OH NO!! If you look up Tinyurgirl you can see an image I posted of myself a year ago on itch.io... This is a nightmare now.. I SHOULD HAVE NEVER DID THAT!!
Nahhhh don’t waste ur coins in this piece of garbage. Experiment with bows, poosts, and cheap gears, and find out what u like . The free, and incredibly cheap gears in this game. When u have everything. All good arrows, good bow skins, gatehouse poost, stuff like that, waste ur money on these
Eh last time I entered it almost nobody saw it so I'm going to try again
Find my story :D
Story 1
I went to Graters ice cream shop with my family (great ice cream btw) for their 25th anniversary and while my dad was paying for our stuff the cashier (he looked about early 20s) kept looking up at me. It was a little weird, but I guess I look pretty lol.
story 2
I was cheerleading at a football game and it was fantastic. Me and my friends did so great even the football players were amused. We were talked about all the time since then.
story 3
I was on a walk last winter and it was a pretty nice walk. Until this happened.. I was walking on the sidewalk and a simi truck drove by and cover me in snow! I almost had to dig myself out. I was ok though. I still can't believe that happened.
oh and by the way, ive noticed that you accidentally said “Sku1l,.”. i can tell you were in a hurry to type it but next time check twice before sending something.
Okay broken, i hope you do have a wonderful day not being stuck in the house watching reruns of Everybody Hates Chris because you’re sick(totally not me rn).
theres only a few advantages to itch.io, like how everyone knows eachother, and less toxicity. Any other reason is copium. Dc is better than itch in every other immaginable way
nuh uh tho id still pick dc over itch anyday maybe cuz it has more features, but in community wise itch is a bit better
ye one time a pic of a 1vs1 on dc and nah so such rando kids came outta nowhere and started shit talking me and cuh, i didnt do nothing to em, i didnt responed to i couldnt be asked to deal with the drama there, maybe i just didnt see the good side on n1 community on dc yet,and not only som itch kids but also players in m8m6 said the n1 dc server is wayyy to toxic
Alr guys im back! Today i got an A+ ( 94.5) in my all subject test! Thats why ive been absent, but i play roblox with my classmates so i wont be to online here.
← Return to game
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Can someone tell me tips for object poosting? I wanna be able to jump high with it.
idk how to object poost but ik how to get high
object poosting?!? First time hearing that
Example:(by me)
You poost into objects to get a jump boost.
I just need tips to get it really mastered.
:OOOO that’s so cool!!
do u have to time it exactly?
Yes, you must hit the corner at an angle by poosting into it and using a jump to hit the object's corner. A crate is an easier practice object to use.
If not you push back and no jump boost.
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we got n1 movement demons now
Hey guys I'm back
welcome back then!
sigh :/
And now that I look at other posts I feel stupid for having like 6 accounts... :/ so immature...
And I know it might seem weird that I'm telling on myself... But it's hopeless anyway
why’d you tell
I said because it's hopeless
people wouldn't have even remembered or looked for it if you didnt tell but you did so... your fault even more now
-_- its hopeless
And also your probably right.. I feel pretty stupid about a ton of things right now
can’t you delete the post?
I don't think so...
Ok then :(
you can’t if it’s on google
oh… ok
i alr saw it b4 hand it was your face
Oh no..
I am now ending....
I remember the face reveal I think..
0-0... It's a good thing I look slightly different.. I guess
4:44 PM (only an hour until i have to go shopping :(. )
(British ascent and crosses legs) Shopping? oH wHaT a JoY tO go ShOpPiNg!
Lol, yes, i do have to go food shopping. i have to buy bread, ground beef, etc. gotta love american holidays.
have fun shopping!..?
(The thing I hate the most in this world is shopping and I don’t really know why :| )
Lol thats great
thats mighty expensive for bear shoes.
(Cant wait until i get that much coins)
Agreed, I have 800 at the moment
Nahhhh don’t waste ur coins in this piece of garbage. Experiment with bows, poosts, and cheap gears, and find out what u like . The free, and incredibly cheap gears in this game. When u have everything. All good arrows, good bow skins, gatehouse poost, stuff like that, waste ur money on these
heh wanna race? you get shoes and i get the gloves?
how many coins u got?
half the amount you got
Eh that's not what I want, I was just agreeing I can't wait to get that much coins...
<:O fearless toes! good luck grinding!!
Eh last time I entered it almost nobody saw it so I'm going to try again
Find my story :D
Story 1
I went to Graters ice cream shop with my family (great ice cream btw) for their 25th anniversary and while my dad was paying for our stuff the cashier (he looked about early 20s) kept looking up at me. It was a little weird, but I guess I look pretty lol.
story 2
I was cheerleading at a football game and it was fantastic. Me and my friends did so great even the football players were amused. We were talked about all the time since then.
story 3
I was on a walk last winter and it was a pretty nice walk. Until this happened.. I was walking on the sidewalk and a simi truck drove by and cover me in snow! I almost had to dig myself out. I was ok though. I still can't believe that happened.
Do you mean Graeter's Ice Cream Shop?
oof.. Yes thank you
We have a winner!
When you somehow get killed by a noob
it was a joke my friend
Eh what?
a joke, j.o.k.e, must i pull up a definition?
Bruh no you are the definition very low definition too
oh nevermind, i see what you meant. sorry i read fast. now please explain how exactly am i a “joke”?
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Don't listen to them!, 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 not 𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲, it's o𝗸, and 𝘆ou are so sooo 𝘀weet, and 𝗜 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 don't 𝗾𝘂𝗶𝘁 🫶
LMFAO this guy is creative
o-o eh alrighty then
New pfp
Nice, tho I don't like eyebrow less
Nice but you should add eyebrows
Perfect 😉
very nice
welcome back person i just met
I somehow remember you...
Welcome back!!
i am new (as you can clearly see) and i want to know how to actually get good at the game and not get spawned killed by guests.
Sincerely- SKU1L.
for most maps there r multiple spawn exits...use them
thank you Mr/Ms, 살인 ∲R ➏➋𝒯𝒮𝒞 𝔘ℭℌ 𝙴𝙵Chronyx. This helped a lot.
Kind Regards- SKU1L
yeah basically just watch ansy
Thank you also Mr/Ms,ֆꈤ|[ꪀꪮꪜꪖ]𝕶𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖆. I hope you have a great rest of your day (depending on which timezone you’re in.)
Take Care- SKU1L
i am a boy, and u can just call me chronyx, like everyone else, Mr Sku1l,. Are you getting ready for Halloween?
I was just trying not to miss gender you chronyx. and no, I am not getting ready for Halloween, this is just what I go by on most platforms.
ok, nice to be ur friend, could u follow me pls
oh and by the way, ive noticed that you accidentally said “Sku1l,.”. i can tell you were in a hurry to type it but next time check twice before sending something.
Much Love, SKU1L (<–– The Correct Way)
ok..but on itch we all tap in a hurry, so i don't promise spellng it correctly every time...
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this is itch.io not gmail
did I offend you?
Show post...
literally no
Choose short maps for speedrunning like gate house and arena
thank you (i do not know how to type that username so please excuse me), i will keep that in check.
Cordially- SKU1L
Lol, its Vader
Lol, its Vader
well okay, thank you vader
Welcome to itch!! I am brokengod, but you can call me broken.
Okay broken, i hope you do have a wonderful day not being stuck in the house watching reruns of Everybody Hates Chris because you’re sick(totally not me rn).
Best wishes, SKU1L
best wishes to you too! :D
Do you come from discord?
no, i got banned because they thought i was a terrorists (news flash, i had Russian AND American in my bio), i do come a place called boredom.
Ah I see
breh i get constant 60 fps on all games except fortnite .___.
wopping 6fps and over 600 ping
Chicken curry is the best name having in fn
Check if ur on the right server
theres only a few advantages to itch.io, like how everyone knows eachother, and less toxicity. Any other reason is copium. Dc is better than itch in every other immaginable way
i cant remember asking
Lol no off
No offense to potato
gg whiterabbit
why y’all saying itch better than discord 😭 you can’t even have an active convo here let alone group discussions or streaming or anything
plus it’s always dead
itch is only better in community wise but dc better for over all shi
wdym community wise
Prob he mean the diff of how toxic
yeah but theres like so many more on dc than itch so ofc there's more toxic people
Fr tho
Plus in dc you actually got real clans
like less toxic compared to dc
"community wise" dawg as if any one of yall had any braincells exept rares ones
sounds like jealousy to me fr
ur farlands??
He is
who else would be dumb enough to have farland as his name
woah buddy slow your roll i didnt ask for no pop quiz
nuh uh tho id still pick dc over itch anyday maybe cuz it has more features, but in community wise itch is a bit better
ye one time a pic of a 1vs1 on dc and nah so such rando kids came outta nowhere and started shit talking me and cuh, i didnt do nothing to em, i didnt responed to i couldnt be asked to deal with the drama there, maybe i just didnt see the good side on n1 community on dc yet,and not only som itch kids but also players in m8m6 said the n1 dc server is wayyy to toxic
yall too soft fr, if ppl dont like u on dc then they dont like u
i dont blame you avg dc kid hating for no reason
i knew it was called m something
im offended
I don’t really know honestly… I just feels more cozy here
Alr guys im back! Today i got an A+ ( 94.5) in my all subject test! Thats why ive been absent, but i play roblox with my classmates so i wont be to online here.
hi slays :D
Hi qoo(pooster)
i like this pfp :| wwsp
also dam A+ is a 95?
For me its 100-97 then A is 96-93
nice!!! Congrats!
arena alt is great for bow 3
can u train me?
it is very good...nice new pfp...next time can u make the scores bigger cos i struggle to see them...
nice K/D
im going to train bow 6 for a month
Have fun!!
New clan! 𓂀
what is it?
the symbol from tombs alt map .-.
this is the logo me and mist made it
here is the logo 𓂀
noice! can i join?
Me too I wanna join
can i pls pls pls join?
sure! :D
cool!! can i join?
Yayyy thanks!!
Your welcome :D
Yoooo w
Can i join
ofc! :D
ok i decided i no use aimbot but can smne pro (broken,pooster and more) teach me?
me being pro...why not ask me bro..xD
Lle fr
lets see who is better 1v1 him chronyx
I meant zilla is proer than him
U can too
Ur too noob
ill teach u wen i can
can't play rn...server's out....update?
its doing the same thing to me
me too
I just realised me and chronyx have the same amount of followers xd
me with 2k posts and yet we have the same amount...xD
Not anymore
Bro where is starcast...
guys can anyon pls plssssssssssss give an aimbot i cant handle spammers and hackers
i can. but how to i get an aimbot so i can give u> cooment down below. u have skill issue
Why do that when you can practice
i just cant with spammers
Bruh its not that hard this game had so many melee spammers in blue -_- bro u dont need aimbot bruv
nice kd
ur welcome....qoo fan?
yeah lol
aimbot is for noobs...but we all knew u were a noob anyways
says u noob
i -1 myself
nuh uh usually the hackers just flag rush and fly
and that i could use hack cuz im the the RAPE CHEAT n1 dc server (dont ask why its called that)
but i dont hack .-.
found this
=_= was awake at 12 am and woke up at 7 am and i got 2 tests im cooked
Yep that's sad but I hope you cook the tests.
oof… good luck!
I was awake at 2am and woke up at 6:50am, and I got 0 test. :P
comgratz on being a failure
0-0 rip. am in class doing a test lmao
Oh nah..
Good luck
uk what else you can cook?
idk if your offended and idk if you dont like me saying these rabbit jokes
just tell me to stop if you dont like em jokes
Nah just ban the sickle
nop all bladed
it should be only fearless melees so only good players can use it and they don't sword spam normally anyway
all of the fearless sword users i’ve seen used it to melee spam
Ikr fr!
fair enough
yeh sickle speedruns r crazy. just run for theirflag
Yeeyyy :D
Yep :D
congrats!! 🎊🎈🎉 :DD
Thx brokengod you need 42 subs for 300 congrats🎉
congrats :p
Thx :3
No one is here
nothing just a creator page I saw...
Good Morning/Good night (3rd time ever)
Good evening
New vid dropped
u can also go to settings and change date...
great video!!
good night/ morning everyone!! :D
Goody nighty!
good night!! :D
night Z z z =>:|
Good evening
I was digging through my photos when I found this
which one is u?
the armored guy
Eh cool ig
hewo who are the people who don't play this game because I know sprunki some people quit and what about this game?
What the
Really nice gameplays, I really enjoyed it, continue the good work! :D
thx bro
no problem! ;D
cant belive it all started with pixel junkie
fr fr xd
ggs foo
heh never been more hounred than to be called b6 god
I always fricking miss it :(
Missed it
=_= I’m too terrified to open my mic cause I don’t trust that it’s not linked to the twitch :cries: