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MK4H for just grinding ig 

Um i have to study but I'll play one game






this will be my last message on this acc and i will use my main one..

(for now)


(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

I have discord!

My name is 6442ping




sick ill friend you!




oh nice! I’ll friend you

I don't have dc

Gg to this guy who got lower kd than me after game(59 kills 5 death)


Are you high or am i high? Nobody there has 59 kills.

You high? I mean when all flag were taken bruh


he screenshotted it mid game and after the game ended a person had 59 kills (i think)

Hello ice :D

Hello ice :D


gg got into a m8m6 lobby ,used b3 the whole time which i never do and somehow got this 

I literally started almost never use b3 exept ti snipe on arena alt and such but like 10 kills are close up combat which I'm rly proud of 

Also i saw sleeky was there so gg to her idk ig I'm supposed to say dat :/


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I also hate being on a phone because i literally didn't fit all the players in two screenshots 😭


could possibly fix if you lowered ui scale but it could look trippy 


Lemme send a screenshot of dat 😭 



I got used to it

Scone enjpyer sucks tbh




She accused me of hacking because i beat her with a default skin and doesn't believe i play on a phone πŸ’€ 

Imagine being that trash

Lol fr

Her name is a reference to a book called "The Inheritance Games". The character she is named likes scones.



you afk killed me :((


Sry if i did i was literally just shooting one after another there were so many targets

it's fine 

sometimes m8m6 is good and bad


Here ya go star 

How did we get all this in a day??



Crikey thats a lot of messages


Could you send the the link to the scripts that were used please?


Um idk what that is :/

Like ask someone for the scripts they used

Aks incredible violent they're on itch

That looks nice

(1 edit)

also how do you join clans

(4 edits)

By getting in contact with someone important in that clan

It's the easiest if you have dc and there's a dc server for the clan or sum

Some require you to have dc and others you just need to put some shit in your name but those ones are the most random useless clans no offence 


find the clan dc server, do whatever thay want u to do to join. Dont join any of the random ass clans those are useless and nothing happens in them. Only join the bigger actualy well known clans like 2s, uc, t7, rk, cs, sc, etc


Cp instead of Uc because UC died


Uc didn't die completely, litchel the kitchen left and ds took over again

(1 edit)

Cp doesn't stand for child p- ... Right...?

Coz i know discord kids are wild 

crow party

UC as in the original 1st n1 clan, uchicha clan?

1v1 with someone

What score are people talking about when the say like 22k, and 12k and stuff...

How many coins they've got

how many coins someone has


guys, i have good and bad news.

Tell them

bro the cliff hangar


What is it

the good news, im getting a pet rabbit from my man


nevermind, he can’t afford one at the moment.





Nice im still at 22k😭

(2 edits)

16 k slow grind to fearless light poke,i Play like 10 chill games with a friend or two in the evening unless it's the weekend 


omg that's great

2 k

Lol gl


Haven't played a lot


what do you mena nice

same just been buying random shit

Played rarely this days because of actually dog shit wifi and shitty matches

nice!! Congrats!


67k rn

(1 edit)

since in not in the Ω clan 😭 ill try to join another clan like 2s SC or flk or something like that.

Or keep on tryna join Ξ©

Didn't u join it?

Nop turns out i joined from a fake omega personπŸ˜‚πŸ˜­


I hate fakers


I was faked for a month uwu





Dont go for 2s go for sc

(1 edit)

I actually agree because i would only join a clan with friends and sc's main members are sometimes on itch too while 2Μ²β†― members are mostly rude and  weird iykyk 

I might send a screenshot or two of conversations on discord

I like most of the 2s members they’ve helped me improve at n1 a lot and most are nice to me

i tried getting into 2s and got rejected..ahve a month to wait until I can retry...

good luck next try

Every big clan will have a wide range of members temperament. I'd not recommend applying for 2S for a reason simply that in many months very little players make it past verification stage, other clans are easier to join.

2s be cheating and other stuff

(1 edit)

Why do you want to be in a clan?

I would only join a clan with friends or make a clan with mostly friends which i will do in the future,like 70,db,boboi and others who are good friends made sc (i think that's how sc was made idk rly)

We gotta make an itch clan someday

Like a real one with requirements, not just a random "clan" with a cool symbol or smth


join sc its better than 2s for sure

That what I'm saying

Gm everyone!

gooooood morning!β˜€οΈ 



yay! Congrats!

(2 edits)

This is what the game looks for me now that I changed CSS and added some Tampermokey scripts. You can customize your looks too, ask around on Pelican Discord for a link. (Or Narrow One E-Sports Discord, invite code: b8UkXPhm5m)

Images (and the CSS file) are here too:


Sup violent

The pictures didn’t load for me :(

Me too..

Same :/


I've updated the original comment with a link to GitHub

(1 edit)

hmmm the image didn't load maybe its because of private user?

Sadly I don't have Discord, so if you could post the link here, it would be much appreciated ;)

I'll send what they send on discord if i can find it

I send the images from discord

I've updated the original comment with a link to GitHub


I was able to get it working



Fr bow 1 fearless tip good?

Surely good looking, and I don't care for MAX LOAD

incredible violent? do you perhaps remember me? :0

Yes I think? You're on Discord?



My skill leaving after I begin using a different bow:


the moment I started b2 my skill in every other bow kinda just πŸ“‰πŸ“‰πŸ“‰

i play everything once in a while to counter that πŸ‘

That just makes all bows mid.(for me)


bow 4 :3

damn that's done rly well i thought it was blender for a moment

also whats it mean lol

It's supposed to be a human helping a fellow human to climb over a fence thus leaving just like his skill when he uses a different bow

Those humans are my bow2 skin(on top) and my overallskin/anybow skin(bottom).

so true!



mmm bad mood :( ik this aint the place to complain about it but remember everyone got feelings even those who seem emotionless  


dont question my sanity... its long gone

(2 edits)

I have different personalities(alter egos) if you don't know....I am just a personalized version of "me" when it comes to you...

I forget who I am sometimes when people cause reactions...

ah tbh same sometimes and it’s really hard to keep everything in track for different people 

(2 edits)

Did you type that at Midnight ?



Hope you get better!

Join a venting discord server, thats what i did


kk ima look fr one 

What happened?

life 😭



hope you get better

also i wish I could go back and see all of chat; will fix maybe

i have a request 

can you use css and tampermonkey and make the changes:

pixelate, move down, and simplfy health ui

remove or pixelate flag UI

and make a + crosshair 

so that it looks like ultrakill UI?

maybe even add a UI for selected weapon (melee or bow)

ye, I'm a beginner, and don't really know how to do that, but maybe by the end of the year I can do that. As of now, for some of the stuff that I do I use microsoft copilot lol. but ye I prob could

np lol

my request : 

Can you make more types of crosshair 

star shaped crosshair πŸ—£οΈ

(1 edit)

an easter egg for statcast and starsket 

I have fonts on my phone without having to do anything πŸ—£οΈ πŸ”₯ 

I also have shaders on my phone πŸ—£οΈ πŸ”₯

(1 edit)

my textures rn |the "press t to chat with your squad" is cut off; tried to make font smaller; idk how to fix

The video is private lmao

(1 edit)

nvm i will public

also just glitchy cus i was rec but i didnt realize

Don't have YouTube

No streams anytime soon withing the month probably ;(


ahw alr take care spuddy πŸ©Ά

good night/morning everyone!! :D

good night!! :D





I hope you feel better tomorrow. Just rest sometime, stay hydrated and eat well.

progress; hype



Good night everyone

Pretty bad day,i burned my oatmeal this morning and spilled alot of water, I'm cooked in school tommorow and zesty quit 

So gn πŸŒƒ πŸŒ‰


Sweet Dweems ;)



staircast :0 sad time to come back ngl.... zesty left. beesorm still doing... he own stuff... all the OGs are leaving ); now only like bowboi, 70, Naju, Snadow. and btw naju has played for a long time but with different name
and this is itch ppl. or were itch ppl

good night!! :D


I just figured out how to mod narrow one using tamper monker and css and all that shit and its SO FUCKING COOL NOW

ok...your not gonna hack are you?

no i mean texture only 

So what does n1 look like for for you?

Better be...

(1 edit)

Cool! I was planning to do a video on that


please do, im somewhat lost

Me too though… TT


(1 edit)

How's your Sunday going? :D

About to watch The Truman Show lol

I was supposed to go to the giants commanders game but i had too much homework :(

(1 edit)

Aw... (Yes Ik this is my laptop account)

its alright, but zesty quit sooo

I'm just happy I got to see him three days before and win a 1v1 with him.

I am doing wonderful, thanks! Just won another badminton tournament :D



(1 edit)

Zesty quit 😭 

But at least i found out 70 doesn't hate me so that made my day 

Far lands streamed the truman show a few days ago on discord 

Zesty quitting so pretty bad (its monday night for me now)

that reminds me the time I streamed it a few days ago


filming a vid then i realize i have to lock in for redking lol


jesus christ lol

This is a picture of him i have from when i was a noob and didn't even know of m8m6 however i met him in a public game and i was impressed with his fearless


is this zezty?



Why did zesty quit😫😫😫😫

He got bored of the game i think and some other reasons,i think because alot of his og friends and og players also quit

(1 edit)

yea I get why he leave I would feel weird and miss some of my old friends and he said he was too good that the game got boring

yessir supposed to win my fantasy game against the 1 seed

Lemme get pics of zesty 😭

ok..i don't have any


Bye bye zesty




So sad… TT


NO I missed IT  ToT

nvm no stream Tuesday :(


Hold up a few seconds :3



Good luck


well this is my last comment and see yall on the flipside

(1 edit) (+2)

have a great life man




Bye zesty,have a good life  


(1 edit) (+1)

Bye D:


1k posts and 44 followers later he's gone...







good bye, for now?


for now.

I Hope he comes back 😭



(1 edit) (+1)

Awww cya zes ;(

God bless u πŸ™

(1 edit)



well.. bye, I hope you have a wonderful life, chase your dreams because they are possible πŸ™Œ

Cya :(


And another OG is gone. Hope you have a great life bro been nice knowing you 😞😞


Yo just to be sure, if u see bestorm, dont enguage converstation with him, cause he has been known to sexually harass girls on N1 (most of em 13) and even sending pron, aka ppl like whiterabbit who are the most innocent ppl on N1
I rly dont see how he was still able to be on some random clan discord server so if yall see him report him and make sure he gone.


Will do

Also hi far lands 

Pretty sure this is him?

I saw someone like that today saying they was hydro.


nah hydro 100% would never do that i know him pretty well :( 

That beestorm hydro is chill but beestorm is an actual fucking whore

fr πŸ˜­πŸ™ like tf did I do to have him talk shit to me (im not innocent mentally but I didn’t do shit)

Nah if you saw beestorm dox him or her idk

(1 edit)

Ggs vader

nice kd, both of u





This is actually sick tho

Imagine if there was an easter egg that a snake  comes out of the pit

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