
that's crazy...
wth are red's names 😭
guys can anyone give me a aimbot pls I need revenge
on who
On melee spammers
I find it funny how sensitive you guys can be lmaoo i made one comment and it made all of you reply to me with weird ahh insults😂😂its alright tho now I understand how soft and pathetic yall are
hi snadow
can u follow me pls?
did he do it-
no he didn't, snif
Why do you have so many downvotes ahhh
dam so much comments on one post
Hi shadow can you follow me and sometimes play me?
I'm just confused on why you called him shit
fr tho itch kids rly are sensitives+just trow random yapping and call that an insult
Hi far lands, you're such a nice guy
ah yes ofc I am ahahah
Indeed, nicest guy I've met
We do not care
thats us ;)
bup is ur whole clan gonna come after me?
Good to see that Narrow Itch.io page is still in good health.

Fr but if one guy here gets insulted EVERY shit person gonna jump on insuliting hes actually right
Hi snad
announcement! !!!,
My new clan ( same clan that i announced last time just with different name lol cuz I’m bored haha)
„Withered knights“
I know cringe name but there’s worse
Like the gen alpha kid squad that I once saw „packgod subs“ 🤮
Who joining??..?
Me now stlsy
We do not care
me if i can!
Good morning / good night....(1st time ever....just getting more posts to beat wattle to 2k posts)..xD
Can you play rn???
Bruh you got 2 downvotes :/
Gooooood morning everyone :DD
who got downvotes on this message...grrrrr
haters gon hate what can i say
gooood morning!! :D
bro missed the enter key
"the quotation mark is next to the enter key
which i now realize doesnt even send
it just makes anoher line of text🤦♂️
Who downvoted
The legs are off
looks really good!
good skin :) but the legs don't really go well stat or look wise no offense (just my opinion take it or leave it)
Very nice!
Best browser game since the flash era!!
so true!
on a scale of 1 to 10 how good do you think you are in narrow one
1 being new to the game and 10 being near perfect aim and good with all bows
My reasoning, is that some people like 70 and snadow are rlly good at every, some other are godly at 1 bow, like costa, and the. There’s me. I used to be goated at b1, but then I started hating the bow. After I switched I’ve just kinda been mid at every other bow. I can never beat a master of all bows, or a master of 1 bow since I just straight don’t have the time to master every bow. The first 3 bows are generic as hell, or boring as hell, and the other 3 suck. I’ve basically only mastered b4,6. Those bows are just straight worse than boring b2, and b3. I don’t like those bows so I can never truly be good at the game since the bows I enjoy just suck. If I were to 1v1 a master of one bow, or a master of all bows, I would lose no matter what since I hate the 3 meta bows and refuse to play them
sorry for the yappuchino
Nah it’s fine, I like reading this sort of stuff
I’d also like to say that I’m a 3/10 but I mostly use bow unlike you. The reasoning behind 3/10 is cause my play style is poost into people and spam them. But tbh it works so I just do that. I’m trying to limit myself to not doing that recently however mobile doesn’t exactly offer a better way of playing. I’d say my aim used to be really good though, sadly not anymore.
you can try aim trainers for free
I think im a 5/10....cuz i kinda know how to use every bow, and usually get decent KDs on m8m6...
you’re no better than me
I am..ur just a spammer
aim wise? 6.75/10
overall? (strategy and the little details): 7.5/10
I'm fallen off, and I suck at pretty much every bow. Forgotten how to play the game, and all that.
I'm pretty sure you beat the crap out of me, lol
no we were very even back then
yeah so have I
Yeah mobile stops right hand poost, regular poost, and normal 180/360 shots, all the cool stuff.
Lol bow 1 is gay but fr it is gay
I can use bow 6 a little
I can do 180 but not right poosting
go use ur laptop bro, unleash your true power
If potatos 3 then I'm a 2/10
I would limit myself to 4 cause I basically use only one bow. Not gonna write a superfluous explanation like Potato.
It's the question from what perspective:
Like I am wayyy better than any casual noob or semi-pro. So in that case 8/10
But against itch people and some M8M6 people i would definitely loose so in that case 6/10.
Ye thats why 7/10 i think im pretty solid
(Also in 1v1's)
trust me hes cracked at b3
I rate myself on k/d
Is 2/1 good
Actually u no what 5/10 bcz I can use 5 bows and and are good on 4 of them
If you are 2 /10 what am I
I'm like 2 and i couldn't care less i play on a phone and i don't use b1 at all b2 rarely these days and 4 and 6 mostly tho they're almost impossible on a phone but fun sooooo
Also potato ain't 3 and no offence Percy Jackson's definitely not 2 if potato is 3 because (i think Percy is vikingskeleton) when i played against Percy he was pretty bad and when i played against potato i lost tho I used b4 a few times but the point is potato is like 5 or sum I'm 4 or sum (at b2) overall I'm pretty bad and Percy would then be like 2 ig
1 my aim is bad and i just seiz to eixzist
Hi how do you make clans?
you kinda just declare that you made one
you wanna make one? declare it.
you wanna keep it? you gotta put in work, recruit, maintain, train your people, organize everything, keep 'em ready for fights. maintain a strong social presence in the game community, and a lot more i can't tell you concisely/quickly.
Just make a name and ask ppl if they want to join the clan
good night/ morning everyone!! :D
good night
😭 I uhm spent money and I’m back down to 16k again…… AAHAHAAAAGRGGGGG -_- welp grinding time ig also Dead to You is my friend grumbler I sometimes use his acc so uh ye I use it to test random shit :D
Kk good night 🌉
Yaya 2 am gn 🩶
bro’s acting like its an achievement ☠️
Anyways beat falling asleep at 5
I wake up at that time and need to sleep at 10 pm
wanna play togehter??
Oop sry i don't check itch much now if you wanna play dm me on discord (i think you were talking to me)
Oop sry i don't check itch much now if you wanna play dm me on discord (i think you were talking to me)
ok...so does that mean I'm gonna win on number of posts?
Probs to 2 k but I'll still overtake you at some point I'd say
Good luck Rabbid!
wat did u buy?
gatehouse poost
16k ain't the worse...im on 5k...
Oop 😭
can u play rn? XPHG
Hi guys I'm itch kid
Indeed he did you can thank him :D
Go far lands!
Also am i the only one noticing yall are being the toxic ones while i just couldn't care less and also always love a chance to be sarcastic
indeed u r
Far lands go brrrrr
Anyways good night to everyone except... nobody,good night everyone :D 🌃
Also to everyone spreading information out of context on dc and stuff about me like that kid who is accusing me of hacking
Have hella dreams :)
have a great night, sweet dreams! :D
Ty,you too :P
Can't believe I'm saying this but not counting the main pelican party server i find dc less toxic because there's nobody making Yappuccinos
yayyyyyy! Good luck for the rest! :D
damn nice!! quiver is near 😩
ye unlike you i did it all by myself :>
I only got a tad bit of help :( I did at least 80k
nuh uh 15k dosent seem little
it'd be at most 10k 😏
Rookie numbers but nice
You crazy
trueeeee XD
My Struggles against the Spammers: The need to cleanse Narrow One of Tryhards
-Chronyx wondering why anyone wants to ban tryhard when he is one himself.....-
Remember to point at a 60 degree angle with bow 4 ;)
ye bro we need narrow one sayings and memes cuz m8m6 is getting biring
No shit
u 2 :)
You too :D
have a great rest of your day too!! :D
whart tf
GET OUT sound efect
nunya go back to dc
didnt rly think its racist
(if hes black)
he is mixed - _ -
racizm more like
bro pressed the red button a lil too fast
gg bro! :D
devs didnt give me my fearless shoes and quiver back :')
meanwhile giving back hackers their exploited accounts with hella tons of stuff they weren't supposed to get:
yo take screen shot and reply to the with that
you kinda font irl so..
Oh man they fr do that?💀💀💀