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No ones online :)


I am

I am now

so am I again lol


Its that time of the day again


wish me luck


aw man, i probly could have won .____.


fr half these kids are easy to beat


only ones that might give problems is potato man and Chronyx


trust me when i say u got bigger problems than me and chronyx on that list

trust me when i say i have no idea who half of em are. also trust me that i would squash them like bugs in my prime.(which is good enough to beat 70)
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maybe just Chronyx just for me

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I 1v1d DS so he def lose from what I see, idk bout you but GOOD LUCK.


whats the middle finger for☠️☠️😭😭





wait... is he out? HAHAHAAHA BEE ur a nub who uses hacks to grind. also your a noob because i beat u in a 1v1 with your hacks

Gah daam



good luck

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ef/elite force

Anyone know who slayer is?


no, but what an npc name...

(I should prolly shut my mouth when i say npc names cuz mine isnt that original either. I came up with it myself but i could promise there are atleast 3 other deadshots... )

But I could promise there are atleast 10-20 other Slayers...

xD..thx for trying to help me though...

at least mines original 🤓

I totally can't relate.


Good luck!! :D

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I am a bit sick and I have a low fever, so I’m going sleeping soon.

Good night/ morning everyone!! :D


Bye :D i hope u feel better! :D




good night!! :D
Get better sooooon D: are you still playing?

XD I will, I will. Sry not today, my headache is killing me TT

Get well soon!

Rest well bud. Sleep like a god

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Hope you get better:D

can I join sc?

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You need to 1v1 70 and get a score higher then 6 (I think), and if you really want to tryout, then I wish you good luck! ;D


ty 😭 6?? it’s gonna take so many tries :(

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I got destroyed i got beaten 10-2 against 70...

Oh ma gat

you should tryout rn :DD it least so you know what you need to do

sure me and bb are in a code with him

gotta 1vs1 him tho

can i send code?

or can you?

ur in 2s so I’m pretty sure u can’t Jon 

not anymore

good job :DD


i meant good job leaving 2s ;) but good job on 1v1 too. you got same as me when i tried out. although... if you practice with 70 a lot you get rly good. when i was 1v1ing him everyday i matched his skill. buuuutttt then i started grinding for shins and all but skill evaporated :P
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don't use discord anymore



1 v 1 70 you won you in

I'm not in till 70 says so


Only 50k more for a good piece of fearless...


what piece? head or torso?


I have 40k rn, I'll choose when ready.

oh okay

Ehe ramen 🤤🤤🤤


What does it have? I can see radish so far.

That looks so good! I am so hungry TT

yum ramen with rabbit meat 




Yum yum

At first i thought it was rabbit ste-




Intense match: 

About to get 100 kills: failled

About to get the 3rd flag and win: failled

About to cook: failled


Not get impressed: failed


Average m8 game

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Fun fact: I was actually person named fan, it was my primary school computer account, sadly I forgot the password to it though :(

Ok fun fact, I chose my named based off 5 different references, and have 2 nicknames plus a title I made.

LMAOO noice tho


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In the beginning, I was ꪀꪮꪜꪖ⋅𝕶𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗, then 

ꪀꪮꪜꪖ⋅𝕶𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗TTV when I did twitch for like a week or two then quit then ֆꈤ|𝕶𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗 then when I played m8 once there were three kids named killer so I thought up riptide as an original name so it was ֆꈤ|𝕽𝖎𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖉𝖊 now its ֆꈤ|𝕽𝖎𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖉𝖊|YT so yeah that's it also used "then" 4 times


You played shortly after the game started? Pretty cool.

yea, but I quite shortly after that for 2 years, missing completely the golden age of narrow one TT


how did you get 548 kills in 1 game and only get a score of 3900...

Me ? 

It was 3 months ago. was in squad with a bro irl. We had an hour ahead of us at school. So we have tryhard on his account 

I didn't look at the score, we were too stupid for that 

no i mean litterally... because 1 kill = 10 score. 10 = 100 score. 100 kills = 100 x 5 = 5000 score. + 48 kills = 480 score. all together: 5480. this isnt counting headshots or longrange either





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 naju be like.                                                         🤓👆


Can someone gimme the link for the sc server on discord?

sure add me first so i could send link

add nootnoot_12345

cuz i dont want no random kid getting into the SC server

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Can i join the sc account?


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writing this on my pc that I havent used in two years

666 points


Some players had that...

Now they are GONE! 



Hevoc yayyyy! 




made a alt acc in narrow one and a new yt channel! Narrow one gameplay

Very original name honestly

this is my real name tho N1 | જ⁀➴ so if u see that. that is  me!☺️

Ok! That looks really cool

Nice and I don't have YouTube

Starsket remember when this happened yesterday :)


took too long 😭 but finally ✨✨


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your destroying pans work D:



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congrats!! 🎉🎉what did you buy?

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fearless bow 2 :p tysmm

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Niceo, I use that one often, pretty good two shot bow.


when u spend money on something and the number of money you have goes down



when u spend money on something and the number of money you have goes up


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The guy with a name after the letter A.




nothing :0

well done, what bow did u buy?

bow2 :>


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Save for the fearless torso, spend money in bow skin is a pure waste of time, energy and money

i bought all the bows in fearless... I regretted it all my life 

torso doesn’t look that good imo and its stats are terrible and it’s 100k… overrated


True facts from the cool cat.

i regret buying torso. if every player could refund one peice. i would refund torso to get quiver, dragon arrow and maybe some different heads or feet. i would also rather feet more then torso O_o

Say "I" if you dont like fearless torso 


Bruh why buy that you can literally get another bow that has the same.e stats

yeah I was using that before but I liked this better plus I don't have something I would rather get

noice pan carried frfr


i mean i aint lying?

yes u r

How long? I can grind like 10k sometimes in a day if lucky.

a while

What you gonna buy

bruh the adds

More fun facts



chhhhht ! xd

Please no... I already know

Fun facts

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Anybody been close to a life-endangering situation irl?

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Mine is a Black Widow(venomous spider) crawling across my face out of my jacket. Not much 

not much? bro ur face could have been destroyed forever...

I didn't even notice until my mom and sis looked at me oddly.

wow... just wow

Yup :3

I had a lockdown cus a skunk was in the school in 1st grade but that's about it

Yes.. When I was little me and my mom went to the store and a guy tried to steal some stuff.. Didn't know what happened after than he just ran of with the cashier chasing him.

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yuh i nrly got stabbed but i dipped

and theres way more

wow... u jackie chan or something?

nuh uh i didnt fight him i just ran away with my boys cuz we where ding dong ditchin

eh ok

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yea o_o no need to rediscover bad memories all you need to know is: it was terrifying 

I almost fell off a 300 meter cliff when I was 6, luckily, I  grabbed a tree :}



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I was playing a bear cub and then I saw a bigger bear and also this one time some random dude picked me up and ran (thankfully he ran into my dad)

almost got killed by dog

almost got killed my dog 

and almost got killed by dog

another dog bite the side of be

almost got kidnapped

and many more

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my dumbest one is when i ate a poisonous plant for a bet, I didn't pay attention to what it was I just grabbed it

btw she was supposed to buy me lunch in exchange but I didn't collect because being lucky was enough for me

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Stop taking da catnip, it’s not healthy for you.

yes it is :>

Having covid 19

I dont think so

The narrow one community

Also the narrow one community

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the N1 DC communityWorld War I: Summary, Causes & Facts | HISTORY

bro thats funny XD

Why is that somehow true

How to tell if someones a sword spammers:

They wear one of these skins


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The ad bought/cheap speed and warrior skins.

yes lol

so true!

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Yup and kings armor

join 47FX

school WiFi is down again, cya soon :(



We're gonna pray for you bro..xD..Unlucky...Your lucky: you can go on itch...I can't go on itch or play games at school....

Lel same

ehe i got vpn


Nooo cya soon


My brothers confirmation is tonight :)

He also beat up my other brother to the point where he couldn't go to school :(


He says his brother beated up some guy idk



My brother beat up my other brother


Oh wtf



C3YJ here

nvm 64NP

NFGN if somo1 wanna grind with me


I am llel

Why is no one talking??

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huh?!? That wasn’t me

Sorry i just realized my brother has been on this account trolling sorry my fault


Oh no problem 









...Wanna grind on the n1 account?

Idk whoo u talk to lel


WHAT! I didn’t say that!



Som1 hacked or js trollin



I find the visuals and the experience of the game fascinating. Taking on a medieval approach in the visuals and the gameplay ( attacking methods) creates an amazing ambiance. 

yes n1 is good



You cool

DC7C since im a weird guy when im playing with friends im motivated to grind but when im alone im tired of n1 breh



No onse asked u breh


isn't crazy that arena came before towers?


I got stuck on a piece of ice and the game thought I was cheating

lmao reminds me of the window of death 

L map


Window of death?

xD got the same cheat code cuz i stood on a ladder for too long .-.



aight bee. If youre the one downvoting, i. Dont. CARE.

Wanna-bee british shit






nice insult!!

Lel ty ty

ur welocm


Whoever Tf is downvoting  every comment is a son of a melee spammer bro!!!


Nice insult!




lol np

Deleted 136 days ago



nice video!

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