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Deleted 104 days ago



Hi im back from my trip!




Deleted post

yo can i get into the acc again? Im godzilla btw






Hi back from ur trip




Hello! I'm viKING



Hi! Welcome back! :D


hello friend

Halo bud

how was the trip

gud the for asking



good night/ morning everyone!! :D




good night!! :D


Hello Everyone

Havoc For Rome

Hello! How are you? :D

Im gd and you

I am great, thanks!


was gd boi

I'm good, you? 

I'm gonna plan another code for friday. I'm gonna get 70,000 coins there.


Yo yoi






Hellol old friend havoc


what did I just stumble upon…? I searched pelican party games, and this popped up, why did I never heard of this game (that is mid way done)

(1 edit) (+2)

just discover that you can change outfit by standing near consmetics like:



😭I just fall into void whenever I join

yea, you need to move wile the game is loading to prevent that


not work

it worked for me

only on pc it work

dang nice hidden gem

w broken

(1 edit)

guess who's unsuccessfully been doing the tombs alt fruit for the last hour!!

done for today with fruit

(1 edit)

ouch… you’ll get it next time, don’t give up! ✊

desert alt?

shit tombs

What is the hardest part for you? Tbh I have none.

its the symbols part I have to glitch my computer to stop n1 from going, check where to go on my other computer, go back to n1 and go where i need to go, and repeat

I have it memorized....It's cross, leaf, eye, leaf, falcon.


we would've won if you didn't leave db

ru in a squad or na


waiiit you were la la la.. bruh u changed mid squad djfaskjfdsjkfhsakjfhaskjfhaksjfhaksfhkashjfdlkash

you called me a spammer when I literally was copying kuro's playstyle, while you were melee spamming how ironic

u missed stream :(

bro did not miss stream

wasn’t she the person with pixel on last game?


I’m so sry silver :(( my mom came into my room and told me I had to do dishes :(( sowwyyyy

its okay :DD


Dem you are too pro πŸ₯²

am i just high or do you play on pc now?

pc broke ipad



quick response but i broke my ipad so im on a laptop with a mouse

Ahh. Your good!

I think you poosted a little too hard πŸ˜…

Deleted 91 days ago

sniper fest fr

(1 edit) (+1)

wait until the creation of bows that can benefit from telescopic sights and ballistic calculators.


Jijive πŸ’ͺ



I missed it nooooooooo hnsuibshnihsnihbshibshnsihnihsnih. ToT



I got banned from twitter for saying β€œX” to a post about what was the worse thing humankind has created

(1 edit)

some more matches idk who some of these peeps r some might be fake

( guessing this was sleeky)

I might also pull up some off my PC this is just my school chromebook


i know two people here

ik kill, abby, fearless friends, joker, lichtel, supernova, and maybe UC king if that says uc king instead of Us king

I 1v1d Joker(YT) like four times and won each one.

bro doesn’t know me πŸ’€

(1 edit)

I said some of them nvm didn't realize ur talkin to him

It's written US wing


its meeeeeeeeeeeeee ;D

no I’m your imposter 😑

Kerriel good!


Deleted 104 days ago
(1 edit)

it was literally in the book, look for yourself:

the website is

anyone wanna race?

My gate house speed run record is 2:04 mins. You can race that.

beat it in a minute and fifty, your point?

(2 edits)

It's no turbo, and just to see what you can do. (No turbo means no poosting)

(2 edits)

i dont even know how to poost, your point still?

πŸ‘€ how does one not know how to post at this time in the games history

anyone else that isn’t someone who clearly can’t take hints?

i'd love too if you see this in time

alright, cars or not?

3 more days until turkey day

it's already in shop bro

no like thanksgiving, I call it turkey day because nobody really cares about anything but the turkey

what if you don't like turkey .-.

thennnnnnnnnn I guess you like ham???

or your vegetarian?

yessir ham is the goat frfr

Found a weird rock, seems like a Neanderthal made it...

:O cool!



If yall like random stuff no one cares about that pop up every 2 month sub to me ig?


very nice

Ok I subbed

My knee looks like this 3 days after incident

"incident" xd

just trying to slidetackle someone and getting bruise and carpet burn..that's it

looks like you put a rock inside your knee, but at least its getting better

yeah..just putting some cream

did you go to the doctor?

y would I?

idk, just asking

ah, its like me sliding on the waxed floor trying to get a volleyball up but forgeting that  my kneepads arent in the right position… u ok? its painful at least for me

that must be painful

Chronyx, can u please tell b2 (infurness) that my phone got broken and I can't pay him for the next few days

wdym pay him?

Just tell him pls, I'll talk u later 

um...not really, id have his dc

why do you need to pay him?

looks fine

I can make custom codes

Can you teach me how? Please?


thou are initiated



Lots of people





thats a lot of people

for these days it is. back then we used to have these all the time



(1 edit)

I feel old… TT

woah that made me feel old

u listen to KB?


yeah, hes alright, 

1. 6442 2.70 3.broken 4.chronyx 5.senpai spida 6.idk

I was there too, but wasn't in the pic.



waa hello

JQ9N(this is not a 1v1 or grind smt its for a rec to yt)

Imma join in 10 mins

Thank you but the code reset to B9JC

it doesn’t exist for me :(

Dang it HTYF

Ggs! Can’t wait to see the video :D

make new code 


I wake up from my two day hibernation and I get 50 notification, half of them are Rikki.

what the actual fuck happened

GG Pooster

Deleted 104 days ago

u win?

I won 10-7


pooster did better then I thought

i was only using b2 and 3

dawg those are the good bows πŸ’€

yeah.i wasn't really trying either

(1 edit)

Someone made the code 666666 (for those who don't have dc)


shows as not exists

How u find out abt 666666?

Someone posted it in the general chat




Post code in 2mins

rikki join 7PG8

Sorry bud, I was literally sleeping at that point.

when r u free

Randomly. I basically play without a rhythm.

Join code JYB3


we got something good coming ❄️❄️❄️


Yo PP (sry) 

Can u take my ice dagger idea?

I hope u realize jurgen and Jesper aren’t gonna see recommendations unless u put them in dc




pls take it I don't have dc



bro u just got proven wrong by the devs :O


idk if you remember but there's a time where they said they'd consider a atlantis concept I proposed on itch

Bro got reversed

πŸ’€πŸ’€ bro got proven wrong by Jesper and Jurgen πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

even though it’s a good idea, it might not ever be seen

Oh yeah

(1 edit)

:OOO can’t wait to see it!!

Hello pelican thanks for reply.

I hope we narrow one players got epic and nice Christmas on narrow one!😊

Can you get me link the cat warrior parkour game please?


Thx pelican party fr

didn't know u were part of pelican party

they get paid to be undercover ig


thank god






my saved files of games with peeps from a while ago I also had an ansy on my other computer but it broke :(

Dem aussua , I rarely saw him playing πŸ‘€

which white r u o_o sky bbg? or another person

why so many peoople confused abt this... sky is white shadow. and ngl she dosent rly play anymore, then again neither does devil

Who is sky O_o

sc member on discord. rly nice player :D

who the hell is β€œo_o sky bbg”

white shadow

and who’s white shadow?

:O I saw meee!


my wifi was down the entire day :( only now it’s back

Anyways, good night/ morning everyone!! :D



read it as "my wife was down the entire day"

shes back up now


what's that mean

it means game comments should not be a chat :D

ok good




good night!! :D bad wifi :C

(1 edit)

bowboi on the school chromebook here. found a proxy that can run itch but not narrow one. me in trouble for being on laptop too much.

anyone know if n1 purposely blocks proxies?

cant u run n1 off of itch?

no it wont

this thing is way too bulky for what it can do

if you tell me what proxy ur using i can test it!

N1 wouldn't get off the loading screen 


my school wifi doesn’t block n1 πŸ€ͺ

noice. also can you tell the guys on SC discord I'm prolly gonna be chatting here for a while until I get back?

I got u bro



Wait sc discord ;-;!, a new server?

idk how old it is.. but theres one ig

no not rly new

Can u pls dm m link

(1 edit)

My school wifi is bad and sometimes blocks things like Google Docs and it's own school homepage.

you in one of the VPN schools?

(1 edit) (+2)

I was at my football banquet and heres a stat of my team

we let up 202 rushing yards in 11 games

(we went 10-1 and lost in the championship as the 1 seed)

Tiny at the game on thursday


yo nice to see some fellow nfl fans here

(bolt up baby⚑⚑⚑)

Herbert the pervert is my fantasy qb if that's a chargers reference


Justin Herbert but that's a nickname he's not actually a pervert

oh, understandable

lmao ok

i suck ass at fantasy


This was soo pretty tbh:

the leaves after this pass shone gold and bronze in the light.

That is pretty

Fr so pretty 😍

Although I don't love autumn, I like pictures like that, and I take them as well πŸ˜‚

😑😑😑 fall fav season

Sryy πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

do u still play??

Yes :D


I like all seasons, winter gives me frost bite, spring makes me sneeze my eyes out, summer melts me alive, and fall is basically spring but with Halloween and turkey day

yeee πŸ₯°

Pretty indeed



My ultimate target:

can’t wait for spring again

(1 edit) (+1)

woohoo (bow 3)image.png

Wow that's awesome

yooo nice ;)


wow...just wow


bro's pro

Is this the world of the strong🫠

nah, I lost skill man


its okay, they always place me in a 1v5 and i somehow win

its okay, they always place me in a 1v5 and i somehow win

teach me the ways of sniping once again and I will pay you with love and affection(not in that way though)

Holy crap thats awsome!!

NF search oh my... This guy is amazing

OMFG no way 😩 NF is legit the best I’ve been following him since mansion 

(1 edit)

Ik, he's great especially on edits

back from the giants game πŸ’€πŸ˜­ 30-7 im noticing n1 is laggier lately i think its cus of my css mods

what css again? I only remember counterstrike source

It was having some quality problems, so I'ma send you to my channel. My new edit


Ty, I will say it kinda SuCks


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