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Alr good night everyone it's almost 2 am (fck)





Good night, you should rest more, almost a good morning there. Where's your play time limit anyways?

what happened to the beef ツ

What beef? 🍖


I don't have a limit breh

Limits go ring ring ❌ 

Limits go cringe cringe ✔️

Like you don't limit yourself??

Oh that

Only family irl friends and studying are above n1 community


good night!! hope you have a great sleep!

Tyty almost 3 am now I'm not sleepy anymore


PowerPoint presentation go brrrrr

You didn't even read the first question...

(1 edit)

I left to train b6 instead of giving you kills

Not reading the first question and not being obligated to answer it go brrrr

Wait what does obligated mean 💀

Fkc brain glitch maybe i should sleep

(1 edit)

Come on Wats, why'd ya leave? You can't call me a bow spammer when you have 4 reload.

I called you a spear spammer 💀

And why are you even on gatehouse 💀

You wasted an hour of my sleep it's almost 2 am 💀

(1 edit)

I have 3 reload 💀

Narrow coins

Because you sometimes are one

if he's in range it's not spamming

Not exactly sure what that means but coming up to someone with a spear and spamming it to kill them is spear/melee spamming

well if he get's close enough and is directly facing you then it;s not spamming

How's it not spamming if he only kills me with a repeatedly used melee huh that's literally just mele spamming

Stop complaining about me "spaming". You literally swapped teams when it was me and you against Krank

Nah i tried getting another mach but whatever cry about it

Changing the subject go brrrr

Bro thought he had a point or two 💀

(2 edits)

I had 30 points in-game off you


Calling me a noob go brrr 💀

We all know the obvious

The difference is that you're good at the game and yet you just speedrun gatehouse while i am bad so i get most of my money there

Oh no i meant you thought you cooked with that message

While actually i Never called you a bow spammer and i don't have 4 reload

I have a quadrillion eye protection filters on my screen including a slight pixel-ization (idk how to say that) 💀

ok,ok how about we stop discussing spamming?

You started, i just made the PowerPoint presentation


wattle gets the record 13 comments on the same post in 5 minutes

(1 edit)

Tyty i call it the PowerPoint presentation :3

(1 edit)

Why use it then(bow 2)? Also you commented me on Itch for spamming and posted pic first.

Bro repeated the message?

So ye i said spear spamming what's wrong with the picture btw?

Also bow 2 is boring


bro is grinding the 1000 comments💀


I call it the PowerPoint presentation

aw hel nah 

Aw hell yah

Deleted 143 days ago

Ye spear spamming

Not knowing English in 2024 seems to be a struggle

Because i would have no chance with b4 or 6

(1 edit) (+4)

wtf match making…. spawned in a match with all my teamates with negative kds.. they had captured 2 flags and the last one was halfway to capture with no teamates near..I was gonna leave but stayed because how funny would it be if I clutched the match, so i grabbed bow 4 and ran to kill and caught it last second :p 

oh and most of blue team left

stayed to the end


I can empathize this a bit.

nice!!...but i don't really like this map...

why not?


gg krank

How you got those fonts?

Some phones allow custom fonts, they can effect the way they look on the person's phone, but don't change chat font unless it's like a font keyboard.

Redmi note phones are extremely customizable

Nermalto kindly stop spear spamming and flag camping third of the time :3

You're good at b2 tho so just leave out the spear spam pls 

he was bow spamming and now he's melee spamming..xD

:( Is this gonna be a 2v1 also?



(1 edit)

I give up...i already lost 7 matches in a row...all 2v1s two flags in....Nah....I'll keep up

I saw Krank in a 2v1 also

Ye I'll see if he's on dc I'll probably just send the game in general 

Oh wiat he's on itch 

join LTGF



so for my weekly football game:

We are now 7-0

They are 0-7

They forfeited :( cus they only had 12 kids

This is all before the game and we are just gonna scrimmage them

I prob wont play cus we will put in our second and third string players to get playing time 

so yeah


7-0 Damn

thing i learned from this: ur very good at football and prbably way better than me...I am better at n1 though..(I hope)


lezz go now i got mad drip



yayyy! Congrats!!






Hi potato :D

the bowboi aura goes hard 🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️

Looks go 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈

Money go 📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉

Yippee Garry/zesty lol

noob shoes...xD


10k in one day


bro is changing his name more often then his underwear...

touch grass plz

frfr i usually go out but i wanted the quiver baddd sooo eh i sweated it and that i wont be play n1 for a few days

That's more like it congratulations 🎉

How long I ask


join 76LV if you want these are my last matches till i get fearless quiver


let,s go zesty! Post a pic when u have it!


From the screen to the ring to the pen to the king 🗣️ 🔥


absolute banger


actually tho

no lmfao



or 180 poost onto the bridge from the spawn tower to stop flag carriers quickly or to quickly protect them, sometimes a good choice


offensive push option

I like to use the x way in temples cus I can kill anybody who thinks they finna steal the flag


include focus.

B1. 👍 

B2. 3 focus, 3 load speed, 3 dmg, 4 travel speed. Honestly b2 is preference based so anything is fine

B3. 👍 

B4. 5 load speed 5 dmg is best. If not, 4 load speed 6 dmg is fine. Most players use max load tho.

B5. 5 reload speed is easily the only usable option, with 5 stun.

B6. 👍 

no idea abt bow stats, but for me the other tips are common knowledge (prolly bc im experienced)

backstab thing applies for almost every shooter

Nice! Really useful, thank you!

Bow 3 can use stun other than that everything is good

(1 edit)

nice, im just not sure about all bow stats..especially should be 5 loading, 5 stun...

ye on b5 i had no idea's ok


We should get like 30 people in one squad then do an army vs army in narrow one


If we do it, we should schedule it near thanksgiving (united states)



oh ho ho . . . we had 25 in a war before.

14 vs 11, at the end some left.  

side with 14 guys had 30 people in active service at the time. side with 11 had about 15.

I ain't going to join that I'm gonna be lagging so fcking much


grabbed the last flag and ran it all back myself :P

ur so good....








ohhh. ur snowycat!

yeyey :3





did what? grab the flag? it was surprisingly easy only one person actually got a hit on me

bro you did a mfing 6 vs 8 wait are they good or no

not really just annoying 😂 flag camping and flag rushing but it's ok we won




Most kills without deaths using bow 4

Very nice! Good work!


:0 nice

wnna play?



Nice nice





Bro be putting hes opps in hell or torture

they were noobs...and I was killing them from behind..xD

GnGood night

gn to u

bro twice a week i go to pp discord. it is quite the mess.

(1 edit) (+2)

or to some . . . it has fallen/died.

(1 edit)

Playing a good game with a melee I thought I wasted my money on..(I boought it before the sumer holidays)


nice!! Is that weapon good?

It is alright...poosting is still better...but fully loaded u can 2shot people with it...

you say . . . the sumer holidays?


I bought it just before.....but I regretted it...I thought it was a poosting melee....xD



It scammed you

I can use alright against noobs...

and unfollow me

can yall report me pls

who are you?

simon. changed names





(1 edit)

Oh ok I  didn’t recognize you with your new name and profile

it's fine dont even worry abt it



would never do smth like that for no reason


spelled son wrong

What why

Join QK6C

ther's a hacker somewhere

What did you see?




deleted it all gl out there guys

(1 edit)

new clan cus why not

fallen F..

just add F in front of ur name

ask me if u wanna join

if u thought u asked and put in ur name idc

omg hi potato wanna play

can’t rn 💀


Hard game on a better kd than Noomnakao im happy





its a play on words noob-akao as apposed to noomakao so stupid somtimes..thx for telling me!

nah look at my other comment to u we are even


thank u...we lost tough...

broken can you check teams (I still find it funny that you only respond here)

join QXZV

i might join later...

It don't exist

When was wattle in here like fr when

Huh wdym?

when were you in itch?


Ahh nvm


(1 edit)


correctamundo, mi amigo


Question why are people hating snadow for????


(1 edit)

can u follow me pls (on itch)


if u met him u would know

i never met him before .__.

From the looks of his comments I know why he be hated

fuck I know

Ive never even talked to him but he seems like an asshole


i talked to him many times


you shouldent know how toxic he is

there used to be a time when he was humble

Hard to believe

No reason, except well, just mere reciprocations of his actions.





wow nice



are you playing?








hi guys it’s been a while

yoo dragon :D

its me zesty btw



Yo Dragon

No shit you're post was 73 days ago

Deleted post


its me simon you prob dont remeber me

bro . . . i don't even remember you 💀

lock in on narrow one 👍

ggs naju :D


that's crazy...

wth are red's names 😭

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