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Alr who wants to see my trailer? :D 



those r just some of my arrows. I have like 24 more shafts and 24 more arrows, and another 2 quivers, but i dont have the pictures rn.

im gonna prolly get a composite bow soon

Gimme sum

ya gotta buy them or make it

both bow and arrow can be crafted but also bought if you got money

Ok can u send link

both bow and arrow can be crafted but also bought if you got money

go shoot a tree


get good aim

Deleted 99 days ago
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oh kay


We didn't know you went FR

i went fr way before i went digital. i only went digital bc i went fr

Bro how did we not know this

(1 edit)

Nice! I don't have bamboo(or much skill in bow making)but that's great.

:OOOoOoOoOoOoO so coooll!

this got me remembering days i used to make bow and arrows


so sorry bro 2. the code for you is gonna be posted at 6pm cdt today (friday).

itch is blocked so he cant see itch messages. We just gotta find him in m8m6 and give him the code.

ok can you find him 6pm cdt? i told him to look on itch on another device too.

he said he could access itch if he rly needed.


on my way home from my grandparents house in long island ny I went through nyc and in the same second I saw yankee stadium. jugglers, and a crackhead askin for money

average day in nyc

In Ohio we have the just have the crackheads. Very sad







so imma take a lil break from n1



cya! Have a great break!



Mine is 1000000+

Mine 200k plus I think 


1m plus?! My sisters is 1.2m but both are great! 



+aura 500000😎


(1 edit)

I was on top 1 globally one time with 6.6m points :3

Edit :- .



I can send ss 🀧, (in my aunt phone)

Oh dem not 66 it's 6.6m πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ


Nice one!

thanks havoc:) 


I couldn't send this to pengo or PZ so im just uploading it here so they can download it lol

Nice pic


see for yourself lol i think my most fav vid and thanks to pratik bro

can u post link I'm on my school chromebook and they blocked some yt vids so I just need link to download it thx

Sad yourwelcometaking

(1 edit)

Aw don't worry

thats the opposite of happy thanksgiving

do you guys join my squads

(1 edit)


(1 edit) this point I wouldn't trust FC account...with even my spare account being linked to it.


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Can i join bb

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10 mins from now


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bro i am indian

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may I join?

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Yea, I would like to join please 

Deleted 5 days ago
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yo bhai we getting bb again :))

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Who’s in bb

And what acc??

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Happy Thanksgiving u weirdos (Us Britishers don't celebrate it..)xD

You too


That makes sense since Thanksgiving was first held in America by colonists.



same  XD

Indonesia doesn't celebrate it too

Also india

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Thank you, kind sir!

ur welcome

good night/ morning everyone!! :D

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happy weird turkey holiday


Baked Potatoes....Roasted Rabbit...yum.



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Happy πŸ¦ƒ holiday!



When I hear that one noob flex his bow stats.

The bow bro uses:

Also, HAPPY THANKSGIVING, I'm gonna have a party soon rn.

that’s very creative, nice! Happy thanksgiving to you too! Have fun at the party!

It can shoot cotton swab arrows too lol.

(1 edit)

:O even cooler!



just go look for my bamboo bow guide.

Show me your bow then. I'll be impressed to see anything.


ill show you when i get home. ill let some other ppl like gray testify for now

Nice! It's gonna be great probs.

Here you go.

It's where I got my inspiration. Different Floss pics make different looking bows, but some picks don't actually work because of their shape. Click the "X" so you don't get sent anywhere.

You can cut cotton swabs to make the arrows.

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not too bad 

Show post...

mmm food



ooo, just found something really interesting, pelican party lore!

So cool, so cool, so coool~

i've posted that twice i think

So coollll

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Happy thankgiving!

u too



happy thanksgiving!!

(1 edit)

Happy thanksgiving! πŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒ

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btw this me


pls sub me pls everyone pls

nice video!

thx bro

(1 edit)

YOOOO happy thanksgiving almost christmasπŸŽ‰

I got my chromebook taken away by my parents yesterday but I'm back



happy thanksgiving!!

u 2

Bruhhhhh. Another 4v1 situation. Now I'm fully convinced that anyone with Fearless Sword is a melee spammer, in this case Cerezo.

I played against cerezo the other day he had fearless sword, arrow, quiver?, and b2 handle

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W vid tbh

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Ofc(btw join 696969)


(1 edit)

no dont do it if your computer is capable of good fps. it can tweak stuff and lower performance of some other tasks ex. clean disk(gotta know what you're doing, everyone's device is a lil different) + idk if you the one who got the alienware but that's enough to play n1

got it!


(1 edit)

πŸ˜‹ πŸ¦ƒ=πŸ—


Skrillex is a f*****g retarded dumbass... He is f*****g bastard using b2 as a spammer, he spams f*****g fearless sword and then thinks he is him, while all he is actually doing is backstabbing and being a scaredy cat, cuz he is a noob at narrow one.

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Yeah fr btw who ru





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Yeah, you should take a break bud. It's not good to feel this game personally. He's just a tryhard fearless spammer...he's only got his team to help him.

maybe..but he is not good at the game..not even sure he got all the fearless legitly

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I’m pretty sure Skrillex isn’t a noob. He’s just good at bow 2 (I’m pretty sure it’s his main). I’ve met him in a few games: and since I never see him spam fearless sword on me or anyone else, maybe he was testing it to see if it’s actually good?

he is a freaking b2 spammer...


finally someone agreeing with me



just kill him

yeah, good luck when u already got sniperd and r on 1 hp with b4 and a b2 spammer called skrillex chasing u....

calmmm downnn bro

Skrillex is not a melee spammer

Nor is he a noob

He’s a great teammate
u could always just kill him just saying

B4 is good against him

Get 4 headshots and he dead

He’s a decent player

U should 1v1 him

I’d be interested in the score

he's a b2 spammer

ill get my cousin to help you, it’ll be spammer vs spammer


Pros of bow 1

  • Highest amount of damage in n1
  • Light-mid bow weight(like half a penny in weight)
  • Short reload
  • Wide arrow attact range
  • Headshots deal a bit over 2x damage.
  • Bow applies effects very heavily(stun on b1 is way too harsh).
  • Switching to melee is quick

Cons of bow 1

  • Worst arrow accuracy
  • Difficulty fighting against distances.
  • Possibly the slowest arrow speed of all bows.

another con: nobody likes u if u use it


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doesn’t require skill

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(2 edits)

Makes it the easiest arrows to dodge single arrow.

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SWEATY BOIIII how and why r u grinding so muchhh

not that tryna get 110k before mid january (for my bday)

why 110?


i wanna buy poosting melee, b4 handle, b2 tip, b3 tip..and maybe some other stuff, so i might get like 130k, idk

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very nice


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i sub to yu

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vid unavailable

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nice video!


copy paste from dc

People have quit this game because of b1. A lot of people on itch, and other people in the community in general quit the game because of the balancing. Bow 1 is overpowered. Having it do 1/3 of the health of a player PER ARROW, is overpowered. With max reload, u can just spray and you win. Simple as that. Since it does so much damage so consistently since you don’t have to aim, there’s no reason to use any other bow since 80% of fights in 80% of maps are close range. The closest thing we have to b1, is b4, which does 20% hp on a headshot, with 5 damage, while reloading significantly slower, and having less accurate shots due to not having a spread of arrows. Now that I’ve explained why it’s op, here’s how to nerf it without it being useless.

1. Damage reduction. Cut the damage in half. Simple as that. Makes the bow still viable, but not useless. This lets you actually be able to avoid the shot because when someone sprays with stun arrows, your not just simply dead because all of a sudden, 95% of ur hp isn’t gone and ur stuck in place defenseless. 

2. Cut the reload speed into a third. This requires you to actually aim and not just brainlessly spray cuz now ur shots actually matter. 

3. Remove it. Easiest solution. Refund all spent coins, add a thousand or smth as extra compensation. Adding another possible short range bow like a high damage, high movement, low reload, low range bow would be interesting. I support this option the most

4. Add movement limit like b3, and heavily, increase melee bow switch times.

5. Fatigue. After spraying once, the amount of time needed to recharge in between sprays increases. Kinda light bladed light melee 

6. Some combination between these 3


He litterly said it self lmfao


I like the 5th solution 


or maybe just instead of having all arrows go at different times shoot them at the same time...




real life archer here. tbh if you shoot 3 arrows on a bow that looks like it's for a fricking firestarting bow it's not gonna hurt anyone unless it's bladed. also based on the trajectory the arrows cannot be doing that dmg xd


tbh i dont want bow 1 removed, but i want an anti-bow 1 user bow, a bow 7 composite bow. used by horse archers, composite structure packs power equilvalent to somewhere between 2&3, compact so fast as bow 1. high moving accuracy but b3 reload speed.

as for what you said:

1. b1 does more like 1/5 - 1/4 dmg

2. i spray it to defend, but bow 3 camping is still effective to a decent degree.

3. b4 real goofy ahh and its looks tell me it's more effective at stunning n stopping people than killing them


1. 6-7 arrows (at least 2 full nocks)

2. if you cut the reload sped into 1/3 itll be too fast.  just increasing spray inaccuracy and make it 25% mroe time

4&5 i think that's good, maybe increase loading time after poost.

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I thought the same lol.

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I like 3

although, theis should only apply to 4 and 5 reload because i dont think that fearless with 2 reload tips are really spamming

(1 edit)

2nd option is the best. More aiming sounds nice




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a message to my og blud bruhddas. this is the most active i've seen my man in a year (and longer)


bro one year ago is crazy 


Who is dragonair



nah he indian just like you xd





ancient legend

is he back?

not quite yet



Archery Olympics round 2

# ROUND 2 Leaderboard πŸ† 

1.Systum-55 points

2.Blazyst-33 points

2.Diegotiger-33 points

3.Sacred ember-30 points

3. Lichtel-30 points

4.Rabbituzi-28 points

5.Doraemon-25 points

6.Kdb-24 points

7.Snow- 23 points

8.Axe-10 points

Wow, I never expected Blazyst to have equal amounts of points to that of Diego Tiger.

M etoo..


(1 edit) (+7)


Why apologize to people you don't know? You've already lost yourself long ago, don't search for sympathy by those whom never knew nor cared about you.

If you really were sorry, at least stop talking and pestering to those around you.

(1 edit) (+11)

if he was he genuinely sorry, he wouldnt need another person to tell him he has to apologizeπŸ’€  

or maybe hes just stupid. prolly both


Wake up



bro tweaking


He's begging an apology acceptance so his (ex)clan's best grinder doesn't selfish.





that kinda hypocritical


New car😎


you got a car?



how much is it


lmfao u jsut casually gave him the price




dayum nice job. That think looks sick 


Yey thx

Yo w

You scratch number player but your old car images seems you are Indian 

I am

Damn nice


Very cool! Congrats!


(1 edit) (+2)

Old car🫑

Looks cool

but RIP



Deleted 99 days ago

We don't forgive youπŸ€—

what happened?

(1 edit)

... I shouldn't be the one to say things...


i would forgive you, but since you said you’re just saying this so ur account makes coins, tells me you don’t actually mean it. so no we dont forgive u. 


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Try 1v1 with him

(2 edits)

Bee would use hacks bc he actually sucks at N1 without them, and he's known for hacking.


kick him anyways killer

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He dosent respect meb. Tbh

(1 edit)

Bullshit I'm hearing and kys


not forgiven 😊


you know bee, i honestly wish this was sincere. you still have time to change from your previous ways, and i want you to.

i wanna forgive you but first i have to see that your actually sorry, and second i wanna see you actually change.

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(1 edit)


Why not get a dif account? It's not very difficult to create a new one or is there something that stops you?( I'm getting confused bc of the "users" on this account)

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Deleted 99 days ago

if you really were you wouldnt add β€œ πŸ˜’πŸ˜’β€ πŸŽ€πŸŽ€

forgiven ;)

good night/ morning everyone!! :D



Gn to you

(1 edit) (-1)
bro said he is quitting the game




😭 bro huh that might have been my fault cause I said I wanted to grind but it’s boring so he joined me :-: I left afterwards but he might have stayed o_o

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