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Bow 4:image.png

that'#s crazy....




doing way better than normal today :D



Hey rawr

hi Rawr

I got whooped Frfr

:(( bad luck 


:D thx









imagine having a death


CGXR im bored plus im recording for some vids so feel free to hop on

My apologies if I am StUpiD but what are those arrows on the side of everyone's comment?... 

Thats upvotes. They are just as yt dislike an like vids

That's what I thought, tyvm though

upvote or downvotes, like likes and dislikes on youtube


sry, i just saw ur comment after posting mine

Na np lol


I would say more like reddit but ye

(1 edit)

No one replied? Let's fix that

(Credits Ryan Lombard)

(Special one) If your parents told you not to take candy from strangers, then what is halloween?

Bro, what if Deja vu is just you dying and starting at the last checkpoint?

If No.2 pencil is the most popular pencil, why is it still No.2?

The word nun is just the letter n doing a cartwheel

Bro your eraser slowly dies because of your mistakes

Dude babysitters are teenagers who act like grown-ups so grown-ups can act like teenagers 

I replied


i can't be bothered to read all of that, even though im book addict, but well done for writing all of this...

Ty, tyvm

The actual movie I got the script from:

(2 edits)

FINALLY FINISHED IT.. After one whole week! This is pt 5 of the script, the ending-

- The next day -

Caleb: Gets up slowly -

 - rubs eyes -

 - looks around the amazing mansion wondering where he's at -

 - Runs to the bathroom and throws up -

 - goes to the balcony and sees his dad downstairs outside -

 Jack:  Well good morning, sunshine. Or should I say good late afternoon?

 Jack:  Look I got you a nice, well, now cold, greasy cheeseburger. Great for a hangover.

 Jack:  Come on down, I'll stick it in the microwave.

 Caleb: Goes downstairs -

 Caleb: Um, I'll just take shower instead

 Jack: Alright

 Caleb: He takes a shower and comes back -

 Jack:  Ah. Forty-five-minute shower. You've obviously never paid a water bill in your life

 Jack: Have a seat

 Caleb: sigh -

 Jack: How you feeling?

 Caleb: I feel like uh… Like a dinosaur bit my head

 Jack: - laughs - I like that. That's a good one I'm using that.

 Caleb: - looks at him -  Can I ask you a question?

 Jack: Yeah, go ahead shoot

 Caleb: Why… didn't you want me?

 Jack: - he hesitates for a minute - I was young, I was stupid. And I'm very sorry

 Caleb: - looks at the table - Where's the burger?

 Jack: I ate it

 Caleb: - looks at him - You serious?

 Jack: No, it's in the microwave. Heated it up three times, it's probably hard as a rock

 Caleb: I'll eat anything right now

why are u making this stories?

Cause I want to and this is a script anyway. Really I'm just copying it so I can roleplay it bEcAuSe I aM bOrEd

lmao okayyy

these are actually fun to read

Yesh Ik

i will β€œre-act” this with my man thank you very much

XD that's what Im here for


76H9 sorry sniper code split bugged me out


GG I need to gtg

Ah k cya!! 

GG no I don’t wanna play 😭😭 




I'm clueless


ahhh a child hood game


My thoughts exactly


gimme link plzplzplzplzplzplzpzl

ggs mr gay fox the toucher got touch he got touched too much he left


Sorry what now?

Fym in a few seconds???

Its a bug

Nah i can just time travel like dat



How do you even send an empty message?



Works for N1 as well 😜

Bro back from ded

huh?!? :O

How did you guys spend Halloween over there?πŸ‘€

Didnt do trick or shit

Show post...


Bro is sensetiv fr


β€œboobies & booties galore”



You're quitting n1?

46 kill + 1 death

Deleted 135 days ago

Yay! Finally!

Didn't work

Nooo :(

10 fps 250 ping


160 fps 0 ping me

too bad😞

googoo gaagaa i need 71k now


yep ty

rage quiter


That guy is happy for having 9k...all of us here happy for 69k

69 πŸ—£οΈ πŸ”₯

im not on 69k though...xD

Face rev cuz we can see ur email logoπŸ˜‚πŸ«΅


Bro imagine he actually accidentally face reved






That's not a good game bro

it is

This is a good game bro

bruh ,mine is better a begginers best


Yeah, ur an absolute noob, we all know that

Yes indeed plus u were playing against grim reaper

yes, and bow spammers/ melee spammers


ehhhhhh i duh knoww

i think my 289 kills and 56 deaths was a good game...

Deff the worst game ever

yes, that was a really good game, but u have to say that 61 kills 21 death against spammers is better than 25 kills 8 deaths against noobs

yo chronyx,i just saw you in a macth,gg chronyx

who r u?

death trooper I think

i didn't c him

maybe an alt then idk

chronyx,its me, deaths trooper,i somehow lost my itch acc,so from there on i logged in with my school pc's itch acc


27 days until turkey day and 54 days until christmas, save up yall money

Bro their free

not where i live

they are free silly

turkey day lol


(2 edits)

Mf fix your wifi or leave the game  (cs) kid kept teleporting 

wanna play?

I have to study sry

chill bruh 

he in china he cant do anything abt it (seems like hes cooking tho)

Because he's godayum teleporting and i couldn't even hit him -_-

He dodges the attacks, and the ones that hit don't even register.

lmao your ping is also high but the real annoyance about him is all he can do is bow spam πŸ˜‚ 

Oh mb it's 200 tho that isn't too high from what i know i have over 100 ping often and it's not laggy

Also he didn't bow spam wdym

he bow 1 spams but maybe he didn’t this match 

He was using b4

ah okay

4 stun 1 atack

i could make that 

(1 edit)

Any good squad codes? I took a long break..

RRTM, I made one

me too




Waiting for a new devlog be like:


wanna play?

sorry school again :(



That's crazy...


Just gonna post this to see what everyone(some) think of my lock screen wallpaper. It looks different on my screen and the length is shorter.

Mmph noice


what the FUCK is that πŸ’€

(1 edit)

Real infurness?

(1 edit) (+1)

Nice!! Mine is narrow one maps photos in shuffle mode

Show post...

Im ngl ive never celebrated halloween

where you from?

Show post...


which country then :(

Show post...


ah okay

Deleted post




happy halloween

(1 edit)

happy halloween!!

happy October holiday (it’s also Diwali today :P)


happy Halloween!!


i joined and it was a 1v4, until my team came inimage.png




thank you



(1 edit)

Top 5 best bow 2 mobile players?

70 (obviously)

alphin, nig, fingolfin 

Alto-Rikki (from personal experience πŸ™)

nig is on mobile? Damn

Deleted post

LOL but yeah 

70 plays on mobile? I always thought he was on pc.

Fingolfin as well. He plays too good.



ngl broken deserves to be on that list too

who has he 1v1ed

Happy halloween


or in my case dia de muertos

(1 edit) (+1)

whoever Ski is, he’s a noob bro πŸ’€πŸ’€ getting 10-0ed by ME is crazy πŸ˜­πŸ™ (he insulted me so don’t attack me in the replies)


LOL that's gotta be a loss that stings.

imagine insulting someone then losing 10-0 😭😭😭 i’d quit this game

I honestly would get so angry and ragequit. 

(1 edit)

This is why I don’t insult random mf’s skills unless I know they’re worse than me πŸ™πŸ™ (I don’t insult for no reason tho)

how tf do u lose a 1v1 to sleeky 


okay that sounded rlly mean but idk how else to get my point across sryyyy😭

it’s okay uwu its true 

Yeah ik, it's because they didn't even score one point against a normal player.

ikrrr 😩😩

Deleted 135 days ago



good night/ morning everyone!! :D

good night!! :D



y’all I got almost no good candie but I did get a fucking alchoholic beverage

Huh?! I got a toy :/

(1 edit)

I got an apple and thank god, someone was handing out water

I also got this which sells for 2 bucks on ebay :)

ohhh free money!

a toy?? well if ur not happy with it i’ll take ur toy

XD,  sure take it



What alcho- candies did you get?

noice xd

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