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Im, just getting bullied every single time in m8m6 are 696969 abt my aim avatar its getting annoying as heck.

wth is a aim avatar

Edit..... Abt my aim and avatar :skull:


aim avatar πŸ™ƒ

They bullied cuz they watch your vids and see aim avatar.

(1 edit) (+2)

then dont join squad codes (and actually try to play the game)

then don’t go to m8m6 or 696969, they are known for their toxicity 


"Aim avatar" um what

Yessir just made a new word Aim avatar!




Means crosshaor style and color? 

Maybe engineering new terms makes interesting individual.

btw new video forgot to post it 

nice vid

thank u :)

it felt very different...i think it is because u are one of the only people who make n1 vids that DON'T use lower weapon when walking (i don't use it)

I dont either its gay

it's just weird...


thankss :))

I don't have YouTube



(1 edit)





Me wanting to play after school:

that’s so sadly true…

Lmfao so trueeeeee

good night/ morning everyone!! :D


good nite

good night!! :D



chronyx ur in this lol

oh true!

yeah..that guy with fearless head is me

ik..but i ragequited

i watched it be4 u i think...xD


who dis?

snadow I think

ah ok

pota pelr wan vee wan mii 

Deleted post

who u :P



No I mean I literally cooked :-: casserole: 

She actually cooked chat 



Gn everyone πŸŒƒ


good night! Sweet dreams!

my dad's a chef

Yea boiiiiiiii

(1 edit) (+1)

That looks absolutely delicious!

imma bouta make the best stew in the world

I am so hungry T-T

(1 edit) (+9)

Me when I cook: 


ur so real for that πŸ’―πŸ’―

lil bro is NOT getting any more iron from recycling that slag β˜ οΈβ˜ οΈβ˜ οΈπŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

I don't cook


Me when I'm cooking 

Making cereal:


Try this next

Noooo 😭 

Leave rabbits alone 😭 😭 😭


Not funny tho 😭 

"I got cooked" instead of I cooked.


Poor (delicious) rabbits…

O_o broken revealing his evil side

😈 I am evil to everything concerning food (especially meat)

bro πŸ˜­πŸ™

meat meat the magical fruit, the more you eat the more you to- um slowly have your mind taken over by the magic meat monster of protein :P

me too 

as a chinese i can outrun rabbits and also eat ducks 

Me too lol 

My parents r worried about this XD

it's natural. nobody is pure.

i would be if it wasnt for my friends πŸ˜­


Bro's in his villian arc and he's still nice, show's how nice of a person he is

(1 edit) (+1)

XD thank you!


Bro is in his arc


=_= do uu wnat ur crhistmas present or not


XD worst threat ever



pinterest πŸ’―πŸ’―



:O that looks amazing. u must be good cook :))

xD tysmm

(1 edit)

positive: looks mostly good (kid side of me)

negative: looks too watery (chef side of me)

yee ik bro the beef didnt defrost properlyy so it got watery >:I

oh, i thought you played a match and got a crazy good k/d

I thought you was cooking rabbit stew

(1 edit) (+2)

Alright goodnight my peeps. Really just chores, shower, dinner, Growing Pains (the tv series) and then bed for me.

See you Friday, hopefully I can play with Broken like I've been wanting too Friday or Sunday 😒


good night! Sleep well! 

I will try my best to organize my time so I could play with you :D

Gn πŸ’‹


Alright just finished up EP1 (still have no idea what to call it beside EP1)

- The next day -


- Amber goes to the beach and sits there for a minute -


- Jet wakes up and checks his phone -


- He tries to call her but her phone was at her house -


- Amber goes closer to the water standing there -


- Breeze was at the beach that day but he was a little far from Amber -


- Jet gets up, gets dressed and goes to the place Amber usually goes, the beach -


- Amber she went further in almost like she was trying to unalive herself -


- Jet couldn't see her at first -


- As soon as he saw her he ran after her -


- Breeze was now a little closer and saw what was happening -


- Jet pulled her onto shore and she was unconscious -


- Breeze came up behind him -


Jet: He didn't even try to argue and looks at Breeze - Call an ambulance


Breeze: He operated mouth-to-mouth -


Jet: Raises eyebrows - Jeez I really did knock some sense into him.


Amber: Coughs up water -


Jet: Amber you ok?!


Amber: Yeah - coughs -


Jet: Looks at Breeze - Well, I guess it's all thanks to this guy


Amber: Smiles -


- At the hospital -


- Breeze was outside getting a drink while Jet was sitting next to Amber -


- Jet was about to leave the room -


Amber: Wakes up - Jet?


Jet: He quickly walked back - Yeah Amber?


Amber: Don't go, please?


Jet: I have to go Amber - he frowned a little -


Amber: But-


Jet: You'll be fine with Breeze now, I think he's made his apology - He smiles -


Jet: He went over and hugged her - Goodbye Amber


Amber: Goodbye


Jet: He walks out of the hospital room -

Could have made a boat run over her or something it would have been more interesting fr

XD, I mean you're probably right, but I don't feel like putting that in there

I get it yea I've written stories before and I never finished them cuz yk laziness

shark attack.... in shallow water.... fresh water mind u... Ambers left left leg is missing when everyone finds her.... CALL IN THE NARROW ONE FORCES!! THEY WILL HUNT DOWN THE EVIL BEAST AND MELEE SPAM IT INTO PIECES! ~ that day was the deaths of many feirce warriors... Naju...Snadow, kuro, b2dk, platon, 70, Fingo, the entirty of the clans 2s, t7, all of the NU, ef, x clan, N1, along with all of the local people like the jungles aztecs, castles knights, halls vikings, graveyards undead, hill's peaceful archers and Rabits, allys black market sellers and buyers.. why... why did they all fall to the laughable baby shark <insert baby shark song>? easy. because they cant swim :P

Narrow One Forces, lol

XD shark attack bruh

So cool! Such a good entertainment 

I'm too lazy to read this


What the fu--

Hey kid, no profanity when you reply to me

a way to import maps from 3.js?!?!?!



Yes very much so :O


(1 edit)




:O ur a proo

you would beat me 10-0 πŸ˜”πŸ’”



(1 edit)

Idk I 1v1d him before. He's good but not that difficult.

um... sir.. who are you.. i dont remember 1v1ing you. but in my prime, i could probebly beat 70, fingolfin, and maybe get close to naju... but not now im outta practice cuz ive been goofing around alot.
hold up. im dum. u changed your name so i thought u were someone else :/ mbmbmbmb


thank you!!!


Thats reeeeaaaaaaaaly good fr



Meow lol


Nice mice climb the house 🏠 (Nice kd) πŸ”₯ 

meow meow climb the cow 😝 (tyyyπŸ’–)


the the climb mouse house πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―

Castles b4 1v1 when UwU


wowwy..that cwazy


hi! how awe you skeicwat

I'm good hru




get back to work

ur mad cuz bad 😝


10-5 :pfft:



normal bow 3 match



Wow already?! Am now doing extra upper-body workouts.

You know what... I never tried ze "iF i GeT sO aNd sO foLLoWeRs I'll dO tHiS" thing out so might as well give it a try... 25 followers and I'll give a arm reveal as well be honest with you I am competitive and dumb, so I want to beat potato at his puny muscle. (Yes I do workout... Almost everyday)


Hehe... Ik I'm stupid

Ooo ok

Yes... I almost regret doing this

Lol, potato is gonna feel tiny compared to your muscles in the future.

Funny, how Tiny is my nick name 😎


Jacked tiny!?


were cooked…

Bro wha da fac-

HEy No CuS wOrdS KiD

(1 edit)

Alright, this is a story I made up by roleplaying... Yeah, I know pretty weird, but I like making stories so here this is part of EP1 (especially because Ik Broken likes these things lol)

This is about my OC character Jet (the other characters are from other people, but most is all me)


- Jet goes over Ambers house and knocks on her door -


Jet: Amber?


Amber: Opens the door - - sniff - Yeah?


Jet: You ok? You haven't been answering my calls, you never do that.


Amber: Sorry, I've just been uh. - sniff - Yeah..


Jet: What's wrong?


Amber: Well.. I'll, I'll never find anyone…


Jet: Yes you will, there's plenty of guys out there


Amber: Like who?


Jet: Theres… Uh.. Well you see…


Amber: Exactly!


Jet: Amber, it's not that serious


Amber: Yes it is! I loved someone but they don't even care!


Jet: Who is it?


Amber: Breeze - sniffle - He already has someone anyway…


Jet: Come on, you can't let some random guy brake your heart like that. Theres a lot of fish in the sea Amber


Amber: I guess. I still don't like this though


Jet: It'll be alright I promise - he hugged her goodbye, walked back to his car and left -


Amber: Closes door -


Jet: I'm gonna find that son of a gun


- Jet already had a picture of the guy as if he was some kind of secret agent  -


- He eventually found Breeze as he wasn't very far from where Amber lived -


- Breeze was at home with a rather random girl named Taylor, they had only been together for a day -


Jet: Knocks on Breezes door -


Breeze: Be right back Taylor - he went to go answer the door -


Breeze: - opens the door - Hello?


Jet: Who in the world do you think you are?


Breeze: If anything, who in the world are you?!


Jet: That doesn't matter, you broke a girl's heart is what matters


Breeze: Who's heart? I don't know what you're talking about


Jet: Amber, does that name ring a bell?


Breeze: Her? I thought of her as a friend not a lover


Jet: Well that’s your fault, now apologize to her - he pushes him -


Taylor: Stop it!


Breeze: Punches him -


Jet: Punches him back -


Jet: I better see you apologizing to her or else


Jet: He hopped in his car and drove home -

Really cool! 

Thx! I enjoy it even more now because I made it mehself

No problem! that’s great!

Ya know you are truly a great person :D

How to get bitches: stop looking for fish in the sea and look for the girls

Oh mah

That's my yappuchino right there


shitpost time


:O nice!!

(Can someone explain the story to me though… TT)

Now that I think about it, I don't understand either T-T


He clearly didn't do his homework so his father yeet-ed him outta window on towers


Ah yes, thanks a lot



dawg no

Dawg yas

I litteraly made it and it’s bs 

(2 edits) (+1)

its just a meme  recreated its a template so theres no story
This meme usualy used to show dumb opinions



Bro gonna be a dadπŸ’€

(1 edit) (+1)

abusive parent be like


Thaz unique



Bro that's... Weird


Complete bullshit right there


sorry vader my internet cut :(

Pugtin will fix it


google  is tweaking


(1 edit)

'Tis election day. We hope that the numbers come out shorter than two weeks unlike last year... As I went shopping yesterday with my dear mother the power was off throughout south high street (Columbus Ohio) even some of the streetlights weren't working. It seems to have been shut off. I mean there was no bad weather, but we don't know for sure. Some of the people there such as Aldi's had to use a generator. Is it because of the election? We'll find out soon enough.  However, who are y'all for? :D

Trump πŸ”₯

Nice choice




..uh o_o im like kinda sorta no politics kinda uhm person...... 😭

Skill issue ahh moment 

Jkjk good for u uwu

Well, I mean I'm not either I just see what's going on look at the bad and good things and go from there.

dont u love being in canada where non of this stinky stuff is hapening :D but like... WHY STUPID STUFF FROM THE US HAVE TO INFECT 50% OF THE WORLD?!?! ik u said ur in toronto, but is it ok if i ask for your age so i can make a post abt canadiens who are to young to vote anyway even if we wanted to put up with dis stupid cringyness? if not thats ok ofc. im sry if im acting creepy :C

If it’s not because of this chat, I wouldn’t even know who the the two politicians was :/


Hey, at least no one is going to harass you because you support someone lol

good point 


Ik :D


this is fking N1 do we need politics there are enoug beefs allready

(1 edit)

Aight, Kamala hairless tho



Agreed, just wanted to touch a little on the subject

I support the diddy party

What is that…?

(1 edit)

He's "Puff Daddy" and he's being charged for s** trafficking. A whole lot of princes, politicians, and celebrities go to Diddy parties and get involved in that stupid stuff

(1 edit)

oh…I see, thanks!

Np, as much as I hated typing out every letter.

- sniff - I have made a mistake on telling you about "Diddy" πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

ngl i dont think u understand. i wish i didnt know about all of that but all my friends joke abt it :C but in other words, some dude got arrested for... doing bad stuff to girls :/ i want to come to your school where no one talks abt that stuff :D
(1 edit)

You shouldn't have told him, he's still innocent πŸ˜‡

You're right... I have made a horrible mistake with the guy..


You're too innocent, don't Google it


bro is too innocent πŸ’€


What the? Are you crazy?! that dude is being charged for horrible things 

By the way potato... I have bigger muscles than you fr XD

I already had an election in Indonesia new president name is Prabowo

GGs. who is clan account person? ggs Mu and clan account.I couldn't have won without Mu, there was Skrillex in my team at some point, then he dissapeaered and it was a 2v4.

I think it’s that one clan Pooster was talking about.

yeah...but who is this playing?

Must be pugtin πŸ—£οΈ



either poosters cousine or brother

I feel like evryone in here is better than me

i don't long as u are not a spammer (like rikki) ur not the worse

GG Chronyx


link isn't working

(1 edit)

Because the servers dont work sometimes happens with all links,try again soon

can u post a squad code for me to join


plz join cncx

Interesting concept uwu



Also, I got 100 capture assist



4 flags????????????

5 flags!?!??!?


There's some elections or sum today,idk much about politics πŸ—£οΈ


wat country?


MERICA RAHHHHHHHπŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎ




πŸ¦… πŸ¦… πŸ¦… MERICAAAA


Yes Indeed

'MERICA πŸ¦… πŸ¦… πŸ¦…πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Who won

Trump πŸ”₯ 


what the hell is match making πŸ˜”


the snipey map too 😭😭

such L teams...


Oof… nice kd though!

(1 edit)

tyy!! you too :D

yeah yeah, fly it at the tower and call it an easy win

wdym 😭



(1 edit) (+2)

new b2 kills without death record!



damn nicee

Thank you!

better than mine..xD


Nice! Btw kills without death is called clean slate

mine is 76ish/0 with b4,6 with only 4 speed


wow! Impressive!

Mines 23 :/

Thanks! Ah ok thx!



got kicked, said connection closed abruptly :( sorry


I crashed, and squad splits sorry :(

Ggs though!



Kamal hairless πŸ—£οΈ πŸ”₯


Whoever downvoted is gay,donald Trump go brrr


I like neither πŸ˜ƒ

Good for you, politics suck



Republican Party❌

Democrat party❌

Diddy partyβœ…


drake and diddy collab when ???


Whoever downvoted is gay

Nah I'll pick pelican party

Gg sniper



wtf is this kd???

Im noob fr


Alright dont rly mind my kd sniper cooked me


what bow were u using?????

2,3 maybe 5

I were using bow 1,2,3

Was* πŸ€“

You be goofy in the match I'm guessing

gg Godzilla


So foggy outside…my window view….


I see you ..


tree reveal...xD

Wanna play?

doing homework...i can't sry


Quite foggy here too

Same with me lol


Cozy for reading

ig...but it's dark now so doesn't change anything

that’s gorgeous omg i wanna take a walk there now

it's a bit late for halloween


it's all gone today

GG !image.png


I’ve definitely had better, lol. Kept dying cuz of going for flag.

But anyways, thank you! :D

The code btw were www

Top sigma clan


Wow fr


hey anybody of the guys who have been here for a while (1y+) any of you remember this 2d browser game with tanks n shit that this guy who made dragon clan played, pls anybody understand me?

Hi limits ive been here for over a little year(not this account)

I think i know whatu mean but ill investigate on it

possibly awesome tanks from coolmathgames?

Yeah prob fr


Kinda I understand

(1 edit)

Hi limits 

I've been here since june 2024 so no

(1 edit)

Maybe or battle dudes?

Tank wars?

Maybe rocket bot royal? Can you describe the game so I maybe search for it?


idk the game

alo hi limits

Wait you are back?

Join CDQ6!

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