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Maggot i told ds to be on m8m6 today or talk to you on itch if he has it

(2 edits)

So let me get this straight 

You don't know basic English, it's"you're" not your.

I'm actin' like the kid guys πŸ—£οΈ 

Nermalto is actually 30 years old and gets mad when losing a 1v1 in a fps game.

Nobody needs yo follow. πŸ—£οΈ πŸ”₯

I didn't spam no nothing I'm just ice, I'm just cold πŸ—£οΈ πŸ”₯ 

1st grade is better than a one year old πŸ—£οΈ


Side note: nothing matters to me.

Exept my family and friends :3


hehehe, wattles cooking again!!  he is back up and running

(4 edits)

Just simple sarcasm.

Ty tho



and fucking grammar?

somehow ur always starting beef over grammar. NOBODY CARES ABOUT GRAMMER IF THEY CAN READ WHAT UR SAYING


Keep talking it's a great show :3


Who let wattle cook :O

I let myself turn on the stove.


yep I'm here 7am-9pm everyday

Nah it's just that he said he has more skills in real life but he doesn't even know English properly 

Keep yapping anyway


(1 edit) (-1)

Of course you drag this back to the top of the stream. You literally have one point, and boost yourself out of a grammer issue.

Also if you paid attention spam is referring to the quality of your comments.

1 flag-40 kill-1 death


Mph noice



goo goo ga ga i want 73k

Why 73?

I hav 7k


I am currently held at randsom for having stolen an apple. Can someone pay for the 100k? If nobody helps I won't be able to come home tomorrow or ever. They gave me a fork to remember the food I stole.

Noo I don't have 100k

Can u giv ur skins

Sometime in the future if i get out.

dude just post em


Nooooo I don’t have 100k, I’ll grind for it!

by the way, I found the apple you stole, it’s really well hidden 



ask pixel junkie :P

Me every time i read this

I just wanna check out the skins lol



Is that duolingo I see


w vid by alphax

Deleted 131 days ago

o_o huh do you have siblings that would do that? or a friend that has access to that acc/device

Deleted 128 days ago
Deleted 128 days ago

(pls don't be offended) If ur a memorable/famous person I don't know u, and if ur not, why would anyone want to hack you instead a clan acc or some shit with full fearless

Deleted 128 days ago

It doesn't make sense barely have like 40 days since your arrival on Itch....I don't know who would target you. There's not a lot of hackers... This person also plays, they have not much skill ethier. The name is Pooster.... I need to investigate this further..

bros bringing the fbi in on this one

(3 edits)

      Well based on your stats this player seems pretty noob/unskilled. They haven't been very active which is odd....just lost one game and/or left. They must have touched a few flags, failed, then quit based on their ratio of deaths and kills and total points.


(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

zesty clutched the ending was really close πŸ˜­πŸ™zesty clutched up the ending was so close πŸ˜­πŸ™


Sleki can u show ur skins

what for

i need

(+1)(-3) pls i worked rly hard its my first game and i did it toget playsgtation

(1 edit) (+1)

That's just sad how fast they got struck down.


fr :(


please buy it, i am 12 and want to get new playstation


please buy my game, im desperate for money

Deleted 48 days ago

ok, i am 12 and my mom made me do it


and i worked realy hard on it

That's low key L by ur mom, why she be making u do shit like that, I have a friend who cant get a phone till he gets a 6 pack. That's at least useful cus he be learning how to get buff. Coding a game could be useful, if ur a computer programmer, and that's what u want to do in life from the standpoint of a 12 yr, but ur mom isnt the one who gets to choose that. If u really want to do that, then why is ur mom making u do it? Imma apologize on behalf of the n1 community for everything they said to you, sorry that I don't really believe ur story, and congrats on ur first game and good luck in the future. Also, ur gonna have to sell 500 downloads to get a new ps5

Bruh that a big BIG L like yo mom fr told you to do that? Wow that low af

bye everyone, i might come back here i like it

bye! have a great rest of your day! Cya soon ;)

u 222!!

good night/ morning everyone!! :D



(2 edits) (+1)

I agree with Star

HOLD UP, I know that guy...we 1v1d three times. He breeds rabits for fur and meat irl.


bros family is in danger :O

your family is in danger. i ate lime zest as part of my dinner


you know what... him being in the photo must mean he know your here. how? most likely tortured all your fellow rabbits. hes coming for u next



He actually told me that the first time i met him. I had asked him his hobbies.


Nah just some small talk after a 1v1....probably..heh


btw your a rly good player. certainly a star of all stars ehehe

hes good but also rage quits πŸ˜‚ and he camps his base and brags in chat

I don't remember him bragging but I do remember his high long range bow2 accuracy.

you're good at bow 2 as well

He's better than me at bow, I'm just more technique like poost.

How about naju?

Im just gonna keep posting this till I get two peeps

So I had an idea yesterday (maybe 2 days ago) to have a race. I need 2 other people besides chronyx to do it. If u want to do it tell me a time that works, preferably 3:30-9 edt tomorrow/friday thx

i would love to come, but I can't :( tomorrow I'll go trick or treating, and Friday I have badminton practice. sorry D:

sorry you cant make it. I can reschedule it cus I forgot that Halloween was tomorrow. I can do Sunday almost all day probably maybe saturday at noon then I will have football Monday after school

Oh ok, then I can definitely make it


Yeyy halloween(aw shit ur not gonna be here)

Idk if i can


If by me u mean u want to do it, I will need a time and date when yall available

monday 1pm ist

Umm... that's like 3am for me but can u do 6am ist



any1 play piano who can suggest me a song?

I am playing a song called Key Anime Piano Suite, I found it really beautiful maybe you can take a try?


omg that's way too difficult, but it sound great

(1 edit)

oh ok, then I am also playing a song called wedding day at Troldhaugen, maybe it's a bit easier?

i might take this one a try tysm

thats so lonnnngggg. can you play this?

(1 edit)

yes I almost finished it, only 1 and a half pages to go

is this u playing?

(1 edit)

Yep so u say u play piano?

At 13:06

Have fun and be sure to bring 4-5 friends who also play the piano!!

rush e ! too ez (jkjk)




anyone here plays piano

oh I do! I am level 9 in the RCM

my grandpa is a profession musician and kinda taught me how but not really


I play the trumpet and am decent at that tho \_O_/

 wtf that's really impressif!


(2 edits)

np btw i am only level 7 RCM :(

that's still really good!!

(1 edit)

Piano and cello! :))

I’m also 9 rcm

It’s db btw

(1 edit)

yee - mist


ye its rly fun i play jazz piano

nice - riptide

i doooo, but  i only learn random songs...


I can play Mary had a little lamb

nice lol



i play piano and clarinet, my brother plays piano and violin


weekly hi to brokengod! 

Hii! How are you? :D

I am good hru ;)

btw can i call you bg

of course! you can also just call me broken

(1 edit)

ty master bgπŸ«ΈπŸ€›

I am great, thanks!!

that ur voice?


he kinda sound a bit zesty ngl ._. no offence to him my name is lit zestydover idk what im on abt

really nice, you are getting better with bow 2 that’s for sure :D

its me first day on the bow :>

(1 edit)

oh really!? You are already really good! You do not want to see my first time playing b2, it was the best miss compilation of all time :|

Yay i have something to watch with my breakfast :D


(1 edit)

I'm copying a script from a movie to roleplay on a game because I want too.., Here it is because I'm bored. I dare you to read it all (it's not horribly long)

Bro putting this on here is like reading a book

This is about Caleb the blonde dude up there in the picture right there

Basically, he lives with his mother and his father has never been there for him and his mother works all day and has cancer so yeah read on ig.


Home and it's

still light out.

What's the occasion?


I wanted to make

dinner for my

sarcastic yet

wonderful son.


I hope you're

hungry, 'cause

I'm going all

out here.

 Caleb: walks away -


Where are you going?

 Caleb: To go watch TV


Honey, I really wanna

talk to you.

We haven't talked

in a long time,


We haven't talked

in a long time,

and I have some stuff

to discuss with you.


Could you set

the table?

 Caleb: Sets the table -

 Beth: You know, I've,

I've been having

these headaches


and I had some tests

taken and…


Anyway, I, I wanted to talk

to you about your father.

I know you're really

confused about him,

and then I think

it's time--


Confused? What confused? How am I confused mom

I've never had a father. How is that



I just think that you

should know that...

Well, your father

and I, he was--


I know what


You met a guy when

you were on vacation

and nine months later

you ended up with me.


I didn't end up with you.

I had a choice

and I chose you.


I was

a mistake.


You were not

a mistake.

Don't ever

say that.

You were not

a mistake.


I don't wanna have this

conversation, okay?

It's stupid - walks away -


Well, wait,

Caleb! Caleb, I found

pot in your room!

 Caleb: - Stops and slowly walks back - What are you doing going through my stuff? - he says frustrated -


What are you

doing with pot?

 Caleb: Who cares?!

 Beth: Where did you get it?

 Caleb: Mom, why does it matter?!

Look, I have a pot dealer ok?

It helps me get away from like this

little perfect world that we live in,

And you do the same thing with your

stupid pills!


My pills are

for my headaches. - She says touching her head as she is

having a headache at the moment -

They're prescribed medication.

Pot is illegal

 Caleb: Walks away -

 Beth: Caleb don't walk away from me! I'm your mother! - she

yells -

 Caleb: Walks back angrily - Then why don't you start acting like


 Beth: What is this? Who are you?

I don't even know who you are anymore.


Well, the feeling's mutual!

Do you remember we used to do stuff together, Mom?

Do you remember that?

Do you think I don't know about the liquor you hide in the cabinets?

Ever since you've started to drink, you've never been the same!

You are such a hypocrite! - he yells -

Beth: Her headache starts to get worse -

- She tries to get to Caleb as her head hurts extremely bad -


- She passes out -

- They go to the hospital and she's in a coma -

 - Doctor checks on her -

 Caleb: Walks in -


How long is she, uh…


A coma can last a day or much, much longer, but she can hear you.

Caleb: Looks at his mom for a second and walks away -

Caleb: Goes to his fathers address -


Caleb: Excuse me, I'm here to see Mr. Sandco


Sandra: You mean Mr. Sanders?


Caleb: Blinks - Yeah, whatever…


Sandra: Name?


Caleb: Caleb


Sandra: Looks at papers - Okay, um- I'm sorry, but unless you have an appointment with Mr. Sanders, I can't-- He's a very busy man.



Will you just tell

him I'm here?


Sandra: Sigh - picks up the phone and calls Mr. Sanders -

Yeah, I'm sorry, sir. I have a Caleb here to see you.



Oh, no, no, no. Um, he's just a…


Caleb: I'm his son


Sandra: Looks at him with major confusion -


Caleb: Tell him



Sir, he, um, says. He says he's

your son.


Caleb: Looks at the floor -


Sandra: Yes sir



Sorry, he's about to step into a really important meeting,


Sandra: so, um, he asked that I get

your telephone number.


Caleb: Frustrated he walks into his dads office anyway -



My phone number? Are you serious?! - He looks at him angry as ever -


Sandra:  Sir, I'm so sorry eh-


Jack: Hold all my calls


Jack: Listen I'm really busy here



So, what I think

we should do is

I think we should

plan a time where

we can really

sit and talk.



I'll take you to dinner. You name the place. My treat.


Caleb:  Wow, that is awfully nice of you. - he says sarcastically -



Why don't you go ahead

and just take your meeting,

'cause I don't know what

I'm doing here anyway. - walks away -


Jack: Wait


Caleb: No, see I spent eighteen

years waiting, Jack.




It's no wonder she never

told me about you.



Then how did

you find me?


Caleb: Grabs some photos of Mom and Jack and slams them on the table -


Caleb: By accident


Jack: Looks at them - : She knows you’re here?


Caleb: The last time I checked she was in a coma.


Jack: What happened


Caleb: Do you care?



Do I care? Yes, of course, I care. I care.


Caleb: Cancer


Jack: Sigh -  Listen, I'm, uh, I'm, I'm, I'm sorry. Uh, if there's

anything I can do. If you need me to--


Caleb:  A little late for help. Just a little late for that.


Jack:  Listen, son, your mother--






Jack: Please keep your voice down, alright? This is not the..


Jack:  I'm sorry. I--


Caleb: finishes for him - Left! You left



You see, I'm what society

refers to as a bastard.



You know what

that makes you?



Uh-huh, never mind. Here. - gives him the money he gave Mom -


Caleb: Keep these



She worked two jobs so she

never had to cash those,

and there is no way that

I'm gonna cash 'em now.



I know she never

cashed the checks.


She never cashed

a check,

but I kept writing

the checks.


I wrote

those checks.


Caleb: Nice move, Jack. Why. huh? Why?

To make you feel better about yourself?


Jack: No.


Caleb: Forget it. Forget me. Forget her. - tries not to cry -

Walks away -


Jack: Caleb,

Stay here, we need

to talk this through.


Caleb: I've got more important things to do.

Caleb: Goes to the doctors -



She's still

in serious condition.


She's fading

in and out, okay?


So, be patient.

You can only see her

for a few minutes.


Caleb, light

conversation only.


Caleb: Okay-

Walks in her room -


Caleb: Sits down -


Caleb: Mom?

Mom, can you hear me?


Beth: hi, honey how are you?


Caleb: I'm good. - smiles slightly - I'm… How are you?


Beth: Did you hear from any of those art schools yet?


Caleb: Not yet


Beth: Make sure that you tell me when you do, okay?


Caleb: I will. I met him


Beth: What's that honey?


Caleb: Hesitates to respond and looks at her- I said.. I love you, Mom.


Beth: - smiles - I love you, too.

Jack: Goes to the doctors to visit Beth


Doctor: Are you family?


Jack: Uh.. We share a son


Doctor: Well ok, she's asleep right now but you can see her

Caleb: Wakes up and goes home -

Caleb: Finds a paper on his door that say he's getting kicked out -


- You are hereby notified that the amount of $3,685 is now due

3-day notice to pay or quit -


Caleb: Goes to an abandoned place and it says no trespassing but he goes there anyway and vandalizes some things -


- Gets arrested -


Police: I found this knucklehead trespassing -


Police: Okay, step over here


Police: Do you have any one to call


Caleb: No..


Police: Well you're going to have to stay here then


Caleb: Wait- wait, wait I do have someone to call

- calls dad -



How much was

my bail?


Jack: Don't worry about it


Caleb: I'll pay you back


Jack: Yeah.


Jack: Is this how you spend your days, Caleb? Huh?


Caleb: Not always. Sometimes I like to rob liquor stores - Says sarcastically while nodding his head -


Jack: This is serious.  Alright, it's very

very serious.


Jack: You now have a record.  Congratulations,



Caleb: Wow. Wow, all of a sudden you care. - smiles sarcastically - It's cool how that happens, Just like that. - snaps his fingers -


Jack:  What is going

on with you?


Jack: The sergeant called me, the sergeant said that the charges were trespassing and vandalism?


Jack: Really?


Jack:  Vandalism and trespassing? That's great.


Jack:  What is going on with you?


Caleb:  What do you think is going on?


Jack:  I have no idea or I wouldn't be asking.

What is it?


Caleb: We're getting evicted.


Jack:  Look until a couple of days ago, you were just--


Caleb: What?  I was what, another bill for your accountant to pay?


Jack:  Can I finish a sentence please?


Caleb:  You haven't even gone

to see her.


Jack: I--


Caleb:  It doesn't matter.


Caleb: Just, pull over, please?

Pull over, I- I want to go


Jack: Fine I'll pull over


Jack: A thank you would have been really nice


Caleb:  Thanks a lot. - gets out and slams the door -


Caleb: Puts eviction paper on the table -

Makes some calls -


Caleb:  Ah, yes, can I speak to a Mr. Samuels?


Caleb: Caleb Jones, thanks


Caleb: hi, yeah, Mr. Samuels

this is Caleb Jones, I live at uh.. Listen we're having a hard time paying our rent this month and…


Caleb: Wait, what do you mean, who-- who?


Caleb: Yeah, no that's okay. Yeah, thanks 

Good job you made it down πŸ‘

Oh wow…

Have you read it all :D

It was a great 5 min of entertainment ;)

Show post...

hella yapping bro



Holy yap...


yall its my first b2 day and i got a  1:1 kd in m8 on my first game

bow stats

3 reload

4 dmg

3 travel

7 focus cuz i like focus

armor stats

15 regen (stfu i use high ass regen the first time i use a new bow)

1 speed πŸ’€

That’s good!

The 1 speed though…

Deleted 136 days ago

i- i- i main b3 and never found focus useful =_= its shit ngl yea it zooms in a lil more but still if you are sufficient with b3 and with focus remove it because you gotta get good without it then add focus back and boom extra skill (i never used it tho)

Ye but potato plays on 130 fov

i play on 133 fov :3 

I play on 111 fov


focus good for b5 and 6

1 speed? Huh..

I wouldn't use focus simply because it takes other stats for something that applies to a visual boost.

my fav bow is fearless handle with greek tip or the full black type bowthing.

Me too.

um... you use high regen anyways :P

I use max realod on b2 

B3 is still my fav😊

(1 edit)

7 focus is wayyy too much stat doesn't even apply an actual effect besides visual.

hm i only use b2 on ipad but on pc i use b6


Alright guys new pfp





it actually looks good!! Well done, I like it!

Look cool

"Looks" cool

(1 edit)

Alright pick one for my pfp

And feel free to suggest some stuff 



Whatchu think my friend?

idk.. i see you chose 2nd one

Ur choice

Bottom since the top one had low resolution.

ok :D





1st is mid af

2nd is cool af

So I had an idea yesterday (maybe 2 days ago) to have a race. I need 2 other people besides chronyx to do it. If u want to do it tell me a time that works, preferably 3:30-9 edt tomorrow/friday thx

"Everybody Wants Results, But Nobody Wants To Do What They Have To Do To Get Them Done" Clint Eastwood  

Great words πŸ‘

"I want my homework to be done, but I dont want to have to do it"




That's literally the actual example of the quote I put

"Life is nothing without problems. If you had everything what's the point on living?"

                                                            -Jake the Dog

also gatehouse :)



Nice job

nice!! - mist

I want a different pfp but can decide between a cartoon or my actual n1 character. I was thinking about waiting until I have some good bread to get some expensive gear but idk. This one just doesn't all look like me irl


maybe u should show us ur n1 character and whatever else ur other pfp can be and we can decide as a community...

Ok sure. Ty!

post both of them, ask us to vote and use the one that wins. or just use the one you like the most

Alright still working on it :)


Credits to Ryan Lombard /he's hilarious btw./

If you stab a cereal box does that make you a serial killer?

Spiders are scared of us stepping on them, but they have more legs. We're scared of them biting us, but we have more teeth.

Fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing

Cowboys go yee-haw and ninjas go hee-yaw

Water can boil you to death

Freeze you to death

But yet you can't live without it

no offence but i think you need better sence of humour

Uh, this is from somebody's YouTube channel. I hardly have any tbh

(1 edit)

Alas, I must agree with ex. Steve. These jokes are as mid as bow 2.

u using b2 as your main :P
(1 edit)

Friendly fire will not be tolerated

Seriously? I can't lie bow 2 is mid.

u using b2 as your main :P

Fax Ryan Lombard is funny he a W comedian

One of his videos he said " No pen equals no assignment, no assignment equals no diploma and no diploma equals no job no job no money no money no food no food equals skinny and skinny equals ugly ugliness equals no marriage and no marriage equals no children no children equals loneliness loneliness leads to sickness and sickness leads too... DEATH!"

LOL I know this one


Pelican Party Studios! It would be cool if you added swimming


That would be cool actually, good suggestion

(1 edit)

but that defeats the purpose of water being something that killed you. In a lot of maps it wouldnt make sense if the water---->spikes or something

yeah, but then most noobs wouldn't die...

Oh.. Your right

im always right... Joking, everyone makes mistakes or doesn't think of everything...


ur like my dad, supposedly always right -__-

(1 edit)

Hahaha. I feel you bro, I feel you. My dad is exactly the same.

yes, i think all dads are the same...

Bro your being compared to their dads πŸ’€.



ggs Godzilla! My game crashed right before the game end so I couldn’t take a pic :(

Oof that's too bad. Btw how come your game crashes so much??

Show post...

he plays on 3ds browser

I've actually opened on my switch, it just shows the logo but you can't play and it doesn't load further.

Show post...

not surprised that the switch can't run a browser game

(1 edit)

I would like to know honestly…


What? I havent played with since ages??????

yessir decided to do the desert cus chronyx did it

noice..wanna do it together rn?

(1 edit)

sry bouta film a vid 




That's great

Can everyone raid M8M6 at 16:00 UK time. Everyone should be wearing pumpkin and naked skeleton

(1 edit)

I cant cus im at schoo, but i can do it at 19:40 uk if thats ok with u

sry..I won't be there...

ok then i can miss it. I went to the rabbit apreciation day one anyway :) too.didn't have rabbit yet cuz i didn't know i could time travel

Oh! I can make it!!

It will be the 1st time in 6 months I go to m8m6 (if I make it of course)

It's tomorrow btw




why r you coming back (whoever u r) after like half a year\/


i cant just cause


just to give every1 the Halloween Spirit..xD




(1 edit) (+5)

y’all apparently there’s a 2s spy in t7 like bro why tf are y’all taking this so far this is funny arrow game not a fucking world conflict πŸ’€


Lol they're gonna start a clan war or something, and they already have spies .


why the actually hell do we need a clan war when theres already two wars going on irl😭


Next thing they're gonna start stalking each other irl for info.

imagine taking a game that seriously


lol fr

For fcking real





- mist










(1 edit)

bro put your narrow one name on the bottom so we know who u are bro

rahh i forgot 


mb forgot I was in that acc but ye it was me

who is it?

only the big 2s members know. t7 stopped letting people in until they find the "spy" 

ok...i came in just in time..xD

hmmmm so thats why fingo wouldnt let me in...

XDDDD What are they doing in clans nowadays? Role playing?

No no most of spy members we Kicked up. We just finding ppls who help clan we are not interested making fatty clan.

Do you know if they have a spy in SC?

Also spy not only t7 they all clans 

Here some proofs oa clan leader destroyed clans


If im right fingo is the spy idk

Fr like tf is wrong with 2s (except for naju and other that didn't cheat ) they be fucking toxic and cheating what they gonna do after that?

Hey kids shouldn't cus :/

(1 edit)

ggs pixel

and another game i booted into : P

naju and snadow in one game is crazy

And wolfe



(1 edit)


The spammer boss

Hey guys new video released enjoy it

GG mu


gg :Dimage.png


Desert fruit with Sniperboi

(1 edit) (+1)


Nice fearless!

thx, u too


(2 edits)

Chronyx is just a big bully I reached hole and he killied me -_-

W skins ik chronyx is in 6442 skin

Ye lol






oh brokennnn


Wanna play?


ohhhhhhhh! Ggs! 


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