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havoc i’ve beaten my sister

are you proud


That's cool..

da f***


should i down vote.!!??!?!?!??!?!

(1 edit) (+1)

No normal alphin

oi thats good


talking about nihilanth

💀🙏 Liya? 

(1 edit)

I know people have requested me to draw the ruins map (said by rikkigoro / rikki I’m presuming ) but since I’ll be in the works of making that drawing I just thought why not show a random drawing I made a month ago just cuz :P

Pls rate it outta ten pls :D


decent, 7

(1 edit)

Ty completely agree lol


yo who spent 9.9 k coins on acc

it’s not me bruh 


It was a suggestion, so I actually don't really care if you draw it or not.


really easy way to make is better is to taper and slim the pants and over profile imp

Ty Ty I’ll try to do that nxt time :D


(1 edit)


Edit: Soo I actually didn’t sleep till like 4 am 😭 

Show post...


that sucks:(

SKILL ISSUE— *gets slapped by whitehairedrabbitFR*

Ok ok geez 


good night/ morning everyone!! :D

Good Morning!

good afternoon👍🏻👍🏻


hey everyone! Im late again sorry this took me a while this is like 1:30 am for me when I post it 😅 

Your daily Bob and Jerry’s day!

I hope you like this type of day <3


(1 edit)

rob is axe? Or is he someone else?


robs me


hai db

Lol bro has a reputation of forgetting keys

daddy sna- I mean rob

robs me


Show post...


vibe check

Rip rob


not tryna be dirtyminded but we dont needa talk what bones rob took on arrow….

introduce a gunpowder merchant to get him out

(4 edits)

Guys what y’all want me to draw next cuz it’s Christmas vaca and I got nothin’ else better to do :P


Ps : pls make it sensible I really don’t want my parents  to walk in on me drawing some random shit like P diddy dressed up as a baby oil container. 🙏 

(2 edits)

Try drawing the "Ruins" map from n1

bhai 💀

draw a fearless narrow one player shooting a bow at a apple that’s falling from a tree about to hit Isaac newton

…… and so gravity isn’t found 💀

  y’all really hate physics huh


that’s me bhai


Can u draw my skin?

Full Christmas with snowmanhead

(1 edit)

sure just post a pic of ur skin and I’ll do sumin :D


(1 edit)

Oarents lol


power of bow 3, speed of bow 1, all in a bow 2. if there's any reason for me to quit n1 permanantly and return actual grass touching archery it's here 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥

(1 edit)


nah bro they nerfing that next patch


thats actually op, hopefully the devs nerf it


(1 edit) (+1)

Hey guys I just finished this art which was requested by Chronyx they said to draw a wolf so I did :D pls rate this outta 10 and say how I did pls :))



Ty lol 


Lol it beautiful

Dont do it for free make them pay

(1 edit)



yoooooooo, thx, it looks so coooolllllllll, btw, i'm a boy, lol, i'm giving u a 9.999999 outa 10, because the face of the wolf looks slightly akward

Tysm yeah I know idk what animals look like I haven’t gone outside for weeks I’ve had work to do IVER Christmas T-T


isn’t this guy beestorm or am i misremembering

nah shared acc

He is hydro i think

I’m hydro yes


nah I’m hydro :3


waaa good



IDK that‘s meaning😭😭

Ty  = thank you  :D



#NFrealtacos dont question my sanity

:0 wow! tacoooo

Hmm, me pregunto de dónde viene esto. 



everyone besides my team raged quit from a single game...

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Maybe they had things to do unlike you.

not gonna lie that's kinda a bad kd...

Deleted 58 days ago

first of all,i was just telling YOU to not keep saying *uwu*. second of all,i wasnt doing anything bad to you anyway. third of all,why the fuck do you just hate me all the sudden??? like bro warraaaa do to YOU?

enemy spotted



hi hydro

Good morning



Show post...








         \( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

              > ⌒ヽ

            / へ\

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ノ ) Lノ








Rip gravity (1666-2024)



It ded I want moment silent

Eh?!? I don’t understand what’s happening in this pic? sorry if it were obvious I’m prolly blind or sum idk 🤷‍♂️ 


Its not obvious dw

so in the pic the stick i s attached to apoxy resin and not falling

Deleted 58 days ago


finally smne who gets it



Guys rate this art outta 10

THIS !!! note I’m not a good artist I’m kind of bad at art which is why i do digital , cuz everything is right at my finger tips. so pls no hate ;3



i don't understand how to do art on pc...or mobile r ima give this a 7.5

thanks chronyx :D


Awesome 9/10

Ty guys 




Ty  Fu :)


Oh, I see. This is an abbreviation 💀💀

Merry belated crisis

(1 edit)

Merry chrysler 😃 wait…. I mean merry Crimus 😊 




Anyway mercedes is complete



RaTe My CaR cOlLeCtIoN

It's nice I have Ferrari lego

pic? Pls

Deleted 67 days ago

I forgot the spoiler


Ty appreciate youu

I have a Lego lotus Race car :)


(1 edit)

Just as equally unrelated to n1 like the post bellow, for anyone who cooks, here are a few chopping techniques:(🧅)

[click emoji]

I hope you find these useful

As a goofy ah Indian who is learning the arts of  scamming old grandmas by telling them that the only way that they can save their non existent dog is to give m their SSN. the way that guy hacked into the onions main frame is CRAAAAZYYYYY



eye see

Eye C that too


Aye cee two

I spy with my little eye see a scroll  bar (it’s one am shut the fuck up)

i c[up]

🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 fire  comeback 





Good night/ morning everyone!! :DD

Merry (late) Christmas!!!

oooo Christmas🎄

(2 edits) (+1)

I made a video :D (I don’t upload frequently anymore lol)


Hello! Merry Christmas to all!

Well given that I didn't have much time to edit the Bob series and Jerry's actor being absent the series will be released tomorrow without mistakes.. sorry to disappoint you I will do my best for the rest! ❤️‍🔥

merry christymass to u ❤️🔥

That’s fine 🙂

u should be celebrating with ur family anyways 

Merry Christmas




mewwy chwistmas!!!!!

bro e kitten


(1 edit)




Merry Christmas 🎄 


merry christmas starsket!


you tooo


Merry Christmas


Happy birthday for some random famous dude a few years back

hiiii ppl it’s hydro I know that some of y’all are posting art here so I was wondering maybe I should to …… just so y’all know I’m not good of an artist and I’m a digital art type of guy so pls no hate I’ll try my best to do decent art so um ye .

I’m posting  art now  :D 


ah i think u should 

-𝓜𝓻. 𝓛𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓵𝔂

thanks your the only one who actually checks my posts T-T Ty Steven.




Merry christmas every1!!

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to everyone guys 🎄❤️


same to u 




Same to u



No same to YOU!!


uno reverse :3

(Walks away in defeat)   *RUNNS BACK * OH U THOUGHT U’D WIN? WELL 




— 𝓜𝓻.𝓒hicken-𝓒urry

MORNING PPL !!! & Hope you all have a JOLLY MERRY HAPPY CHRISTMAS this year

— 𝓜𝓻.𝓒hicken-𝓒urry

Fearless melee IS so cool!!! >:)

which one?

(1 edit)

so good!!! >:)


Happy Christmas 

its 12 in the South and ive been crazy busy helping out Family and Spending time as well!!!!! 

Cant wait to see what i have Merry Christmas!!!!!!

Happy christmas!


good Christmas Eve/ morning everyone!! :DD

(I won’t be active these day, because I’m spending all the time with my family, so have fun without me!! )

good night!  Have funn!


happy Christmas Eve!!!! :D

Good Morning and Merry Christmas! 

Uf not fun without a member

It's been half a day since our Christmas,good afternoon👍🏻

Good Christmas morning!

Feliz Navidad 

Merry Christmas bro, have a good day!!


merrey crisis guysss!


Merry Christmas!! hope you have a lot of gifts ! 🎁 


Hey hey hey I am late today :(( was busy

Nvm Merry Christmas yall

Everyone say thank you kev…





Love how you all thought Bob and Jerry actually cared about their relatives. I like this murderous Jerry too~ ❤️

epic storylines! 

Cute!! Merry Christmas!


Merry christmas :DD

I love it!!!

Merry Christmas! 🎄

yeyeye merry Christmas Nejoo 

Merry Christmas naju

(2 edits)

amazing video from hot dog man

chronyx already posted lol

Did not even see lol

hehe..didn't watch it ..just 1st 2 mins

gives off lego animation vbibes

So guys umm I got new phone so I lost my skeleton skin and something:(

Show post...

log into your old account

if you forgot all of your information then that's on you

on that new phone do like uh chnage date

Alr I added some stuff and this is the new seasonal items guide. please credit me, and also acknowledge that we don’t know who originally created the guide and the dates


1 Open Narrow One INSTALLED

2 Change the date to one of the dates listed in the pinned message in your settings app while Narrow One is still open

3 Refresh Narrow One. If you are automatically logged out, log back in.

4 Check the shop. if the items dont appear, reload again and check that you have set the correct date.

 Here’s a website that has most of the armor  stats listed


• 11/5/24: Narrow One birthday hat and torso

• 30/10/23: Halloween pumpkin head and skeleton skin

• 23/11/23: Thanksgiving turkey hat

• 24/12/23: Christmas gear

• 1/1/24: New Year hats

• 22/1/24: Chinese New Year hats

• 14/2/24: Valentine's Day torso

• 17/3/24: Saint Patrick's Day hat

• 1/4/24: April Fools’ Day fake fearless helmet

• 9/4/24: Easter rabbit head, bow 2 handle + tip and carrot arrow


  1. The website stopped getting updating after the Valentine’s Day wing torso, so any items will not have their stats listed. 
  2. Please message with a date to update a new seasonal item when pelican adds them in
  3. The first 4 steps change from some devices to others. For example, on iPhone, you need to “install” the game, while on MacBook, you can’t install it but it works in browser I don’t know about windows, and android devices
  4. May not work on google chrome or apple devices(for some reason)
  5. Has a chance of deleting all presets


Original method found by: Aspect (2S)

Improved method found by: Ferocious (2S)

Dates compiled by: Razgriz (2S)

Important section and armor link added by: Potato_Peeler (NU)

Originally brought to itch by: Naju (2S) I’m assuming

If you have a laptop or something, you can use the Time Travel extension to change the date of the website without the Ads failing to load. Pratik talked about it on Discord and it works for me.

Why add the random ass letters for code making in there 💀🙏

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